Not an easy task for keeping the fountain on the rock island in our pond running smoothly, as seen in the Middle Georgia Magazine Video that starts with our fountain.
Also for cleaning up the pond...
Pieter used our inflatable rubber boat to get the job done, using a special foot pump.
Another dirty job...!
Trying to dredge all the unwanted things out of the pond's edge and putting them on the lawn for gathering up later in the wheelbarrow.
This is also the way how Pieter had to peddle up to the island that he'd build where the fountain was placed.
Hoisting treated wooden poles into the bottom for building the platform.
On top of the platform natural rocks got placed, that we found on our property. In the center the fountain got placed.
The filter of that fountain often got clogged up... so he had to go there and take it out for cleaning.
Our pond is BIG, in this photo you can still see on the left the rock island.
SEVERAL times, his boating adventure went wrong...
Pieter also used to tie a rope on the oak tree for holding onto.
And another rope onto the willow tree that we had in the back of the pond.
By working on the fountain's filter and fastening it again in the center of the rocks, Pieter pushed the boat away and ended up in the pond.
This happened after lunch, as I still was cleaning up dishes before joining Pieter in the garden for weeding...
When I came downstairs, his jeans were hanging over the retainer wall alongside our driveway... all wet.
What happened?!
Oh, I fell into the pond... was Pieter's reply.
And you did that without me being there, seeing it and laughing my head off?!
Pieter quickly did hose down himself and his jeans, on the driveway and changed into dry clothes for the next attempt.
Oh, by doing this, he also lost several of his tools, they're at the bottom of the pond...
When the snapping turtle started knocking off the big rocks by climbing onto the fountain's platform, Pieter gave up going there for straightening the fountain and for cleaning it up.
He finally removed the entire platform.
Also because mice had chewed holes into the no-longer-inflatable boat!
Oh, keeping up with a nice and romantic pond can be so much fun.
Do you have a pond?
Related link:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | video showing our pond's fountain at beginning...