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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

{Our Interlock Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roofing}

As promised in my previous post about Our Interlock Aluminum Slate Roofing Being Installed, here is Part II. This post will show you also very clear the Aluminum Aged Copper Slate so you finally will understand what it really looks like. 
This is at the end of day two, the front of our home is finished.
We had a crew of three men working very hard. Each late afternoon they gathered meticulously all scrap material and cleaned up. To the left you see one crew member at work.
By the time they left, the place looked tidy and neat.
Now you know... This is Aluminum Slate in Aged Copper. The color looks like terra cotta in a way, depending on the shine of course. It makes a difference if it is a sunny day or not.
If you want to read more about this Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing; you find the Energy Star Roof Product list in a link below this post with full information, also on Reflectance.
The gutter guards are new ones, from Home Depot. The old ones got removed.
Above our veranda and now the bay window area and above the dining room as last part.
Notice the sample spots where husband Pieter did try out our Benjamin Moore paint in Golden Mist?
Here they are, above the dining room and front porch, the final part...
You can see how dirty those gutters and the house are.
Pressure wash was the next thing we had done before having it painted in two coats.
Cloudy, but no rain...
We got so lucky for all those four days that they worked on our roof.
Yep, making progress in lowering our Carbon Footprint for the rest of our life!
Nearing the end...
do you like these Aged Copper Aluminum Slates?
One more detail. They really do look like natural Slates and the Aged Copper is a good color too.
Now the problem we had in February, was that those gutters got all clogged up with the sand that washed down by the rain from the asphalt shingles. The rain water ran over those gutters and than it entered the foundation...
It's done! Hard to capture with such overcast but you get the picture I guess.
Stepping back further...
Very hard to capture this Aluminum roof in Aged copper slate, with its reflection...
How many holly leaves that are on the ground...
Well, I must admit that before the roofers started out, husband Pieter had given all trees around the house a hair cut. Big branches got cut off, especially from the live oak tree.
Also the tree in front of our home lost quite some lower branches.
Lots of HARD WORK!
Tidying up the place...
These two photos are actually from the end of day two but I want to end with this view...
This is May 11, the day after they had come in the morning for gathering all their tools and leave the finished job.
The sky looks so pregnant with rain...
Tiny Tiggy-Tiger girl is dreaming...
By cutting off the lower branches of this tree, the house now is visible once again!
Here you can see that husband Pieter has taken down the wooden balustrade from the balcony...
The painters would start the next week with pressure washing.
Than the caulking and painting of two coats in Benjamin Moore Golden Mist and the shutters also in a darker Chrome Green.
You will get to see the end results soon!
And YES, our gazebo got also a new Interlock Metal Roofing in Aged Copper Slates!
Funny to see that sample spot in Benjamin Moore Golden Mist...
That's how it will be entirely.
New fan for the gazebo as well.
Hope you enjoyed this post and that you learned something about Saving Energy by putting on a Lifetime Aluminum Roof.
This material is available to all of Canada and the USA.
We both are very pleased with it and especially with the lower utility bills we got since!

Related links:
{Our Interlock Aluminum Slate Roofing Being Installed} | previous post by me
Never Re-Roof Again | link with full info, scroll down for reading more
Interlock Roofing | Manufacturer of Lifetime Roofing Systems. Never re-roof again
{Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing Arrived} | previous post by me
{Our Home on March 24 of 2013} | previous post by me showing the BEFORE
{Fighting the Water + Scanning Slides} | previous post by me showing the result of gutters running over...


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Finally it is becoming clear what we were planning to do with our home... Hugs,

  2. WOW! Absolutely incredible ...........

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Wait till you see the home painted too!
      Glad you like our 'smaller' Carbon Footprint! And we enjoy the 'smaller utility bill' and that is for the rest of our lives; just like this FOREVER ROOF!

  3. Gorgeous!!! From the house to the gazebo it all looks so wonderful- peaceful and relaxing. Your home is looking amazing with all the hard work you and Pieter have put into it. Having a large property ourselves - I can appreciate all the hours of hard labour that go into maintaining it all looking so wonderful. Way to go my friend... your home looks beautiful. That roof is amazing!!

    Hugs and Blessings, C (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Indeed, that roof is AMAZING! Not only looking gorgeous and never getting dirty again from the molds that adhere to the asphalt shingles, nor clogging up the gutters with the fine sand particles that get washed down. LIFETIME WARRANTY takes a lot of worries off our back. We both are very pleased with the Aged Copper Slate that we selected. AND, our utility bill did shrink!!!

  4. looks amazing, both the color, the texture and the product in general. The new color is going to look wonderful with the roof. Bravi

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      It was not easy to select all this but I guess we did it right. Looks a bit Mediterranean or Caribbean and still has all the great features for lowering our Carbon Footpring + monthly utility bill! We both are very pleased with it and even more so that we had it on before the torrential rains started!

  5. The roof of your beautiful house looks amazing, my friend! You will never have to worry about it getting dirty and having to climb up there for cleaning it, lol! Yes, as you say, it's FOR A LIFETIME! Congrats, I'm so happy for you both...wonderful! Have a great week.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      This works for great looks and also for covering us for a LIFETIME. Just imagine how far we have come over the ages for having now such a superior product available!
      Thanks for your visit and worthwhile comment.

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    this roofing looks so wonderful!
    Great job done! Now this will keep for many years :O)
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      The roofing not only looks wonderful but it is the BEST available and it will last more than many years. This is a FOREVER roofing with LIFE TIME WARRANTY.

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh! Just wonderful day with you and Piter's his not working any more in future.
    I wonder so happy with your lovely home NOW not thinking about your home anymore?
    You have a good time holiday with Piter's.
    Best to you and lots of love!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thanks for your visit and happiness for both of us. Yes, the major upkeep has been mastered by now. Sure there always will be work to do in such a large property.
      Hugs to you,

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    Eindrucksvoll und ausdrucksvoll.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Eindrucksvoll mit dem Nachdruck auf ein Aluminium Dach das LEBENSLANG hält und auch LEBENSLANG garantiert wird. Dass ist Eindrucksvoll!
      Lieber Gruss,

  9. Dat is een flinke metamorfose van jullie huis. Mooie shingles hebben jullie laten plaatsen. Hier hebben we zonnepanelen geplaatst en dat staat zeker niet fraai, maar je ziet ze overal verrijzen. In het Zwarte Woud in Duitsland zagen wij ze op de mooie oude boerderijen, zo jammer van het aanzicht. Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Nee hoor dit zijn géén shingles; die zitten ònder het Finse 'Underlayment'... Dit zijn aluminium Slates (soort leisteen uiterlijk) in Aged Copper kleur. Ja, zonnepanelen zijn niet iets wat je voor het fraaie doet. Wij denken dat we aan grote bomen voor de schaduw en met deze dakbedekking met 55% reflectie van de zonne instraling méér verdienen dan met zonnepanelen. Het wordt in Nederland en in Duitsland ook erg door de overheid gesubsidieerd en daardoor is er veel vraag naar.
      Dit dak is in elk geval LEVENSLANG gegarandeerd en we besparen maandelijks op onze koeling en/of verwarming.
      Lieve groet,

  10. Wat mooi zeg !!!...wat wonen jullie toch mooi !!!...liefs van mij...x !

    1. Beste Ria,
      Mooi is een pracht bonus die meegenomen is maar we deden het om de Energie Besparing en het feit dat dit LEVENSLANG gegarandeerd wordt. Mooie aluminium slates (als leisteen platen) in een aged copper kleur.

  11. Hello my dear friend Mariette:
    What a nice job they did at your home. The roof looks so beautiful plus it has the benefit that you won't worry about it anymore and also is energy efficient.
    And the gazebo looks so nice too. Congrats on your new and beautiful roofing. I'm so happy for you my dear friend.
    Send you a big hug,

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Indeed, you did sum up the roofs true values of living for the rest of our life worry free and saving energy!
      We love its looks very much and soon you will see the completed home with new paint.

  12. Dear Mariette,
    It`s look perfect! I never heard for that material until your post...Looks great and it is really forever...You have done a big job:)

    1. Dearest Sonaj,
      Oh, there are different types of aluminum roofs but this looks so pretty with its slates, imitated from real natural slate but this in aluminum. The fact that it is forever and also for saving on energy is what persuaded both of us. We are really pleased with it.

  13. hello
    tout est splendide
    chez nous , nous refaisons les peintures extérieur ( bleu nuage )
    j'ai remarqué le grillage dans les gouttières (super )
    vous êtes prêt pour affronter l'hiver :::::
    bonne journée
    edith (iris)

    1. Chère Edith,
      Merci pour vous commentaire. Oui, un splendide toit avec grandes qualités environnementales! Votre remarque sur nos écrans de gouttière, nous les avions sur tout le temps, mais voici que de nouveaux remplacements. Vous demandez si nous sommes prêts pour l'hiver. En ce qui concerne les qualités d'isolation et surtout les qualités de réflexion de ce toit d'aluminium de temps de vie, qui nous aide encore plus en été. Nous utilisons d'électricité pour le refroidissement en été et chauffage en hiver. Mais notre hiver est environ 3 mois et non une sévère. Suppose que le refroidissement en été est plus coûteux en comparaison. Ces écrans de gouttière garder des feuilles et avec toutes les pluies torrentielles, nous avons eu tout l'été, ils ont fait un travail fabuleux. Les feuilles sont être frappées d'orages et de fortes pluies, toute l'année.
      Nous vous souhaitons une été heureuse avec beaucoup de joie de votre jardin!
      Bonne soirée.

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist so toll, wenn man die Schönheit eines Hauses untersteichen kann durch ein Dach, das dann auch noch die wunderbare Funktion des Sparens und Langlebigkeit erfüllt - super gemacht -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Du hast es gut gelesen! Ja, die Schönheit ist ja ein extra Bonus obendrauf die beide, sehr wichtige Sachen. Wir sind so froh mit allem.
      Lieber Gruss,

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    ihr habt eine wirklich gute Wahl getroffen.
    Alles sieht sehr harmonisch und gekonnt aus.
    Dieses Dach wird euch tragen! Ich bin wirklich
    restlos begeistert.
    Liebe Grüße schickt Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Auch wir beiden sind dieser Meinung. Die drei Hauptgründe von ein Dach das immer schön bleibt, hochwertige Isolierung und gute Sonnenstrahlungs Reflexion und dabei schön aussehende 'Schiefer' in Aluminium in gewettertes Kupfer.
      Lieber Gruss,

  16. I love the look of your new roof! And love the close up photo with the detail! Your husband did great work hair cutting the trees. Your house looks beautiful, Mariette. And will be even more attractive after painting :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, we both love it also very much and never had any regrets. Natural slate made out of aluminum in aged copper is a great look. Far better than any shingles we have seen or had. Never having to worry about mildew spots or leaks or whatever! Super. You will soon see the painting completed.

  17. Mense lieve...hebben jullie heel je huis gerenoveerd dit jaar? Wat een werk...maar ontzettend mooi, jullie hebben echt een droomhuis, het doet me aan een Pipi Langkous huis denken, ook al is dat hoger(meer verdiepingen) de stijl van huis is zo mooi..
    Het staat ook zo mooi tussen die bomen..een droomplek dat hebben jullie...

    1. Lieve Marian,
      Ja, we hebben inderdaad sinds november véél hooi op onze vork genomen. Maar nu gaan we er ook intens van genieten en zeker van de energie besparingen! Het huis komt mooier uit nu de bomen zo mooi zijn opgesnoeid. Pieter heeft ontzettend veel werk zelf verzet; en dat voor een bejaarde... Ja, ja de jeugd redt het vaak niet op die manier.

  18. Heel mooi geworden Mariette, een heel apart huis voor ons Eiropeanen, heel anders. Deze dakpannen ken ik niet. Wel leisteen. De franse dakpannen hebben ook een geschiedenis. Zo leuk jouw prieel, echt gezellig voor een workshop of een schildersatelier.
    Groeten Janny

    1. Lieve Janny,
      Ja, dit is leisteen nagemaakt in aluminium en dan in een verweerde koperkleur. Mooi uitziende en perfekt voor het millieu en ook om energie te besparen. We merken het sinds mei elke maand met de stroomrekening voor koeling en straks (minder) voor verwarming. Het geeft een enorm fijn gevoel om hier levenslang geen zorgen meer over te hebben!
      Ja, we hopen dat we nog wat in het prieel kunnen vertoeven straks als het hier wat opgedroogd is. Wie weet krijgen we een mooie nazomer. Het is nu om 16:00u nog 44°C gevoelstemperatuur en erg hoge luchtvochtigheid.

  19. Lieve Mariette,

    Jullie mogen eer hebben van het vele werk en het ziet er goed uit!!!

    Ja, de vele bomen in jullie gigantische tuin zijn natuurlijk geweldig mooi,zorgen voor de nodige sfeer en waar nodig ook voor schaduw,maar nu Pieter wat snoeiwerk verricht heeft komt jullie prachtige landhuis nog mooier uit,zou jammer zijn wanneer het schuil zou gaan achter groen van bomen.

    Lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, Pieter is begonnen met het zware snoeiwerk, voordat dit energie besparende aluminium leisteen patroon dak in verweerd koper erop kwam. We zijn zó blij met onze keuze en het bespaarde ook meteen. Daar hebben we dus ons hele verdere leven plezier van.
      Nu wachten op de volgende aflevering met het schilderwerk compleet...

  20. It looks beautiful, Mariette and it really does look like slate! I love the color and that it is so energy efficient. I am looking forward to seeing the house painted with the new roof. Dear Pieter has worked very hard and it shows! Very beautiful. Hugs, xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      They sure were able to make it look like natural slate; only better. We enjoy the qualities and the fact that this was our last roof EVER. The lower monthly utility bill is something we both embraced as well.
      Thanks for your kind comment.

  21. Damn you have a awesome looking house, good thing no one feel off the roof while doing the work

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Our roof is thank goodness not that steep. Yes, it is one of the more dangerous jobs.

  22. I hope to one day put this type of roof on our house. Down here, it just makes sense. However, the project will have to wait until we need a new roof - the previous owners of our house had had a new roof installed a year before we purchased the house. I think the traditional Cajun-style would look good on our cedar cabin.

    I can't wait to see your house once it's painted that golden yellow. <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Sure, if you just got a new roof use it 'up' and you can keep this in mind for later. Ours was guaranteed for 30 years but we were 7 years short of it and it had gotten so ugly. Aside from the fine sand particles that got rained off the asphalt, clogging up our gutters and causing lots of problems for water entering the foundation. Glad we took care of it in and environmental friendly way!
      This weekend you will see the final reveal...

  23. Hai una casa meravigliosa e il gazebo è davvero incredibile!!!
    Fantasy Jewellery

    1. Cara Serena,
      Grazie per i complimenti, ma questo post è stato più circa il tetto di alluminio efficiente di energia. Si arriva a vedere la casa finita presto...

  24. Nice roof... I like the colour! Wishing you a lovely week Mariette! Mei

    1. Dearest Mei,
      Thanks for visiting! Glad you like the color too, we both are very happy with the total picture.
      Have a lovely Sunday and take care.

  25. Dearest Mariette,

    It is interesting to know this product for roof's protection.I have never heard this kind of aluminum product. Next year we will making roof as well, for now still mess ;)
    have a greatvweekend Mariette
    hugs to you

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Oh, we never had seen this either. Just the kind of metal roof they also use in Indonesia, which we didn't like much. When I went on the Internet I found this in British Columbia, Canada and we were in love with it. So here it is, all done! It is a good feeling that it is a GREEN roof for the environment and for our own wallet for lowering the utility bill.
      Hugs to all of you and enjoy your Sunday!

  26. Dear Mariette,

    Your new roof looks amazing and you must be so happy to have this completed. Your home is looking beautiful, with all the hard work you have been doing to it. The gutter guard is such a great idea - we need to get some of this for our spouting - I have noticed tuis bathing in our gutters and splashing water all around. As the water goes into our water tanks for the house supply, we are going to need to put a stop to them doing this.


    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thanks for your kind words here. Yes, we are very happy for having our home exterior completed! The gutter guard we had on before but they needed to replace it as there was sand from the old asphalt shingles inside and they got clogged up. Now we never will have that problem as the aluminum is smooth and never will stain with mildew or whatsoever. Feels great for a life time no worries and saving on utility bills with this environmentally GREEN roofing.
      Oh my, those Tui birds are quite large and yes, you have to take care of that as it is your water supply! There is always something to look after when one has a home.
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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