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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Quite a surprise today, receiving a message from Rosetta from The Romantic Rose that I should check her blog. There it was: a Blog Liking Award which I show you here below.
Rosetta is from Latina, which is south of Rome.
Having lived and worked one year in Italy, of course I do have a soft spot for the country and always will. Our area was near Venice, quite a journey away from Rosetta's central Italy section.
She started her romantic blog the end of December, last  year and she does have a translator on her blog. Even though that never works perfect but together with the photos, that will do for anyone who doesn't master that particular language.

Those that I do pass this blog on to are required to do three things:
  • Posting this blog liking award photo on their own blog (click on the photo to get its URL)
  • Tell about 'that' day you began blogging...
  • Identify other bloggers for passing this award on.
  • So let me tell first about 'that' day. It was in November of 2009 that I wrote my first blog. On the 23rd about {Romancing the Home}. This first blog had my first link to my website Mariette's Back to Basics. That feeling about romancing has not gone away since than! My very first comment ever, was given to me by Johanna Gehrlein, from Silber+Rosen  (Silver+Roses) in Germany. That makes her my 1st recipient. Before I did write my first blog, I got already Johanna's Splendid book about {Splendid book about Silver Rose Flatware}. You can read about her book here in English: Rosen-Bestecke The Book.
  • Staying in Germany, but now going to the north, I like to pass it on to the very talented Elvira from Rosengärtchen (Rose garden) who makes the most romantic Christening gowns one can imagine, among other things. 
  • Going back to Italy, you must visit this incredible fashion blog by Elisabetta Mikapoka.  She is a fashion designer and illustrator herself and it is interesting to read her blog in English!
  • Now from Italy to France, to Versailles where I want to introduce you to Chantal from Abacaxi & Hortelã her blog is in English as well.
  • Crossing the Channel, we now travel to England to meet another very talented lady that studied Interior Design and she's also an excellent landscaper too. Her name is Bea from the blog Modern Country Lady.
There are so many others I would like to pass this award on to but the list would get too long...
Thanks for your time and to all the winners; congratulations and thanks again Rosetta!


  1. Dear Mariette,
    is that really true? I gave the first comment to your blog? How lovely - I didn't knew that. Thank you so much for your nice words about my book.
    And congratulations for the award. You really deserve this award, your blog is so faboulous. Thank you for passing it to me and the other nice blogs.
    I wish you a wonderful day.
    Hugs, Johanna

  2. Buongiorno Mariette,hai fatto un bellissimo post,è molto bello comunicare anche se le traduzioni non sono perfette riusciamo a capirci e stando sedute giriamo il mondo.Ti rinnovo di nuovo la mia simpatia,ciao ciao,Rosetta

  3. What vreselijk lief zeg- dankjewel hoor.Mijn dag is nu helemaal goed :-) Ik zal ook nog even in het Engels dan kunnen anderen het ook lezen !How very sweet of you to give me the award.Thank you so much !!Big, big hug.
    Much love

  4. Meine liebe Mariette!
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum voll verdienten Award!
    Du hast einen wundervollen Blog!
    Ich freue mich immer soooo sehr, wenn Du gepostet hast!
    GGGGGLG, Deine Melissa

  5. Ti accolgo volentieri tra le mie amiche con molta gioia, ho visitato il tuo bellissimo blog, ho anche notato che abbiamo tante passioni in comune, magìa del web che ci da l'opportunità di allacciare un profondo legame condividendo la nostra creatività. Ti abbraccio e ti ringrazio per esserci. Buona giornata!

  6. Liebe Mariette,ich schaffe es leider nicht, dich zu verlinken mit den Blog von Zauber-garten.Ich gebe dir die Adresse.http://zauber-garten.blogspot.com/
    Liebe grüße von Edith.

  7. Oh Mariette,nun habe ich vor lauter Konzentration auf den Link,vergessen dir zu gratulieren zu deinen verliehenen Award.Vezeih mir!Nochmals herzlichsten Glückwunsch.Edith.

  8. Dank je Mariette voor je lieve commentaar op mijn rozenboetiekje. Ik vind het ook zo leuk om rozen te maken.
    Heb jij een award gekregen? Van wie krijg je dat dan? Hoe werkt dat? Kan je dat zo aan iedereen geven? Je hebt in ieder geval ook een heel mooi blog,

    Fijne avond Janny.

  9. jaaaaaaaaaaa Chantal....."ken"haar al wat jaartjes maar nog nooit IRL ontmoet....mocht wel al wat goodies van haar ontvangen oa echte franse macarons*SMEK*....maar een mooie rustige blog met mooie foto, vaak van MOOIE plekjes op deze aardbol!!!
    Ben benieuwd naar haar eerste blog;)



  10. Hi dear Mariette, very kind of you and thanks for your lovely words,
    I'm so proud to be a friend of yours.
    Ti abbraccio, Elisabetta

  11. Hello Mariette,

    right now I saw your nice comment on my blog. Thank you! I feel very honoured that you are now a follower of my blog. I love antiques, fleamarkets and little trips and I think we share some same passions.
    Now I have to go to bed but tomorrow I will read more in your blog.

    with much greetings,

  12. Hello Mariette,
    Thank you for your kind comment and great tips. I appreciate them.
    I haven't even heard about Tofutti cream (and I am vegetarian!), but now I will look for it and try it. Thank you!
    And happy Valentine's Day!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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