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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, December 28, 2013

{Our Pansies in December}

Pansies are such a JOY to grow in the fall and winter season as they are so GIVING! 
Look here at Our Pansies in December:
Husband Pieter took these photos on December 3...
Fresh rain on their friendly 'FACES'
These white Pansies are in our Fiberglass Window Boxes alongside the retainer wall on our driveway.
These boxes are from Flower Framers of Cincinnati
Stepping back a bit further to show them better...
This is looking the other way, towards our fragrant double flowering Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno' tree.
Do you have any flowering plants outside?

Related links:
{OUR FIBERGLASS WINDOW BOXES} | previous post by me


  1. The pansies and the fiberglass window boxes are stunning. Such beautiful flowers still in December. Also thank you so much for supporting St. Jude children hospital with your donation. I really appreciate. Wishing you a Buon Anno

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Thank you and yes those fiberglass window boxes are the best on the market.
      Pansies are one of the most rewarding flowers!
      You are quite welcome and that's exactly in the Christmas spirit; giving to Charity.
      Hugs e anche un Buon Anno!

  2. They are very lovely in your pretty white flower boxes, Mariette! Like you, I enjoy flowers in all seasons, however few. We have a few tiny pansies blooming and one sweet, white Lenten Rose. I hope your Christmas was full of peace and joy. Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you, such winter blooms do lift us up and make life different.
      We did have a peaceful Christmas with a delicious 5-course dinner at Ristorante da Maria before we went to Mass at 11:00 PM. LOVE the caroling during Christmas time.
      Christmas day we spent lots of time on the phone with The Netherlands and our foster daughter made a video call on December 24th around noon, as they are exactly 12 hours ahead of us.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    your pansees are beautiful! At the moment i do not have any flowering plants outside...
    I hope, you had a wonderful Christmas time!
    wishing you a lovely weekend,
    love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you, this is such a winter bonus for having blooming pansies!
      Our Christmas was a very quiet one, just the two of us, as usual. We had a delicious Christmas dinner, followed by Mass at 23:00 o'clock.
      Enjoy your weekend; the last one of the year...

  4. Dearest Mariette;
    Marvelous white pansies in the coordinating white Fiberglass Window Boxes. Love the way they stretch in front of your driveway♡♡♡

    Sending you LOVE, HUGS and also seasonal greetings, my dear friend in America. Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you, they do greet us with their friendly faces, each and every time when we arrive at the house. Sending my Japanese friend love and hugs back for the final weekend of 2013.

  5. Dear Mariette,i love Pansies !!!And your's look so preety in the boxes!!!I like also the white color they have!
    I hope you had a great Christmas time!I did!!!You know why!!!Have a wonderful weekend!!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      White Pansies are very cheerful and they brighten a winter day.
      So glad to read about your joy for having had a wonderful Christmas with family returning home!

  6. Lieve Mariette,
    deine weißen Stiefmütterchen sehen wirklich entzückend aus! Hier würden sie im WInter leider erfrieren bzw. zumindest keine Blüten mehr zeigen. (Im Moment ist es bei uns allerdings auch nicht sooo winterlich kalt, es hat + 6 ° C, aber das ändert sich bestimmt noch.)
    Ganz herzliche rostrosige Grüße, Traude
    ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥:

    1. Liebe Traude,
      Ja, Stiefmütterchen finde ich immer ein komischer Name; wo kommt dass bloss her? Sie sind sehr lieb und man freut sich sogar im Winter auf einige Blüten ums Haus.
      Bei euch ist es wirklich ganz mild noch; geniesst vom milden Wochenende; das letzte im Jahr 2013.
      Lieber Gruss,

  7. Viooltjes buiten, dat kan helaas niet meer hier nu. Deze zien er prachtig uit en ze bloeien goed in jouw klimaat.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, het is wèl een groot verschil inderdaad tussen Nederland en hier in het hart van Georgia, ter hoogte van Tunesië. Het beurt de mens op; mits het kan in het klimaat.

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    lasse ich heute sonnige Grüße hier.


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, und es freut mich das die Stiefmütterchen dir auch Freude gaben!
      Lieber Gruss,

  9. I have loads of flowering plants out side. My garden is very pretty, but I have to confess, I am not good at growing pansy's. They sometimes curl up their leaves and die in a day. This doesn't happen to any other plants.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Yeah, you are in mid-summer and that is not quite fair for comparing to winter blooming plants... Too bad that pansies don't feel happy in your garden as they can last almost forever and are so pretty.
      Wishing you a happy last weekend of the year!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ihr habt ein so großes Grundstück - Wahnsinn - wie ein großer Park -
    die Stiefmütterchen sind wunderschön und harmonieren wunderbar mit der Farbe eures Hauses -

    ich wünsche dir eine ruhige Zeit

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja, die Bevölkerungsdichte zum Vergleich mit den Niederlanden ist hier ein auf zwölf in Georgia. Also hat jeder einiges mehr. Für uns hätte das Grundstück am besten kleiner sein, können aber das existierte leider nicht... Solange wir können, wollen wir weiterhin den Garten und den Wald zu wahren.
      Die Stiefmütterchen in weiss harmonieren indertat sehr schön mit dem Haus.
      Auch ein schönes und ruhiges letztes Wochenende vom Jahr.
      Lieber Gruss,

  11. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat staan je viooltjes er prachtig fris bij.
    Heb dit jaar voor het eerst geen winterviolen in de zinken bloembakken onder het raam,
    omdat ik het zonde vond om het bloeiende zomergoed eruit te gooien zoals lobelia en jasmijn.
    Eigenlijk is het geen gezicht want nu staan mijn 8 houten kerstboompjes tussen het nog steeds bloeiende spul.
    Hou wel m'n hart vast als het echt gaat vriezen want dan is het gedaan.....tja en wat moet ik er dan inzetten.
    Vergeet nooit de dag dat mijn schoonvader overleed op mijn verjaardag en ik op de ochtend van crematie plechtigheid een klein tuiltje blauwe viooltjes kon plukken uit de bloembakken om bij het afscheid op zijn kist te leggen,hij was bij leven ook zó dol op viooltjes,en als ik heel eerlijk ben vond ik het tuiltje meer uitstraling hebben dan de grote toef van witte orchideeën die wij bij bloemist hadden laten maken.


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Kennelijk door de warmte van de muur houden viooltjes e.d. in jullie bloembakken het ook tot 5 januari! Heel bijzonder is het en het geeft ook vreugde. Net als nu bij jullie...
      Zo'n klein tuiltje blauwe viooltjes hadden iets poetisch, iets wat erg geliefd was tijdens je schoonvader's leven... zoiets straalt altijd meer uit!
      Geniet van jullie laatste weekend van het jaar en nog de allerbeste wensen voor een mooi en gezond 2014!

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Your pansies remind me that winter will end at some point. It's 26 F this morning and not expected to rise above the mid-30's. My blooming plants are inside in my sunroom.....cheering me on towards spring.
    Enjoy your week end........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzy,
      Sure, winter will end and also for your far more northern region. It is a joy to have some blooming plants inside a sun room. We need to be cheered on during the dark winter days.
      Enjoy your final weekend of 2013.

  13. Your trough looks lovely with those Pansies. Like that small lamp post at the end.

    1. Dearest Haddock,
      Indeed our planter boxes look lovely with Pansies!
      The lamp post gives lovely soft yellowish light in the dark and it contains an outlet for vacuum the car or whatever needed.

  14. The pansies look so beautiful and happy dear Mariette. Such a joy to see them in the winter season.

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Guess they are very happy with their roomy planter boxes that are filled with yummy potting soil.
      They are a winter blessing!

  15. Ślicznie wyglądają kwitnące w grudniu bratki, białe jak śnieg :).
    They look pretty pansies blooming in December, as white as snow :).

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Guess such blooming Pansies for Poland will be tough to have outdoors... But for the time being we enjoy them!

  16. I love your pansies very much! They are so pretty and make me feel cheerful and warm in cold winter.
    And I love the way boxes are hanging off the ground, along the driveway. Must be really nice to drive back home and be welcomed by these pansies :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Indeed this is a very warm welcome driving into our drive way! These boxes can contain lots of potting soil so the plants are happy.
      Happy weekend!

  17. How pretty they are, freshly out of their shower, your little friends!
    Thank you for stopping by chez Moi today.
    I wish you a Happy New Year in Georgia, dear Mariette!
    Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. Dearest Véronique,
      Thank you and indeed those pansies received a heavenly shower.
      Wishing you a Happy New Year from Georgia where you once studied...

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Your white pansies are SO beautiful, and indeed a pure joy to behold!
    I hope you've had a lovely Christmas time and are enjoying this beautiful time of year!
    Love and hugs from the Alps!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Yes, besides this joy of blooming pansies we did have a lovely Christmas with great Italian food. Ristorante da Maria took care of a lovely 5-course Christmas dinner before we headed to Church for the 23:00 o'clock Mass. Singing Silent Night; my most favorite Christmas carol...
      Hugs to you and enjoy your special last weekend of 2013!

  19. Dearest Mariette, Your pansies are so beautiful and healthy. You are correct they are so beautiful during the cold months. I remember the flower boxes and they are great.
    I glanced out back today and one of the yellow knockout roses was blooming.
    We do have strange weather here.
    Love to you and Pieter,

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      We did fill our flower boxes with these white pansies after the painting got done. They had to be emptied and filled again and those verbenas were not enough for all. For the time being those pansies are a joy!
      The weather can go up and down quite a lot indeed. Early last week we had summer temperatures and than frost again at night.
      Love to you and Bob,

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    Your driveway in the white PARSIES that is husband Pilter these photos of Fresh rain on the friendly ...
    Next winter time in the my car's next room with Parsies....
    You have a lovely Christmas time and all over the flower boxes....
    Hugs to your always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Alll year we try to have some blooming plants around us; they give happiness.
      Sure, you are in the midst of summer and I hope you got sunshine now so you can play golf again with your friends. May 2014 be a blessed year for you and may you continue to heal from your brain injury. Christmas time of the year is rather stressful as a lot of things are going on at once. Relax for the remainder of the year and have a happy 2014!
      With love and admiration,

  21. Oh Mariette your driveway looks gorgeous with the pansies! I love your pansies and yes, in December, wow! Your house is so beautiful, you are so blessed! Enjoy the fickle weather, it's like ours around here...one minute it's 80 and tan at night it's 60!
    Hope you had a lovely C'mas with your dear Pieter.
    Big hugs sweet lady,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thank you dear friend! Yes we had a lovely Christmas, no table setting at home for many family members like at your home but we enjoyed a five course Christmas dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant; Ristorante da Maria. Followed by Mass at 11:00 PM and we love the caroling part of it. That makes Christmas what it is.
      We did call family members on Christmas day and that's how we bridge over 7,000 km and even 20,000 km for our foster-daughter who is in Indonesia; exactly half way around the world. But all are close in our hearts.
      Big hugs to you,

  22. Now Christmas is gone and the cat's have taken all the ornaments. Now we all look forward to a Happy New Year.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      Hope those rascals did not break any of your ornaments!
      Wishing you a very Happy New Year with lots of laughter and good health.

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    I love beaufiful flowers in fibeglan window boxes it is a joy with along the driveway.
    I'am sorry I was not much to thinkings about my writing lovely fibeglem.
    Hugs and love always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Are these Pansies not lovely in those fiberglass window boxes? They greet us every time we pass by.
      Sending you lots of love,

  24. Hallo...Hope have a beautiful christmas time...have a happy new year with health...beautiful your flowers and your house

    1. Dearest Delfinaki,
      Thank you so much for your compliments and for the well wishes, yes our Christmas time has been lovely. May 2014 also be a Happy and Healthy year for you and your loved ones!

  25. So wonderful to have pansies during the winter ... the only white we have is snow and more snow. Your pansies look lovely along your driveway.. hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Oh my, looking out to snow all around you is quite different. But it is part of the season for your area. Stay warm and cozy indoors. Our pansies are not blooming as abundantly any more as in this December 3 photo but they're trying their best to bloom throughout winter.
      Hugs and blessings to you both + fur babies.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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