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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our Hoya Bella Blooms

 Trying to catch up on things...
On May 25, a perfect close up of the beautiful fragrant Hoya Bella in our veranda with the Delftware houses.
This is the one hanging in our kitchen bay window with my hand crocheted curtains.
Not easy to capture...
Got two tiny starters and Pieter babied them and he later had to plant them in the larger planters.
Love their perfect tiny blooms!
This is the one in the veranda
Dreamy with the Delftware houses...
The kitchen bay window has the antique brass one on chains, with inner pot of course.
In the veranda we have a Delft White hanging planter for which I first had to find brass chains on line, at McMaster–Carr.
My Pieter always managed to put it together...

Related links:
Mega Task Crocheting DONE | previous post by me


  1. Those little blooms are lovely, Mariette. I adore those houses too! BTW, you have an amazing crochet abilities to have made the curtains! 👏

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Thank you and yes, they go so perfectly with those Delftware houses!
      As for the crocheting—just 150 hours for the veranda and only 32 hours for the kitchen bay window. Speed crochet that is!
      Glad those are done as it would be hard to pull this off now...
      Did add those links below post now as you obviously did not comment and more than likely never saw them.

  2. What an incredible plant! I like the flowers are upside down and we must look up as at a chandelier.
    I have not heard of this kind of plant. The houses are a real joy to see. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. Dearest Lynn and Precious,
      It is also called wax plant, at least the larger Hoya variety but that is how those flowers look like. We had all varieties at one time but they grew too wild.
      Oh, the Delftware houses represent Pieter's and my trips as consultants. We had the Royal Dutch Airlines Royal Wing Card and often we got an upgrade into business class and that yielded a house! Fond memories and precious replicas of true Dutch houses!

  3. Your hoya bella is gorgeous and looks so healthy in front of your lovely crocheted curtains and the Delft houses!!!
    I only have the hoya carnosa, in various pots and in different places in the garden, but have never had one as indoors plant. I will try to keep 1-2 pots in the house during winter time.
    Many hugs,

    1. Dearest Marie–Anne,
      Thank you and this is the mini hoya, far smaller than the hoya carnosa, this hoya bella is petite.
      We too keep them outdoors, the larger ones that is.

  4. I have never heard of those plants, but those blooms are beautiful. Your crochet curtains are exquisite.

    1. Dearest Jackie,
      Thank you for the compliment about the crocheted curtains. It is a very fine, kind of miniature plant and when it blooms, it blooms almost ongoing.
      Hoping you are doing okay!

  5. First off I read balloons not blooms and had to go back and check as no balloons here, next they are so dainty and pretty and those curtains also look really nice.

    1. Dearest Jo–Anne,
      That is funny, when we read hastily it makes us laugh at times...
      Indeed, very dainty tiny flowers and thanks for the compliment on my curtains.

  6. Those are so pretty and so is that little village scene. Love your header pic too.

    1. Dearest Terry,
      Thank you and indeed those Delftware replica homes are charming.
      The header picture shows our large corsage gardenias.

  7. They are beautiful. I like your hand crocheted curtains too. XO

    1. Dearest Ellen,
      Thank you and I'm so glad I did those curtains back then!
      The previous ones did last 40 years... different pattern.

  8. I'm not familiar with this flower. It looks so pretty hanging near your window. And those houses are so delightful. Your crocheted curtains are very charming, and I like that antique brass pot too.

    Have a wonderful week, Mariette.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Back in The Netherlands the hoya is a very popular houseplant and when we discovered this mini variety I had to get one. Had it previous years as well and now these babies are blooming well.
      The brass pot shows them off perfectly and my curtains just frame it all...

  9. Hello Mariette, This is a beautiful flower, and you have provided it with an enhancing background of Delft pottery and your own remarkable handiwork.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you and it also is one more reminder of Pieter's loving care of two tiny starters that arrived in the mail and he babied them inside the greenhouse till they could be potted into their larger pot. Their reward is being appreciated and now I'm their sole caretaker but with love.
      Yes, the Delftware houses go so well with it as does the crocheted lacework.

  10. E' una pianta dai fiori meravigliosi,complimenti.Abbi cura di te.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie ed essere circondato da tanta bellezza mi aiuta a stare bene. Mi sono rialzato di nuovo per il dolore, ma ho dormito almeno cinque ore e potrei essere in grado di dormire ancora un po'.

  11. Good morning from Japan & Thank you very much for the picture of the Hoya "Bella Blooms", my first flower to see (p;) So elegant, also Loved to see your corner of the western-style room♡♡♡ Here in Japan, it is getting hotter & hotter, please take care of yourself, form your Japanese friend.

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you and glad you now met this tiny beauty called Hoya bella!
      Our veranda has been our most favorite room because of the view from it.

  12. Such a beautiful flower " Hoya Bella Bloom" is ♡♡♡ My first time to see the gorgeous flower. You have such a great talent for plants. I just decollated some flower at the entranceway p;) Please take care of yourself; Lot's of Love; Miyako

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Plants above all things need light and that is available in our bay window area and also in our veranda. Guess your entrance way also has enough light for making plants feel happy.
      Trying hard to take care of myself but sleeping is difficult when writhing in pain, so I get up for a couple of hours and read blog posts and reply to comments.

  13. Your Hoya Bella is absolutely stunning, Mariette!
    Those delicate blooms against the backdrop of the Delftware houses and your hand-crocheted curtains create such a charming scene.
    It's clear how much care and dedication you and Pieter put into nurturing your plants and decorating your home.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and they seem to feel happy and show that with lots of blooms.
      Yes, it is a lovely setting with the Delftware houses and resemble fond memories of our travels together as worldwide consultants. Still very happy with those crocheted curtains, quite a mega task but I got it done!
      It was only possible to do so when the other half of us took care of all other things. I had cooked meals in large portions so Pieter served us supper from the freezer via microwave and I could continue to speed crochet. Now I don't have that safety net anymore as I have to do it all alone but the memories are still surrounding me and give so much gratitude above grief.

  14. Mariette, oh em cod ‼️ the flower is beautiful and WOW so are your
    curtains. AMAZING 💙 I don’t have the talent for such fine sewing. The
    veranda setting, one could sit out there all day. A happy week ahead for
    you and the cats 😺💙💖💚 Hugs and fish of course ‼️😺

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thank you and glad you like the flower and my curtains!
      Yes, the veranda is perfect for all day and I've spent here most of my time, post accident and post surgeries.

  15. Mariette OMgoodness the hand crochet valances are beautiful. I used to make doilies but moved onto to larger patterns. The HoyaBella is beautiful too. This is a new plant to me.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Dearest Cecilia,
      Thank you and both might have Old World influences that I continued here...

  16. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and it sure IS a beauty!

  17. Such a delicate flower, Mariette. It makes me think of fairies and wonders just to look at it.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you and all I can say that the Hoya Bella is very rewarding!

  18. Además de tu trabajo artesanal, la planta adorna muy bien tu ventana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Gracias por sus amables palabras!

  19. Olá, querida Mariette, adoro cortinas de crochet, flores pela casa...
    Você tem muito bom gosto, tudo aí é suave e alegre!
    Desejo a você uma continuação de feliz semana!
    Grande abraço! Muita saúde e paz!

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Obrigada pelo elogio e é uma visão feliz ao me levantar para o café da manhã.

  20. So lovely, Mariette! I love the Hoya Bella with their delicate blooms, and your curtains and Delftware houses are so special. Thank you for sharing this bit of joy with us, my friend. :)

    1. Dearest Kevin,
      Yes, those sights are indeed bits of joy, especially when the sun is shining as well.
      Mariette + Kitties

  21. Wow, you have a lot of those pretty blooms!!
    One of my Aunts had a huge one growing on a louvered door in her apartment. I once saw it covered in blooms! Sadly it didn't take kindly to being rehomed when she went to a new apartment...and I have no idea what happened to it when she went to the nursing home...maybe my sister has it now?? I'll have to find out next time I go there.

    1. Dearest Ingrid,
      Guess you are talking about the bigger sized Hoya carnosa.
      Especially with your mention that it was huge.
      Hoya Bella is just a mini form and also its leaves are quite different.
      If your sister has it, you can start your own by just snipping off a starter and grow it maybe with a plastic bag covered initially for the proper humidity.

    2. Yes, I do think it was that species! Do they do well in southern exposure? I have never had any kind of Hoya.

    3. Yes Ingrid, they do very well!

  22. Oh how beautiful! The Hoya blooms AND your crocheted curtain! Incredible to see, and I know it makes your heart smile to see the blooms to the plant your precious Pieter tended so carefully! Many blessings to you dear friend, you are in my prayers!

    1. Dearest Marilyn,
      Thank you and those are treasures to admire every single day.
      So much gratitude for so many things that came from my Pieter's hands.

    2. I cannot express my sentiments better than Marilyn's. ~nods~ Hugs and best wishes, my dear.

    3. Oh, and I finally looked up Delftware. How beautiful! Hugs, my dear.

    4. Oh, and I looked up Delftware. It's stunning. :D

  23. I certainly learn things reading your blog. I had never heard of this Hoya Bella before. They are exquisite, and so artfully arranged. Delft I have known about but I was only familiar with the Blue version. Thanks for the long and very complete response to my Funny Feline post today.

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Glad that you can view something special for the very first time here!
      Those Delft blue houses are true replicas of Dutch canal houses and were handed out to KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Business Class passengers. We never flew business class but with our international consulting we flew a lot, over 1,500,000 miles each and that's why we got the Royal Wing Card. With that we could check in at the Business Class counter, with heavier suitcases and also got access to the Business Class Lounge. Best thing was that whenever the economy section got full, they upgraded their most loyal customers to Business Class. That's the story to these houses, they reflect our years as International Mushroom Consultants and are very dear to me.
      Your post was once again a master piece—as usual and you only deserve a thorough comment to show you that I read them all.

  24. Beste Mariette,

    Wat prachtige spullen, het gehaakte gordijn, de bloemen en de grachtenhuisjes.

    Alle goeds en liefs,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Dank je en het gehaakte gordijn past mooi bij de Delfts blauwe KLM huisjes.

  25. Such beautiful flowers. They remind me of my wife's family (she's second generation Dutch American). They loved their Hoya plants!

    1. Dearest Peter,
      Thank you and guess it is a Dutch favorite as I always had Hoya plants back in The Netherlands!

  26. The flower is very beautiful. Here it is called "Wax Flower".

    1. Dearest Cristina,
      Thank you and yes, in Dutch we also call the Hoya species wax flower!

  27. Mariette, the temps have been in the 90's here, but it's supposed to get to the 100's this week. But California doesn't usually get the humidity like some of the other states, especially in the south, so I'm thankful for that. Summer is not my favorite season, but I try to find the good in it. Have a blessed weekend, Mariette.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Both, Pieter and I have worked a lot in California, so we know rather well how the weather feels like there and find it a pleasant environment. Summer is a great season and I hate winter for its bareness and at times cold winds.

  28. Oh so beautiful flower! I think we call it waxflower here in Sweden.
    Love from Titti

    1. Dearest Titti,
      Thank you and yes, this is the miniature variety of the wax flower family.

  29. So that's what it's called - Hoya Bella! Step-Grandma has that outside her kitchen window and none of us knew what it was called. It's beautiful!

    1. Dearest J-Cats,
      Yes, this is the mini variety of the Hoya family and called Hoya Bella.
      Glad you now know what it was.

  30. Wie schön das aussieht, liebe Mariette.
    Ich kenne diese perfekte Blumen-Schönheit mit den winzigen Blüten als Porzellanblume, habe sie aber selber noch nicht gehabt. Da sind sie wieder: die Amsterdam-Häuschen und die wunderschöne Häkelgardine, ich bin glücklich sie zu sehen, sie passen einfach so gut zusammen.
    Herzliche Grüße und alles Liebe für Dich.

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, es gehört einfach zusammen so! Ja, die Porzellanblume ist einfach wunderschön in allen Formen. Die Häuschen sind ja eine wirkliche Replik.
      Liebe Grüße,

  31. Very beautiful flowers, Mariette. Granny had them a very long time ago, and she remembers that they got very stickery-sugar-like, in that time she didn't know anything about plants and threw them away. Now she really regrets it. How are you, Mariette? Healing Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

    1. Dearest Peachy and Stippie,
      Yes, they are beautiful and indeed produce such drops of nectar that i've tasted at times.
      Did sleep rather well but got called while still dreaming... not such a happy wake–up.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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