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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, October 14, 2010

{Miracle in Chile - the country where we both got married!}

This was such a GREAT MOMENT for having watched the life rescue of number 33; the GREAT LEADER of the Chilean miners.
By now, all the rescuers have also been hoisted back to surface...
President Sebastián Piñera, together with his wife Cécilia Morel, has shown the world to be a very warm and compassionate leader!
There were more viewers worldwide, than for the Olympics and they all got a great sense about family values by watching this unfold. A nation came together in prayer and in support!
For both of us, Chile is a very special country as we received our Matrimonial Blessings there.
In the south of Chile near Osorno.
With a Mapuche Indian couple as our witnesses...
 Padre Juan, a Capuchin Priest, blessed our rings and Pieter puts mine on here above.
And now you may kiss the bride...
Next day we did go from Mission of Cuinco near Osorno, to Puerto Montt. Padre Juan is pointing out the typical regional crafts of those Mapuche Indians.
From Puerto Montt (lower left corner) we drove to Puerto Varas and then we drove along Lago Llanquihue and Lago Todos Los Santos for some spectacular views of all the volcanoes. Just click on this image to enlarge.

For the viewer, behind us you can look into Argentina.
The great glaciated Mount Tronador peaks out to the left of Pieter...
Lake Todos los Santos, which is together with neighboring Lake Llanquihue - the second largest lake in Chile - the best known. Again Mount Tronador is visible.

The soil is old lava...
Here you see the Mount Osorno which is known world wide as a symbol of the local landscape, and is noted for its similar appearance to Mount Fuji.

Bye - bye Mount Osorno, bye Lago Llanquihue and Lago Todos los Santos, bye Chile...


  1. Oh my Goodness, Mariette,
    This is such a neat post. We both were writing about miracles and Faith. wow. How special!

    Mariette, your story and photos about your matrimonial blessings are so beautiful. Priceless memories.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Mariette, and for your thoughtful comment.

    (((((( hugs ))))))) to you and Pieter!!


  2. Dear Mareitte, I´m so happy and proud for all the miners and his families, so grateful to all the people who have effortlessly worked to rescue them. This great miracle is something that gives hope worlwide and touches the hearts of so many people. We received so much examples on how to afford difficult times, always with hope and lots of work.
    It´s so wonderful to know the place where you got married and how you remember those beautiful places in the south of Chile.
    maria cecilia

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ja, die Rettung der Bergleute war und ist noch immer sehr bewegend. Bei uns wird ständig darüber berichtet. Man kann es sich kaum vorstellen, dass sie nach so langer Zeit unter der Erde in so guter körperlicher Verfassung sind. Wie es wohl psychisch in den armen Männern aussieht? Hoffentlich bekommen sie die nötige Hilfe bei der Bewältigung des Traumas. Aber nun freuen wir uns erst einmal mit ihnen und ihren Familien über ihre Rettung. Gott sei Dank!!!
    Danke, dass du uns mit auf eure Hochzeitreise genommen hast. Dadurch konnten wir einen kleinen Eindruck von dem herrlichen Land bekommen.
    Deinen Post über romantische Boxen habe ich irgendwie verpasst. War auch wenig am PC in letzter Zeit. Jedenfalls sieht eine Dose schöner aus, als die nächste. Und die Schränkchen sind super. Schlicht und elegant zugleich. Ich wünsche dir viel Freude damit.

    Liebe Grüße von Elvira

  4. Lieve Mariette,

    De bevrijding van de Chileense mijnwerkers was voor mij ook een van de hoogtepunten in de week! Wat moet dit ontzettend fijn zijn voor al die mannen en vrouwen die de afgelopen maanden in spanning hebben geleefd!! Chapeau voor Chili!

    Wat een romantische foto's van jullie huwelijk! Wat hebben Pieter en jij toch veel van de wereld gezien. Prachtige foto's!

    Lieve groet & fijne avond!


  5. Hallo Mariette,
    ja wirklich, es läuft mir kalt über den Rücken, wenn ich dran denke. Dass solche Wunder heute noch passieren, das bewegt einen sehr. Wie werden die Familien Weihnachten ganz besonders feiern, jetzt wo ihre Lieben wieder wohlbehalten zuhause sind. Ist wirklich toll. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass ihr, die ihr mit Chile so wunderbare Erinnerungen verbindet, davon ganz besonder bewegt seid. Eure Fotos sind toll, in Südamerika war ich noch gar nicht.
    LG Johanna

  6. Hi Mariette, yesterday Chile wrote one of the greatest pages in history showing worldwide how things can be perfectly done. Needless to say everybody here in Italy took a breath of relief.
    You're absolutely right: Hope is the last to die.
    Interesting memories though, you travelled the whole world, didn't you?
    Warmest regards, ciao bella.

  7. Hi Mariette,
    It was wonderful that all the miners were rescued after the world
    came together in hope and prayer. So many memories for you and your husband.
    I love the paintings of your home done by the artist-they are so beautiful!
    Take care,

  8. Hi Mariette, I was one of those glued to the tv... what an amzing story of team effort on everyones part!! I am so proud of the Chilian gvoernment they showed such true love of their people!
    What a happy memory of your wedding.... so lovely you both look:-)) You have lived an amazing life!
    Thanks for the so sweet comment tonight too:-)

  9. A wonderful tribute to the miners, Mariette.
    Een heel gezellig weekend! xxx

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    welch ein unbeschreibliches Glück, dass mit der Rettung alles so gut geklappt hat und all die Gebete erhört wurden.....ein Happy End, über das die ganze Welt überglücklich war!!! Und ihr habt in Chile geheiratet? - was für romantische Bilder.......die Kulisse dort ist einfach unbeschreiblich schön und sehr beeindruckend!!!! So habt ihr natürlich eine ganz besondere Beziehung zu Land und Leuten und das Drama der letzten Wochen war für euch bestimmt noch ein noch intensiveres Miterleben!!! Vielen Dank auch, für deine lieben Zeilen........die weißen Beeren heißen übrigens Schneebeeren - lustig, dass du sie auch kennst!!!!!! Ich wünsch dir ein herrliches Wochenende (bei uns hat es gerade heftig zu regnen begonnen) und schick dir gaaaaaanz liebe Grüße,

    herzlichst Jade

  11. Querida amiga Mariette:

    Gracias por visitarme a mi blog. Y estoy feliz de saber que hoy te sientes mejor. Y entiendo que debes sentirte un poco frustrada al no poder hacer todas las cosas que te gustaria realizar, pero como tu lo has mencionado, Dios te ha bendecido inmensamente y te has recuperado. No tengas temor de que vuelva a atacar, porque el poder de Dios te sustenta y te bendice siempre con salud.

    Las fotos de las bendiciones matrimoniales en Chile estan hermosas, sin duda alguna un bello recuerdo.

    Sigues en mis oraciones, un abrazo mi querida y dulce amiga.


  12. OH wow, you got married in Chile..bravo!! Yeah, small world, can't believe you made a stop in Guayaquil!! I think you should visit Galapagos and the rest of Ecuador, it is a beautiful country! When people come here they love it so much that now, it's No.1 choise for a retirement place in the world for Americans and Canadians and I heard Germans too. A year ago we went on a cruise, starting from Buenos Aires, (which I love) all around all Argentina, Uruguay and the Chilean Fardos and all the German towns, up to Viña del Mar and to Santiago back to Quito-Ecuador. I love where you're going now to Jakarta, so exotic and fabulous! Have a great time and thank you for your lovely and sweet visit. It was our son in law, Victoria's father and my daughter Sofia's husband who got the spine operation in Miami. Thanks for the well wishes. Lots of hugs,

  13. I am happy I get a chance to peek on this post. It was an old post, right? It is do special to look back on the most wonderful moments like this. Those views are also amazing.

  14. This is the great thing about blogging Mariette - posts like these become a journal of the important moments in our lives.
    Lovely to see both you and Pieter looking happy on the day of your wedding - and so young!
    Shane x

  15. What a wonderful post and you and Pieter look so happy together and yes young but then you would have young


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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