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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, April 22, 2016

{My HEALTHY Breakfast with Home Baked Whole Wheat Bread}

Just LOVE to bake my own bread and yes, with all my photo scanning work, I still managed to do this. Using my favorite French Silform round bread form duo this works great.
 My actual Breakfast Plate!
Half an avocado, and a mandarin partly shown below left, rye bread with vegan cheese on top of my Home Baked Whole Wheat Bread.
For the rye bread with whole wheat I use Fleischmann's Soft Margarine made with Olive Oil.
At the top you can see the slice of my Home Baked Whole Wheat Bread, before I smeared Almond Butter on top!
That's what I eat every day for breakfast with a small coffee with cocoa added for health benefit and some coconut oil, and a mug of Trader Joe's Soy Milk because of its very low sugar.
The recipe I adapted a bit from this: Easy Whole Wheat Artisan Bread
For Whole Wheat Flour I used Whole Wheat Pastry Flour from Whole Foods.
For Dark Brown Cane Sugar I used Coconut Palm Sugar and that's it.
Best is to mix these dry ingredients very well, before adding the whole wheat flour and I did use a flour sifter!
The water should not be cold, rather luke warm.
In the recipe the warning is for not to overwork the dough so I used my Rosle Round Handle Turner for Non Stick Pans again, just click.
After blending I did minimal kneading and let it rise over night.
Here are the two batches, inside my Silform Moule Rond for Pain (bread)
Mine measure 7" diameter and are perfect.
Next morning, gently kneading it through again, I also did make slits in the dough, letting it rest one more hour, covered by a cotton tea towel.
My adaptation also is in the way of baking as I do not cover my bread and let it inside the oven for 65 minutes on 370°F instead. 
The end result is also seen in the first picture.

Bon appétit!

Related links with previous posts by me:
{My 6th Blog Award & Secret for my Size and Weight}
{Flat Belly Diet Foods - Meet the MUFAs!}


  1. Hi dear Mariettes ,, que desayuno más sano con ese rico pan casero,,espero que tenga un buen día

  2. This sounds and looks very yummy!!! ~ I'm looking at cooking/baking at home more and this is inspiring me!! Thanks for sharing and all the great tips .. hugs, Celia

  3. Wow! Hello Mariette!
    Great choices.
    Tener el control de lo que comemos y sobre todo cocinarlo con nuestras mejores y mas saludables olcio es es sin dudas lo menor que podemos b
    Hacer por nosotros y nuestra salud.
    Muchos de tus ing. Tienen propiedades saludables.
    Abrazos! Rose M.

  4. Hello Mariette, You are very ambitious to make your own bread, and by the looks of the photos you are now a master of the process. You are right that only by baking at home can you control both ingredients and baking technique. I have experimented with bread once or twice, but in the past I wasn't much of a bread eater, although now I like to make toast in the morning.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    this Bread looks so delicious!
    Have a happy rest of the week,
    sending Love and Hugs and Blessings,
    Claudia xo

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht einladend und köstlich aus.
    Sonnige Grüße

  7. Deve ser muito bom.
    Um abraço e continuação de um bom dia.

  8. Your bread looks welcoming and delicious!
    You probably know that I bake almost all our bread. One good recipe can make many variations. Lately I am experimenting with pre-ferments!
    There's something about baking bread that makes a happy home!
    BTW thanks for the info about palm sugar. I use it in my chai lattes with a touch of stevia if I need more sweet!

  9. A very nice and healthy breakfast, Mariette. I love that black breads.

  10. complimenti per il pane fatto in casa, mi sembra molto gustoso!un abbraccio grande Lory

  11. Nice and healthy breakfast! I also try to bake Gluten free bread at home whenever I can, as it's a lot better than the one bought at the supermarket.
    Hope you get some positive news about your health Mariette.

  12. Yum, Mariette, you make me so hungry! Your homemade bread looks and sounds divine! It's always good to make it from scratch yourself because that way you know exactly what's in there. I love avocado. It makes a great butter to put on the bread. I'm not sure if I've tried almond butter before - gotta check it out :-)
    Have a great day, Mariette!

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    das Brot sieht sehr verlockend aus.
    Ein gesundes Frühstück.
    Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht dir

  14. Gutes Vollkornbrot ist schon was Feines, liebe Mariette. Wir kaufen es, da ich zum Backen nicht komme. In unserer Stadt gibt es einen Vollkornbäcker, der mahlt jeden Tag das Mehl frisch. Aber sehr viel Brot esse ich nicht mehr. Morgens esse ich, wann immer ich dazu komme, Frischkornmüsli aus frisch gemahlenem Hafer, geriebenen Apfel, halber Zitronensaft, Obst nach Saison, 1 TL Honig, Leinsamen und ein gutes kaltgepresstes Öl. Das hält sehr lange vor, man wird nicht dick und es schmeckt auch sehr gut. Ist halt nur ein bißchen Aufwand. Wenn ich zu wenig Zeit habe morgens, esse ich auch Brot, so wie Du, nur mit Bio-Käse. Woraus besteht denn der Vegane Käse? Meine Frage - weil ich nicht gern Präparate esse. Im veganen Bereich gibts inzwischen ja allerlei Kunstprodukte, die auch nicht so gesund sind, wie dafür Reklame gemacht wird.
    Ich trinke morgens Schwarzen Tee oder Kräutertee oder beides - nacheinander ...

    Die Formen sehen ja interessant aus! So etwas habe ich bei uns noch nie gesehen. Wir haben runde Brote einfach so wie der Teig ist, aufs Backblech gegeben, ganz ohne Form. Manchmal verlaufen sie ein wenig, dann werden sie flacher.

    Schauen jedenfalls gut und lecker aus, Deine Brote!

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

  15. This looks so delicious, Mariette. I have never made my own bread and am in awe of those who do. You are clearly a woman of so many talents.

    Gros bisous, ma chère amie,


  16. Can I come for breakfast? It all looks wonderful. And homemade breast is THE best. Happy Friday!

  17. Hello dear Mariette,
    What a great and tasty recipe you are offering us!
    Patrick used to bake our bread too, but I have my brain cells focused on others things now.
    I am sadden to read about your kidneys, I really hope it doesn't impair your daily life too much in any way.
    I have my avo nearly every evening!
    Much love, keep as well as you can and enjoy the end of the week :)


  18. Pão feito em casa com ingredientes saudáveis já é tudo de bom!!!
    Café da manhã com minha fruta preferida: abacate... com mel, melhor ainda!...

    Bom fim de semana com tudo de bom!
    Beijinhos.♬♪ه° ·.
    💕ه° ·.

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    in Deinem Kommentar bei mir -lieben Dank dafür- las ich, dass Du Nierenprobleme hast, das klingt ja gar nicht gut, aber ich hoffe doch, Du bist in guten Händen? Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute ;-)))
    mmmm lecker, Avocado, die esse ich auch immer zum Frühstück mit Vollkornbrot, viel Knoblauch und Kürbiskernöl aus Österreich. Dein selbst gebackenes Brot sieht lecker aus, hach, ich möchte glatt mal hineinbeißen *lach*, aber mein Mann backt auch ;-)))

    Viele liebe Grüße
    von Traudi

  20. Dear Mariette,
    I have not made bread myself. I like to eat bread very much though. I will fly on your kitchen when you bake bread next time,Mariette!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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