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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, August 22, 2011

{TIPS on Linking Back to Other Bloggers}

As I've done lots of blog reading and visiting, I also did notice certain things that are done different and how that will impact your number of visitors and comments left on each blog post. All of us strife for some frequent readers and look forward to comments. Those comments do give us an indication as to what readers like and they often can teach us a lot about their views and experiences.
BUT, first we must make it easy and swift for visitors to do so. Therefore, let's go over some points here and I will use snapshots from my own settings as an example. Visual things help more than just 'words', that's what Pieter and I have learned all through our career when conducting seminars for others. Captivate the attention and than show something new and different. That keeps everyone happy and the exchange of knowledge can begin. In Canada, one of our favorite work areas, they called the seminars that we gave: 'Technology Transfer Seminars'. I liked that. So by giving away something, we also gain a lot ourselves. Never be shy to ask and to share! We ALL learn till our last breath and I hope, you enjoy learning as much as I do. Okay, now back to Comment Settings and I will explain this as we go.
By setting Who Can Comment to Anyone is VERY important. That's the ONLY way you will be able to build those Back Links. You should think about back links as exchanging business cards. You leave one at the place where you just visited.
Oh, and Comment Form Placement should be Pop-up window! Why? Because if otherwise, it will take a lot of time till ALL the gadgets on the sidebar, including music etc. etc. RELOAD again. With all respect, I DO love your blogs but I even more so would love to find time for visiting more other blogs. That applies to each one of us; time is the limit!
So with these two settings you already can solve 2 problems.
Well, due to the spam creeping in I had to change long ago from 'Anyone' and I choose Registered User. Also for avoiding the spam I changed to Comment Moderation!
It also helps if you put your name in the Comment Form Message, as a courtesy to others so they can address you. You can put in any personal message for your readers. Remember: This IS your business card, your immediate contact with your readers.
Here we got some Very Important settings!
Comment moderation. It is best if you put there: Only on posts older than 14 days. WHY?
You know that those spammers are often a kind of 'robots' and they search for older posts, so this way you can weed them out!
Show word verification for comments? NO! Since this is for warding off those spam robots, you ALREADY took care of that by marking posts older than 14 days... Word verification is only to check if it is a HUMAN and not a robot!
It is THE MOST TIME CONSUMING THING we run into while visiting bloggers and leaving comments. Remember, we ALSO want to visit other bloggers! So it is best to mark this with NO. You will see that your comment number will actually go up drastically after changing this. Often comments get lost anyway if word verification is required. That happened to me quite some times and often we just abandon such a post and move on... Sweet Bea from Modern Country Lady gave me this valuable tip a while back, so I'm more than glad to pass it on to others.
This is it! Leaving your comment with your Name/URL. That is like dropping off your business card with a direct Link Back to YOUR Blog!
If you continue to leave your comments, using your Google Account, that will ONLY lead to your PROFILE - NOT to your BLOG.
You want to land a new visitor onto your blog and not the profile! That also will save another click too, that means time... for visiting more other blogs.
This is how it looks when building that Back Link.
That URL will land your readers right ONTO your blog.
This is just an example of how it looks like on Johanna's blog: Silber+Rosen. No picture of me, but a direct link back to my blog. If you only leave a picture, that is the same as returning home from a business meeting with your own business card still in your hand... Click on Johanna's blog above and see for yourself. You can come right back here again, by clicking on Mariette's Back to Basics, as that is my Link Back.
That Link is also handy for giving a reply to someone's comment. It doesn't do anything for you to post a reply comment on your own blog. That's like stuffing your mailbox with your own business cards. That leads to no LINK... It is also rather tedious for having to go back to all blogs where you left a previous comment... So that will in most cases not happen.
Enough for today. Hope you can put some of this to use, provided that you all are willing to give up your picture on the comment page. I'd rather have my readers look at my picture ON my blog-post!
Wish you all a lovely week and lots of readers!


  1. Hallo Mariette, bedankt voor je tips! Ik zal er zeker gebruik van gaan maken. Mbt de reacties in een pop up venster: dat gaat alleen in de 'oude' blogger versie, de nieuwe laat dit helaas niet toe. Dus als iemand toch de 'pop up reacties' wil gebruiken: eerst terug naar de oude blogger ...

  2. Muchas gracias por tus consejos, nos viene muy bien a los que llebamos poco tiempo en el mundo blog.

  3. Oh wow, dear Mariette. This is such an informative post. I am so thankful for all those computer/bloggins tips you give us quite so often. You are a smart cookie!!

    Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment. And thanks for visiting Elaine's blog. She is such a special lady, isn't she?

    (((( hugs ))))


  4. Liebe Mariette,
    da hast Du Dir aber wahnsinnig viel Arbeit gemacht!

    Ich selbst habe mich für meine Kommentare "unter dem Post eingebettet" entschieden, weil ich das optisch einfach schöner finde. Mit Google Chrome funktioniert das Kommentieren auch immer. Und mit dem Kreis, mit dem ich blogge, wissen das jetzt wohl auch alle.

    Musik auf dem Blog halte ich allerdings für eine Unsitte! Raubt nicht nur Ressourcen, es kann auch belästigend sein, wenn auf einmal die Lautsprecher losdröhnen ... da haben wir uns schon manchmal erschreckt. So gerne ich Musik auch mag, aber nur dann, wenn ich sie hören möchte, nicht generell berieselt werden!
    Leider haben hier viele sehr wenig Ahnung von technischen Dingen rund um Internet und Computer, so daß man da wohl nicht viel machen kann ... denn ein wenig Verständnis von diesen Dingen gehört schon dazu.

    Was ich trotz alledem immer noch nicht herausbekommen habe, ist, wie diese Verlinkungen entstehen. Bei manchen Posts sind ganz unten diverse Links zu anderen Blogs zu sehen. Ich kann auf den jeweiligen Blogs aber die Links dazu nicht entdecken. Wie macht man das. Ich dachte mal, wenn ich Backlinks anzeigen lasse und Neue Posts haben Backlinks anklicke, reicht das aus. Bei mir sehe ich weder diese Links noch kann ich sie selbst erzeugen. Es wäre wirklich interessant, das zu wissen, wie es geht.

    Am lästigsten jedoch finde ich diesen Captcha-Code. Ich habe ihn schon sehr lange draußen, es läuft praktisch auch NIE Spam auf. Deswegen ist er völlig überflüssig. Der Blogger-eigene Spamschutz funktioniert hervorragend! Ich kenne das von anderen Blogsystemen nämlich noch ganz anders!

    In Moderation schalte ich nur wenn ich keine oder nur wenig Zeit habe. Die Kommentare sieht man ja innerhalb des Dashboards ohnehin und bei mir ist, wie schon gesagt, noch nie sonderlich Spam aufgelaufen, bis auf mal zwei, drei solcher Kommentare, die ich dann problemlos gelöscht habe.

    Jetzt im Sommer bei dem schönen Wetter ist ohnehin nicht so viel mit Kommentieren. Man verbringt die Zeit doch lieber draußen. Aber das wird wieder, wenn das Wetter wieder schlechter, die Tage wieder viel kürzer werden ...

    Liebe Grüße

  5. Bedankt Mariette voor je tip, ga eens controleren of ik nog dingen anders moet instellen!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, back link thig had't worked out well. Sorry about deleting my previous comment. Testing didn't work. Anyways, Thank you for your precious tip.
    Well, I'll be able to send you a mail tomorrow.
    Love and Hugs xoxo, Orchid.

  8. thanks for the tips. i especially appreciate the pop-up comment box and the no word verification reminders. they are extremely time-consuming!

  9. Danke für die Tipps :)

    Ich halte es auch wie Sara und habe das Kommentarformular unter den Beiträgen.
    Leider wird bei mir im Blog nicht so häufig kommentiert, aber vielleicht wird es ja mehr, wenn ich von nun an meine "Blog-Visitenkarte" hinterlasse ;)


  10. Hi Mariette, I need to come back and read this tomorrow. My head is about to explode -- headache started before I even left work today and has progressively gotten worse. :/ Makes it hard to concentrate. Hope your day is god. Tammy

  11. Hello Mariette,

    Thanks for the instrutions for the blog. I didn't know you had a horse!!! I have one also, he's from my daughter an arabian, ouf! and I had one myself! Cute! Hope it will be better with you.Show a picture from your horse on your blog!!! Litlle cowboy!
    Lots of love Janny.

  12. That's very handy, Mariette. I believe I already put a few things into practice.
    Have a lovely happy sunny Monday xx

  13. Mariette,

    I am going to give this a try - I never knew I this little profile trick. Very clever.

    I haven't used the spam blocker/word verification in ages. I find it soooo annoying. I get spam, but it's usually on an old post so I can easily handle it when it arrives in my email.

    Thank you for the great tip....here goes my new i.d.!


  14. Hey! It worked. You are brilliant!

  15. Excellent tips! Hope I can remember some of them. Although unless you love Shih Tzu my blog will not be of much interest and unfortunately majority of my friends have Facebook, they are not into blogging.lol

    Now I need to figure out how to widen my blog without losing all my content.

    Have a nice week :)


  16. Dear Marietti,
    I has look at my copy which you sent me and I noticed you asked "Did you put your URL in?
    I didn't have that.
    There I try to my name and URL into
    the spot but something is wrong?
    This afternoon I will try again..
    You have nice day,

  17. Hi Mariette,
    This info is very good for all. I do most everything you mention except lately I went with the comment below and I am not really likeing it and will take it back to the pop up window.
    Thank you for sharing all your tips. It is always a helpful reminder to check ourselves and make sure we are providing quick and easy visits.

    Love to you dear friend.
    Celestina Marie

  18. danke für die sehr interessanten Informationen, liebe Mariette

    der Häkelvirus hält mich immer noch gefangen *lach*
    aber Du sagst es: auch bei uns wird Häkeln in den Schulen nicht mehr unterrichtet...

    aus der Sommerpause viele liebe Grüße zu Dir von Traudi

  19. Mariette, I appreciate the tips. I have not tried the backlinks and i hate having to go through the profile to get to the blogger.
    I am going to try it just now.
    Love to you, Ginger

  20. Ok, I am attempting this. We will see how it works. Hugs,

  21. Thanks Mariette, It worked. I already had the other settings. This one is great. Hugs, Ginger


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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