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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Mushroom Cultivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mushroom Cultivation. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Our Agapanthus and Wood Trail

 Both of us loved the green intersections in México City, often with Agapanthus.
On our way to work we passed by numerous parks.
Link below post leads to a video of them at 2:07
On May 24, 1993 Pieter is standing next to one of our blue Agapanthus.
This was one year before we started consulting work in Mexico.
Everything grew in our garden when we had access to the spent mushroom compost... Such a great end product from mushroom cultivation!
Saponaria officinalis in the front or soapwort. We also had Saponaria ocymoides or rock soapwort.
Tall blue Agapanthus and Saponaria in the front.
On March 9, 1993 the same year! Pieter dug ditches for getting rid of the excess water, letting our lot drain.
He also built the first Wood Trail.
Lowes at that time sold ready built squares in treated wood.
And then, in 2004 ALL ditches got filled in with the 60 metric tons of dirt, which Pieter shoveled out from under the house, where he built the Rose Suite!
On April 18, 1993 Pieter with the wheelbarrow full of spent mushroom compost, adding to all plants and shrubs that we planted.
To the left you see already one blue Agapanthus blooming here.
Several of those trees we had cut down, way too many and they compete for food with plants and shrubs more than anything else!
Thursday, April 29, 1993 on Pieter's 64th Birthday...
Even in–between the cross tires that we both placed here (they were put somewhere but NOT in the right spot while we worked in Indonesia), with the help of spent mushroom compost perennials thrived.
This is alongside the driveway and retainer wall.
Our Wood Trail on April 29... what a huge difference with March 9 in photo above; lots of hard work planting and tending for plants and shrubs.
A happy Birthday guy and gardener!
Pieter with our Azalea Helena Curtis
Pieter with  the Saponaria officinalis.
Our young Mock Orange
On the cordless phone in the garden...
Wood trail, ditches and to the left in the back you see our veggie garden.
All grew so well on the spent mushroom compost!
Wood trail and to the right you see the gazebo steps and the pond in the center.
Wood trail end and again, our veggie garden.
We sure enjoyed our Paradise, always together with Squirrels and Chipmunks as they were rather tame.
Remember, we did NOT have kitties at the time...

Related link:
Our Mushroom Friends took us Sightseeing in Guadalajara and Tlaquepaque in Jalisco, México | previous post with link below for video with Agapanthus flowers in México City.
{Our Wood Trail in 1994} | previous post by me
The FIGHT of Growing Grass in Subtropical Georgia/USA | previous post by me about the cross tires being in wrong place

Friday, April 29, 2022

My Pieter Turned 93

 Yes, today is a very special day as my Pieter turned 93!
Thanks to a great Cardiologist and complete change of medications he lived beyond the grave message we received from our previous cardiologist; who actually neglected him.
Prayers also DO help!
Just to show you our ABUNDANCE of fresh flowers back then...
All varieties of Calla lilies and sweet smelling white Lathyrus.
I used all kind of Baccarat crystal vases for them, also Baccarat perfume bottles.
Below is a 1:33 minute short video from our vases with garden flowers on Pieter's 74th Birthday.
At 0:46 you see our white fragrant peonies.
Immediately followed by pink roses in my Rose China with sprigs of Forget–Me–Not.
We have no roses left, and if you see how many we had back then...
Guess the competition of the now huge oak trees and others is way too fierce.
And we miss the spent mushroom compost already for two decades!
That was the very best from mushroom cultivation.
A Happy Pieter on his 81st Birthday on Dutch Queen's Day celebration in Atlanta.
This was good 4 months before his heart attack and open heart surgery on September 3. 2010.
Wearing my Escada suit that we saw while in Budapest but could not afford it then, at full boutique price.
Found it later on eBay.
Around Pieter's Birthday, our Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold is at its BEST.
One of our Palm Trees is right in front of it in this photo.
Sadly today was the funeral of the late Georgia Congressman, the Honorable J. Roy Rowland who had a special U.S. flag flown over the U.S. Capitol for both of us on December 30, 1993...
April 23, was Pieter's 29th Birthday as a United States Citizen!
Post shared on FB Page
Shared also on my FB...
Pieter had a very special and happy Birthday!

Related link:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | previous post by me with video from Middle Georgia Magazine
{1993 Today, the American Flag was flown for both of us...} | previous post by me 

Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Already on September 19 of 2020, husband Pieter did write this and send it to our local Laurens Now Magazine.
Figure 1. (from page 419 in our book) Three different types of virus particles (see arrows) have been found in mushrooms, suffering from dieback (see arrows). This picture was taken by electron microscope, enlargement 80,000 x.
Photograph, TFDL—IPO, (Task Dataflow Language at the Institute for Phytopathological Research WUR, Wageningen University, The Netherlands).



Together with my wife Mariette, I have spent almost my entire life in the mushroom world. We both have gained a very specialized knowledge and experience in that field, and because of that, we have done consulting work, training sessions and lecturing all over the globe.
We just have published our latest edition of the book 'modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting', in which we have written down that scientific and practical knowledge, gained in our lifetime, on 448 pages, including over 200 color images.
To become an expert in the mushroom business, one has to study of course, what is going on in that special world of moulds, mushrooms and all kind of microorganisms, including viruses. You have to know that one of the most disastrous diseases in mushroom production is caused by a virus infection. Because of that, we know a little bit more about a virus than the average person. The COVID-19 virus is of course not the same as the virus causing the problem in the mushroom business, but there are enough identical characteristics, worthwhile for keeping in mind.
To avoid a virus problem on a mushroom farm, first we have to follow a very strict hygiene program; almost at a hospital level.
Secondly, we have to filter all incoming air for the growing rooms. Most modern mushroom farms have a sophisticated air handling system, controlling temperature, relative humidity, CO₂ concentration etc., including air filtration. By filtering the incoming air, we try to keep harmful organisms, like little insects, spores from competitor moulds and virus particles out of the growing rooms. And here comes the point. It is relatively easy to catch flies, butterflies, midges etc.; for that we are using a so–called pre–filter, more or less like a normal fly screen. Catching spores from competitor moulds and virus particles, however, is another story, because of the small size of those organisms. Such a filter, we call that an 'absolute' filter, has to catch particles, the size of three to five micron, with an airspeed through the filter of approximately 4 to 6 feet per second. The problem here is, that the virus particles are so minuscule, only 0.003 till 0.05 micron.
Figure 2. This figure gives a good insight in the size of virus particles, in comparison with other airborne particles, (Source Paul Stamets).


In the image you can see that the average virus particles are even smaller than substances in tobacco smoke, and also much smaller than bacteria and spores from moulds and mushrooms.
Therefore, a filter able to catch virus particles in the air would have to be so dense that hardly any air could pass under normal pressure and air speed.
But here comes some relief. A virus does not possess an independent metabolism; it can only 'grow' and multiply the metabolism of more developed cells. It cannot live that long on its own; it has to be attached to other living cells like bacteria, spores or even small droplets of human saliva. That's why we are advised to cover our face with a piece of fabric.
From the foregoing, you can figure out, that such a piece of fabric cannot catch virus particles; it can only catch particles attached to a bigger sized object, like bacteria, spores or a little droplet of moisture, coming out of your, or other person's mouth. Hopefully that piece of fabric fits tightly, so there are no 'leaks'. Some even are using a plastic shield. Does such a shield give you any protection; being open at several sides?
Another problem I see, is that if the mouth cover indeed has caught some virus, attached to whatever, what are you doing with that cover, coming back from e.g., shopping, putting it down somewhere and wearing it again?
Once a virus has invaded a host, it starts changing their metabolism in such a way that it multiplies the virus, instead of their own cells. As soon as a virus enters the host, a healthy host, immediately starts fighting off the intruder. By doing so, building an even stronger immune system. That is the reason that a little blood from a person who has overcome a virus attack, can help somebody, who is struggling, to fight the disease. Two things are important here; first, we are mentioning a 'healthy' host, with therefore a strong immune system.
Secondly, very important is the level of infection. A little infection to a healthy person is not a problem because that gives the immune system the time to build up the resistance. The problem is a high infection pressure upon an 'older' somewhat unhealthy individual, with a weak immune system. That gives the virus the opportunity to multiply, and so creating the problems, especially attacking the respiratory system.
Over the years, we have learned that a strong antagonism is often the key to fight off an invader; think e.g. about the penicillium mould, fighting infections 'extract penicillium'. 
I don't come up with conclusions; after reading these facts it is up to you, using common sense.
Because of politics there is already enough confusing information around.
We always have made our decisions, based on facts and by using common sense.

Pieter J. C. Vedder
September 19, 2020

Pieter mailed the file out on Saturday, September 19, 2020 but it never got published in Laurens Now Magazine...

Reading now Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, which we purchased on November 24, 2021 we decided to as yet publish the above.

On February 16, it also is available in Germany and in our opinion in a better print (on 900 pages instead of 480!) for easier reading. 
Already ranking very high in Germany!
Our book is of course not a bestseller ranking #1 but together with Paul Stamets (Figure 2, used here above) whom we mentioned in our book, we are listed under University Textbooks.

Both of us have no PAY MASTER, but we publish the truth, not anything unfounded in science. 

Related link:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | previous post by me about our publication
P.J.C. Vedder's 1987 Design for NEW COMPOSTING SYSTEM (Phase I) | previous post by me about the WUR Wageningen University and Pieter's exceptional grades

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Blogger Friend showed Exotic Mushrooms in her Post

 One long–time blogger friend whom I admire, is former flight attendant Janey.
She also did live in my birth country and is an avid traveler.
Always interesting to read her posts!
Photo taken by husband Pieter while in Taiwan.
Shown are Pleurotus Eringii being grown on a mixture of sawdust and rice bran.
Janey showed them in her post: We Are Going Where? ←just click link.
It was quite a sight to see them being grown at Central Market.
In 'our' comment you will read: that they are being grown elsewhere in those inoculated, pressed blocks.
This photo is also from Pieter's trip to Taiwan.
Showing you Hericium erinaceus or Lion's Mane.
Janey did show those too in a real good photo.
Related link:
To University of Bologna, Vicenza, Venice and via Austria to The Netherlands | previous post where I'm holding Pleurotus and where we also saw the above mentioned Pleurotus Eringii being grown outdoors.

Monday, January 10, 2022

The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!'

 Pieter's famous saying:
The three most important facts for a high yield are:
• Compost • Compost • Compost
Pieter checking the compost at the wharf of the Leaver farm in Campbellville, Ontario Canada (now Monaghan Mushrooms).
It was April 10, 1995 when Pieter did a two-day seminar for them.
May I add one more Mushroom Editorial Review...
Written in 1989 by Tom Gannon and published in CAMPBELL'S NEWSLETTER:
Remember when you were in school, how there would be a teacher who would make you learn a certain subject almost in spite of yourself? 
Usually they were not the easiest or favorite teacher at the time, but when you look back, they were the ones who taught you a course that was important to you later.
Oftentimes they were more strict, maintained a higher level of discipline, piled on the home work, and were quite demanding in the learning and practicing of the basics of the course.
They had a style and method of communicating the subject matter that made learning challenging and interesting.
They were always well prepared, and had a great deal of knowledge and experience in teaching the material.

I was told at graduation that the commencement activity was not the end but the beginning of a learning process that would last for life.
Hardly did I belief that I would meet a teacher when I was in my fifties who could teach me so much about a subject I had been working with for nearly 20 years.

Mr. Pieter Vedder has for over 5 years brought to our company (Campbell Soup's Mushroom Division) a training program like no other company has had before. 
Not only the subject matter on the basics and beyond of growing mushrooms, but a new type of technology to go with it. 
Pieter reviewed farm operations and aided them in identifying and correcting problem areas.
He helped them in design and engineering of two new mushroom operations and carried the CAMSCO image to the mushroom industry on a National and International level.
He provided us with our present mushroom strain, found the basic solution to the Hillsboro virus problem and kept us up to date on mushroom publications from all over the world.

Pieter was always at his best in the classroom situation.
After being a part of several of his training courses I recall a number of topics that have helped us attain the present level of quality and production.

Can anyone forget the three most important items for mushroom production "Compost, compost, compost!" or the early sessions on lower temperature pasteurizations, no steaming peat moss, and using spent lime?
It took a long time to simplify compost formulas and utilize higher levels of chicken litter.
How about the classes we had on the biological range for conditioning compost, recycled compost water, and method of pre–wetting?
His discussions of easily degradable carbohydrates and their relation to selectivity are now well known to many of us.
I hope we'll always remember how he emphasized the importance oof hygiene and sanitation in control of disease and insects! 

Special sessions on Phase I–II provided an opportunity to share seasonal information that has resulted in more consistent production and quality. The sessions on the "case to harvest" areas have helped us to perfect methods of CAC'ing and deep scratching.

Pieter was always a strong advocate of maintaining the basics of mushroom growing. 
He taught us what we need to strive for. 
If we use the information he has given us we can continue to improve our operations and be more consistent.

In closing I can say, I not only met a very special teacher, but also a special friend.
We spent many hours together in the classroom, traveling on the farms, in motels, airports, and such.
We exchanged many ideas, shared numerous experiences and talked of our lives in general.
I wish him the very best in his new position, and look forward to his future contact with CAMSCO!

God Bless, Best Wishes, Thank You!

Pieter indeed was an excellent teacher; even in a non–native language...

The above is from our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting

Some Mushroom Growers Wisdom

The three most important facts for a high yield are:

• Compost • Compost • Compost            P.J.C. Vedder
Using part of one of the FOREWORDS in our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting

Allow me to introduce you to the author; Pieter J.C. Vedder. He is a consummate educator. Not only a very knowledgeable technical advisor, he has seen and worked with the most sophisticated modern processes and techniques, but just as important, he has observed and consulted with some of the most rudimentary no frills operations with the minimum level of machinery or mechanical controls of basic process.
In the late 1980s we opened up Campbell's access to the industry. We had unused capacity of spawn and supplement plants, so we set about to pursue these two basic ingredients for sale, to most other commercial mushroom farms. One of our competitive strengths was, to offer growers's training sessions on the road, to areas where we could draw from large and small clusters of growers. We held mostly one, and also two–day growing seminars. Many sites became annual renewals. Pieter, together with his wife Mariette, was a significant draw. Frequent sites were Kennett Square and Temple, Pennsylvania; West Chicago, Illinois; Ontario (above photo) and British Colombia in Canada; Santa Cruz, California; Waco, Texas and tours to 3 towns in Ireland and a two–day Growing Seminar at Tewkesbury Park, in the U.K.
I trust you will find their publication useful. Having an interest in mushroom growing already makes you a friend.

Jack A. McDaniel, Macungie, Pennsylvania/USA, May 2020

Related links:

Thursday, January 6, 2022

EXCELLENT WAY for spreading germs and what not AT A HOSPITAL!

 For our work, we always had to emphasize that strict HYGIENE is a must for avoiding the spread of all kind of diseases.
And I am talking about the mushroom business!
It ought to be treated like a hospital because we also can be dealing with a virus outbreak; called die-back.
Virus particles easily can attach themselves to spores.

Long hair has to be pulled back.
No long fingernails.
No baggy tops, but tucked in.
No wide/long clothes (skirts, dresses or very baggy pants) sweeping the surface and contaminating other areas with diseases.
We have seen hundred or even thousand times personnel at a hospital, clinic or doctor's office with TOO LONG PANTS.
Sure, most young(er) generations would not know how to decently hem up their pants.
But aside from doing it yourself or having it done, WHY is management not mentioning this?!
THINK about it, an entire workday sweeping up things from the floor, wherever they go.
And mind you, they WILL go a few times to the TOILET as well, using their PANTS like a nice 'dry' mopping rag.
Spreading germs and virus particles, attached to dust or water particles, all around and even taking them HOME.

Have you also noticed this in the medical world?

Related link:
Wearing a Saree for ONE Day and Lending my Jeans | previous post by me about strict hygiene rules like in a hospital...

Monday, December 20, 2021

Pieter Cleaned our Front Door Lights and HURT his Eye

 Having your own home requires ongoing maintenance and or repair...
One of the LED lights next to our front door did no longer work.
So Pieter started to take them off the wall, to replace their dusk to dawn light control.
This is AFTER Pieter did the job, successfully!
In 2013, the spot behind them has not even been painted...
They needed some deep cleaning!
The contractor that build our home, did not leave much of the wire outside of the wall, for working with.
That made things complicated, for disconnecting and re-connecting.
The hand carved wooden name plaque got made in Indonesia and was a gift for Pieter's help in the mushroom cultivation there.
Cast aluminum in white, that we brought back from Italy.
They both needed a new dusk to dawn light control.
Pieter also did sand the cast aluminum and paint the lights, before hanging them back onto the wall.
In doing these various chores, somehow, he must have gotten something inside his left eye...
There are also glass panels...
While we were living and working in Indonesia, the house got build.
The usage of such LONG screws proves that the professionalism at times was not the best!
On November 3, I had to be with Pieter at the Vision Eye Group Ophthalmology Clinic in Macon for his 8:00 AM appointment...
One hour drive...
We tried on Friday, to get an emergency appointment in at the local Dublin Eye Associates.
But he could only be seen by mid February!
So I was so glad that they fit us in for seeing the ophthalmologist in Macon, the one that did my eye surgery end of 2020 and early this year.
Grateful, as it turned out Pieter had a swollen eye and it got scratched, very painful all together!
With some special drops for two weeks, which we picked up at the pharmacy on the way home, he got fast pain relief and also better vision.
That was quite a scare!
On Wednesday, December 1, we both went back, again early appointment at 8:00 AM and all looked well again.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Yard Pro Tiller and Proud Gardener Pieter

 After several years of toiling the soil, adding tons of spent mushroom compost, we developed a very fertile vegetable and fruit garden! Yes, we were getting to see the FRUITS of our labor, after tackling a Mega Task...

Pieter with his Yard Pro Tiller, after a morning of HARD work.
A purebred market gardener!
Pieter showing the good quality soil, after two turns with the tiller.
Still so many roots to be removed and more surprises in the soil, tires that had been dumped there previously by irresponsible people...
There are clickable points when viewed on YouTube, showing our grapes, paprikas (bell peppers), egg plants, squash, raspberries, rhubarb and tomatoes...
Another treasure found due to archiving our home videos.

Related posts:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | previous post by me

Sunday, October 17, 2021

YOU'RE A SMART COOKIE - Hilarious true story about my successor in Italy

Here comes a hilarious true story about my successor in Italy as I tried to COMPLIMENT her!
Marina Dalle Valle had just finished University and she started her 1st job.
So, I had to train her...
Yep, when our boss Dr. Gigi Bagnasco came to check with me, about her ability, she was left out of the conversation as she did not speak English.
Knowing how she felt, I translated to her what I just told Dr. Bagnasco in English, that she picked up rather quickly and she is a smart cookie.
So I turned towards Marina and said in Italian: Marina è un biscotto furbo!
We almost wet our pants from laughing... This was one of those moments where translation is impossible.
Neither can you say in Dutch: Je bent een slim koekje...
But she understood that I only wanted to compliment her in a gracious way, and Dr. Bagnasco was quite pleased with that knowledge; meaning they hired the right person.
Cookie comes from the Dutch word 'koekje,' which means 'little cake.' The first cookie-like 'cakes' were thought to have originated in 7th century Persia, one of the earliest countries where sugar was cultivated.
Smart Cookie
The Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms says that a smart cookie is 'someone who is clever and good at dealing with difficult situations.' The term 'cookie' may have referred to women as far back as the 1700s, and 'smart cookie' may have been a comment on women's intelligence.
Here Marina is next to me on the right during one of our visits back to Italy, on September 30, 1995.
Happy to see that she did so well!
Wearing my own sewing creation, skirt made from some raw silk. Paired with a silk sweater and a wool Yves Saint Laurent scarf.
She continued the Statistical Process Control that I'd introduced, as a tool for being able to pin-point 'where' in the process of e.g. producing compost, we were 'off'.
Also we used that, for more accurately being able to predict the yield of an incoming 1st break of mushrooms.
If any of the above ingredients were 'off', that already predicted less good quality mushrooms with less piece-weight and thus lower market value.

BUT, Marina my successor was a smart cookie!
Hoping she is still doing well. 

Related link:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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