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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, October 24, 2013

{Do YOU Like HIGH HEELED Platform Shoes?}

During our recent vacation to Florida, we of course did visit our favorite Neiman Marcus Last Call Outlet store in Orlando. And checking their shoe department I just HAD to try on those mile high platform shoes... Do YOU Like such HIGH HEELED Platform Shoes?
Two different ones... but oh so hard to balance yourself. How can anyone walk on these?
Only the thought of twisting your ankle and doing severe damage to your ankle ligament; OUCH!
Of course, when booking our two nights at Hyatt Place Universal Studio, Orlando we planned to SWIM and enjoy the sunshine...
NOPE... they had drained their pool!
 No Lifeguard on Duty...
No chaises either for lounging in the sunshine and do some reading and relaxing.
So off we went to the Outlets!
That's how I ended up walking on STILTS...
These were about 5 inches tall and with a 1 inch platform!
Having an Egyptian foot; I hate those peep toe shoes...
Husband Pieter took these photos with my iPhone as I wanted to SEE for myself how this would look on me.
Especially that right shoe made me feel like a tall Giraffe...
Such STILTS, be it stiletto or heels like these I am wearing here, are NOT for me.
Maybe because of the movie Keetje Tippel in 1975 and the following Carnival parades in The Netherlands with HIGH HEELED Tippelaarsters (Night Walkers or Street Walkers...) caused a certain aversion for me. 
How about you?

Related links:
{What Type of Feet do YOU have?} | previous post by me
Keetje Tippel | About the 1975 movie
Keetje Tippel | song by De Zangeres Zonder Naam about Keetje who lived from Sin...


  1. Yes Mariette, I love platform shoes and high heles period! My hubby likes them and I do too, therefore, I have plenty! I think they look great on you and they're not uncomfortable either! Come on over for Halloween!

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      No, such 'STILTS' are NOT for me... It would make my already long legs look way too long too; besides the health hazard they are. Savannah Granny, in her comment below does sum it up BEST!

  2. I cannot wear heels more than a couple of inches high. Especially on Sundays, after my long runs on Saturdays, my calves get really bad cramps...not fun.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      On this I agree with you 100%. My limit is 3 inches and it does tilt our pelvic in a very unnatural position and can cause all kinds of injuries. Savannah Granny did list them all, see below...

  3. Quando ero giovane ho indossato tanto i tacchi alti, ma ora manco mi ci provo. Con il mal di schiena che mi ritrovo finirei distesa prima ancora di metterli. A presto. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Hai ragione con quello! Hai ragione. Con la posizione molto innaturale e bacino inclinato può davvero ferita per schiena, anca, ginocchio e caviglia. Per me fino a 7,5 cm.
      Un abbraccio grande,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    auf jeden Fall sehen die Schuhe sehr elegant aus.

    Alles Gute

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Auch dass finde ich kaum wahr... Sehr unbequem zum tragen und gefärhlich für Verletzungen vom Rücken, Hüfte, Knie und Fussknöchel... Nein Danke, nicht für mich! Ich habe sie NUR aus neugier anprobiert und fühlte mich ganz, ganz unwohl um darauf so wackelig zu stehen.
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. Zoiets heb ik zelfs nog nooit aangepast. Al knap dat je er zo op kunt staan, zou mij niet lukken. Ik hou het laag bij de grond en heb minder elegante worker boots gekocht.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet,

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, ik wilde het eindelijk eens wéten hoe het voelt... Je ziet er vrouwen mee voort zwoegen en wankelen... Het zijn zó'n gevaarlijke schoenen en hieronder beschrijft Savannah Granny nog het beste wat een orthopedische chirurg er van vindt. Ben blij dat ik met mijn lange benen (zou nog zot uitzien ook als ik op stelten ging lopen...) ook behoorlijk laag bij de grond blijf. Voor mij is de hoogste hak van 7.5 cm wel het uiterste! Heb gelukkig daaardoor nog probleemloze voeten en kan úren wandelen zonder enig probleem.

  6. Per carità Mariette, anch'io non riuscirei mai a portare tacchi così...mi fanno male i piedi solo a guardare le foto☺☺☺
    Mi spiace per la piscina vuota, tu e Pieter potevate fare una bella nuotata rilassante ma...niente da fare!
    Un bacione cara amica e buona giornata

    1. Cara Anna,
      Davvero, anche mi duelen gli occhi per guardare le foto... Oh, quando ho fatto la prenotazione Internet ero così orgoglioso per ottenere un affare eccellente. Ma Pieter tornato dall'auto una seconda volta; ridere ad alta voce e mi dice che ha scoperto tutto sul mio super non affare... acqua in piscina.
      Bene, ci torneremo...
      Abbraccio grande,

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    ich mag diese Scshuhe nicht und könnte auch nicht in ihnen gehen.
    Früher habe ich gern hohe Absätze getragen. Jetzt achte ich mehr
    auf die Gesundheit.
    Aber um ganz ehrlich zu sein: Du siehst toll darin aus.
    Einen schönen Mittwoch wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ich mag diese Schuhe überhaupt nicht und werde auch nie solche kaufen. Ob ich mit meien langen Beine toll darin aus sehe bezweifele ich... es benachdruckt die Länge noch mehr.
      Es war nur zum Spiel um die mal an zu probieren wie es wirklich fühlt und das wackelige mag ich nicht und ich hatte schon Angst um meine Knöchel Ligamentum.
      Lieber Gruss,

  8. I vind het altijd heel mooi staan bij anderen, maar kan er zelf niet op lopen. Ook ben ik nogal lang en wanneer ik er 6 centimeter bij doe steek ik boven iedereen uit!

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Nou,deze waren meer dan 15 cm hoor! De 6 of 7 cm zijn voor mij het maximum omdat ik ook lange benen heb en het wordt er niet beter op als je die té zeer benadrukt. Tenzij je natuurlijk een tippelaarster bent voor de kost.
      Vanwege gezondheidsredenen is het ook al een no-no. Zulke extreme hoge hakken veroorzaken een zeer onnatuurlijke kanteling van het hele bekken en foutieve rug houding en dat kan erg veel schade veroorzaken. Ook komt dit er op latere leeftijd vaak uit. Gelukkig heb ik probleemloze voeten tot nu toe en dat houd ik ook graag zo!

  9. You will get no quarrel with me over those heels. I think my knees
    would last about five minutes in them. I still wonder how I wore three inch heels everyday in my early working days. Now an inch and a half is my limit.
    BTW, your legs look terrific!

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      I am with you on that one. Those three inch heels have been my maximum; period. So far I have no problems with feet, knees, hips and back. Let's keep it that way!
      Hugs to you and thanks for the compliment. I wore shorts that day and this was only for checking them out and looking at them on a photo; I wanted to know...

  10. Dearest Mariette, Not me! I have a close friend who is an orthopedic surgeon. He says these types of shoes are a major cause of injuries in young women and can continue to cause problems in their later years, ankle, knee and hip replacements are the common results. He does not allow his daughters to wear these shoes.
    Many studies have acknowledged that for decades these shoes have been designed for the visual pleasure of men. I don't dare go on about tightened Achilles tendons, bursitis in hips and knees,
    etc. Oh well, I guess everyone knows how I feel, much of it from experience.
    Love to you, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Oh, I couldn't agree more with you and your othopedic surgeon friend! It is so unnaturally for shifting your pelvic to such a position that can cause serious injury. It amazes me how many follow these trends just like a lemming... They should be smarter!
      My limit throughout life have been those 3 inch heels and I stick to that no matter what. So glad I have still quality shoes from years ago with comfort for my feet; knees, hips and back.
      Hugs to you and thanks for this very informative comment! You did sum it up BEST!

  11. Well, you may not have liked the platform shoes, Mariette, but you certainly have the legs to pull them off! :-) Too bad about the pool. They could have picked a better time to do it... even though, as I type this, I realize there is never a better time in Florida since it is sunny year round! :-) Take care. I hope you are feeling better, one day at a time. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. Dearest Véronique,
      Yeah, with my shorts they might have looked okay but I did hate those few minutes standing on them. I prefer the lower version up to 3 inches maximum. Above, Savannah Granny did sum it up best and I couldn't agree more with her.
      Yep, we have to make another trip to Florida but the weather there can be very tricky during the rather long hurricane season. We had bad luck this time around. Two nights with no water in the pool and four nights in Miami with water in the pool and in the air... We only could enjoy ONE day around the pool for swimming!
      Sure, each day is a gain... looking forward again to Florida keeps me going too.

  12. With your legs, ma chère Mariette, you can wear any type of shoe. I do love both of those shoes, and would, indeed, add them to my collection; however, they would be filed under "sitting" shoes. You know, the kind of shoes you only wear to make an entrance and then sit with your legs crossed seductively for the rest of the evening while some handsome gentleman (like your husband) fetches your cocktail(s). I have three categories of shoes: walking, standing and sitting. Only a few pair of pumps in my collection can cross the lines. They go everywhere with me.

    Big bisous, M-T

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Yeah, sitting shoes... but that category never did appeal to me! For me it can be elegant but it should feel comfortable too and not cause any hazard for injury. We got our legs only ONCE and we ought to keep them in top condition for the duration of our lives or else the fun ends right there.
      Only once I ordered a pair of navy Escada pumps with silver heel from New York as in Florida at the Outlet they didn't have my size... Without trying them on first they turned out to be perfect to wear to a banquette or to the theatre... your sitting shoe category! Got lots of compliments on this pair but I'm not really in love with them being on my feet.
      Hugs to you,

  13. Wow look at these shoes! I know can never walk wearing them. I'm amazed when I see ladies wearing such shoes and walking fast! I

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Those are certainly NOT for me either. Let others walk them but I will not risk my ankles, knees, hips or back wearing those. Three inch is for me the maximum.

  14. Hello Mariette, Thes shoes are very elegant, nowadays the are higher and higher! But the other shoes at the earlier post look more ellegant for you.

    Paper roses from Paris

    1. Dearest Janny,
      Don't think that they are very elegant as they are quite heavy and bulky too. You are so right about the other, moderate height heels being a lot more elegant and a lot safer to wear.

  15. Dear Mariette,

    You look fabulous, your legs look great in the shoes. I am like you - prefer to wear shoes that are more comfortable now.
    In my wardrobe have many shoes that look great but if I know I am going to be doing lots of walking or standing, they sit in the boxes.
    Hope you are enjoying the week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      The look is not for me; don't like these bulky things...
      For me a moderate heel till maximum 3 inches is my preferred shoe. Just read what Savannah Granny wrote about them above, she summed it up best!

  16. Ik vind het altijd mooi uitzien, bij anderen!
    Ikzelf kan er absoluut niet op lopen!
    Lieve groet van Nicole

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Nou, móói uitzien is nog heel de vraag... Je lijkt net een bonestaak of het ziet er nogal 'goedkoop' uit zoals van een tippelaarster inderdaad. Ik houd het lieve bij het lagere genre en houd mijn enkels, knieëen en heupen in top conditie. Ze zijn níet voor mij en niemand krijgt mij er ook in. Dit was gewoonweg uit nieuwsgierigheid een keer ècht voelen hoe het voelt. Dat wankelen maakt je zeeziek...

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    früher - ja früher habe ich auch hohe Schuhe getragen, aber nicht sooo hoch. Inzwischen werden meine Absätze niedriger. Das schont die Beine. Schade, dass ihr nicht schwimmen konntet. Aber shoppen ist auch eine schöne Beschäftigung, nicht wahr?
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Ja genau, meine waren auch nie so hoch; nur um die 7.5 cm hoch maximal. Ja, das schwimmen war sehr schade da es nur diese zwei sonnige Tage gab. Die nächtste drei Tagen gab es wieder schlimmer tropischer Regen und so blieb in Miami nur einen Tag übrig zum schwimmen mit reichlich Sonne. Also müssen wir bald mal wieder zurückgehen um das nach zu holen!
      Shoppen ist immer lustig und ich war zum ersten mal in den Wolford Outlet der neu ist in Orlando, vorher nur in New York wo wir kaum noch kommen ohne unsere Consulting Arbeit. Es hat sich sehr gelohnt.
      Die Schuhe war nur spielerei da ich mal fühlen wollte WIE die am Fuss sitzen. Nicht für mich!!!
      Lieber Gruss,

  18. Wowwww wat een hakken !!....ik zit even terug te lezen maar zie niks van je operatie.....heb ik wat gemist ???...liefs Ria...x !

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja ja dat was inderdaad WOW; maar niks voor mij! Je hebt niks gemist omdat ik zulke meldingen níet via mijn blog doe. Er wordt téveel gespioneerd hier zonder óóit één woord van commentaar...

  19. Well dear they looked good on you
    No way could I walk in them since I have a heavy bottom LOL

    1. Dearest Janice,
      Thank you but I don't like them at all; not their look, nor their feel... and above all the hazard for wearing them.

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    A wonderful thinking of your shoes! I think we are perfer with every thing with our body..when I was really metting my older man and in the nightchub and dancing the run longer distamces some joggers need to shorten with strides and take flatter faster steps for only short help minimatse especially that a tall shot are make me tall. it was a few years ago....
    Your shose are nice for you!
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Only for the purpose of looking taller they are a risky investment as they can cause severe injuries. Savannah Granny did list them all!
      For me the moderate heels of about 7.5 cm or 3" are the most appealing and look more elegant than these heavy blocks. No way I could walk on these as I'm a very fast walker, in the house and everywhere. These would kill me.
      Hugs and love to you,

  21. Dearest Mariette;
    You reminded me of my embarrassing experience p;) As you know, I'm a really tiny woman; when young, I wished to look a bit taller (not the reason for fashion) and I hurt my ankle ligament a bit. And I remember some people laughed at me guessing why I was wearing theses. No more Platform Shoes since then, haha. SO sorry for my recent absence, my dear friend! I hope you and your husband are having a wonderful week.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Wearing too high heels for the purpose of adding some height is very risky indeed. You are who you are and don't feel any less than a tall person. You are smart and each of us has his/her own personality and nobody can measure that only by height!
      Hope you manage all the struggles at home with your ailing Father. Life is not easy at times.
      Hugs and love,

  22. Dear Mariette,your shoes are very preety!!!
    I used to wear hight shoes,but now I can never walk wearing them!!
    They look great on you!!!
    Have a nice day!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thanks for the compliment but I would certainly NOT want to wear those. Too heavy and too wobbly for standing on. They surely can injure us big time. Savannah Granny summed it up best here above.
      Hugs to you,

  23. Dear Mariette I LOVE hight shoes & I can walk on these! ....& you can wear any type of shoe,with your legs,my friend!!!Love you!

    1. Dearest Georgia,
      Thank you but these certainly did not feel good; way too heavy on my feet and they made me feel very imbalanced because you tilt your pelvic in such an unnatural way. I prefer the lower version of maximum 7.5 cm height.
      Hugs and love to you!

  24. Oh my stars ~ I am pretty sure I would break my ankle wearing such high heals! LOL!
    That's too bad the pool was drained at your hotel! Hopefully they gave you a discount or that you knew that before you went there!!!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Those heels are absolutely NOT for me either!
      Oh, I was so proud about my super deal via Internet but when my husband Pieter went back to the car and came up into the room laughing about having found out about my super deal, I was so disappointed. No, they did NOT mention this at all, we could have booked a nearby other Hyatt Place had we had an inkling about this. Bad luck!

  25. Ah-ah,sei troppo forte!Io proprio non le posso portare,ho dolori alle gambe e alle caviglie!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Ma anch'io non le posso portare; sono cosi pesante e no mi piacele. Per mi massimo 7.5 cm sono bene!

  26. Dear Mariette,
    Oh, you do wear them well, with those fabulous legs! But no, I cannot wear heels at all any longer, except for a short time and only 'kitten' heels for me. I do not like to fall! Too bad about the pool - what a disappointment for you, but it looks like you made the best of things and had some fun trying on shoes! My daughters would love those shoes! Hoping you are well, my friend. Hugs xoxo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Maybe for the photo I did wear them well but not for my feeling... No way I would ever buy them.
      Yeah, that pool was really a disappointment; especially after such a WET summer we finally looked forward to some swimming time. It would not be! It was fun trying on those shoes. Your daughters might take the risk of causing injuries... not me.
      Yes friend I am on the mend; patience is the recipe here.

  27. My dearest Mariette ,these shoes are very pretty ,but not for me !! At past I used to wear ,but now I could not ...I feel that I can not walk and I am scaring that I will have an accident .... So ,I prefer the middle
    height for rare occasions and low for every day !
    Have a nice day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      This was just for fun that I tried them on but I don't even like their looks and they are so heavy. I've never worn such extreme high heels, 7.5 cm being the maximum for me. It is also very dangerous for you ankles, knees and hips. See Savannah Granny's comment above about that.
      Just like you is the best way for staying out of trouble!
      Hugs to you,

  28. Liebe Mariette,
    ich liebe schon hohe Schuhe, aber keine Plateausohlen, die finde ich hässlich! Nur grazile Stilettos sind das, was ich mag. Ich kann auch darauf laufen. Aber nur zu besonderen Anlässen würde ich so etwas tragen. Niemals im Alltag! Denn gesund sind diese hohen Schuhe wahrhaftig nicht. Aber mal kann man sie schon tragen, wenn man drauf laufen kann.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Für mich sind diese hohe Plateausohlen und sicher auch die hohen Stilettos ausser Frage. Meine Beine sind sowieso schon sehr lang also die brauche ich nicht zu akzentuieren mit solch hohe Sohlen oder Absätze und ich würde auch nicht darauf laufen können...
      Nur ganz kleine Absätze mag ich.
      Liebe Grüsse,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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