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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, January 25, 2014

{Pipe under Brick Walkway & Trench for Water Control}

On December 9, husband Pieter did start with the next Water Control project under supervision of our felines. You will see cute pictures below. This time he managed to place a Pipe under the Brick Walkway & digging a Trench. That way we for sure manage to get rid of the water that runs down the street and now into the trench and downhill into the creek instead of towards our front porch...
December 9, 2013, preparations for getting through the soil, under the concrete and brick walkway.
Tiggy–Tiger is sitting in the planter; studying HOW TO... she will soon find a solution!
Barty joins his adopted sisterTiggy–Tiger so they together can supervise their Papi as he's doing his back breaking job.
The trench got dug, now trying to get through to the other end by running the hose inside a pvc pipe and making the soil soft for bumping it through.
A rather muddy job...
Well, here comes the team! Barty the eldest cat–man with the youngest cat–girl Speckie following  with her tail up and tiny Tiggy–Tiger also follows her adopted sister. They soon will tell their Papi what and HOW to do this!
All three of them inspect and THINK hard. How to get through there...
Luckily the concrete below was not that thick, only a foot wider than the walkway on this side.
Takes patience for softening it all the way to the center.
Speckie is trying to use the plastic bag like her Papi does;  to sit on your knees on it for not getting all muddy... Barty on the brick walkway.
Tiggy–Tiger is contemplating that probably not today we can get through. It needs time to soak and soften...
Speckie is now getting into the trench to look underneath and see if the water is coming through already...
It looks like it's kind of blocked somewhere.
Tiggy–Tiger thinks it is better to go now inside the house, nice and warm for enjoying a snack...
We just wait another day!
Waiting for four days... as it rained heavily the first day and than some more and next we got frost.
See, this ice had to be removed from the water hose before starting the same game all over again.
On December 14 of 2013 it got DONE!
One more part of the Water Control managed.
Neatly done with large tiles alongside beginning of trench.
Still two more projects to be completed... stay tuned!

Do your kitties also love to supervise projects?

It seems to have been a good idea for several others...

Related links:
{Our New Retainer Wall & Vinyl Picket Fence} | previous post showing you part I of Water Control
{65 Year Old Pine Tree Cut Down} | previouis post showing you preparation of Water Control


  1. another great job by pieter! the cats are too funny! i really like your walkway.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      We are so glad those great jobs are being done now and our cats are so serious in helping out! The walkway is a pretty one and guess we will even like it more when it stays dry.

  2. Hello Mariette,
    What a lovely house you have and such beautiful cats.

    1. Dearest Lorraine,
      Thank you, our home looks lovely with the new roof and new paint. Now it will be safe after all the water control projects.

  3. Dearest Mariette,

    ahahahhha....Sound like a very complicated project but you make it looks like a lot o fun:)...Good jobs meow meow:)..Thank god i don't need to do that for my house yet cus it won't be that much fun cus my cats are indoor cats only:P


    1. Dearest Tammy,
      It was not that complicated but hard work and above all, miserable in the cold... But with all the cats' help it got DONE! They are so cute and always together with their human. But you know that yourself.

  4. Dearest Mariette,

    your husband always is so busy to keep all things going well in and arround the house! And your little cat-helpers are so dute :O) Yes, they are always so nosy ;O)

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Well, that is true and with your own home there is a lot of work and preventive maintenance to do. But we hope these four water control projects will be the very last back braking jobs he needed to do! You soon will see the 2nd and the 3rd.
      Hugs and happy weekend.

  5. Hello Mariette, You remind us how much hard work goes into making a beautiful house and yard. Water can be terribly destructive when not channeled correctly.

    I like the photo with the hose ice--I never would have guessed what it was!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are so right about having to guess what the hose ice would be. Oh, owning your own home is always hard work but I guess we're done now and can finally enjoy retirement more fully. Of course the garden will request constant attention and hard work too but no more projects like these. There are two more water control projects that I will post, in total 4 with that retainer wall being dug in a trench for placing the white picket fence back on top and lengthening it with 2 sections where the huge pine tree once was.
      Water is something we all need for living, the same for a good garden but too much of it at times can cause quite some problems. We're still blessed for never having had real damage.

  6. Ma tuo marito è sempre al lavoro con progetti nuovi e anche piuttosto complicati. Che dolci i tuoi gatti Mariette. Si anche il nostro gatto Matrix è curioso di tutte le cose, che siano lavori o qualsiasi cosa che non conosce. A presto. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Hai ragione ma questi pesanti e posteriore frenata lavori doveva essere fatto. Ora sentiamo sicuri e mai più bisogno di preoccuparsi di acqua in ingresso al piano interrato. Due lavori ancora più pesanti e più complicati di più, ho fatto questa settimana. Solo le piastrelle devono essere sistemate e che esso è tutto fatto. Sono così felice che mio marito ora finalmente egli può rilassarci un po` di più. Una bel prestazione per essere quasi ottantacinque anni.
      Stai attento per le prossime due progetti..

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    es gibt immer neue Schönheiten bei dir.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Arbeiten in solche Kälte und mit Wasser und Schlamm kann ich kaum Schönheiten nennen... Eher etwas sehr notwendiges aber hard zu machen!
      Lieber Gruss,

  8. You both and the cats must have celebrated when you broke through the other side. What a job. Yess cats always want to be right where you are working.
    Hopefully no more floods near the house.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      You bet we did celebrate when that hard job got done! Once Pieter broke through to the other side it was easy peasy. But you will see two more bigger water control jobs; both got done now and we can finally relax and indeed hope to see no more floods.

  9. Grappige post, ja katten zijn altijs nieuwsgierig als er wat gedaan moet worden. Soms zijn het echte sensatie zoekers, zitten overal met hun neus er boven op. Hoop dat het water wegblijft van de voordeur nu, hier valt ook een boel regen, nog steeds geen winter.
    Groeten, Marianne

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Het is hier twee nachten al -8°C geweest en dat is een reden te meer dat we zo blij zijn deze rot klussen zitten er op. Ook twee andere, waarvan een hele grote klus is geklaard en nu hopelijk nooit geen water problemen meer!
      Poezen helpen altijd en willen ook precies weten als je inkopen hebt gedaan wat je voor hun (?) hebt meegebracht. Grappige bewoners zijn het!

  10. Great project Mariette!

    I never saw ice like that before.

    Your cats are adorable!!!

    1. Dearest Dee,
      Thank you and you can believe we're thrilled all that got done!
      Funny how ice looks like when hitting the frozen up hose and have it come out like this...
      Oh, our cats do earn their meals!

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    eine aufreibende Arbeit. Aber mit den Katzen muss
    es ja gelingen. Sie sind neugierig und begutachten
    Eine guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, ja und so eine Arbeit im Winter wenn es kalt ist... Mit Katzenhilfe gelingt ja alles!
      Neugierig sind die immer und es sieht wirklich aus ob sie auch alles verstehen.
      Auch ein schönes Wochenende und lieber Gruss,

  12. That sure looks back breaking job! But it's really amazing your husband Pieter manages such physical work. Your kitties are so cute supervising the work :-) They sure had fun working with Papi! My Goro is a supervisor, too, and participates any activities in the house :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, with kitties working alongside this intensive, one doesn't even mind the cold and the mud and the back ache that comes from such work. We're so glad it's done now.
      Funny that Goro too is such a supervisor and they are NOT lazy at doing their job.
      But they know that the rewards come later and especially when they convinced me to cook chicken again...

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    That's quite a project, but one that will be much appreciated when the rains come. How wonderful that the kitties were there to help their Papi. Tiggy-Tiger really is a tiny little lady; she looks like a mini Aloysius!
    Things are getting well organized her, so I am heading back to RI tomorrow.
    Enjoy the week end..............*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thanks for your loyal visit and especially at a time of family sorrow. Sure Tiggy-Tiger looks like a mini Aloysius and she is such a hyper thing.
      Wishing you strength and safe travels!

  14. What a project! Must have been hard for Pieter to dig under the concrete, no? But then, with the help of your cats, it surely was much easier, ha ha ha !! Our cats also supervise everything...yesterday, when I was trying to plant my new rose bush, the little one wanted to sit in the hole, probably to check if it was deep enough!!!!!!!!!!
    I wish you a nice week-end, dear Mariette!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you for your comment and digging under the concrete was not necessary, just softening it with water until that pipe could be pushed through. It took time, soaking and softening but when it rained we could not proceed for several days.
      The funny presence of those cats makes each job look lighter!
      Anytime if you dig, they will check it out; they love to do that and might think we play with them.
      Wishing you also a nice weekend.

  15. Well it certainly looks like you and hubby had a lot of help while doing all that work. Haha! Oh but I imagine there were some kitty paws needing to be cleaned before coming into your lovely home. ;)
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      You bet, all those four-legged little helpers! Funny enough, they kind of wipe their paws on the lawn on that dry grass. I've never seen muddy paw prints. They do bring in sand though when they roll in the loose sand with their backs and it stays inside their fur.

  16. Pieter is so handy - it looks perfect, Mariette! My hat's off to Pieter and his talents! <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Thank you, yes in the end it looks kind of perfect but the way getting there is a hard and muddy one.
      So far I'm blessed with such a hard working and talented handy man!

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Your husband Pieter manages physical in to the front posch, Tiggy-Tiger look like a little lady..
    Thinks it is beterr inside the house, rice and warm for enjoyed a snack.
    you has few days waiting for them.
    This ice had to be removed from the water hose before starting all over again.
    you with Pieter has check it out all the time your beautiful house.
    Hugs and love always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Oh sure, Pieter did a lot more of the heavy physical work compared to Tiggy-Tiger and her adopted siblings. But it got done with everyone's help!
      Hugs and happy weekend to you.

  18. Liebe Mariette,
    das sieht ja toll aus - dein Mann ist wirklich ein Allround-Talent - die süßen Miezen
    haben den neuen Weg gleich eingeweiht - als wenn er für sich gemacht wäre -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Den Gehweg war aber schon da seid 23 Jahre. Es ging darum dass kein Wasser mehr vom Weg über den Rasen und Gehweg zum Haus laufen kann. Deswegen hat Pieter den Graben mit einem eingefügten Rohr unter dem Beton des Gehwegs gegraben.
      Die Miezen haben ja alles mitgeplant!
      Lieber Gruss,

  19. Dear Mariette,great project indeed!!And Pieter did a fantastic job!!!How strange the ice looks!!Your cats are so cute!!!Wish you a happy weekend!Big hug!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and yes such hose ice looks strange... First time in my life I got to see it myself. So glad that this job got accomplished, with the help of our cats of course.
      Hugs and happy weekend.

  20. Dearest Mariette, You guys are such a perfect example of keeping things in their best form. Always busy with projects of all different kinds and sizes. No wonder you have such good things to post about as when projects get done, the results are always so perfect. You inspire us.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Well, trying to keep up with what we got otherwise such a home would look run down in no time. And as for the water control; we had no choice. Doing it ourselves keep things within our budget and we both are fortunate that this can be done by Pieter himself. He's always been a hard worker, his entire life. I'm proud of my husband!
      Thank you for you kind words.

  21. Dearest Mariette;
    Wow Wow, what a big job or rather one of the project done and two more to go!!! Great work from your great husband for water control. I can easily guess the high cost if it is done by workers. Your feline family is sure wonderful observer♡♡♡ I smiled with your words "under supervision of our felines" and the story in your caption :-) Please Take Care both of you and Hope the job waiting for you two won't require so much of the physical work, my friend.
    ps> my house located int the housing development situated in the up hill. Even though there is no concern for the water, no way surviving without car. Bit of concern for the future when my husband cannot drive(^^;) I might have written you about this p;)

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you for your comment and don't worry, the other two jobs are already done; not posted yet but soon. Our feline family wants to help their human parents wherever they can! They are so loyal and cute.
      So your home location would never cause a water problem if you're up the hill but like you mention, not being able to drive a car will certainly cause another problem. But look at it positively, my Dad is 93 and he still is driving. He got his driver's license till 95; guess they quit giving him a drivers license after that age, by law in The Netherlands...
      Love and hugs to you as well.

  22. Dear Mariette,
    This is a very sweet series of photos with all of your feline helper's! It looks like Pieter did a very nice job of completing the piping and hope this helps avert the storm water so you never have a repeat of your flooding again!
    Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you and yes, with so much help it had to end well!
      Let's hope that with the next storm water we will have no problem and can feel relieved of that worry.
      Hugs and happy new week to you.

  23. Dear Mariette,
    I'm from Portugal and im in love with this photos! :)
    So great meet this ♥

    xoxo, Sofia Pinto
    Morning Dreams | Facebook | Instagram

    1. Dearst Sofia,
      Thank you for your visit and your comment! Love your country and with very fond memories of our trip there.

  24. Your supervisors are precious, and I'm wowed by the engineering involved in this project. I cannot manage to repair a plastic pipe leading from a downspout. I managed to run over a stretch with our lawnmower one summer a few years (!) ago. lol Best wishes, my dear.
    - Darla Sands

    1. Dearest Darla,
      Thank you, they were such caring supervisors and we lost three of them since then.
      Oh, our home and the many projects have been designed and often repaired and carried out by my husband Pieter—a man with golden hands! Well he studied Horticultural Engineering...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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