Just a simple piece of hat elastic helped me keeping my shoes from sliding off my heel!
Sure this hat elastic you can find in different colors too!
But I was glad for finding my 'old' Hat Elastic from The Netherlands...
Without measuring, I cut off two pieces and did tie a knot on both ends.
This Hat Elastic is strong enough for holding that nasty sliding heel band in its place!
Wore this with my long Escada silk satin roses dress and it works well with long jeans.
Haha, my biker-feet with the imprints by the sun from where my Ecco sandals fit... 😉
And... my ugly toe is not yet 'normal'. You can read about how that came to be here:
NO WAY!!! ←click link
Shoes are also Escada and they come with a matching small, and a larger tote, as well as with a belt.
I'd rather have some hat elastic 'visible' then tripping or having difficulty walking...
Do you have any shoes that don't stay put?
Often they look better than they wear!
Wearing my small tote with my shoes and Escada silk satin rose dress + stole.
Majorica pearl necklace and bracelet with Christian Dior pearl earrings in a matching size; found at Singapore airport...
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