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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

{Finally, a Lemon Pie WITHOUT Butter or Cream ♥ Healthy ♥}

Anotherhealthy recipe for you:
Bon Appétit!

Recette Tarte au citron sans beurre ni crème | Original French recipe from Le Journal des FEMMES

Friday, October 29, 2010

{Cholesterol Friendly Pumpkin Soup ♥ Healthy ♥}

As promised before, I want to share these recipes with you.
Just click on the images to enlarge them for better reading.
Enjoy this healthy recipe!
Bon Appétit!

Recette Soupe au potiron | Original French recipe from Le Journal des FEMMES

Thursday, October 28, 2010

{Cholesterol: When? How? Why?}

Of course, after husband Pieter's quadruple bypass on September 3, we are now more educated than before on a healthy diet and such.
As before in my blog about the heart I want to share this valuable information with you.
High Cholesterol is one factor that increases the risk of disease.
Just click on the following images that I got from the French Linternaute Magazine on line.
Stay tuned for some healthy recipes!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

{2 Ideas picked up at the Grand Hyatt, Atlanta}

For decades we do stay at our favorite hotels from the Hyatt family. 
The Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead is one of our favorites. Formerly it was hotel Nikko; hence its beautiful Japanese garden! Build in 1990. 
It was on April 30, of 1993 that we both did go to the Orange Ball; dinner & dance in honor of the Dutch Queen's birthday with the Atlanta Holland Club in Atlanta. A great evening with some 150 guests attending.
Not only is their service great, also the rooms and restaurant as well!
Let me show you what we took home as a great idea from this Hyatt hotel:
On March 3, 2007 we took this photo at the Grand Hyatt.
Detail of the Aluminum U-Channel with rounded sides.
After writing to the Grand Hyatt we did get the address of the company.
It is McMaster-Carr from Atlanta (among its several locations) and here you can see their rounded U-Channels (click on hyperlink to go to their website).
In the toilet downstairs in our Rose Suite it is implemented already with three glass shelves (only 2 are shown).
This is the tissue roll holder in the Rose Suite, from Damixa/Denmark.
We had not enough space for using it in a 'double setting' as learned from the Grand Hyatt in Atlanta...
In our bathroom it did work and even side-by-side by turning one upside down.
Not very close together, due to the design but still very convenient for ample supply!
This is our guest bathroom duo.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

{24 Karat Gold Birds in Damascene Technique from Toledo, Spain}

In September of 1994 we both went on a 19 day tour through Portugal and Spain.
We visited several highlights and after Granada with its hanging gardens of the Alhambra's Generalife, we went on September 29 to Toledo.
That is a special city for its production of Damascene. This is an interlacing of 24 karat gold onto iron or steel to produce beautiful decorative designs.
That art has become the trademark for the city of Toledo.
We did watch them make these pictures (look here→) DAMASQUINO HISTORY with very thin 24 karat gold.
One we did take home; these hummingbirds do hang in our living room.
Our beloved hummingbirds are treasured garden crittters!
So they deserve their image in gold...
We also did buy a scissor which is interlaced with 24 karat gold, using the Damascene technique.
This is my favorite scissor for lace cut-outs as it is very pointed and sharp. 
Excellent quality over the years.
Fond memories of Toledo, Spain...

Monday, October 25, 2010

{1 Pink Rose Jewelry/Pill Box composition painted in France}

The single Pink Rose on this Romantic Jewelry/Pill Box is so real looking with its rosebuds! Again, composition painted by artist friend Françoise Kiéné Aced from France. Perfect for storing your earrings in! It is for sale at: Spectrenoir.
One of a kind French Country Style gifts!
 Act quickly if you like this, as it is a unique and ONLY piece...
On a previous blog I've shown {IKEA WHITE GODMORGON CABINET FOR ROMANTIC ROSE BOXES} with Françoise's entire collection.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

{XIIth ISMS Braunschweig, Germany Plate of 1987}

Just three days ago, I did write about: {My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms}
The happy mushroom family made in brass. Low and behold, I did forget to include this special plate with porcelain painting of Braunschweig with:
 'Der Altstadtmarkt um 1855'
The Old City Market at 1855
The plate's porcelain painting is done by Porzellanmalerei Kreuzer from Altenstadt WN (on the river Waldnaab).
Johanna Gehrlein, from Silber + Rosen (Silver and Roses) would appreciate this kind of porcelain painting!
XIIth International Congress on the
Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi
International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS)
XIIth International Congress on the Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi
Okay, now you know what husband Pieter's 'pay' was for giving two papers at this Congress...
A very nice porcelain plate! 
It is hanging with pride in our office.

Friday, October 22, 2010

{2 Pink Roses Jewelry/Pill Box composition painted in France}

Another Romantic Jewelry/Pill Box with two darling PINK ROSES composition painted on the lid.
Françoise Kiéné Aced, my artist friend from France has again proven her skills here.
Signed with her initials, as you clearly can see. This is for sale at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique:  Mariette's Back to Basics.
Unique French Country Style gift!
Don't wait as this unique piece is the ONLY one available.
View Françoise's collection in this post:{IKEA WHITE GODMORGON CABINET FOR ROMANTIC ROSE BOXES}

Sorry Sold out...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

{My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms}

 For our practical training college for mushroom growing, in The Netherlands, I once designed this 'happy mushroom family' for bulletin cover.  After that, I used my drawing for this brass mushroom window decoration.
In the eighties I've done this design and then I had those brass window decorations made in Germany. They are laser cut, hand polished and lacquered so they hardly ever get tarnished. 
This one is 23 cm high and it hangs in our veranda, underneath the Delft blue KLM houses.
The German company made them for me, with a minimum of 100 pieces each order. It was in September of 1987 that I did sell hundreds of them at the ISMS Congress (International Society for Mushroom Science) that was then held in Braunschweig, Germany.
My husband Pieter, gave two lectures there in 1987.
This one is 9 cm high and it hangs inside one of the window panes of the French door from the living room looking into the veranda. Look atEaster Season for more of those brass window decorations and towards the bottom of the postTuesday May 4, dinner with friends you actually can see the brass mushrooms hanging as well.
The above photo lets the brass more come through, as the other photos are taken against the light and they appear dark.
This hangs in the kitchen bay window and it is not my design...
 Also this is hanging in the same window.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

{YOUR EARRINGS in 2 RED ROSES Jewelry/Pill Box composition painted in France}

Such a Romantic Jewelry/Pill Box with two gorgeous RED ROSES composition painted on the lid. Perfect for keeping earrings...
Françoise Kiéné Aced, my artist friend from France has again proven her skills here. 
Signed with her initials, as is visible - this is for sale at: Spectrenoir.
Unique French Country Style Gift!
Don't wait as this is the only one of a very rare and unique piece.
On my previous post I've shown Françoise's entire collection at {IKEA WHITE GODMORGON CABINET FOR ROMANTIC ROSE BOXES}.
Just scroll all the way down...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

{HELP ME FIND ITALIAN ARTIST M. SOTGIU mother of Luigi Tramarollo}

WHO knows?!
Maybe this way I will be able to find the artist who made this beautiful chalk drawing from me in 1989. Her son Luigi Tramarollo was in the same hospital room in Valdobbiadene in Italy as was my husband Pieter. It was on December 29th of 1989 that this lady artist made the drawing. She asked me to bring some good coffee and she would draw me, while both visited our loved ones in the morning...
The first image is from a scan as it is very hard to capture... just click on any image for an enlarged view, especially for being able to read this artist's name...
Mirella Sotgiu, Italy
 That's where the drawing resides, above our fireplace mantel. It is framed again by Irok Gallery. You can see that we have quite a population of wooden angels from northern Italy. Will show those another time!
Please, IF anybody happens to know this gentleman, Luigi Tramarollo who is around his 40s by now, let us know where he resides.
Also if anyone happens to know his mother;
M. Sotgiu, let me know please!
My husband at that time did present Luigi a copy of his Italian book about Mushroom Growing: La Moderna Fungicoltura by P.J.C. Vedder.
Valdobbiadene where the hospital was, is also a very famous wine region.
The Prosecco Wine Route runs from Conegliano to Valdobbiadene a beautiful area where we lived and worked for one year. We were in the village of Cornuda on the foothills of the Dolomites. 
Fiume Piave, Italy - River Piave
In the spring of 1989 I have driven my most scenic route ever to work, along the river Piave from Pederobba to Quero. This photo gives you an idea of he scenery. Yes, we always have lived in areas with high mountains while working in the mushroom business. That's the best natural environment.
Modern Mushroom Growing by P.J.C. Vedder
Cultivo Moderno Del Champiñon by P.J.C. Vedder
and of course his book is also in Italian, as one of 8 official languages.

Related link:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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