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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, July 7, 2014

{Cherries in our Gazebo}

Do you LOVE fresh cherries as much as I do? One of summer's treats... Especially those dark Bing cherries. They are a typical June Fruit!
Here they are in a Pillivuyt strawberry bowl.
What I love about eating them in our gazebo is that you can throw the pits on the lawn...
Otherwise we use our favorite Westmark Cherry Pitter for other uses like with fresh baked waffles or pancakes.
German silver rose pastry tong...
A fun way for using fresh cherries with our Le Jacquard Français tablecloth and napkins with cherries!
Do you love to eat fresh cherries too and what is your favorite combination?

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  1. Yes fresh cherries are so yummy. We have them ripe at Christmas time in Australia, so I always associate them with Christmas.
    Enjoy them while they are in season.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Christmas time is even more special in a way! We thoroughly enjoy them once a year. Wish they would be available like bananas; year round...

  2. I love cherries and in that lovely post, perfect! Oh boy!...did we suffer for your country today watching the Soccer WC, lol! Congrats, your country is almost there!

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Cherries are such lovely fruits indeed.
      Wasn't that a nail-biting soccer play between The Netherlands and Costa Rica?! We'll see what they will do at the semi-finals on July 9.

  3. I absolutely love fresh cherries. They can be quite expensive in our area, but sometime I can squeeze them in our food budget. The children love them too. I caould not believe that my husband never had fresh cherries until I came along. Cherries are such a great fruit.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Oh sure they are very expensive compared with the Old World but still; one has to be able to enjoy them a few times!
      Glad that the children caught on with liking them too. Indeed, your husband did miss out on so many opportunities for having cherries in season...

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      They sure are and we enjoy them each year!

  5. Who doesn't like fresh cherries? They are great and your tablecloth exquisite,I love to serve them into a watermeloon or a pineapple, they are delicious and decorative. And of course the best top to enjoy them would be your gazebo Mariette!
    Wish you a happy Sunday!

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Oh, either fresh or as a yummy cherry pie... with coffee or tea in the gazebo. Wish we could share them!
      Hugs and happy new week to you.

  6. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja Kirschen sind wirklich KÖSTLICH!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    I love all fruit love all ways a special yum fresh cherries in the Christmas time in Australia.
    fruits and vegetable rich in vitamin C such as Cherries.
    you can has fresh salad with wine and Cherries fruit in your gazebo with best one!
    Hugs and Love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Me too, I am more of a fruit eater than meat... One should not take fruits off my menu!
      In Australia they are indeed a Christmas treat and so lovely for that season.
      Enjoy them later... we still can snack on ours; again in the gazebo today.

  8. I love all the summer fruits, have a lot of them at home as well the cherries, but not in such a beautiful bowl as you have.

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      To obtain a real 'fruittest' must not be hard in The Netherlands. Here I had to search quite some years for some. Got also a vintage porcelain one with roses, that works with my china for serving brunch. Always lovely to add cherries and berries to waffles or pancakes, with maple syrup.

    2. Ik heb van mijn moeder een (beschadigd) Wedgewood schaaltje met onderzetter geerfd, maar dat is meer bedoeld voor aardbeien.

    3. De antieke Nederlandse heten 'fruittest' maar Pillivuyt noemt ze hier ook 'strawberry bowl'... Het aardbeienseizoen is zowiezo langer dan de korte kersentijd. Maar het werkt fijn om het aanhangend water, na het wassen, op te vangen.

  9. I love fresh cherries. Bing cherry is my favorite! I don't like "cherry-flavored" products though, such as cherry coke. They don't taste like cherry at all to me. Love your table cloth and napkin with cherries. They are very cute and perfect when eating cherries :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Bing cherries are so full an juicy, they are the best! This tablecloth is perfect for serving cherry pie with coffee or tea... I just put it together for the photo but it looks special as a team.

  10. Lieve Mariette wat kersen betreft zitten wij goed, tussen twee gebieden in de Betuwe en Limburg
    waar naar mijn idee toch de lekkerste kersen groeien.
    Jou presentatie van kersen in mooie fruittest op pootjes en kersjes op het tafelkleed maakt het nog aantrekkelijker om op een zomerse dag lekker buiten van dit fruit aan steeltjes te kunnen genieten.
    Wij aten dit seizoen al enkele keren Hedelfingers die wel lekker smaken als snoepkers, maar minder geschikt voor kersenstruif.
    Waar is de tijd gebleven toen ik nog thuis woonden en de buurman voor ons Zwarte Mierlose mee bracht waar meestal pannenkoeken van gebakken werden, de stofwolk van poedersuiker die boven de tafel hing tijdens het schudden met de bus werd door moeder niet altijd in dank afgenomen;-)
    Wacht nog even op de lekkere rassen zoals Kordia en Regina om een clafoutis te bakken,daar heb ik al de hele week zin in.
    Het kersenseizoen is in Nederland zeker 3 weken vroeger dan normaal door de zachte winter en het warme voorjaar.

    Lieve Mariette bedankt voor je aardige felicitatie ook namens Harry,
    ja we hadden een gezellige avond in kleine kring en konden tot 1 uur in de nacht buiten zitten.

    Fijne zondag en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Grappig ja die herinneringen van vroeger toen ook wij thuis drie kersenbomen hadden. We konden ons de buik goed vol eten en je raakte eigenlijk nooit verzadigd van kersen.
      Bij het Pannenkoekenhuis, De Turfhoeve aan de snelweg bij Sevenum/Maasbree at ik ook het liefste een Kersenpannenkoek. Héérlijk was dat.
      Bij jullie zijn d prijzen zo laag vergeleken met hier, maar toch snoepen we er van!
      Wat fijn dat jullie zo'n mooi weer hadden op jullie speciale dag. Inderdaad is dit wel een heel uitzonderlijk jaar voor Nederland qua lente en zomer.
      Geniet er met volle teugen van en vooral van het zomerfruit.
      Liefs en een fijne week.

  11. Dearest Mariette...Bing cherries are a great favorite, also Mt. Raniers. Like you we enjoy eating them outside where the pits go on the ground.
    Your gazebo is lovely.......*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Both cherry varieties are great for snacking. The best is to eat them off the stem and outside, a lot easier than having to pit them first.
      We did sit in our gazebo this afternoon. It is miraculously that the entire weekend we had NO rain... First time in a long period. The 4th of July weekend rang out perfectly.
      Hugs to you,

  12. ¸.•°♪♬
    Cerejas estão maravilhosas.
    Esse post está muito lindo!
    A toalha, as fruteiras brancas e a peça de prata.

    Boa semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.

    1. Dearest Inês,
      Thank you, indeed cherries are marvelous fruits and I had to show off this table linen with cherries on.
      Wishing you a happy new week!

  13. We've been enjoying fresh cherries here too. Your textiles are lovely, Mariette.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Oh, how we enjoyed those red cherries too; they are so juicy and so good.
      The French cherry table linen stole my heart right away.

  14. Dear Mariette! What a lovely cherries! Hummmm, i love fresch cherries! Hugs from Portugal:) Manuela

    1. Dearest Manuela,
      You no doubt are able to enjoy them also in Portugal!
      One of summer's best treats.
      Enjoy a happy new week.

  15. Io adoro le ciliege, come tutta la mia famiglia. Quest'anno, fortunatamente, i prezzi sono stati accessibili a differenza degli anni precedenti. Ho preparato anche della buona marmellata da mangiare spalmata su fette biscottate, o per fare crostate. Un abbraccio. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Oh, noi amiamole anche, ma sono molto costosi qui negli Stati Uniti. Questo Bing vengono ora della California e viste che ci sono le cinque ore en volo da noi, ovviamente, i costi del trasporto sono molto alto. In inverno che vengono dal Cile e che, naturalmente, c'è anche una distanza lontana. Migliori per rendere una gustosa marmellata o qualcosa come quello, purtroppo non in questo modo...
      Un abbraccio grande,

  16. Good Afternoon Mariette, I love cherries and the ones you have displayed in your beautiful bowl look so tempting. I love cherries so much that we have planted a cherry tree in our garden...... we do not appear to have any cherries this year.... maybe next year.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Best Wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Oh, you are lucky enough for being able to grow them with your climate! Not in our state of Georgia, too hot and we've tried all fruit trees I must say; they all died... Very sad but what can we do about it?
      Enjoy your new week ahead.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Thanks for sharing such beautiful pieces of dishes and your lovely table cloth.
    My husband loves Cherries. I am more of a Strawberry person.
    Enjoy the Cherries while they last.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Thank you for your kind words and it is funny as in Asia there are no cherries and you probably never acquired a real taste for them. To be frank, I'd love the cherries more... But any fruit is fine and mangoes are heavenly too. We learned to appreciate them while living and working in Indonesia. Tropical fruits also have their special taste.
      Hugs to you,

  18. Me encantan las cerezas Marietta querida ! Que tenga un óptimo Domingo

    1. Querida Angélica,
      Me alegra saber que las disfrutes... Son tan amables en el verano.
      Los comemos en el invierno de su país, todo el camino desde Chile!
      Buena semana y besos,

  19. Dear Mariette,i like cherries and i like baking cherry cakes too!
    Wonderful pictures!Have a lovely week!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      When the price for cherries would be not that high; I would make cherry pie as well!
      Thank you for your visit and wishing you a lovely week.

  20. My youngest daughter loves her cherries

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      You are lucky if you can grow them in Australia. It is such a delightful fruit!

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    hmmm, yummi, I Love Cherries too, those black ones look declicious!
    Have a wonderful new week,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      The black ones are sweet and juicy.
      Wishing you a lovely new week as well.

  22. adoro le ciliegie!!!!!! bellissimo il tuo table-setting! un abbraccio grande Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Anch'io adoro le ciliegie e ho mangiatole ieri e oggi...!
      Grazie per il tuo complimento, mi fa piacere questa tovaglia con ciliegie.

  23. Liebe Mariette,
    in diesem Jahr trägt mein Kirschbaum nicht so viel. Aber die Kirschen sind schwarz
    und zuckersüß.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Schade dass dein Kirschbaum nicht so viel trägt, ich sprach grad mit einer Freundin in den Niederlanden und da soll es diesem Jahr jede Menge Kirschen geben wegen dem schönen Frühling. Schwarze Kirschen haben wir als Kinder auch gehabt und die waren die leckerste.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  24. Oh, yes, dear Mariette! I love cherries very much and also the cherry pie is one of my prefered, as well as the cheese cake with cherries!!! Your Jacquard tablecloth is beautiful!!!!
    Have a nice new week!!!! Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Ate them yesterday and today... Not enough for making a pie but still we enjoy them!
      Oh the Le Jacquard Français is the best and it is so easy to launder too; top quality linens.
      Enjoy your week as well.

  25. Oh, your cherries look yummy placed in your Gazebo, Mariette. Unfortunately, we cannot find good tasty ones here in my area. I love your lovely pink table cloth and silver rose pastry tong♡♡♡

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Today we had some heavy rain with thunderstorm so no cherry eating in the gazebo but inside of the house instead. Still enjoyed them very much and I do treasure this matching table cloth with napkins from France as well as the pastry tong.
      Lots of love and hugs from your American friend!

  26. Beautiful setting ... your German silver rose pastry tong is absolutely gorgeous. Oh how I would love to sit in your gazebo enjoying some cherries and chatting with you and Pieter... blessings my dear friend, Celia M. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Oh sure, that would be so lovely if one day we can catch up over tea/coffee with pâtisserie and cherries... Wishing you both a blessed and happy weekend.

  27. Olá

    Que cerejas deliciosas, aproveite os caroços, que têm propriedades terapêuticas e faça uma almofada.


    1. Dearest Manuela,
      Oh, how much we always enjoy fresh cherries in summer and some in winter time, from Chile or Peru... They have great health benefits.

  28. Hello dear Mariette!
    Who doesn't enjoy eating cherries?!!
    I love them as I pick them from the tree, their flavor seems then at its best!
    We have plenty of the wild variety but the birds get to them before we have a chance! ;-)
    I would have loved to taste yours!
    Your garden seems like paradise!
    Enjoy your sunday!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Well, cherries is everyone's favorite I guess!
      As children we used to be able to pick them off a tree but here in Georgia/USA it is too hot for growing any so we enjoy them while they are in season.
      Talking about birds, we used to have strawberries, fraises des bois, raspberries, blackberries and grapes but we gave up on them. You couldn't be early enough in the morning but the birds went through very thoroughly, also with the huge fig tree. All what was left was pecked at...
      Our garden is a paradise for birds; we have a certified Backyard HABITAT Certificate... and we enjoy it!
      Enjoy your Sunday evening!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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