0n January 8 of 2010, my Pieter drove all the way from Atlanta where we stayed at the Hyatt Place, to Waynesville in North Carolina... It was icy when we arrived and with snow on the ground.
Had to be very careful on my crutches...
January 26 of 2010 our new tuxedo kitty girl Speckie
Yes, this was our mountain tuxie!
She rode home inside a carton box, on my knees, while Pieter did all the driving as I was on crutches and in pain, without any muscle power...
It took us nearly 5 hours to reach home and we both were too tired for introducing Speckie to the rest of the kitties.
So I stayed with her in the Rose Suite downstairs.
Next day, on January 9 of 2010, I ended up in the hospital due to being almost totally paralyzed.
{My Angel Sister & Mariette's Back to Basics Explained} ←click on link.
January 26 of 2010, showing her stunning whiskers and eyebrows...
Jan 26 of 2010, her white underbelly and booties while on her windowsill pillow in the kitchen.
June 28, 2010, Speckie outside after she got spayed...
She also wore short white gloves.
July 27 of 2010, Speckie and Dido on my lap at breakfast time...
Both are Angels now!
Speckie dreaming on top of the retainer wall on June 26, 2012
Fall of 2012, our feisty Speckie girl found a bluish snake...
A cute bluish snake... Don't know what it is—any idea?
See more images here: {Our Speckie girl with Snake} ←click link

Speckie in her favorite spot, adjacent of our kitchen bay window on August 6, 2013
Speckie on the window sill in office being LAZY... on August 1, 2015
Mami why did you capture my MOUTH?
On August 4, 2017 Speckie confronted me in front of my iMac: Mami, you don't go away AGAIN?!
We just got back from our trip to Miami, visiting friends and our stay at the Hyatt House, Miami Airport.
A serious and hard working Speckie girl on April 8, 2020
Manuscript Writing and Our Office Manager ←click on link
Speckie inside basket pet carrier at vet Amanda's for her 3–annual Rabies shot on March 24, 2021
Speckie on June 27, 2021 in our fresh made bed.
Our kitties always help us with that!
Speckie talking to us on February 27, 2022
Talking Speckie Girl ←2 second video of our Tuxie girl...
Speckie is now again with her mentor Barty boy, who taught her everything when I was paralyzed and in the hospital. R.I.P. Sweet Barty Boy ←click link
Speckie died because of kidney problems... She rallied several times after getting some steroid shots to perk her up. Her breathing got worse and worse.
So today, after I went to Mass and picked up Pieter from Rotary lunch, we both went back with Speckie inside the basket pet carrier.
We both agreed that she did not have to suffer more... she had not eaten for over a week.
Around 2:00 PM she became an Angel and I was petting her and talking to her and her Papi sat on a chair near her...
Never easy but this was the best after having had her for 14 years and some days.
We LOVED her and her siblings by adoption LOVED her, she was an easy kitty.
Speckie Forever | The Cat Blogosphere with beautiful memorial graphic made by Ann from Zoolatry
Speckie Girl OTRB | Blogville Power of the Paw
I'll Be Darned - I DID IT AGAIN | post from where Speckie's image for Speckie Forever came from
{Pipe under Brick Walkway & Trench for Water Control} | Speckie was such a hard worker too...
Once more mentioned on The Cat Blogosphere ←click link
Speckie on Our Rainbow Friends ←click link
Speckie shown top left on The Cat Blogosphere's sideline ←click link
Speckie mentioned here on Our Rainbow Friends – January 2024 ←click link