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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, June 21, 2014

{Celery Almond Soup & Costco's Multi-Grain Crackers}

After we did check out from the Hyatt Regency Sarasota we did go to Whole Foods Market for some shopping and also to eat a healthy CELERY ALMOND SOUP. We both loved that soup so much that I have made it myself at home for you to see. Very healthy!
Served with Costco Wholesale's delicious crackers it makes for a perfect supper or lunch.
Using our Campbell's soup bowls with Alvin Bridal Rose gumbo spoons, which are so great for eating soups...
Here are the very healthy Multi-Grain Crackers from Costco Wholesale...
They come in a large box with two sealed bags inside.
Gluten free and low fat...
This is the Almond Meal from Trader Joe's that I used for the soup, together with Trader Joe's low sodium chicken broth.
I used about half a pound, for one pack of low sodium chicken broth.
Or if you want to make more, use one pound with two packs of chicken broth...
Further you need one bunch of celery stalks that you cut up in pieces.
Just cook together till the celery stalks are done, blend them with the handheld immersion blender and you have a delicious soup!
While enjoying our Celery Almond Soup at Whole Foods in Sarasota, Florida we got this Alert for a Tornado coming to the region.
We drove south, with a stop at Trader Joe's in Sarasota first, so we would have food for our apartment kitchen at the Hyatt House in Miami where we were heading next...
That Tornado did cause heavy flooding for the Tampa region.
We were so lucky with our stay, even though that morning it was too windy for swimming at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota pool... Now we knew WHY!
We will go back to Sarasota again!

Related links:
{Sarasota Bay, Florida - Anhinga} | previous post about our stay at Hyatt Regency and Bay walk
{Sarasota Bay, Florida - Great White Heron} | previous post                    "
{Sarasota, Florida - Hyatt Regency} | previous post about our stay at Hyatt Regency


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      It is a very good soup and healthy too!

  2. Hello Mariette, Your recipe is an elegant update for cream of celery soup, which I have not thought of in a while.

    It's too bad that stormy weather seems to follow you around--I hope that the rest of your vacation is sunny and peaceful.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      This really is an elegant and very healthy update for cream of celery soup!
      If one visits Florida, the weather is always a risk being it in hurricane season or else. Last September we had horrible rain when we tried to have a week long vacation prior to my hospital stay... It did not happen; we swam only one time!
      This trip we got very lucky for having no rain at all during 9 days! Sure it rained, but not where we hit the road or lay at the pool... We did have a great vacation.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    this sounds like a very delicious and healthy soup!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      It sure is and a very easy one too! Did you know that Trader Joe's is German owned with its sister-company Aldi?
      Hugs and happy weekend to you!

  4. Dat lijkt me zo angstaanjagend zo'n tornado. Het is zo verwoestend wat de natuur daar voor elkaar krijgt. En al dat water wat erbij komt. Triest voor de mensen dat ze alles weer moeten opruimen en opnieuw beginnen. Gelukkig waren jullie niet getroffen. De soep ziet er goed uit maar selderie is niet mijn favoriete groente...

    1. Zo'n wervelwind is niet niks en het kan zó een auto oppakken en meenemen. Ik kon het gelukkig ontwijken doordat we naar het zuiden reden. In Nederland heb ik ooit dicht bij Horst gezien hoe grote eikenbomen eventjes werden opgelicht en over de weg gegooid... De natuur heeft een enorme kracht. Ja inderdaad, alle modder troep die je er van hebt en alles opnieuw schilderen na het schoonmaken en uitdrogen en het levensgevaar.
      Selderie is zo'n heerlijke groente en werkt ook nog eens vochtafdrijvend!

  5. Cara Mariette,non conosco questo piatto!Sicuramente sarà molto salutare!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Securo questo piatto è molto salutare!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    I was so interlest on Beer pollinate would be less beef,milk and chllse! I was very happy with your healthy perfect of lunch time. Creckess.
    We has still the raining days...so many days. but I love yours lunch time!
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes, this is a very healthy alternative to meat and it is delicious too.
      Hope you will find some quality days this winter season so you can enjoy some golf.

  7. Dear Mariette,i have never tasted an almond soup before!!But it sounds very delicious and its sure very healthy !!
    Have a wonderful weekend!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      That was also the first time for me as we ate it like that at Whole Foods Market. But it is oh so easy to make at home and is delicious enough for many repeats.
      Enjoy your summer 2014!

  8. Celery and almond! That sounds such a great combination! It sure looks delicious in the Campbell's bowl :-)
    Glad the tornado didn't affect your stay too much. Once before, I had to come back one day early from vacation because the hurricane was approaching. It was very scary!

    Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It is a great combination! Found those Campbell bowls at Tuesday Morning...
      We were very lucky with the weather in Florida during those 9 days. We too had to pack up in a hurry one time when my sister and her significant other and us, just received the menu cards in a lovely courtyard setting... but we all had to escape. Next morning we got via TV the message to not leave the hotel room. That lasted till noon and we still saw lots of debris on the road and everywhere from that hurricane. It sure is scary as we cannot stand up against the powers of Mother Nature.

  9. "CELERY ALMOND SOUP"; sounds very healthy and must be tasty.
    Oh, you must have felt scared a bit. Glad to hear that you could avoid it and had trip ahead, Mariette. In America, these warning must be very important for its season!
    I hope you will have a wonderful weekend; ours is going to be rainy 2 days ;-)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      The soup is quite tasty and indeed very healthy.
      Well, you look surprised at such a message but we should not panic. We left and because we were driving south, we avoided it completely. Could see the black clouds in my rearview mirrors though. For the USA these alerts are very crucial indeed. Great with the modern media we can have this.
      We too have daily rains but in general the weather is nice and sunny.

  10. sicuramente sarà una zuppa salutare!!!!! buon fine settimana e un abbraccio lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Sì, quella zupa è molto salutare e deliciosa.
      Buon verano 2014 e un abbraccio grande.

  11. Dear Mariette,
    Your soup sounds so good and healthy and the crackers must be delicious!
    I am pleased to realize you had no problem with the tornado!!!!!!!!!
    I wish you a lovely week-end!

  12. Dear Mariette,
    I just left you a comment but it seems it has disappeared!!!!!
    Your soup sounds very good and healthy!! And the crackers must be delicious!!!!
    I am pleased to realize you have had no problems with the tornado!!!!!!!!!
    I wish you a happy week-end!
    Many hugs!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and yes, those crackers are a favorite of everybody. The soup is real good.
      We could avoid the tornado by escaping away from it... We were very lucky during this 9-day vacation in Florida!
      Hugs and happy beginning of summer.

  13. We are having a rainy day at the beach here. Your soup would be delicious on such a day!

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Indeed for a rainy day at the beach or wherever, this would be perfect comfort food!
      Hope the weather did change for the better.

  14. Die soep ziet er inderdaad gezond uit, maar ik kan me eigenlijk niet
    voorstellen dat het lekker is...maar kan best hoor!
    Denk je dat het inderdaad aan de muziek (golven) op de achtergrond
    ligt dat mijn blog lang opstart? Ik had eerst gewoon muziek...
    Gelukkig dat jullie niet veel van de tornado hebben meegekregen!
    Fijne dag nog!

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Ja die soep is ook heel erg lekker èn gezond.
      Ja, het was met name jou blog die telkens bleef hangen en niet wilde downloaden.
      We hadden geluk met het weer voor onze 9 dagen vakantie in Florida.

  15. Dacht bij het zien van de eerste foto Mariette zit aan de Brinta;-)
    maar die serveert ze vast niet in 'n Campbells kom.
    De soep klinkt in elk geval gezond,ik ken het recept niet.
    Wel amandelmeel wat voor zowel zoete als hartige recepten bruikbaar is omdat het niet naar amandelen smaakt.
    Ook bleekselderie ben ik dol op,die ging vanavond nog in de groenten-wok,ook knabbel ik met smaak aan stengel bleekselderie om vocht af te drijven (wanneer ik bij warm weer dikke benen en voeten heb) en dan het liefste aan die bleke gele uit België,veel zachter en intenser van smaak dan de groene die hier in de winkel te koop is.
    Nam ook een kijkje op de site Whole Foods Market en zie hele lekkere recepten voorbij komen,moet daar eens vaker gaan neuzen.

    Altijd angstaanjagend die tornado waarschuwingen,maar gelukkig trof het jullie niet.

    Fijn weekeind en liefs,Ger

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, Brinta kennen ze hier niet... mogelijk zou je iets dergelijks kunnen maken van onze Cream of Wheat die hier te koop is.
      De soep was een cullinaire verrassing voor ons; heel erg lekker en zeker werkt die selderij als een natuurlijk vochtafdrijfmiddel oftewel 'diuretic' zoals ze hier zeggen.
      Whole Foods Market is een geweldige plaats en eigenlijk zouden veel meer touristen die moeten opzoeken om gemakkelijk en vooral erg gezond te eten via hun soup, salad & food bar. Heel veel keuze en leuke zithoek voor diegenen die er willen eten, ook buiten op terrasje. De recepten van hun zijn altijd erg goed!
      Ja, die waarschuwing deed ons wel even schrikken maar ik kon het weer voor blijfen door naar het zuiden te rijden naar onze destinatie Miami.
      Een hele fijne zomer nog!

  16. stay safe, and thanks for sharing this meal with us.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      You are more than welcome as you always share so generously with us!
      We are safely back home and Florida was great during the entire 9 days.

  17. The soup and crackers look so delicious and so healthy, Dear Mariette! Easy, too! So glad you didn't run into any tornadoes on your vacation! Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Yes, this was a great lunch before I started driving away from that approaching tornado with heavy rains. We got lucky this vacation in Florida.

  18. Liebe Mariette,

    in gewohnter Schönheit.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, danke es ist eine herrliche Suppe!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  19. Hmm ... who would have thought of such a combination... will check to see if our Wholefoods has it. Hugs and blessings, Celia M. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Each Whole Foods Market is serving different food, based on the region they are being located in I guess. As for the almond meal you might find it there, Trader Joe's has it here in the USA.

  20. My dear friend Mariette,
    This celery almond soup seems to be very delicious and very healthy. I'd love to give it a try very soon. I'm so happy you could avoid the Tornado, so bad that caused lots of floods on the area.
    Send you a big hug and I wish you a wonderful day full of blessings,
    Laura :-)

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thanks dear friend and trust me, this soup is really delicious and very good for our body.
      It makes me always sad to see floodings... but life is never easy with the forces of Mother Nature around.
      Big hugs back and happy summer to you with lots of photography!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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