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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, June 19, 2014

{Sarasota Bay, Florida - Anhinga}

During our stay at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota we did encounter some great wildlife at Sarasota Bay.
We came upon an Anhinga...
Perched on the corner of this deck. Yes, with the ugly purple from yesterday's post in sight.
It let me come really close... 
Again, the ugly purple, wish they'd left all those piers natural like this one!
All taken with my iPhone...
The Anhinga preening itself, not yet paying attention to my coming closer and closer.
Sometimes the Anhinga is called Snake-bird, look at its snake-like neck!
Don't know if he was friendly with me or not...
Anhinga is related to the Cormorant but it lacks the hooked bill at the tip.
This difference makes it pretty easy to distinguish between the two.
Anhingas have long and pointed bills; NOT hooked at the tip...
Guess he was willing to show all his different poses for me
Am I pretty? YES, a lot prettier than that ugly purple structure!
I will snatch your iPhone away...
Why didn't you bring me a BIG fish; I'm hungry!
ARGH, guess I have to dive for one myself...!
Anhinga at Sarasota Bay, Florida ←click for short video

Related links:
Sarasota Bay | Info about this coastal lagoon in Florida, USA
{Sarasota, Florida - Hyatt Regency} | previous post about our stay at Hyatt Regency 


  1. such a character! he really posed and acted up for you!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      He sure did and I never knew for certain how he felt... He could have snatched my iPhone easily!

  2. que buen paseo tuvo usted amiga querida ! lindas fotografias de esa preciosa ave!!

    1. Querida Angélica,
      Si esto fue un paseo muy gratificante a lo largo de la bahía y esa preciosa ave era una bonificación! Toda una experiencia para estar tan cerca de él.
      Con cariño,

  3. What a friendly bird. He does look like a Cormorant, I'm glad you could get so close.
    hugs Kay.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Don't know for sure IF he was friendly or not... but he stayed with me and that was so unique!
      We loved our walk.

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you für those wonderful pictures!
    Looks like such a wonderful place......
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      It is such a great thing for walking in fresh and clean air and observing wild life...

  5. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      DANKE dir!
      Liebe und sonnige Grüsse zurück,

  6. Oh, my husband said the bird must be Cormorant. I thought its color should be black: and found you said "Anhinga" p;) LONG neck, it has. Great photographs of the bird, Mariette.

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      No, the cormorant does have a long bill which is hooked at tip! That makes a very clear distinction between them and the Anhinga.
      It was a joy to capture these images!

  7. Simpatico questo volatile!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Sì questo volatile era molto simpatico con me e ha preso il suo tempo per stare con me!

  8. Hij maakte er een hele show van voor jou, ik dacht inderdaad dat het een aalscholver was die je hier ook veel ziet in de polder.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Nee hoor, de aalscholver heeft aan de punt van zijn bek een kromming en deze niet... Dat is een heel duidelijk waarneembaar verschil.
      Hij was een show bink inderdaad!

  9. WOW!
    I can see you really enjoyed that moment!
    Obviously he knows humans won't harm him!
    Great and close shots!

    About the comment problem.... I am really sorry Mariette, it doesn't work fo me.
    I don't know how some friend bloggers leave their comments but some seem to really battle if I set to "Registered User - includes OpenID" and the moderation is a pain too.
    Unless Blogger finds a different solution I will have to stick to this WF.... :(
    It doesn't satisfy me, believe it!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      This Anhinga didn't feel threatened by humans I guess, kind of tamed.
      I certainly did enjoy this!
      So sorry to read it doesn't work for you... did leave you a comment with other hint/suggestion.

  10. Hoi Mariette,

    Interessant om tijdens jullie wandeling zo'n mooie vogel tegen te komen en die er ook nog eens goed voor gaat staan om van alle standen gefotografeerd de worden.
    En jij was volgens mij helemaal in de ban van deze grote vriend en had nergens anders oog voor,hi,hi.....zie de horizon op je foto's steeds schuiner worden;-)
    Heerlijk om je vakantie door te brengen aan het water, wij verbleven jaren geleden in Portugal aan de oostkant en het hotel(voormalig tonijnvissersdorp helemaal terug gerestaureerd zoals het vroeger was) lag midden in het natuurgebied Ria Formosa, heb nog nooit zoveel verschillende vogels voor de camera gehad die in die periode daar met grote getale neerstreken om te foerageren tijdens hun trektocht.
    Harry was er niet zo blij mee want hij moest om in de bewoonde wereld te komen telkens ruim 6 kilometer rijden met de huurauto over weg vol kuilen en gaten vol plassen water die ontstaan waren door de vele regen,
    de hoteleigenaar is jaren bezig geweest om toestemming te krijgen de weg te verharden wat erg moeizaam verliep, asfalteren was natuurlijk helemaal uit den boze in dit prachtige natuurgebied,dus kreeg hij toestemming om de weg met oude smalle klinkers te verharden,de eerste 2,5 kilometer waren al gelegd in de tijd dat wij er 3 weken verbleven.
    Elke taxichauffeur weigerde 'n rit naar hotel omdat hij daarna heel de auto moest wassen.

    Lees dat deze vogels langs de kustlijn hun nesten in bomen bouwen wel tot op 20 meter hoogte.

    Tja,dat paarse gebouw in je andere post is niet moeders mooiste,
    ''beetje vreemde vogels'' die zulke beslissingen nemen.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja ik was inderdaad helemaal in de ban van deze gevederde vriend die zo braaf bleef zitten! Pieter stond niet op de pier, die keek toe vanaf het wandelpad. Het was voor ons beiden een heerlijke dagafsluiting deze wandeling en heel wat relaxter dan de rit van Orlando naar Sarasota. Ja dat tonijnvissersdorp zal ook best zijn charmes gehad hebben. Wij bezochten op Bali de tonijnfabriek van onze baas en het trekt natuurlijk veel grote water vogels aan.
      Maar het lieflijke van zo'n plek gaat inderdaad vaak gepaard met een afgelegen ligging en dan past de auto daar eigenlijk nauwelijks in. Maar we kunnen nu ook weer niet helemaal terug in de tijd gaan zónder. En met paard en wagen of wat ook, was het evenzo stoffig.
      Inderdaad vraag je je af wie in Godsnaam zoiets van paars verzint in zo'n prachtige natuurlijke omgeving.
      Ook nog een fijne avond en liefs,

  11. You has wonderful time with Pieter with blog posts your Iphone! Anninga perched on the corner of the deck my coming closer and closer big fish love to eat.
    Hugs and Love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      We both did have a marvelous time at Sarasota Bay and I wish I could have given this friendly Anhinga a big fish...
      Hugs and love to you,

  12. I love it when local wildlife come for a visit when we are traveling.
    Very fun.
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Yes, this is the literal version of: 'Meet the locals..' but very fun indeed!

  13. Dear Mariette, hoje vou escrever em português porque é mais fácil para mim! Estas fotografias são maravilhosas! Foi um privilégio estar perto de uma ave imponente como esta! Um abraço, Manuela

    1. Dearest Manuela,
      No problem, I could read this without difficulty.
      Oh it was indeed quite a privilege for having such big water bird staying this close to me! Enjoyed it very much.

  14. My dear friend Mariette,
    These are such incredible pictures! it was amazing the Anhinga let you get closer to capture it in wonderful pictures. I love this post, very interesting, as always. Thanks for all your nice and sweets comments in my blogs.
    Send you a big hug

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Yes, this was an amazing experience and it really made us relax and forget about the world around us. A true bliss. We slept like a rose.
      You are more than welcome and I always love your fabulous photography of wild life and of your beautiful sewing and embroidery work!

  15. non hai avuto paura? io non mi sarei avvicinata così....un grande abbraccio Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      No, non ho avuto ningun paura. Questo mi ha affascinato molto e anche Pieter.
      Un abbraccio grande,

  16. Dear Mariette,what a lovely post!!This bird looks like a cormoran indeed!!
    And how lucky you are that it sat and posed for you !It looks a bit ugly!Ha ha!I agree with you!!
    Wonderful shots and great captures!!Have a lovely week!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Oh I got thrilled for being able to get this close. No the cormorant has that hooked tip on its bill and the Anhinga has a completely smooth and pointed bill.
      Don't know if it was angry or what? But to me not ugly, not at all like that ugly purple building...
      Thans for your visit and kind words and happy remainder of the week to you.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    I have never seen an anhinga, but we have lots of cormorants hanging out around the rivers. (Happily, none of them have discovered our little pond.) He is quite a character.
    You get some good phone photos........xox.....*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Earlier in South West Florida we also got to see a Cormorant but this guy is different. No matter what they are, they all fish. We panicked one morning when we found a Blue Heron fishing in our pond. We had bought some gold fish and called them Guido and Gianni... Never to be seen again! Sad but that's what they do; they eat fish for a living.
      The iPhone captures really great shots that keep amazing us as well.

  18. Hi Mariette, those are great pictures of anhinga! Wow, his neck is really like snake. Looks like it can get longer than his body! By the way, you are very knowledeable about birds as well as many other things!
    The purple looks even worse from this angle on the ocean. I totally agree with you and wish they left the pier more natural look.

    Happy Wednesday xoxo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      Well, from childhood on our Dad took us on his bike to go into nature and he explained the different birds to us. My 2nd brother became a biologist and he published some books about nature with birds, frogs and such. So it is in our genes so to speak. I'd rather walk such a trail instead of getting bored at the beach; I'm not build to lie still and sun bath!
      The purple does intensify with the change of light. This was in the evening time after 6:00 PM. Loved the natural pier where the Anhinga was seated.
      Hugs to you,

  19. Liebe Maiette,
    wunderschöne Fotos von einem imposanten Vogel.
    Schön, dass du ihn uns nahegebracht hast.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Um ihm euch nahe zu bringen hat er aber super posiert!
      Wir waren beide sehr beeindruckt.
      Für dich schon eine gute Nacht...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  20. This is a very interesting looking bird that you have captured in your great photos, Mariette! How nice of him to pose for you! He does look a bit fierce and I would not trust him to be friendly, but he looks well suited for his environment with his webbed feet and sharp bill for spearing his dinner. I do like the natural wood of the pier rather than the purple one. It looks like a cool and peaceful place, though. Wishing you a lovely day. xo Hugs, Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Indeed, how nice of him to pose for us. Guess he could be rather unfriendly with his sharp bill; if he wanted to. He also could have gotten hold of my iPhone easily.
      We enjoyed this area so much and will definitely go back to Sarasota, combining some cultural things with nature and the calm of the lagoon. It does remind us so much of the lagoon area around Venice where we used to live nearby.

  21. Was the bird talking to you, Mariette??? And what were you telling it in order to make it stay and pose for you? Ha ha ha!!!!
    Very nice shots!!!! It is the first time I see an Anhinga! Thank you for showing it to us!
    Many hugs to you!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Haha, I was talking in Dutch to him and maybe that's he first time he heard that so he stayed around a bit longer!
      Oh, it was such a thrill to be that close and wish we had had a better camera on us. But who knows he even liked the iPhone?! First time I got to see an Anhinga as well.
      Hugs to you,

  22. Wat mooi Mariette, is het daar zeg!(behalve inderdaad die paarse pier!)
    En wat bijzonder dat je zo dichtbij mocht komen bij deze vogel!
    Fijne dag!

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Ja móói is het daar en dat paars moet je maar proberen te ontzien...
      Ja, dit was een heel bijzondere belevenis!

  23. Lieve Mariette .
    Mooie foto's en het leek wel dat de vogel het wist
    dat er foto's van hem gemaakt werden,,hij poseerde er mooi voor..
    En de foto's van de vorige post waren ook heel mooi..
    ik wens je een fijn weekend ..

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, inderdaad leek het zo en ik genoot er ook intens van. Wie weet wat ie wilde zeggen of vragen...? Maar hij liet wel alles zien wat hij zo kon in een korte tijd!
      Het was zo'n fijne wandeling na een middag van achter het stuur zitten. Heerlijk uitwaaien en ook nog genieten van de natuur!
      Ook een heel fijn weekend.

  24. Mariette, You took some fantastic photographs of the very cooperative Anhinga! It's always a pleasure to see these birds when I am visiting the Sarasota area. I have photographed many an Anhinga and I have seen similar body and facial configurations. I don't think this bird was upset by your presence, as they seem like common gestures. I am surprised at how close it let you get to it. Looks like the Anhinga enjoyed it's photo shoot. Lucky you! I hope you were able to observe it hunting for prey, as it's got a very entertaining way of catching fish. Wonderful wildlife sights in Sarasota!

    1. Dearest Julie,
      Thank you for your visit and comment.
      You have a lot more knowledge about those water birds than I have and too bad we did not have a chance to see it catch fish. Wish we could have observed that as well.
      But we will be back in Sarasota and one day, who knows we get lucky...
      Hugs and happy beginning of summer.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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