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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, September 30, 2011

{Our Dining Room}

After having shown you our kitchen it is now time to show you our dining room. It is adjacent to the kitchen and also to the hall way with a window that looks out onto the street. All of our solid French oak furniture, lights from Italy and other belongings, we did bring over from The Netherlands. So all you see in our dining room is from the old world, except for one tall book case that was custom build in Vermont by Woodruff Custom Furniture. The walls are painted with Benjamin Moore Latex Eggshell Enamel C286 Bone White 03. Let's start the tour...

The door to the hallway and here is the solid oak Woodruff book case, custom build, from Vermont. Window with window sills. That's a unique European feature that we've build into our entire home. In the kitchen and veranda we do have wide Corian windowsills, custom made. Lots of books we have in every room of the house...
French Limoges plates and Dachshund and cat miniatures.
The windows do have solid oak indoor shutters.
Through the windows you can see the Victorian Vintage Woodworks ginger bread in our front porch.
Our floor is Bruce Liberty Plains 5" natural white oak planks.
More books on the shelves...
The photograph from the famous oak, called 't Struukske, from my hometown in Limburg, is done by my brother Martin. That photo was also part of a calendar that was published for which my other brother Piet wrote the text.
Mom & Dad had their first meeting at the bench below the huge oak tree, as they both were in servitude nearby.
The antique oak crucifix belonged to Pieter's Mom & Dad.
The door to the kitchen.
Lamp from Italy from the area where we lived from a local 'Lampedari'. All our ceiling and wall lamps are made in Italy, as well as the outdoor lamps.
The top shelf holds some Colombian items from our extended family.
The bottom shelf shows Schwarovski pieces to the left and other crystals to the right from the Czech Republic.
A hand turned wooden lamp, made by the Father of a dear friend.
The cross stitch rose embroidered bell pull is hand made by me... 
It was part of my dowry.
The wooden tray has been hand carved by Pieter's Father and it does have a glass insert.
You also see one of my gilded magnolia leaves on it...
Silk rug from Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir State, India
Sea shells from the Island of Saint Martin in the Caribbean.
A real batik from Bali on the wall. Some antique botanical prints framed and my oak Dutch Zaanse clock.
China is: English Rose by Royal Doulton ←click it.
English Rose by Royal Doulton
Antique oak tea cart, we removed its wheels...

Related articles:
{More of Our Kitchen} | previous post by me
{Our Kitchen Improvements} | previous post by me
{Our 'GREEN' Bedroom} |previous post by me
{Our Home of almost 20 years} |previous post by me
{French Floral Pillow Set and our Gazebo} | previous post by me


  1. Hi!
    I always like posts like this where i can se more of the rooms and not just detaljs. You do have a lovely home and a post from your porch i would really like, i have a thing for amerikan porches (sorry, cant spell,but i mean the porch thate i can se thru the window)
    Hug Anna

  2. Guten Morgen liebe Mariette,

    ich danke dir sehr, für die schönen Einblicke in euren Dining-Room.

    Wie ich erkennen kann, sammelst du gerne Porzellan.

    Das Rosenservice gefällt mir besonders gut und der Ausblick in euren Garten ist ein Traum.

    Herzliche Grüße und ein wunderschönes Wochenende, Mary

  3. Hallo Mariette,
    euer Esszimmer zeigt, das ihr weit gereist seid. Ich sehe viele schöne Erinnerungsstücke aus der alten und der neuen Welt. Das schöne Porzellan mit Rosen hat es auch mir angetan. Ich wünsche euch viele schöne Begegnungen in eurem kleinen Paradies.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  4. guten morgen liebe mariette!

    ich LIEBE eure fenster und türen, euer haus ist wirklich wunderschön, mag ich sehr gerne!!

    ich wünsch euch ein sonniges und schönes wochenende!!! :-)
    (aber sonne werdet ihr sicher genug haben, denke ich :-) )


  5. Nel tuo soggiorno ci si sente a casa!E' accogliente!Bellissimi i tuoi servizi di piatti!Adoro la finestra grande bianca e la veduta del giardino.Baci,Rosetta

  6. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog! Now I will follow you!!
    You very many beautiful things from your family, etc. I especially like the china, I LOVE the pretty flowers.
    You are quit the world traveler!
    Sending you a big hug from New York state,

  7. We delen onze liefde voor Wedgwood servies (ik herken de vazen), alleen zijn die van mij 'plain' dus zonder bloemenrand. 't Servies heb ik nu 25 jaar, gekregen toen we trouwden, en ik vind 't nog altijd mooi! Groetjes uit zonnig en lekker warm Limburg!

  8. Hi Mariette, beautiful photos of your lovely home. Everything has a story, I was all very cute couple, especially the dishes with roses and the wall clock, Greetings, Rose Marie

  9. All the beautiful wood makes your room so warm & inviting! I especially love the clock as my Grandpa was a watchmakes & he always had clocks every where.

  10. Hi Dear Mariette.
    What a FABULOUS dining room☆☆☆
    Oh, you made me so envious how gorgeous all are♡♡♡
    I cannot say what i love the most. All of them are so western and I adore them. I love the way you decorated them.
    Love and lots of Hugs to you, Orchid*

  11. Hi Mariette, your home is beautiful :)
    I love the way you display your pretties :)


  12. Cara Mariette, complimenti, hai una casa meravigliosa...mobili, oggetti, porcellane...tutto stupendo...anche il ricamo a punto croce!!!! Un abbraccio fortissimo, Anna.

  13. Hi :-) I adore the colour palette of the walls, and the wood floor, it looks so like my home :-) we have similar taste :-)
    and the dinner sets are amazing!

  14. Such a warm and inviting room! Love your china!

  15. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat een gezellige woonkamer hebben jullie! Het voelt heel erg 'Hollands', maar dat zal vast en zeker vanwege jullie 'roots' zijn.

    Je hebt een heel mooi servies op de tea tray staan :-)! Prachtig die roosjes!

    Een gezellig weekend,

    Madelief x

  16. Wat een gezellige woon kamer...echt Hollands ook.....leuk hoor en vol !!...liefs van mij...fijn weekend...xxx...

  17. Knotsgezellig en inderdaad zoals Madelief zegt, echt Hollands.. zou zo een bakje koffie bij jullie willen drinken!! Dikke knuffel en veel liefs
    Have a great weekend

  18. Wat grappig, ik heb al meer postjes van je interieur gezien, het is wel een 'typisch Hollands interieur :) Heb je alles meegenomen?

    Ik heb de laatste tijd niet zoveel berichtjes achter gelaten, maar ik heb vreselijk problemen met Blogger, ik kan bijna nergens meer een berivhtje achter laten, af en toe lukt er eens 1, ik hoop deze ook weer eens...

  19. Dearest Mariette,

    What a wonderful dinning room you have and thank you for giving us a tour. Great that you bought out all the solid oak French furniture and the light fittings from Italy.
    You have such beautiful china and I really love your Victoria vintage ginger bread and shutters, so charming.

    Hope that you have a lovely weekend

  20. Hi Mariette, your dining room is so warm in contrast to all the white found in your kitchen. So wonderful to surround yourself with items from your travels or handmade by yourself and friends/family. Your blog award post doesn't allow for comments so I've come to this post today. Internet on the weekends here is so slow. :/ Hope you have a super Saturday. Tammy

  21. Oh Mariette,
    Your home is simply gorgeous. I love all the details and your beautiful treasures. You really make it so cozy and inviting.
    You are so talented with everything you touch.
    Just beautiful my friend.
    Love, Celestina Marie


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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