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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{Winter Sale | At the time we were Millionaires}

When we were living and working in Indonesia we instantly became Millionaires too. At the time we resided there, it was 2,000 Indonesian Rupiah to every US Dollar. Adding three digits to our salary made us feel rich indeed! By the end of 1998 it went even as high as Rupiah 8,500 to every US Dollar. So when we did arrive from the USA in Jakarta, Indonesia on one of our consulting trips, we did go SHOPPING. Winter Sale was a bargain for us. 
We just had arrived the previous day in Jakarta, Indonesia. Here we are at the Hyatt Aryaduta hotel for a coffee/tea after we went to the Leprosy Project in Tangerang with our driver. That is about an hour to the west from the capitol of Jakarta, Indonesia. We always hand delivered cash that got raised by the Dublin Rotary Club and by some private donors. That time we safely handed over US $ 9,600.00 to Father Binzler, a German Jesuit that was the head of the compound. Sadly he got killed by a car in Jakarta a couple of years later...
We went to Plaza Indonesia for our shopping.
Just back from the Sogo Department store in Jakarta. Sogo used to be a Japanese department store in Indonesia and targeting the upper-class market. Its name has now changed and we have not been there since 2001. From niece Maartje in The Netherlands, we had a very sweet drawing and a note on bear stationery, the morning before we departed from the USA. So we did stop at the Versus Versace boutique and found her a beautiful Young Versace jeans in black, that was marked down from Rupiah 940,000.00 to Rupiah 470,000.00. Maartje got lucky! We also found her a nice hibiscus dress at Sogo and matching hair bows for all outfits.
Wearing my Majorica 14mm pearls.
Brother Martin made a picture of her dress, without the matching top that we bought with it.
Rupiah 940,000.00 for half off is only 470,000.00
BUT that was no more than US 58.78...
Weird for having to deal with that many numbers!
Sogo Department Store at Plaza Indonesia in Jakarta Center
This was for the dress...
Not too bad for the dress, converted back into US $
Sogo Department hair bows and barrettes
Hair bows and barrettes converted into US $

We have always traveled with suitcases full of things to Indonesia, to give to the poor Leprosy patients and to the deaf children that visited our home frequently from the boarding school.
When traveling to the Netherlands we had always one suitcase full with GIFTS for nieces and nephews etc. 
Weight in the luggage and number of luggage pieces was not that restricted as it is now. 
 Coach Class did allow Two (2) pieces of 70 pounds / 32 kilograms each!
At that time we also frequently did send parcels but with the very high postage, that is no longer possible.
We both loved to be generous and make others happy.
Even though once we stopped arriving with full suitcases to give to family members, they stopped being interested. 
We seldom hear from them... 
Sorry, but living off just one pension with three people, we no longer can afford playing Santa Claus.

Related links:

Monday, January 7, 2013

{Giovanni Raspini Silver Safety Pin Necklace}

In the Italian VANITY FAIR, silver master Giovanni Raspini, Italy shows this Silver Safety Pin Necklace. Sorry, I'm not a VANITY FAIR model... but I just had to show you this!
Thirteen 925 silver Safety Pins make a fabulous necklace!
Got enough pins at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique Mariette's Back to Basics.
Link you find below post...
Spille da balia montate a collana (Safety pins made into necklace)
Giovanni Raspini 
Pubished in the Italian VANITY FAIR 
Shown on Giovanni Raspini's FB Page, see link below post
Sure I cannot compete with such a VANITY FAIR model... Photo taken with flashlight.
Natural light...
Funny idea for wearing your silver safety pins like this!
My Mom would pin up to four safety pins on my cotton diapers... but not silver ones!
I also wear one on my Burberry kilt.
Leave it to the Italians for inventing such unique jewelry pieces.
I only tried to show it to you, as I do have 13 solid 925 silver safety pins available!
Anyone interested? GOT them for you!
Sure you can be conservative and wear them pinned on your kilt or as a brooch on the lapel with any silver or gold charms.
Those are also 925 silver charms by Giovanni Raspini, Italy.
Would you have more ideas for wearing them?
Maybe for holding a knitted shawl together...
Love to hear your suggestions!
Sorry, sold out...

Related link:
Giovanni Raspini Facebook Page with VANITY FAIR Safety Pin Necklace

Sunday, January 6, 2013

{Epiphany and our visits to the Shrine of the Three Magi in Cologne, Germany}

January 6 is the Feast of Epiphany and I thought let me share with you our visits to the Cathedral of Cologne, Germany where the Shrine of the Three Kings is inside gilded and decorated triple sarcophagus. The remains of the Three 'Magi' (Persian) are in there: Merlchior middle aged from Persia, Caspar young European, Balthasar an elderly from Ethiopia. There is a lot of information out there about these biblical figures and millions of people have visited this Shrine in Cologne, Germany.
Here you see the triple gilded sarcophagus with the remains of the Three Magi.
This is the largest reliquary of the Western World.
Because of the value of he gold, pearls and intaglia + the relics it is well protected as you can see. 
This visit was in 2005, with our German 'son' as our guide (r) and our Dublin, Georgia friend (l) and me in the center. Husband Pieter took both photos. Here we are standing outside of the Cathedral of Cologne.
It is impossible for capturing this mighty building. The foundation was laid in 1248 and it took over 600 years to complete. Below this post, you find a video about Cologne Cathedral, Germany.
Cologne Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This photo from November 2008, shows more of the LARGEST CHURCH FACADE IN THE WORLD!
To the left is our German 'daughter-in-law', me with little 'granddaughter' and our foster-daughter Anita from Indonesia.
Cologne Cathedral is also the world's tallest Gothic building!
When it got completed in 1880 it was the world's tallest building for 4 years till the Washington Monument in DC, USA did beat it by 4 meters .
Inside of the Cathedral with 'daughter-in-law', 'grandson' and me to the right...
The space inside compares to over 600 houses. 
It also houses the world's largest free-swinging Church bell; the Saint Peter's bell weighing a massive 24 tons.
There are a total of 11 bells. You can hear the big Saint Peter's bell and 8 of the 11 bells ringing in two Youtube videos, linked below post.
When I was still in my early 20s I actually did CLIMB up the stairs and here I took this photo by standing on my toes and holding my camera out of the tower. You see the famous bridge over the River Rhine.
They now seem to have a platform at the south tower for standing on and you can reach that with 533 steps. Not at that time...
The Cathedral of Cologne got mostly spared during WWII but it still got damaged.
Dad told me when I returned from climbing its tower that Grandpa, my Godfather and Dad's Father had worked on the renovations after WWII
Yep, I had to rest before moving on.
Wearing my Salzburger rose Dirndl here...
Did you ever visit the Cathedral in Cologne, Germany?
Guess what? Living here in the USA, in the Southeast we MISS those majestic Church bells that always would ring when a wedding is going on, for festivities or for sad days like a funeral... 
It was kind of hard adjusting to, when we moved from Europe.
May many more visit here...

Just an example of how vast the Persian Empire used to be during biblical times...
From biblemapper.com

Red Sea ←click link to WorldAtlas showing Ethiopia

Related links:
Cologne Cathedral, largest swinging bell of the world | Sound of Saint Peter's Bell
The Bells of Cologne Cathedral, Germany Here you hear 8 bells of the South Tower with spectacular view of Cathedral by night
Magi in Iran Information on the Magi
Where Do the Biblical Magi Rest? How the Shrine of the Three Kings Made it to Cologne Cathedral |  History and information
Christians in Persia video about Churches in Iran where one of the three Magi were buried


Saturday, January 5, 2013

{189 Countries Visited - Welcome Saint Pierre and Miquelon}

Thank you ever so much for the sweet comments yesterday, on my dear Daddy's 92nd Birthday. We did talk via Skype on the iPhone and Dad was in high spirits. Brother Martin and his wife Bets had picked up Dad's sister, living 30 km away, and on the way home they also picked up Dad's brother who lives 12 km away. Several other brothers did visit and luckily Mom was home too, as she had early dialysis for that day. Lots of laughter Dad told me and that is good if they have fun sharing old stories. Of course my siblings did visit, they live all in my hometown, except one brother who's about two hours away. He would come in later as he first had a business meeting. It's only the two of us that live in another continent.
Okay, here I welcome my 189th Visiting Country | Saint Pierre and Miquelon...
They sure do have a pretty flag!
So where is this country located?
SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON is located in Northern North America, islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, south of Newfoundland (Canada).
Frankly speaking; I had no clue... Did any of you know this country?
You can click on the above hyperlink for more info.

Related links:

Friday, January 4, 2013

{Happy 92th Birthday Papa!}

Happy 92th Birthday Papa and many more years in great health! Even though we cannot see each other when we call on our iPhone, it is still good to hear your and Mom's voices. We were in The Netherlands last in September of 2011, so that is quite a while ago. We don't even know how you look right now... My six other brothers and sisters in The Netherlands don't manage to send us some recent photos. Guess this is typical for the era of communication. It would be super if Mom for once could talk with us via Video call, while she is laying in her bed during the kidney dialysis at the hospital. But none of my relatives on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean ever came up with such an idea of using an iPad, laptop or tablet. So it is only in our hearts, in our prayers and via our voice calls on the iPhone that we are together. 
But very INTENSE. 
Papa in his beloved garden, in the heath, with granddog Siep from brother Martin Van den Munckhof who shot this photo several years ago.
Dad wearing his cap that we gifted him from the then Heart of Georgia Technical College (HGTC).
Martin does check on Mom & Dad daily and often takes his doggie girl Siep with him. 
Mom & Dad almost four years ago, during the afternoon cruise on the river Meuse in The Netherlands with the entire family. That was a great time for their 60th wedding anniversary.
When Dad turned 90, they again did celebrate all together in a restaurant but husband Pieter was still having his Cardio Rehab, three times weekly after his open heart surgery.
We could not join them in The Netherlands...
Mom & Dad did stay last with us here in the USA for 6 weeks when we gifted them the tickets for visiting us in October of 2005. For Mom's knee, she just received a knee replacement, we bought us an Infiniti FX35 so she could get in and out of the car easily. That was the last hospitality we could provide them. Dad came to the USA a total of 6 times and Mom 4 times. We have visited them 63 times in all, from the USA, Italy or from Indonesia.

Related links:
{Papa is 90 today!} previous post by me
{Papa is 91 today!} previous post by me
{My Daddy - Papa} previous post by me

Thursday, January 3, 2013

{2013 Fiat 500 versus Fiat 500 Topolino}

Last year, actually last week, we went to Atlanta, Georgia, for stocking up at our favorite stores: Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Cost Plus World Market and Costco. We also stopped at Lenox Square Mall to go to Neiman Marcus. Quite surprised to find a 2013 Fiat 500 parked in the mall as being the Best Gift You'll Ever Get... Or Give.
It instantly did bring back memories from Italy, from the time we worked and lived there in Il Veneto.
At that time when we had moved from Pennsylvania to Italy, there was a strike at the harbor of Genua so our containers did not arrive in time. But my Dad did lend us his Ford Fiesta to drive down to Italy. That's what we did for our trip of about 12 hours one way to Cornuda, TV in Italy, all the way from the south of The Netherlands.
Here is the 2013 Fiat 500 at Lenox Square Mall
From Fiat USA of Atlanta 
My husband Pieter standing in front of those cute Fiat 500 models at Lenox Square Mall... 
Wearing his wool Fedora hat and lambskin leather jacket from Pond's India's Leather Garment Factory. 
Just had to snap these pictures with my iPhone!
Hah, here is my Dad's Ford Fiesta parked at work (seen left in photo), beside one cute red Fiat 500 Topolino and there is another one in front... It was quite a change in car-size, coming from Pennsylvania, USA to Italy!
Actually the Fiat 500 is born on July 4, 1957. Just click that hyperlink for some videos of this cute Little Mouse as it translates to in English from the Italian Topolino.
Fond memories of Italy!
Are some of you driving a Fiat 500 at present? 
Or any cute little car for that matter?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

{GIFT from Blogger I Admire}

What a surprise to receive such a special GIFT in the mail from Germany... From a Blogger I Admire: Claudia from NuNu's Garn-und Stofflabor (Yarn and Fabric Laboratory). Links to her sites you find below post. Let me proudly show off Claudia's artful sewing and embroidery... What is it? Can you already guess??
Look what Claudia created! Beautiful Rose Embroidery for the Rose Suite...
Embellished with her lovely signature tag.
Handmade with love... when translated into English
I bet you this talented worker bee also handmade this beautiful cord for wrapping it...
Lovely signature tag, showing her sewing machine on one side...
Look: Mariette's Rose Suite...
Do you have any idea?
On the reverse side it shows her signature LABEL... But WHAT is it?...
Tada; a lovely pillow case!
Fits perfect in tone of the chairs in our Rose Suite.
This sweet gift came complete with one of her signature hand made cards.
Thanks a million  Claudia, that will reside with pride in our Rose Suite indeed!
See Claudia's links below this post. She is such a multi talented lady, you have to check her out!
By the way, being German, Claudia is also fluent in English so there are no borders between you and her. 

Related links:
{Claudia a Blogger I Admire and her Gift for Baby Stef} previous post by me
DaWanda Nunus-Garn-und-Stofflabor Claudia's online shop
NuNu´s Garn-und Stofflabor Claudia's blog

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

{Let It Be A Happy New Year}

Indeed; Let It Be A Happy New Year for 2013! Above all in good HEALTH and may we all be SAFE. We all lost loved ones and also lived through happy moments and now the memories remain as we move on. For the end of the year we both wanted to toast with an Italian Roscato Rosso Dolce that we got at World Market Cost Plus. So let us toast to all of you and thank you for your loyalty throughout the year...
Just poured this delicious Roscato into our French Baccarat crystal champagnes. 
Our Camellias are blooming very pretty right now.
Winter Rose is an appropriate name for them!
The red box with Mon Cheri chocolates from our German 'son' and family SURVIVED 2012 but they will be short lived in 2013... They are pure bliss, together with a coffee.
On a sunny day it looks really nice outside...
This is our Camellia Japonica Debutante.
Showing you the detailed hand crocheted lace that my friend Ellie gave me in 2010.
An elderly lady in Sevenum, The Netherlands made them...
Cheers from our Gazebo, in  the sunshine. We did go for a walk in the afternoon, wearing my hair calf Escada skirt and moccasin boots.
Together with Tiggy-Tiger our little feline girl...
Wishing you all a Safe, Healthy and Happy 2013!

Related links:
{Happy New Year - 2012} previous post by me
{Our New Year's Eve Dinner at Ristorante da Maria} previous post by me
{A LAST Toast to 2011... framing its STERLING MOMENTS!} previous post by me
Roscato Rosso Dolce at World Market Cost Plus

Monday, December 31, 2012

{LOOK: Gift from Blogger I Admire...}

In the mail often the sweetest things arrive. What a surprise when I received this parcel from a Blogger I Admire: Friend Dana, from Lambs and Ivy Designs. Below my post you find her links, to her blog, personal website, Etsy store and some large sized SPECTACULAR photos on Flickriver....
In time for Christmas arrived this precious piece of handmade soap and beautiful ribbon art millinery rose. I feel so honored. THANK you ever so much dear Dana! I owe you big... 
Look at this beauty!
Her soaps and millinery roses/flowers would make the ultimate gift.
You have to look at her links below for some large sized SPECTACULAR photos.
She does also provide such art to be used for Victorian era costumes...
There will not be that many women this talented.

Related links:
{2 Bloggers I Admire} previous post by me
French Hand dyed Ribbonwork Millinery Ribbon Flowers | post by Dana from Lambs and Ivy Designs
Lambs and Ivy Designs on Etsy
Lambs and Ivy Designs Ribbonwork on Pinterest
Flickriver Lambs and Ivy Designs Ribbon Work and Ribbon Flowers | SPECTACULAR photos of Dana's art work!
LambsandIvyDesigns on Youtube | Great tutorial videos!


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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