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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds at Feeder

 On March 22, Pieter purchased this new copper hummingbird feeder and hung it.
Female hummingbird on August 6, during a tropical storm—they sure are WET! 
Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird showing its long tongue at the very end! 

Related link:
Severe Weather with Bridge Destruction | last photo shows this copper hummingbird feeder that Pieter got for them


  1. They are so amazing. Ours will fly south by the middle of October. For now Precious and I are enjoying them at the front window sipping sugar water and getting into the zinnia and cardinal vine. Oh how I will miss the summer birds too soon for too long. We are in such a drought in Ohio that they predict our trees will simply turn brown early and drop all at the same time. No Autumn color this year. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. Dearest Lynn and Precious,
      Both of us always loved and above all admired them as long as we live in the USA. It is even more amazing how such tiny wings can bring them to the Caribbean for winter time!
      Strange that you are in such a drought—finally on Tuesday last week I got our huge broken off tree removed, and a smaller neighbor that got damaged + cutting of the underbrush. It got down by a storm early July but it was way too soggy for them to go in there with the equipment... A long wait. They also pulled up the center bridge as that got severely damaged in March.
      Nature can be harsh and unpleasant!

    2. Mariette, I know you are pleased the clean up finally happened. Yes, this dry weather is in the forecast into October. And October here is notoriously dry too. Hope the newest hurricane does not do damage down south. Lynn

    3. Dearest Lynn
      Yes, this was great for having it finally done!

  2. How I love hummingbirds, Mariette! Beautiful capture, my friend. Blessings!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Oh, they are so elegant and so special! A very industrious bird and we have fed them for over 40 years now.

  3. Replies
    1. Dearest Vicky,
      Yes, they sure are and an example to us humans that power is not size related!

  4. They're amazing birds and I rarely get to see one. I really enjoyed the videos!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      They sure are amazing and one of my favorites, together with the Eastern blue birds and the Carolina wrens.
      They were wet in that video, during a tropical storm but they were persistent enough to still come and drink!

  5. We don't get humming birds here so I really enjoyed watching the videos.

    1. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
      Oh I know, just as my relatives and friends from The Netherlands loved watching them.
      We both loved having them near our bay window for breakfast and any other meal!

  6. We live in a row of eleven townhomes, two of our neighbors have feeders. I spend lots of time just standing and watching the fascinating show. Your feeder is gorgeous. We have a crabapple tree in our front yard which is 'dumping' lots of apples before we can pick them. The deer who roam through the neighborhood are feasting on them.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Good for you to enjoy two of your neighbors' hummingbird visitors—they never bore us.
      Oh, any wildlife feeding off some of our garden produce is wonderful.

  7. Those we ones are so adorable and such fun to watch. All the years we've lived here we've only seen a hummer once.

    1. Dearest Brian,
      Oh, we have had them every year and at both homes we've lived.
      Admitting that we also provide them with flowers and shrubs that attract hummingbirds and butterflies—it is so rewarding!

  8. How wonderful to see a Hummingbird in your excellent video. It is amazing to watch the tiny bird's long beak and flicking tongue, going into the copper flowers. I have only once seen a Hummingbird, at a house by a lake in Canada, where there was a feeder for them. How incredible they are!

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Hummingbirds are such a joyful sight and a perfect way to have breakfast while viewing them!
      Those flowers are not copper but a color red for attracting them. There is a large purple orchid on the window sill and they always hoover in front of that as they are attracted to color.
      Guess the fact that here in North America the hummingbirds can trek to the Caribbean for winter, makes it a perfect geological region for them. Glad you saw at least once a hummingbird while in Canada.

  9. It amazes me that they survive the heavy rains and winds when they are so tiny. That is a nice feeder. We only have a plastic one. XO

    1. Dearest Ellen,
      Yes, their resilience is mind boggling for withstanding tropical rains and winds!
      They sure do teach us a lesson about life and perseverance.
      We have had so many plastic ones and they break or whatever.
      This one is very practical and easy to clean as well.

  10. Hummingbirds' hovering are excellent. I have never seen them because they do not live here.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Sadly they inhabit The Americas and guess for the reason that they can escape to the Caribbean for over wintering.

  11. Hello Mariette, Where I used to live in Ohio hummingbirds were especially numerous. I saw them all the time in my yard and I didn't even put out a feeder. This summer I did not notice any. While there is lots of greenery and large yards, perhaps my current area is more congested or perhaps things like car exhausts keep them away. As with agriculture, microclimates make all the difference.

    You are lucky to have such graceful visitors to your garden.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Hummingbirds need their natural habitat and there are numerous reasons that can disturb them. We used to have special shrubs for them to gather their nectar.
      Sure glad they come to my feeder!

  12. Mariette I do so love my ruby throated hummers. The first day they arrive is a day of celebration and I am honored to supply them with fresh sugar water each day and the feeder is located in a nice covered area. In September, I began to log their visits. We've had 3 visits already today.
    One year I recorded visits til early October.
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS excellent video and photo

    1. Dearest Cecilia,
      Yes, they are adding just the daily joy we all need!
      It depends on the weather and the surrounding IF there still is some natural food for them but close to November is about their final time.

  13. mariette, there’s several people in my neighborhood with feeders out, and I supply water and a bushy
    tree ( name long forgotten) that I don’t trim until I know they’re gone for the season. they will come
    up to my patio door and drive mackerull insane. sometimes I can “ hear “ the wings flutter when I fill the bird bathe ‼️💙💚. hugs to you and the crew 💙💚🐟

    1. Dearest Laura and Mackerull,
      We used to have the butterfly bushes for them but could no longer keep up with our wood garden. Always provided food for our critters and earned our Backyard Wildlife Certificate in 1997 after sending in lots of photos: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2011/04/our-backyard-wildlife-habitat.html
      Oh, when I go outside to feed the birds I can also hear their sounds nearby as they communicate and chase each other.
      Tiggy–Tiger loves watching them from the windowsill...

  14. Resulta muy decorativo y también muy práctico.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Me encanta este comedero y es práctico en el que pueden sentarse!

  15. We LOVE hummingbirds. Such amazing and beautiful little creatures!

    1. Dearest Kevin,
      They indeed are amazing and beautiful as well.

  16. I love those tiny helicopters!! The way they hover and fly backwards is amazing. And they are so territorial, they 'guard' the nectar from others, so they fight and chase eachother, They love our trumpet creeper vines, and a lot of the flowers in our patio pots.
    Once I saw a thirsty woodpecker drink from our hummer feeder that was so funny to see.
    And if I have a colorful top on, sometimes they even try to check me out as a possible nectar source, LOL!

    1. Dearest Ingrid,
      We never tire of watching them and when I'm outside, I also recognize their tiny voices.
      Sure, they can be very fierce and fight off competitors!
      So often I've seen one female wanting to drink nectar from the purple orchid on our windowsill, wish I could let it do that.

  17. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, they are the cutest things flying!

  18. What a beautiful feeder. I've never seen a kiss-flower. I have a certain curiosity and exist in Portugal but I have never seen any,

    1. Dearest Cristina,
      The feeder is the best in our 41 years—great find by Pieter.
      They claim that the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands have some hummingbirds.

  19. Beste Mariette,

    Wat een mooie voederbak. Kolibries zie je hier niet.
    Mooie vogeltjes zijn het.

    Liefs, Hilly

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Nee, Nederland is té koud voor kolibries.
      Ze zijn schattig en Pieter koos een pracht koperen voederbak waar ik dagelijks van geniet.

  20. I have never seen a hummingbird but then I am in Australia and we don't have them here, Pieter did a good job

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      No, Australia does not have them.
      Pieter did an excellent job and it is a most pleasing view every day from our kitchen bay–window area.

  21. Olá, querida Mariette, lembro que há muitos anos encontrei um beija-flor
    ferido, na grama de um clube que eu frequentava. Peguei o bichinho, levei para
    nosso apartamento, cuidei dele, mas não quis colocá-lo em gaiola. Achei que
    gostaria de ficar solto dentro de casa. 😅😊
    No começo voava pra todos os cantos, e eu muito feliz!
    De repente saiu pela janela, um pedacinho aberta, e foi-se para sua vida.
    Fiquei triste, decepcionada. Depois entendi onde estava a vidinha dele. Eu não entendia
    muito de pássaros, depois aceitei e passei a entendê-los. Não há liberdade maior do que a dos pássaros.
    Beijo -flor é o meu preferido.
    Um feliz final de semana, muita saúde e paz.
    Grande abraço.

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Apenas uma vez encontrei um beija-flor ferido e o levei para a nossa varanda para que os gatinhos não pudessem alcançá-lo. Depois de um tempo, ele se foi e espero que tenha continuado sua vida e se curado!
      Eles são os pássaros minúsculos mais incríveis e uma alegria.

  22. Olá, Mariette, gostei muito dessa sua postagem sobre o Beija-flor, que me trouxe
    boas lembranças da minha infância, quando costumava ver o Beija-flor no jardim de nossa casa, eu ficava ansioso onde o esperava à sua espera e tinha a sorte de vê-lo de volta em seguida.
    Obrigada, Mariette, pela partilha.
    Um bom fim de semana,

    1. Caro Pedro,
      Que bom que você também conhece este fabuloso beija-flor!
      Eles são pássaros minúsculos incríveis.

  23. How cool is that? The hummingbird can have a snack and a shower simultaneously! It was lovely of Pieter to think of this ruby-throated, winged, tiny little thing! May the feeder and its clientele last for a long time to come!

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Again today they got a shower while snacking... They are so frail and tiny but stunning little creatures.
      Pieter indeed picked the right feeder for our tiniest garden critters!

  24. So much fun to watch these hummers. We have a feeder outside our kitchen window that is usually very active.

    1. Dearest Peter,
      It is a joy to watch them from the kitchen window and having them visit!

  25. Love this!
    Hummingbirds are so tough, even in a storm.
    The copper feeder looks great.
    I enjoyed watching the videos.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and yes, hummingbirds are role models for resilience to all of us!

  26. Oh so sweet hummingbird! I have not seen such a bird in real life. Hugs Britt

    1. Dearest Britt,
      Thank you and you certainly never see them in Sweden!

  27. Such beauty.

    1. Dearest Regine,
      Thank you and yes, they are beautiful!

  28. That's a wonderful video and great tribute to your husband. ~hugs~ I'm still filling our feeders for those migrating. What a joy to hear them and witness their territorial battles.

    1. Dearest Darla,
      Thank you and indeed, this is such a fond memory of him.
      Have to refill the feeder tomorrow...
      Oh, they are tiny but oh so fierce!

  29. These are wonderful short videos of the hummingbird, Mariette. He is my beloved bird, and I often see them hovering over my flowering bush when I'm watering in the early morning hours. The feeder Pieter bought really attracted the hummers to your home. You got a clear shot of both of these dear birds, and it was neat to watch. : )


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Thank you and indeed, the hummingbirds are true darling birds.
      Love this feeder and it makes a wonderful memory of my Pieter for the birds he loved so much!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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