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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, March 18, 2024

Our Acapulco, Mexico Vacation I

 Yes, we have enjoyed some very special vacations in Acapulco, México.
A country where we both worked for over ten years as consultants.
View of Acapulco Bay from our room 2103 at the 21st floor
My flight ticket home on February 25, 2005. 
We arrived on February 15...
Hyatt Regency Acapulco was our home for those 10 days...
Of course with our Hyatt card we had access to Regency Club.
Quite a luxury which we enjoyed world wide!
City view and you see bottom right they even had a Walmart Super Center
View of the 3 big pools and the beach with large tropical garden all around
View from the beach
View towards hotel, from beach area
We both loved the lush tropical garden setting...
Such a happy place to be together!
Well, on February 18, we both made a phone call to The Netherlands, using our American Express card. This due to the somber news of Wilhelmien, Pieter's middle brother Toon's love. She had pancreatic cancer and only three more weeks to live.
That was a rip off but to both of us those 7 minutes talking to her for US $ 49.89 was worth it!
It sure did lift her up 💕
On Sunday, February 20, we also prayed for her during Mass at noon, on the 23rd floor.
Our boss Tino and his wife Carmen drove four hours down from México City on the Maxi Pista for visiting us! They arrived on August 23.
We felt honored and enjoyed this dinner together at the Kookaburra restaurant across from our hotel on the Acapulco Bay. It is unique due to its spectacular bay views. See the tree beam to the right of me? A very unique open construction.
We all together went to the old town to see: ACAPULCO, MEXICO — THE CLIFF DIVERS OF LA QUEBRADA ←click for 1 minute video. 
Both of us had seen cliff divers before, in Hawaii
Our last night, we enjoyed this spectacular sunset...

Our arrival flights on February 15, were an adventure as I flew with Continental via Houston and Pieter with United via México City and with Aviasco to Acapulco. But they didn't fly, so he got there with AeroMexico a good hour later.

Going home was another adventure.
We both left for the airport in the taxi I'd bought my round trip ticket for upon arrival. We had hugged Tino and Carmen goodby and left at 10:30 AM for Pieter's earlier flight around noon.

We both only flew with hand luggage so checking in went swift. Pieter had to go to the domestic terminal and I to international so we hugged goodbye.
Pieter's flight got delayed one hour and I worried about his connection in Chicago... from México City and then to Atlanta.
Pieter left at 2:30 PM instead of at noon time—needless to say that he missed his connection with United to Chicago.
He arrived in México City and after pleading with AeroMexico, they gave him a ticket for 8:00 AM next day and non–stop to Atlanta. They also dropped him off at the Riazor Hotel in México City.
Pieter had requested Continental and United to page me but I never heard any message...

In Atlanta around midnight, there was no service at all. The information booth was un–staffed!
Did wait till 0:30 AM and used my spare key from our Mazda Millenia S and sat in the car by 0:50 AM on my way home. 
At home by 2:50 AM when checking the answering machine, sure enough I got a message from Pieter from the Riazor Hotel in México City with his number there and request to call him.
Sorry for having to wake him up—Georgia is one hour ahead of time but Pieter was glad we made contact. He was mad at the airlines for poor service and not contacting me.

Well, by 4:15 AM I was in bed and up again at  8:15 AM and after a light breakfast I was on my way to the airport after I'd gassed up.
Went to the AeroMexico counter after seeing that flight 306 had landed slightly early. They still had to go through customs.
So I had time to verify that Pieter actually had been ON that flight. Went to three people before I finally got my info—after pushing for it.
No, this is protected information for security reason...! Yes, I said but the plane is already on the ground, no longer in the air... So she did check and asked: Pieter?—yes, that's him!

It took Pieter 40 minutes till we could hug each other and were re–united again.
Pieter drove home and went straight to the Country Lane Pet Lodge to pick up our kitties Spooky and Barty boy. 

That was the closing of United Airlines for us after this adventure with the frequent flyer 'free ticket' for Pieter. Well, still $ 60 and he paid $ 375 for the small segment from México City to Acapulco. The gain was merely $ 200 compared to my ticket of $ 605 all in with Continental. 

Pieter vowed to never travel separately again!

Related link:
International Calling as it WAS | previous post by me


  1. The trip looked lovely, Mariette, except for the travel hassles. We forget now, with all our cell phones, how much more challenging it could be to get in touch! As for the airline problems...I don't think it's any better these days, especially in Canada!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, being there was lovely indeed but getting there and back was quite some challenge.
      It also proves that those frequent flyer miles for free trips have little true value...
      Oh, that time before cell phones was awful! Making such an international call was really a rip off. Anf for Pieter and me to communicate in person, when he got stuck in México City would have been great.
      But indeed, airline service is for sure not any better these days!
      Glad we did our International Consulting in the better years.

  2. OH this brought memories to me. Not because we were in the same places but simply all the trouble getting about with Delta and so on. I was on a flight every 5 weeks to and from an area, but here in the US. Atlanta was my hub so to speak. I would leave here...land there and hope I could get my next flight put. Sometimes I couldn't..sometimes not.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Yes, that sure could be challenging to go and come back without any difficulty.
      We sure are glad we don't have to deal with that anymore!

  3. Now, that was quite the unforgettable trip, Mariette. I'm glad everything turned out okay in the end. Beautiful beaches!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Yes, that sure was unforgettable but being there was great.
      Acapulco Bay is truly the Pearl of the Pacific and the food and everything was great.

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, one more adventure but the destination was perfect!

  5. Beste Mariette,

    Onvergetelijke herinneringen.
    Dank voor het delen, leuk.

    Lieve groetjes vanuit Nederland,

  6. That sure looked like a beautiful placea and boy, what a travel ordeal getting back home!

    1. Dearest Terry,
      It was a terrific destination but not Pieter's frequent flyer ticket!
      Will be more...

  7. What a beautiful vacation destination. I've been to many places in Mexico, but not here. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. Dearest Sandee,
      It sure was a dream of a destination.
      We've gone back and you will read about that in future posts... kitty related.

  8. Hej Mariette,
    Dat is een prachtige omgeving om te verblijven. Het uitzicht is geweldig!
    Lieve groet Willy

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, het was zeker een droom van een baai met mooi strand ook.
      Dit hotel was mooi gebouwd voor geweldig uitzicht.

  9. I love how you save these precious mementoes ..... a blast from your wonderful past!!!!!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and this was indeed a blast from our past and we went back!

  10. Hello Mariette and Pieter, I am glad you got to vacation in Mexico when it obviously was in its prime. I understand that these days it is not so safe there--but perhaps I just saw some exaggerated internet stories. At any rate, you were lucky to have a sunny Mexican trip despite the logistics problems, which seem to dog airline travel in general.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, we don't regret having been there back then—would not want to repeat that now.
      Oh, that flight back for Pieter was sheer horror but he got home with perseverance and I picked him up.

  11. You did have quite the travel home adventure! But your memories of the vacation in Mexico are not marred by this, thank goodness. Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures. I've only flown a few times and will honestly be able to say "never again" and not eat my words later. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. Dearest Lynn and Precious,
      Indeed, that was not the best part of this vacation—traveling home.
      We both have been in the air for more than 1,500,000 miles, work related and are DONE with it too.

  12. WOW now those are some million dollar views WOW...
    I cannot imagine traveling separately. We've been to Europe several times...flew home from Budapest 2 days before 9/11. Budapest and Prague(1999) were work trips for me. We usuually stayed a few extra days afte r the conferences. So happy we had a wedding which brought us home on 9/7 from Budapest..otherwise we would have been in the air on 9/11. A coworker and her husband were diverted to Canada there for over a week waiting to get home.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Dearest Cecilia,
      Well, we both were seasoned travelers, work related, but it is never fun to encounter this. You indeed were lucky for being home four days before 9/11. Budapest and Prague are our favorite cities and I'm glad that Pieter introduced me to them, after he'd gone there frequently to lecture at conferences, even when they were still behind the Iron Curtain.
      Being caught in such situations like 9/11 is a nightmare.

  13. That was a lovely hotel and destination. We stayed in Acapulco during a cruise many years ago. It was supposed to be two days with one night in port, but there was a storm and we stayed an extra day. The last day after the storm had passed through we went ashore. The rainwater was running down the streets like rivers and there was a lot of destruction.
    Your journey home sounded like a nightmare. Because of my health problems I am no longer able to fly, but I don't miss the airports one bit! It is so much easier to sail out of Southampton, and because I need a wheelchair for more than very short distances we get priority boarding.

    1. Dearest Memories of Eric and Flynn,
      It was a lovely hotel and destination but not the home journey.
      Oh my, you also encountered some natural disaster situation when you were there on a cruise.
      One never knows what might happen.
      Both of us are not flying anymore and travel is very limited due to wheelchair/walker use for longer distances.

  14. Some awesome views, I wish we had travelled more when younger

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      We traveled a lot for work so any leisure trip for both of us was rare.

  15. Son muy buenas las vistas, desde la habitación del hotel. Es bonito recordar esas buenas vacaciones, que hemos disfrutado.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y sí, son buenos recuerdos y mi historia continuará. Conduciendo a una aventura inesperada.

  16. What a wonderful place for a vacation. How nice that you have so many photos and other mementos by which to remember your time there!

    1. Dearest Meowmeowmans,
      Thank you and it was an exceptional place for a vacation.
      Both of us have always been good at documenting our lives!

  17. What an unforgettable trip!
    Sounds like your journey home was a nightmare.
    But I am sure the spectacular views were well worth the visit.
    So glad you have so many wonderful memories to cherish, dearest Mariette.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, this vacation sure was a gem and even with the 'free' ticket adventure we survived.
      There will be two more visits there, one very special one that I publish on April 1.

  18. Our oldest son likes to travel, and we are going to Vancouver in October....but...I will drive to my sister near Toronto, and he will conjure up some crazy flight plan of multiple flights....not for me, thank you very much. My sister and I will fly direct from Toronto to Vancouver. 4 hours in one plane, that is enough for me!
    We still don't know if younger son will fly with my sister and I or with the older son, or maybe even on his own convoluted flight plan, LOL!!!

    You sure had a great time there in Acapulco, flight home notwithstanding....

    1. Dearest Ingrid,
      Well, Vancouver is a wonderful destination. We have done consulting work in that area and also went to the North American Mushroom Conference where Pieter was the speaker.
      Another trip where we boarded the Rocky Mountaineer for our most spectacular trip ever.
      So glad we got to do that and see Banff and Lake Louise.
      Both of us always have preferred the non–stop flights as there is less risk not to end up with lost luggage...
      Well, we only had carry on to Acapulco but that didn't help Pieter with these delays and cancellations.
      Yes, Acapulco was good enough for a repeat and you will read that on Monday and then a final 3rd time for a special reason.

  19. ......and here we are moaning and groaning about how travel is such an exhausting mess these days, when it really was all along, haha!
    My worst travel experience was at an airport in China - enough said, other than I've never run so fast in my life to find my luggage and make my connection!!!!!!!!
    Happy Springtime Mariette & Pieter.
    Mary -

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Guess that such exceptions have always existed—then and now!
      For our consulting work in India, the local travel agent always booked our flights way too tight. She did not understand the hectic of getting from International to the Domestic terminal and for all other aspects. Not the greatest feeling...
      Hugs to you and Bob,

  20. Replies
    1. Dearest Melissa,
      Yes, at least in the Americas!

  21. Hello! Thank you for sharing your beautiful vacation! I have never been, and it sure looks amazing. Prayers for your brother-in-law's love. I am so sorry. Hugs, my friend.

    1. Dearest Billie Jo,
      Thank you and yes, those are wonderful 19–year old memories!

  22. What a memory! Communication was more difficult in those days, and relying on the airlines to contact each other didn't work out so well.
    Mexico is a beautiful place to visit. We hope to go again sometime.

    1. Dearest Lorrie,
      Yes, we in general have very fond memories of our years of consulting in Mexico and this was an exotic place to vacation.
      Oh, the era before cell phones was so different! Would not want to relive that.

  23. Even with the travel challenges, it sounds like a fun and memorable trip! I've never been to Acapulco, but I have fond memories of vacationing in the Puerto Vallarta area.

    1. Dearest Peter,
      It sure was a most memorable trip!
      Both of us have also consulted in the Puerto Vallarta area so we know that area quite well.

  24. It must be a really fun place. Here people travel more to Cancun.

    1. Dearest Cristina,
      We only have been once to Cancun but do prefer Acapulco.

  25. What amazing stories! Thank you for sharing. Hugs and blessings from me and my husband, who is equally interested in your fantastic travels and travails, my dear.

    1. Dearest Darla,
      Thank you so much and know that Pieter reads all comments on his iPad.
      There will me more adventures coming from Acapulco—two more.
      Hugs and best wishes for your husband,

  26. I got distracted and can only hope my post got through. The stories you tell are amazing.

  27. What a beautiful vacation - and I can understand the angst of travel - these days it is just as bad, if not worse. Airlines are not that great at communicating at all! So sorry about the terrible news of your SIl while on vacation, that must have been terrible. I loved hearing how you both made it home safely though!

    1. Dearest Marilyn,
      Thank you and yes it was a beautiful vacation, regardless the traveling stress.
      Well, we always have been far away from family and loved ones—regardless of being on vacation or not. The big Atlantic Ocean always has been our divide...

  28. Yikes! What an ordeal!!!!! I would be a bit upset as well.
    Bet you are happy to be home again!
    Purrs Winnie and the mum

    1. Dearest Winnie + Mum,
      Yes, the end was not one we'd planned on...
      Yes, picking up our two kitties at the Pet Lodge and being home was a great feeling!

  29. What an awesome vacation, even if the travel was compromised! You're living the dream, and all these things make for a great story afterwards. Sometime I'd like to see your kitties, and if you like I can make them into funnies as well.

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Yes, the part of being there was indeed awesome.
      Wait for episode II and III and by mid April you can make them into funnies...

  30. Looks like we missed something, Mariette, but glad we hopped over to see this lovely post with great pictures and memories😺😸What a beautiful place! Double Pawkisses for a Happy and Healthy day to all of you🐾😽💞

    1. Dearest Peachy and Stippie,
      Yes, that was a beautiful place and we went back again the following two years... kitty related.

  31. First, I'm so sorry to hear about your loved one, Mariette. That's so sad. Your trip to Acapulco sounds wonderful. The picture of the umbrellas is pretty. And you look so cute in these photos. Seems that there's always something with our flights. Sounds like Pieter had a rough time with it all, but despite the travel difficulties, it sounds like a memorable trip. Our whole family took a vacation to Mexico many years ago, and had a great time as well. And the food was scrumptious. ; )

    Happy Easter, dear Mariette.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Yes, being thousands of miles away from loved ones is always hard to deal with but that's the price of being an immigrant.
      The trip was indeed wonderful and we enjoyed our time of reading and swimming.
      Yes, Mexican food is delicious and both of us appreciate it very much.
      Hugs and wishing you a memorable Holy Week and Happy Easter!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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