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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Lost My Favorite First Cousin

On May 3, only 3 days after my Pieter went to heaven, I lost my favorite first Cousin: Hans Gijsen.
His memorial service was one day after my Pieter's.
Needless to say, it felt a bit overwhelming for posting about it then.
Now it is time to pay him some homage...
First cousin Hans in 1981
Me in 1985, and you can clearly see we're related.
Hans' Mom was my Dad's older sister Mia, and I've been rather close to her.
Still keep her letters that she wrote from the hospital.
She passed away on February 8, 1989 and got buried on my Mom's 65th Birthday...
Cousin Hans was an excellent artist! This is a watercolor from April 10, 2020
Animals looked like being alive... April 10, 2020
July 04, 2020
July 18, 2020
Another lifelike four–legged friend who really looks at you!
Pieter also said, and those eyes like that! It's not easy to put the shine in there as well. Leave it to Hans!
Kudos from your American cousin and cousin by marriage 💗💗
Hans replied: Thank you, dear cousin

Do you also look at your Messenger? Say, you obviously have Grandpa's gift in your blood, he could make beautiful pen drawings.
July 29, 2020 Villy Banditto
It has become a sweet Banditto and also totally 'cuddly'! 💗
Hans: Thank you 
Another cat head ready on August 30, 2020
To which I wrote: A beautiful cat portrait
On September 30, 2020 Orange Cat eye and a white cat's eye!
They LIVE; again worked out so well!
Hans replied: thank you so much for your inspiring compliment
Me: Well deserved, I don't give anything away for nothing...
Hans: Okay, thanks anyway

Hans studied with Rebecca Rhodes Watercolors from Lehigh County, Pennsylvania

Hans also loved his real life kitties, that was a thing we had in common.  
He is united with his Parents once again and at peace after fighting cancer.

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  1. Hans was an amazing artist! I'm sorry for his passing, Mariette, especially coming on the heels of Pieter's. This is a lovely tribute to him.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, Hans had a unique ability to capture pets in a most realistic way.
      This tribute is most deserving.

  2. Oh, Mariette, Hans' paintings took my breath away! What an incredible talent he had in this life and used it for God's glory. I'm so deeply sorry for your loss of your dear cousin, and I pray that God will give you comfort and peace.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Indeed, his work was breath taking!
      It is a good thing that Hans is free from any suffering.

  3. HIs artwork is amazing, it would have been a sad time for you losing both him and Pieter so close together

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Well, the only solace is that he is free from suffering! Pieter also loved his artwork.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. He was certainly a handsome guy and wow, what an artist. The animals are so realistic and are real smile makers.

    1. Dearest Terry,
      He was handsome and very talented! Seldom we see such realistic work.

  5. I love his art. He was very talented. I am sorry for your loss. XO

    1. Dearest Ellen,
      Oh, his art was so realistic!
      Hans deserves some homage...

  6. I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin, especially so soon after losing your dear Pieter. Hans' art is beautifully done. Do you have some pieces of his in your home?

    1. Dearest Lorrie,
      My cousin Hans was in The Netherlands and the Atlantic Ocean was in–between.
      No, I do not have any of his artwork at my home...

  7. Hello Mariette, Apparently love of animals and artistic talent were both well-distributed traits in your family.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, there is quite a lot of artistic talent on my Dad's side of the family and Hans was a great exemple. Also for being a cat lover.

  8. I am so sorry you lost your cousin, particularly so soon after Pieter. His art his breathtakingly beautiful and a wonderful memorial to him.

    1. Dearest Jackie,
      Yes, it is the next generation now being thinned out...
      But Hans did love his kitties and his artwork is worthy of sharing!

  9. That's extra sad being so close to your own husband's death. Hans was just brilliant with eyes. No doubt his skill would show if he painted human eyes.

    1. Dearest Andrew,
      Yes, it came quite hard to read his passing but also feeling relieved for his exit from suffering.
      Guess he would have managed to portrait the human eyes very well.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Sending love and sympathy.......suzi

  11. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and Hans is so deserving of it!

  12. It was surely difficult on you at the time, loosing both men in your life so close a time. Lynn and Precious

    1. Dearest Lynn and Precious,
      Yes, it kind of hits you hard but I knew I had to honor him when I felt up to it—and I did.

  13. Sorry to hear of your cousin Hans passing. The expression and feelings his artwork express is amazing. Hugs, Betsy

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Thank you and indeed his artwork has a depth that reflects his inner thoughts and feelings in a magical way.

  14. My friend, Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear cousin and friend, Hans. You most certainly resemble each other! His artistic talent was amazing! The images look lifelike. May his soul rest in peace, and may you find comfort in the love you shared and the beautiful artwork he left behind. Hugs.

    1. Dearest Billie Jo,
      Thank you and yes, we looked more alike back then!
      His work is exceptional and this is my way of honoring him and indeed, may he rest in peace after all his suffering.

  15. Mariette, I am so sorry for the second loss in your family. Dealing with the loss of a loved
    one is so very hard, and losing two people that were such a major part of your life….unimaginable

    May I compliment Hans on his amazing artistic talent. These paintings are incredible. Did he
    use oil paints or watercolor, do you know. I envy people for a God given talent like this; I hope
    Han’s “ day job “ was creating and selling his works

    hugs and loves

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Both, Pieter and I have had to deal with such a loss often from a far distance as we never could afford to fly home on short notice as the airfare is way up then. But you get trained in this and it is the fate of a first generation immigrant. With a strong Faith, we dealt with it and now I do the very same on my own.
      Hans' incredible paintings were watercolor. He also designed one–airbrush T–shirts and such but don't know about his sales. He was not a bragging or outgoing person.
      Did add some information into this post in regard to your questions—hoping that helps!

  16. Buenos trabajos ha dejado. Todos tenemos que partir, de esta vida un día u otro.
    Lamento su pérdida.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      De hecho, dejó algo de sí mismo de una manera muy artística.

  17. We are so sorry for your loss, Mariette. This is such a lovely and beautiful way to remember your beloved cousin Hans. We enjoyed seeing his artwork (such talent!) and the correspondence the two of you shared. Sending you hugs and gentle purrs.

    1. Dearest Kevin,
      Thank you and it indeed was my way of highlighting his work and his shared love for kitties.

  18. Oh, dear, yet another sad loss, but a release from all the earthly woes. What wonderful artwok he made!! Amazing!
    My sincere sympathy to you, Mariette.

    I watched the little video with Angel Dido eating those nuts. I never knew a cat would want to try them, he obviously relished them!

    1. Dearest Ingrid,
      Indeed a release from all the earthly woes... Hans' work was incredible and he left a legacy.
      Oh, Dido would kill for some cashews and peanuts—he was a vocal kitty and let you know what he wanted.

  19. Hans was an incredible artist! I'm deeply sorry for his passing, Mariette, especially so soon after Pieter's. This tribute to him is beautiful.
    I see the resemblance - good looks clearly run in your family.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Hans indeed was an incredible artist and he must have been a keen observer for 'seeing' all the fine details and then reproducing them.
      He certainly deserved this post!
      Thank you for spotting the resemblance.

  20. Olá, querida Mariette, que perda triste para você!
    Vejo que seu primo era um artista muito talentoso, lamento!
    Que perfeição de pinturas!
    Um bom fim de semana, querida, paz e saúde sempre!

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Sim, foi uma grande perda e ele certamente era talentoso.
      Obrigado por seus bons votos e envio de abraços de volta para você.

  21. Replies
    1. Dearest Melissa,
      Such is life and with a strong Faith, I at least can manage this.
      Wanted to honor him in this way... He was an amazing artist!

  22. Mariette
    What wonderful and love filled tribute to Hans a truly talented artist
    I enjoyed the 1985 picutre of you too
    Hugs cecilia

    1. Dearest Cecilia,
      Thank you and Hans deserves to be mentioned and above all to be remembered.
      Yes, we were true cousins—visible from both pictures.

  23. So sorry to hear about two losses so close together. Hans appears to have been a truly gifted artist!

    1. Dearest Peter,
      Yes, Hans certainly was a gifted artist and he is with Pieter now.

  24. I've Just opened your blog, Dearest Mariette.  I cannot find words to write here for you ...... as I've read you've lost very close person in such a short while. Let me just say that here is one Japanese thinking about you and sending consolation. Lot's of LOVE; Miyako from Japan

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you so much for your kind words all the way from Japan! Yes, at times life can really hit you hard but all together we carry through those valleys of life and in good faith as souls never die.

  25. Let me please send you another comment; Thank you SO much from your comment to my resent blog. I've read it TO my CEL-PHONE. I was trying to sleep & read it before go to bed. When a few minutes later trying to open again, but I couldn't open it with both phones & PC. Well, I just want you to know that I've read your kind comment. Hoping you are OK. And also I wish my blog with you will OK as weel.
    Lot's of LOVE, Miyako.

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Went back to your blog and my comment (the 1st one showing) is still there... Wonder what went wrong on your celphone for not seeing it.
      Don't worry, you are a very knowledgeable blogger and a great photographer.
      Admiration for years and that will last. You are most deserving of my comments!

  26. This is Miyako again; I've read your sweet comment through Moville-phone before going to bed. I don't know why but your comment disappeared both Moville & PC. I was so surprised & checked with all I can do. I just wish you to know I've read it. Please take care of YOURSELF & SO sorry about this, I always LOVE your sweet comments.
    From Japan;

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      As mentioned above, my comment is still visible on your blog—don't worry!

  27. My heart aches for you yet again. ~hugs~ What an amazing talent your cousin had! I'm in awe.

    1. Dearest Darla,
      Yes, cousin Hans had quite some talent!
      He is at peace and no more suffering for him.

  28. What a great painter he was...just amazing! What a fine post...
    Love from Titti

    1. Dearest Titti,
      Thank you and Hans is most deserving of a mention!

  29. Your cousin was a excellent painter! Those pictures are absolutely lovely!
    And yes, looking at the pictures of the two of you, you can, indeed, clearly see the family resemblance.

    1. Dearest J–Cats,
      Thank you and yes Hans was quite an artist!
      Our family resemblance at almost the same age—back then.
      You can be so proud of Shimshi for winning the Gold medal!

  30. I"m so very sorry for your loss. What a fabulous artist your cousin Hans was.

    1. Dearest Duke,
      Yes, Hans indeed knew how to capture those pets in a realistic way!

  31. Olá, Mariette, gostei muito dessa sua postagem, na qual você mostra
    as obras do seu querido primo, obras de excelente qualidade.
    Deixo minha solidariedade pelo falecimento de seu primo.
    Um abraço, boa semana.

    1. Caro Pedro,
      Meu primo Hans merece alguma homenagem!

  32. Mariette, I'm so sorry to hear your favorite cousin passed away. What a talented artist he was. The paintings and pen drawings are amazing. I think the horse was my favorite. This is a cute picture of you when you were younger. There is a resemblance between you and your cousin. My favorite cousin also passed away years ago, and as I'm looking at the calendar, today is her birthday. Sending comfort and love to you, Mariette.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Somehow I missed this comment for replying...
      Hans sure was talented and his love for animals was evident.
      His Mom was my favorite aunt, Dad's older sister and I've managed to visit her regularly and even in the hospital, coming back from the USA.
      We ought to remember our cousins and other dear family members, they're all part of our genetic network.

  33. Lieve Mariette,

    Nog weer afscheid moeten nemen zo kort na elkaar.
    Wat kon hij mooi tekenen/schilderen.

    Lieve groet,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, zelfs iemand die mooi kan schilderen mag niet blijven...

  34. Ach Gott, das ist ja sehr traurig! So geht einer nach dem anderen.
    Meine Mutti ist auch schon wieder 6 Jahre tot. Ich vermisse sie immer noch.
    Dein Cousin hatte ein großes Talent! Wie traurig, wenn all das plötzlich verloren geht.

    Alles Liebe und mein Mitgefühl

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, das Leben für uns ALLE geht mal zu ende—Talent oder nicht.
      Meine Mutter ist schon 9 Jahre tot und die Zeit vergeht so schnell...
      Ja, der Hans hatte wirklich viel Talent.
      Liebe Grüße,

  35. Sorry your loss, dear Mariette. It wouldn't have been easy to deal with so much pain at the same time. I believe that you have friends around that they support you and give you a tight hug. From this is my virtual hug.

    1. Dearest Cristina,
      Life at times is not easy but with a strong Faith all is possible and there are so many in heaven that rejoiced when a beloved family member or friend joins them.
      Thanks for your virtual hug!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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