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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Espresso with French Macarons

Still winter, even if we don't have the extreme cold here in the South...
What picks us up better than a cup of Espresso?
Got these Espresso cups years ago from dear Friend Engracia...
So here they are being used for some Espresso and French Macarons!
It is already a bonus when there is light and even better, some sunshine!
Found just enough fragrant daffodils in our garden for filling a tiny silver vase...
On a lacquered tray, a gift received while I was in Japan.
My tiny Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet demitasse spoons are the right size for these espresso cups - IF sugar is needed.
Found these yummy French Macarons at Costco and they were excellent!
Have not yet made my own...
Also gathered some of our special pink Camellias while I was in the garden.
A close up of their special vase with just 3 pipes that hold each flower.
It is the Camellia Japonica Debutante
My perfect lacquered tray from Japan.
with the reflection of the kitchen lamp in it and my hands...
These Espresso cups are YAMASEN JAPAN, gift from a dear friend Engracia.

Wishing you stay cozy during these winter days!
For the southern hemisphere, enjoy your summer.

Thanks for your visit and comment.


  1. Dearest Mariete,
    hmmm, delicious macarons and an espresso, with the daffodils it is such a lovely photo!
    We got snow again in the night, so the daffodils must wait a bit longer ...
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Yes, a hot cup of espresso with macarons is always good.
      No doubt you must wait a couple of months before having daffodils from the garden.
      Germany is by no means at the latitude of Tunesia, since that is comparable to where we are here!
      Sending you hugs,

  2. Hello Mariette, There is an extra nice feeling when we use the things we have collected, whether as antiques, heirlooms, travel souvenirs, or gifts. It is also nice to see your spring-like flowers when we are getting so many reports of the cold snap in the Northern United States.

    1. Dearest Jim.
      Yes, that is certainly an extra nice feeling when using memorable gifts from all over the world.
      We feel so very blessed for living in the South where we most of the time escape any snow or cold weather, as experienced in the Northern United States.
      Today we biked again and changed into our lightweight jackets...

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank für deinen wunderschönen Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und froh das es dir Freude bringt.
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Lovely flowers and a beautiful coffee tray Mariette. I love macarons, never made them at home either.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, I'm very fond of this coffee tray, it is such high quality lacquer.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    An Espresso cup and some french Macarons also pink camellias in your garden, Beautiful Moko of Kitchen in my hands!

    1. Dearest Michiko san,
      Thank you for your visit, even though you passed by before I got reminded by my friend Engracia that these gifted cups came from Japan. My very last photo shows it now.
      Love my Moko tray so very much!

  6. Macarons finde ich auch lecker und sehr attraktiv. Außerdem sind sie klein, man braucht nicht viel davon und die vielen darin enthaltenden Mandeln sind ja relativ gesund.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, da hast du völlig Recht und Eiweiß ist auch nicht schlecht. Mandeln sind Eisenhaltig und sehr gesund deswegen. Ich esse sie jeden Nachmittag zum Tee mit andere gemischte Nüße ohne Salz.
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  7. Love your whimsical blog header! And now you’be gone and done it, a sugar craving! Happy weekend dear friend.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you for your mention of the cupid quote header!
      Yeah, a minimal sugar craving that I can do once in a while without risking anything.
      Sending you hugs and hope you manage to stay cozy and warm!

  8. Delicious ;-) Oh, there is growing daffodils now. They do not grow here for many months. Have a nice weekend Mariette!

    1. Dearest Anne,
      It sure was a delicious treat and in sunshine with fresh fragrant daffodils from our garden.
      Oh, I know that Finland is far away from any spring flowers... As I stated here above, comparing the latitude of Tunisia with where we are situated. A lot closer to the Equator than you are.
      Sending you hugs and manage to stay cozy and warm!

  9. What a very different scene you have to some of the northern states where I read that breathing in heavily for more than 10 minutes outside could be a danger to ones health from the cold.
    I agree that French Macarons are rather yummy and Spring is definitely now on her way - it is always lovely to see the arrival of the first daffodils in the garden.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Yes, that is quite a different scene compared with the north of our country!
      These were all the daffodils that I could harvest, most don't bloom anymore and we had thousands of bulbs...
      French Macarons are just enough for having a light bite of sweetness!

  10. Spring has visited your house! Two traditional flower designs on the tray are beautiful.

    1. Dearest RTC.,
      Thank you for your comment, and info, about the two traditional flower designs on the beautiful lacquered tray.
      It is a most cherished gift from 2007 when I visited beautiful Japan as chaperon.
      Sending you hugs,

  11. Wat fijn dat je die bloemen al kunt plukken. Ik zag hier de eerste krokusjes uit de grond komen.
    Heerlijke macarons bij je kopje espresso.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, heerlijk om even door onze bostuin te wandelen en net genoeg daffodils te vinden voor een klein vaasje.
      Het is triest dat onze duizenden bollen het opgeven, kennelijk de invloed van boomwortels?
      Onze Krokusjes hebben we ook verloren... mogelijk opgevreten?
      Fijn voor jullie om alvast iets beweging te zien van de naderende lente.
      Wij fietsten vanmiddag bij 24˚C en dat was heel bijzonder. Geen handschoenen meer aan en dun jack en ook geen band om het hoofd om de oren te beschermen onder de helm.

  12. Coffee in cute cups, cookies and daffodils are nice at a joint meeting. Greetings.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Yes, it would be nice for being able to share a cup together... Would love to!
      So far I've been able to enjoy these special moments with my Pieter.

  13. Your table is so beautiful. Daffodils and Camellias give such vibrant atmosphere, and dark tray is perfect to bring up the colors! Espresso and macaroons look delicious :-) Enjoy and have a great weekend, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you and yes, the first daffodils are each year a happy sight.
      We did have paper whites before but the weather was too dark for photos...
      Macarons are yummy, recalling the ones that you gifted us when we met!

  14. No sugar required, but those spoons are perfect for the cups. Really nice photos, especially with the pretty flowers. Have a good Sunday!

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      You are right as I too drink espresso as it is. But only for the picture I placed my spoons there.

  15. I have never made macaroons either. I have seen those that Costco sells and wondered if they were good. I know you are having a spell of warm weather, as we are too....but winter is going to rear It’s frosty head again.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, those Macarons from Costco are absolutely delicious and very authentic tasting.
      We have very balmy weather but on Saturday there is a drop in temperature again.
      We've been biking today without gloves and with our light jacket on.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Macarons, you had espresso cups of friend Engracia from French macarons! When thrce a beautiful sunshine! fragrant daffodils your garden in a tiny silver vase.I had a gift received in japan my tiny gero zilmeta 528 menuet demitasse spoons are the right size of espresso cups they were excellent have nut yet made my own some of our pink camellias I was in the garden, Their special vase 3 pipes of each flower my tray from Japan reflection of the Kitchen in my hands wishing there winter day every your Summer!
    Enjoy world cancer Day,

    1. Dearest Michiko san,
      You came back again... wish we could sit opposite each other and enjoy a cup with macarons and conversation!
      Sending you hugs,

  17. Replies
    1. Dearest Francisco Manuel,
      Well, I usually only drink coffee at breakfast time and then switch to tea for the rest of the day.

  18. Que delicia esse café, adorei a bandeja. Um dia quero experimentar esses Macarons, por aqui não tem ainda.
    Bjos tenha uma ótima semana.

    1. Dearest Anajá,
      Quite surprised to read that you have not yet tried these macarons!
      You better do... risk is that you get hooked.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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