Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE:
On April 12, I made this photo from a Carolina Wren on its nest. They chose to build their nest inside a planter in our greenhouse, on the side-shelf. Pieter moved the pots out onto the patio, in front of the greenhouse and discovered the nest... Sweet bird; I find those Wrens very cute and so active in catching insects and spiders around our home. They also have a lovely voice; very upbeat! In Dutch I call them 'Schatje'... (little darling)
Our greenhouse with its patio on August 16, 2010
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On April 2nd already our French Jeanne d'Arc Rose started blooming, from Pickering Nurseries, Ontario in Canada. These nursery people were Dutch immigrants who arrived in 1950. We got our 1818 Jeanned'Arc in January of 2001 and it is a very prolific, very early bloomer. You also will find this noisette rose at The Antique Rose Emporium. On April 12 ours was in full bloom already. Join me for a Mariette'sBack to Basics Garden Tour.
These are on the fence of our wood garden, facing the road.
Today is a very special day as it is the Royal Wedding + my husband Pieter's Birthday!
The latter is a special day because in September things didn't look that good but we both are grateful for having special medical friends who took very well care of both of us. In a previous blog about: {Angels engraved on a lucky calender-coin of 1969}you already saw several photos of Pieter but I have a few more here below...
Those 'Austrian trailing geraniums' we had bought as little plants. But how to bring them into the US? Well, what do you do if you WANT something really bad? We had them canned! And once we let them out and nursed them back to full strength, they thrived. Poor things, when they got canned the snippets of the little green that was on them, kept flying off the conveyor belt. What an idea! Complete with mushroom label and all... but no liquid added.
And yes, I did have once a fuchsia plant but they don't last long here with the hot summers. So I gave up on them. This was in the mid 80s in our previous home in Georgia.
This was in 1986 and now you understand why both of us joined the Fitness Center... We want to get back in shape again! UGA = University of Georgia Football.
At our present home in the late 90s when our huge Clematis lanuginosa candida was at its showiest. We lost that one, though we still have another. But the good thing is that both of us are still there!!!
That is the most recent photo where Pieter is on top of our balcony.
Less hair but with a bigger heart that has been mended.
May God give him many more years with me as I do love him more and more...