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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, June 29, 2014

{Bok Tower in Lake Wales, Florida}

While we were at the Hyatt Place Lakeland Center we also visited the Bok Tower in Lake Wales. It was our second visit as we were there on December 28 of 2001.
This is the actual tower, built from pink and gray Georgia marble and Florida coquina, a limestone of shell and coral fragments.
Yes, the Bok Tower is a Florida Heritage 
And also a National Historic Landmark
Very peaceful surroundings and beautiful subtropical vegetation along the road that leads to the Singing Tower & Gardens...
Here husband Pieter is standing in front of this 205 feet (65.5 meters) high Bok Tower which is built on the highest point in peninsular Florida (324 feet) or 99 meters.
Lots of Spanish moss hanging down from the trees, just as we see it here in Georgia.
Majestic palms actually dwarf besides this tall Bok Tower with its beautiful pink and gray Georgia marble.
The architect was Milton B. Medary from Philadelphia and it got built in 1927-1929
 The Bok Tower Sanctuary was dedicated to the American people by President Calvin Coolidge on February 1, 1929, and added to the National Registry of Historic Places in 1972.
Edward Bok, born October 9, 1863 at Den Helder, The Netherlands died within sight of this tower January 9, 1930. At his request his family placed his grave in the lawn in front of the great brass door. Coming to the United States as a poor immigrant boy of six, he achieved success as a writer and editor. Late in life he created the sanctuary as a place of repose for the human spirit. Built the tower with the great carillon as its central accent, and presented them to the American people for visitation as his thanks for the success they had given him.
On this photo you see the great brass door and in front of it Edward Bok has been buried in the lawn, where those plants are...
Here I am standing in front of the wrought iron gate with birds...
There is also a huge reflection pond, where the entire tower mirrors itself but it was being drained for cleaning when we visited.
This Japanese stone lantern was a gift to the Gardens as a tribute to Edward Bok to reflect his interest in world peace, symbolized by the dove carvings.
Given to the Sanctuary by Tsujita of Tokyo, January 1956.
The Japanese stone lantern was a gift of Usaburo Tsujita of Tokyo, member of Edward Bok's staff from 1922 to 1925. The lantern representing seven years of his savings, is placed within direct sight of the grave of Edward Bok as a tribute and symbolizes, with its encircling doves, humanity's universal hope for world peace.
Nice views from this elevated area...
Very peaceful gardens
We enjoyed a coffee at the Blue Palmetto Café...
Sharing some of my home baked cashew-meal with coconut sugar cookies with a friendly squirrel

Did you like this very special sanctuary?

Related link:
{1903 Ladies Home Journal by Edward Bok - The Mother of America & Dutch American Heritage Day} | previous post by me with more information about Edward Bok
Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, Florida | YouTube short video with carillon playing
Bok Tower Gardens 2011 | YouTube short video from the spring


  1. it looks beautiful. the tower, itself, is impressive and i like the pink-hued materials.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      This is such a quiet and peaceful area, full with birds and beauty. A must see, at least once in your lifetime. The huge reflection pond was being drained for cleaning when we were there. Otherwise that would make for spectacular tower photos as well.

  2. Love the birds on the gate. A majestic tower.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      A true majestic tower and such a peaceful burial place for Edward Bok...

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ein Gedicht!

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Fuer die letzte Ruhe von Herrn Edward Bok ist es sehr friedlich!
      Liebe Gruesse,

  4. De naam Bok klonk nogal Nederlands en dat was ook zo. Wat aardig dat hij de toren met carillon heeft gebouwd als dank voor de kansen die hij had gehad. Het Spaanse mos herinner ik me nog goed, zo vreemd om dat te zien hangen in de bomen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Inderdaad is de naam Bok ècht Nederlands! Hij heeft veel bereikt en ook als persoonlijke vriend van verschillende Presidenten.
      Nee, het is niet vreemd om het Spaanse mos zo in de bomen te zien hangen. Gezien de hoge luchtvochtigheid kan deze epifyt leven en het pikt zijn voedingsstoffen, kalk en water, op uit de lucht en regendruppels. Best een apart gezicht is het altijd. Het wordt ook verzameld en gebleekt om voor bloemisterijen te gebruiken.
      Fijn weekend en lieve groetjes,

  5. That's such a beautiful tower. I love the pink and gray combination. Looks like very nice and peaceful place. And the view is amazing!
    It's lovely to see Japanese stone lantern and to learn it symbolizes hope for world peace.

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It is an impressive structure and so unexpected in such a peaceful setting, far away from the hectic of life...
      Who would guess to find this altitude in the otherwise rather flat state of Florida?
      That Japanese stone lantern was a very noble gift from the savings of seven years. That revealed a lot about Edward Bok, when one of his staff members donates such a precious gift! Very nice and also the peace message with the doves.
      Hugs and happy weekend!

  6. Wow; what a wonderful tower with great color combination "Bok Tower" is♡♡♡ And the garden seems great place to stroll.
    Yes,it is gorgeous Japanese lantern and the story behind it about Usaburo Tsujita is really heartwarming. Happy to find another honorable Japanese there.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend Mariette, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      The marble color combination is striking and such a beautiful tower with its stone carvings in a beautiful setting. The Japanese lantern did reveal a lot about the loyalty by Usaburo Tsujita towards his boss for donating 7 years worth of his savings to place this within sight of his grave... Love the peace doves as symbol; if only more nations like that could come togehter in such way.
      Hugs and love dear friend from Georgia/USA,

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    schön, dass du uns mitgenommen und so gut erklärt hast.
    Die Geschichte um die japanische Laterne kannte ich nicht.
    Sie wurde uns bei unserem Besuch damals auch nicht erzählt.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja so warst du auch mal wieder da...
      Uns hat keiner etwas erzählt aber es steht ja auf den Marker geschrieben, da kann ein jeder es lesen.
      Schade war nur dass der grosse Reflektionsteich grad leergemacht war zum saubermachen. Also ein Bild mit doppelter Turm, einer im Wasser, gab es diesmal nicht...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    The Bok Tower & Gardens a beautiful vege tation the garden your husband Pieter standig from of high Bok Tower. Lots of spenish moe from the trees in Georgia you both enjoyed a coffee at the blue palmetto cafe it was lovely friendly SQUIRREL for you.
    We has still raining day...
    Hugs and lovely to always both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      This was again a very lovely visit and that squirrel was cute!

  9. Dear Mariette,

    This really does look like a Sanctuary and special place - love the tall tower built with the pretty bricks.
    Also beautiful gardens to walk around - thanks for sharing.
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      The tower in pink and gray Georgia marble is so beautiful!
      A very lovely walk with a coffee break.

  10. Dear Mariette,what a beautiful place to visit!!The tower looks so big!!And the gardens are so preety!!Wonderful pictures! Oh,i love the little squirrel!!Its so cute!!Have a lovely day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      That marble tower sure IS tall!
      We enjoyed our visit.

  11. Loved this it looks like a bloody marvellous place

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      It sure is a marvelous place!

  12. •°♡♡彡º°。
    Belo monumento, a paisagem e as árvores são muito agradáveis.

    Bom domingo e boa semana!

    1. Dearest Ines,
      A beautiful monument indeed.
      Happy Sunday afternoon and happy new week to you!

  13. Dear Mariette. So I learned something new today from you. Very interesting and I love the nature of that place -just gorgeous. Green and peaceful. Seems you had a wonderful visit there dear friend. Big hugs

    1. Dearest Eli,
      This is indeed a lovely place and it has a lot of meaning too.
      We enjoyed our 9-day vacation in Florida very much with perfect weather all the time.
      Hugs to you,

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    I need to writing a lettle combinatioro of symbal..
    Hugs and love!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes, it was a beautiful gift from this Japanese man that worked for Edward Bok...
      Hugs and love to you,

  15. I've never heard of this tower. The stones are such beautiful colors!! Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Glad you learned something new, we had read about this in a Southern Living magazine I guess and in 2001 we came here for the first time. Very unique and meaningful place. Edward Bok did so much for this nation and his Ladies Home Journal was quite some pionering work!

  16. thanks for sharing. I had no idea this even existed.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      This is a very lovely place to discover and to roam around. Quite peaceful and so meaningful too.
      Glad you learned about it now.

  17. What a relaxing afternoon, Mariette. Thanks for sharing this testament to the contributions that immigrants make to this great country. xo

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Edward Bok did so much for all the women in the USA by publishing his Ladies Home Journal. He contributed a lot as a writer and publisher. A very nice place to visit and to relax, away from the noise of the world.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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