On September 9, it was exactly 44 years ago that in The Netherlands the 1st and ONLY practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in the world, had its official Grand Opening by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, a branch of the Dutch Government. My husband Pieter founded it and he was the Principal and one of the active Teachers for decades until he became Vice President Training & Development for Campbell Soup Company in charge of their Mushroom Division in the USA, Canada and Australia.
Here he is: my Teacher; Mentor; Boss and would-be Husband over a period of 44+ Years
Sitting in his Dutch office for an interview, shortly before departing to the USA.
His office door was always WIDE open and anyone was welcome with questions or whatsoever.
That was his unique policy.
I only knew him as Mr. Vedder... my best ever Teacher, Mentor and BOSS.
Only years later, I learned his first name, which we never used back then; always addressing him as Mr. Vedder and not Pieter.
Here at the Grand Opening with Government Officials.
Front row at table, to the left is my husband Pieter; smoking his cigarette of course!
Center is the Chairman of the Foundation and his wife.
Far right you see 5 year old daughter Lizzy, with her adoptive Mom beside her.
Little did we know at that time, that together with Pieter, as my then husband, we would work together, paying for her education at the Royal Academy of Arts and Design in Den Bosch, The Netherlands.
Pictured here at the Grand Opening's Reception, are from left to right:
Thé Vedder, Pieter's eldest brother who passed away on August 18, 2012.
Pieter himself and seated next to him is their Mother, who passed away in 1989.
The lady behind the table is Pieter's secretary Dora who also passed away.
That secretary worked only part time, as she just lost her husband due to cancer, after their 6th child was born. Pieter never wanted to replace her with a full time secretary as she needed this job. So when I finished my Secretarial education, I let my Boss know about it and he had me fill in the afternoons. Together we managed very well.
Unfortunately, Pieter's Dad died of cancer; 2 years prior to this Grand Opening... For sure he looked down from heaven being very proud of his youngest!
It is a pity that I never got to know Pieter's Dad...
Here Pieter is to the left, smoking his usual cigarette, as did his friend Alex De Zalay from France, who translated Pieter's Mushroom book into the French language publication: Culture Moderne des Champignons by P.J.C. Vedder
This is just ONE of EIGHT official languages in which his book is published!
It is called 'THE MUSHROOM BIBLE'...
This was the practical Training College in Horst, The Netherlands in 1974. Complete with commercial growing rooms for production of fresh first quality mushrooms.
The formal training was for 2 years and other courses were given for one year and also short courses in both German and English besides courses in Dutch.
Upon graduation, Pieter would always take his students abroad, to visit one of the large mushroom plants in the U.K., Denmark, Switzerland or Italy.
This is me, weighing the fresh production of the day...
I've done a lot of lifting and had very strong upper arms back then.
This is me in a self made dress in rayon.
It was an employee outing to the Open Air Museum in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Yes, in the 70s I did wear mini!
This is me on a Sunday, planning the work week ahead for all of my harvesters.
Calling in my part timers and granting days off etc.
Being in charge of harvesting, and first quality, I had to come on Sundays and on each weekday half an hour prior to the rest.
In the afternoons I would conduct secretarial duties after my 'weight lifting' task of weighing the product for sending it off to the auction.
My BOSS always had a certain sympathy for me but only after 14 years, did it blossom into REAL LOVE...
We finally did get married and started our life together in the USA.
This was used on a brochure for Open Days in September to let the people see how mushrooms grow and how they get harvested.
Later I did write my book about Mushroom Harvesting...
Me with my 'Smily' sweater...
Talking about Mushroom Quality Criteria
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