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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, January 11, 2015

{Pieter’s Tanner Krolle Attaché - Royal Gift purchased at Harrods by English Friend}

From his long-time English Friend, Peter Stanley-Evans, husband Pieter did receive a Royal Gift, purchased at Harrods in London... On a given day when once again Pieter was visiting England, Peter Stanley- Evans and his wife arrived in their Land Rover, at the hotel my husband was staying at. They did tote a package, obvious from Harrods in London and it contained this Royal gift for him. An English bridle leather Tanner Krolle Attaché in Hazel came out... With his initials: P.J.C.V. added under the handle in gold gilding!
This is Pieter at his desk while being V.P. Training & Development for Campbell's Soup here in Dublin, Georgia. To the top left is his Hazel Tanner Krolle Attaché.
Pieter received this Royal gift for years of friendship, including with their son, and good business advice, for which he never requested any money...
ROYAL GIFT indeed:
Prince William and Prince Harry went to school with trunks made by Tanner Krolle...
Tanner Krolle is unquestionably one of the most little known, and most undervalued luxury brands on the market today...
Tanner Krolle continues to manufacture leather goods and accept commissions from style icons and royal househoulds worldwide. Notable customers include Jackie Onassis, Diana, Princess of Wales, Princes William and Harry, as well as Saudi Arabia's late King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.
The Upperdeck Luxury Experience Tanner Krolle - Flawless 

Mr. Peter Stanley-Evans thought that my Pieter was worth such a Royal Gift!
Believe me, husband Pieter was very appreciative.
Sadly there is no photo of it up close, here again it is visible, standing open to the left on Pieter's desk.
Zoomed in...
Ben Silver in the U.S.A. is still selling this Tanner Krolle...  Attaché Case in Hazel 
Husband Pieter always loved its Hazel color bridle leather...
Mr. Peter Stanley Evans had it personalized for Pieter with his initials P.J.C.V. embossed in gold gilding...
Tanner Krolle still provides Gilding in Gold or Silver for Briefcases / 1912 Classic lid over body slim line attaché
As mentioned already earlier, we do NOT have any closeup photos of this Royal Tanner Krolle Attaché... In this 1985 photo you see it in our previous home, on a little corner counter in the kitchen to the right.
My dear Thai born friend and me and yes, this was around New Year with a wall full of Christmas & New Year cards!
BUT... tragedy struck!
This is on March 3, 1992 when we just arrived from our job in India; back to our villa in Indonesia...
From all the vandalized things (curtains cut up); all personal belongings robbed, goose down duvet with pillows and all bed linens... most shocking was to find Pieter's Royal Gift in this condition!
I'm looking at the remainder of crochet thread, books, slides and educational material they did NOT take.
Brutally cut open, the gold embossed initials under the handle were even scraped off with a knife.
After this incidence (it already was the 3rd robbery!), we soon did come home to the U.S.A. instead of working a few more episodes of 2 months, while living in Indonesia.


  1. it was a wonderful and thoughtful gift. so sorry for the vandals and theft.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Often in life, good deeds from sincere people get totally destroyed by the evil ones... Sad but what can we do? Wish I had a good photo of it but not even that.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    I really feel so sorry for you and your husband. How could anyone just vandalize and ruin things without realizing that they mean so much for the owners. That colour is marvelous. The memories must be monumental for you guys. Good thing that you are such a care taking, pains taking lady and you save pictures of special items.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      This was the saddest thing to see... like feeling a dagger in your heart. But we will probably never understand those evil spirited people on this planet!
      Once our entire life will be only memories; on this earth nothing stays the same. But we must harvest the positive memories first for making the final journey...

  3. How brutal of someone to do that :( That must have been such an incredible gift dearest Mariette.

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Indeed, there are no words to describe the feeling... This is all we have from it; some poor quality photos but the friend who gave this royal gift resides already for a long time in heaven; he will fully understand!

  4. Hello Mariette, It is shocking that your home suffered such depredations, especially when you were there offering such friendship and expertise. Pieter's beautiful attaché case was sadly destroyed, but the good wishes that prompted the gift, and the friendly relationship that it represented, can never be stolen or vandalized.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Indeed, upon arrival this was shocking to view such depredations. But like you said so well, the reason of the beautiful attaché, which did underwrite a very special friendship, no living being can ever take away from us!
      Kindest regards,

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind sehr schöne Fotos. Es schenkt Freude.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Das königliche Geschenk hat Freude geschenkt aber nicht die Ansicht auf den letzten 4 Bildern! Um Gottes Willen nicht...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  6. Dearest Mariette; OMG, so sorry for both of you, my friend. Sure must have been a shocking incident!!! No one can know how much things mean for a person and tremendous memories they have for the items. How brutal for such an incredible gift☆☆☆ Wishing both of you will have a wonderful weekend.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Arriving home, at least our villa for a two-month work period, and viewing this is very shocking! It always is the sentimental value that is attached to such items, aside from their high value. It is very brutal for vandalizing the entire interior.
      Happy weekend to you as well dear friend.

  7. Hoi Mariette,
    Wat verschrikkelijk dat ze zo alles overhoop gehaald hebben en ook je dierbare spullen hebben beschadigd. Het is nooit leuk als er mensen in je huis geweest zijn, maar de ravage is verschrikkelijk.

    Groeten, Marco

    1. Beste Marco,
      Ja, zo'n aanblik bij thuiskomst wens ik niemand toe. Het doet pijn om je persoonlijke en erg dierbare spullen op zo'n doelloze manier beschadigd te zien. De ravage van de rest van het huis was zelfs erger nog...
      Warme groet,

  8. Dat is een nare verassing als je thuis komt, ze dachten vast dat er juwelen of geld in die gesloten koffer zat. Jammer dat hij zo vernield is, zo'n mooi aandenken aan een dierbaar cadeau.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Dat attaché koffertje was gewoon open en leeg... dus geen enkele reden om het zó te vernielen en om die gouden letters er met een mes af te krabben.

  9. My dear friend Mariette,
    OMG! It is unbelievable, I can not imagine how stressful was this situation for both of you, just getting home hoping everything is all right and out of suddenly, find out that your most valuable treasures are just gone or destroyed. I'm really sorry you had to go through this 3 times.

    The good thing is that you have precious memories about it and keep pictures of it, it was a beautiful briefcase and the color was very nice also.

    I wish you a wonderful weekend full of blessings,



    1. Dearest Laura,
      It is a very negative experience indeed and such a useless vandalism. It is always very hard when you have to fly for taking everything with you... impossible. But this attaché has been used daily by Pieter with fondness and love. To see it being attacked like that does hurt!
      Even with our sparse photos, we cherish the ones we got and the memories will stay with us for life; nobody can touch that!
      Happy weekend with blessings to you as well.

  10. Dear Mariette,what a wonderful and beautiful gift!
    And what a shame the robbers to vandalize and ruin things.
    So sad!Thank you for sharing!Have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      This once more shows us how precious life is and also how unexpectedly everything can change for the worse. There are no words for such vandalism.
      Enjoy your weekend and sending you hugs,

  11. What a thoughtful gift of your friends to Pieter. So sorry to see what happened to it later. Although ruined, gifts like that are never forgotten. You made a beautiful post of it.

    Have a lovely weekend and new week!

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Indeed the depth of the friendship and appreciation by the person who gifted Pieter with such a royal attaché, that will never ever be forgotten! Once we can meet again and up till than, he knows how much it always has meant to us.
      Happy Sunday with lots of love,

  12. Lieve Mariette ...
    Het is heel vervelend als anderen mensen
    aan je eigendommen komen ...en meestal verdienen
    ze er niks mee ...ze maken alleen maar schade en verdriet ..
    een fijn weekend

    ( het weer is dit weekend iets beter hier )

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, het klopt en zulke beschadigingen doen erg pijn maar we leven nu eenmaal tusssen een aantal criminelen die op deze aarde verblijven.
      Een fijne zondag en hier is het komende nacht alleen maar -1°C dus ook wat milder weer.

  13. Did they ever catch these awful destructive people?

    1. Dearest Kay,
      That even didn't matter anymore after all the vandalism; nothing could ever restore what they did. Yes, I think they caught about 6 male that were all involved.

  14. Why are some people so destructive I don't understand it, I can't imagine being robbed not once but three times that is horrible

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Some people in our society just can't behave as a civilized person... Sad fact but what can we do? Yes, three times did do it for us and we packed up.

  15. An act of senseless violence - such a beautiful briefcase.
    I'm so glad neither of you were in the house at the time.
    Our lovely old home backed on to a park - idyllic you may think - yes and no as we had 8 robberies and one home invasion from which I've never completely recovered.

    Take care Mariette
    Shane x

    1. The attaché is beautiful. Royal and personalized, such a thoughtful gift to honor the friendship. But I'm so sorry it got destroyed like that. What a horrible thing happened to you. Good thing is that you and Pieter weren't there and get harmed. And I'm sure friendship and appreciation are forever in your heart.

    2. Dearest Shane,
      You are so right about this being an act of senseless violence and especially in regard to that precious briefcase.
      Sorry to read about your past experiences; what a fate!
      Such impacts stay with us for life, very sad.
      Hugs to you,

    3. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your meaningful words and yes, that special cultivated friendship stays forever in our hearts!
      Sending you hugs and hope Georgia soon will see some pleasant weather again.

  16. Ein Alptraum, liebe Mariette! So etwas möchte ich niemals erleben. Es ist immer gut, wenn man nach außen arm und bescheiden erscheint, wie wohl Picassso das vertrat, dann wird nichts vermutet und man hofft, unbehelligt zu bleiben.
    Gerade wenn Gegenstände von hohem Andenkenwert wegkommen, empfine ich das als besonders schlimm. Alles andere ist ersetzbar.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Es ist sehr schwierig um zu verstehen was die Motive zu solch kriminelle Altionen sind. Vieles ist ersetzbar aber die Gegenstände mit sentimentalen Wert kann man nie wieder ersetzen. Nur im Herzen bleiben sie.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  17. Oh jee...vreselijk moet dat geweest zijn, zo'n duur koffertje en dan zo aan gort gesneden...
    Ik vind het trouwens ook wel raar dat ze de gordijnen zo 'vernietigd' hebben, wat had dat voor nut...
    vandalisme is de meest nutteloze vorm van criminaliteit...

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja zeg dat wel, dat is onbeschrijflijk zo'n gevoel... Maar we leven nu eenmaal met een aantal van dat soort criminelen op deze aarde.
      De rest van het huis, met name onze slaapkamer zag er nog veel erger uit. Ja, alles gewoonweg vernield, naast de spullen die gestolen zijn.

  18. Oh no, what a shame about the briefcase. Awful to be robbed several times, but good that it was only material things that were taken and damaged. A good decision to return to the States. Take care, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Often the sentimental things we treasure most are being taken or in this case, vandalized. Life is full of surprises but the special memories remain forever inside our hearts!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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