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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, April 7, 2023

Happy Easter

 Wishing you all a Happy Easter!
Love those Easter lambs and also the 'Rosebud' Pelargonium
Lovely 'Appleblossom' Rosebud Pelargonium
Polished and lacquered brass ornaments...
Polished and lacquered laser cut brass window decorations from Ulm, Germany.
My hand made organdy beribboned eggs
Villeroy & Boch porcelain egg vases that my sister Diny did carry in her carry on luggage, September 12, 2007 when they stayed with us for a full month.
More Easter window decorations
Circle Vase with Leonardo figurine bunny from Germany
A very special vase for displaying your daffodils...
Easter Table Setting...
Easter lamb place card holder and Villeroy & Boch porcelain egg vases.
More Easter bunnies...
My favorite Easter bunnies on bicycle!

ENJOY this special time of the year!  


  1. So beautiful! Oh my goodness! I lingered over each and every photo, my friend. Happy and Blessed Easter.

    1. Dearest Billie Jo,
      Thank you and glad you enjoyed it!
      Happy Easter to you yours.

  2. Dear Mariette, you have a spectacular collection of Easter ornaments, and they are a delight to see. The porcelain egg vases really took my eye, as I have never seen anything like them before. Wonderful! The rosebud Pelargonium is such a pretty plant, and perfect for the Easter season. Happy Easter to you.

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Thank you and with us at that time frequently traveling to Europe for work and such, it was easy to carry such fine things back in our suitcases. My sister Diny in The Netherlands had ordered those for me and kept them till we came to pick them up.
      Rosebud Pelargonium looks like REAL roses in miniature! Always loved them.
      Again, Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    endlich nach langer Zeit schaffe ich es einmal wieder ins Bloggerland. Und sehe gleich so wundervolle österliche Dinge bei Dir! Wir haben noch gar nichts geschmückt. Ich bin viel unterwegs und wenn ich zuhause bin, liegen andere Arbeiten an, vor allem im Garten derzeit - es sind "Millionen" von Ahorn-Sämlingen zu entfernen, der schwere tonig-lehmige Boden ist sehr schwer zu bearbeiten, der Kompost muß verteilt werden ... an Ostern natürlich nicht, aber nächste Woche geht es weiter, heute vielleicht auch noch ein wenig. Auch wenn wir Ostern keinen Besuch bekommen, geht es danach schon bald wieder los zu Kindern und Enkeln.

    Dir und Deinem Mann wünsche ich nun Gesegnete Ostern und alles Liebe
    und hoffe, auf bald wieder

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, ich habe auch überhaupt keine österliche Dinge im Haus, du kannst bei Dir ja lesen weswegen. Aber trotz wollte ich einen Post darüber machen da wir es in dieser Zeit ja mehr als sonst nötig haben in die ganze Welt. Gartenarbeit hört ja nie auf!
      Genießt das Reisen zum Sohn und Enkeln und alle ein recht schönes Ostern!
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Your decorations are lovely, Mariette. Happy Easter to you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Thank you and wishing you also a Happy Easter!

  5. Hello Mariette and Pieter, Happy Easter! I knew you would have just the right touches to make a festive table. I love the colors on those Villeroy & Boch eggs. Here, there are no real eggs, and apparently none expected. The supermarkets have even shut down the egg-selling areas and are stocking the space with other merchandise.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you and yes, I've used to set a nice Easter Table for guests but that is already years ago...
      In the Far East it is not the same as in the Western world and maybe the egg thing is a bit overdone.

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Found your comment in the Spam with several others—from older blogs!

  7. Hallo Mariette,
    Het ziet er gezellig uit met de paarsversieringen. Leuk dat stel op de fiets. De eiervaasjes van V&B vind ik ook heel mooi. Ik wens jullie fijne paasdagen toe. Lieve groet Willy

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, dat zijn allemaal heel mooie dingen voor de Paas periode en de porseleinen eiervaasjes was iets waar ik meteen verliefd op werd.

  8. I wish you both a very happy Easter, dearest Mariette!
    Live and kisses,

    1. Dearest Marie–Anne,
      Thank you and in a short time the very same for you and yours!

  9. Dag Mariette,

    Ik word er vrolijk van.
    Wat prachtig gemaakt!

    Fijne paasdagen en liefs,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Dank je wel en mogelijk helpt het jullie om fijne Paasdagen te hebben.
      Jullie hebben een extra dag altijd—wat hier nooit bestaan heeft.

  10. This post made me feel happy and placed a smile on my face, thank you

    1. Dearest Jo–Anne,
      Thank you and that is the goal for sharing things with others!

  11. Beautiful. I really like pictures of rabbits. They are so Easter-like. I wish you Mariette and your Pieter a beautiful Easter Sunday.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and yes, those rabbits belong to Easter.
      May your Easter Sunday and Monday be very Happy!

  12. Wishing you and Pieter a blessed Easter. What a beautiful group of photos you shared!!!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and likewise we wish you both a blessed Easter!

  13. So many lovely Easter decorations, I love the last picture :)
    HAPPY EASTER and have some lovely days...

    1. Dearest Titti,
      Thank you and yes, the last picture speaks to both of us as we love to bike!
      Enjoy your Easter days—after all you got two, here only one...

  14. Liebe Mariette, sooo schön die tollen Osterdekorationen/Inspirationen - auch wieder im Header - Du kannst es!
    Happy Easter for you 🐰🐣🌿
    🥰Moin und Groetjes van Traudi.❤️

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Danke sehr und es freut mich um alles zu teilen...!
      Liebe Ostergrüße zurück an euch.

  15. Happy Easter to you, Mariette, and Pieter.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and the same to you and yours!

  16. What beautiful decor. I esp love the bunnies on the trikes. Hoppy Easter.

    1. Dearest Pam,
      Thank you and yes, they're our favorites too as we both love to bike!
      Happy Easter to you and hugs,

  17. Con el desfile de la procesión del resucitado, finalizan aquí estas fiestas de Semana Santa.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡De hecho, un final muy feliz de la Semana Santa y todo sobre la nueva vida!

  18. Easter Sunday is over, however seeing your lovely Spring and Easter decorations is a joy. Simply beautiful. I do hope you are improving and you two had a wonderful Sunday. Lynn and Precious

    1. Dearest Lynn,
      Being born in The Netherlands—we're used to 1st and 2nd Easter Day as both are a public holiday there.
      Yes, I am slowly improving.

  19. I hope you had a lovely Easter, Maristella. Thank you for sharing the link to your church choir. That's a special thing to sing on Easter morning. Your white bunnies are cute, and I have one similar to it. And those bunnies in green on their bicycles are so funny.

    Have a blessed week.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Yes, we both enjoyed the special Easter morning!
      Such bunnies are indeed very cute and the ones on the bicycles are our favorites.

  20. I enjoyed seeing every single piece of your glorious collection of Easter ornaments, Mariette.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and it is only too bad that such a time passes so quickly...

  21. Liebe Mariette, ich habe jetzt wirklich deine schönen Osterdekorationen genossen... und stell dir vor diese hübschen kleinen pastellfarbenen Villeroy & Boch Vasen habe ich auch. Deine beiden Hasen auf den Fahrrädern sind herrlich... liebe ich :-)) Grandios.
    Und weil ich ganz traurig bin, dass Ostern schon wieder vorbei ist, lasse ich einfach den Schmuck noch stehen und freue mich weiter daran. Liebe Grüsse zu dir von Viola

    1. Liebe Viola,
      So einen Zufall dass du die Villeroy & Boch Vasen auch hast! Ja, solche Sachen läßt man ja gerne stehen.
      Die Hasen auf den Fahrrädern stehen unten im Rose Suite das ganze Jahr durch im Flur.
      liebe Grüße,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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