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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

{GNOMES and Rose Stepping Stones}

As promised in my previous blog, I will tell you more about our GNOMES! Also about our Rose Stepping Stones... Glad to know now, that I am not alone having to deal with difficult to reach windows for cleaning. As read in all the comments. Well, this is a chore that is not done very often but once in a while we have to tackle it. And thanks for the well wishes about my sciatica. It did go away after a couple of days. A hot tub and staying inside, that means, staying 'dry' did cure it. 
But now about our GNOMES... As I wrote already about them, they are LAZY as hell! Really, they don't care at all. You have met them in a previous post about: HEAR - SEE - SPEAK NO EVIL. Well, that is great but if they are needed for pitching in and doing some 'little' chores, they DO NOT HEAR! So what do I do? The link to the previous posts you will find below the last photo.
It gets even worse than NOT wanting to HEAR. We received one more GNOME from our German 'son and daughter-in-law' (yes, we have more adopted children...) and grandchildren. This fellow looks cute but have a look at him:
He lies on this wall and is too lazy to even climb down! 
He could, if he is careful but no: he lifts his legs and 'FARTS' at us when asked to help with little chores...
What do you say, how would you handle that?
The other three stand there and dance; YES they bounce around on that wall, they are wobbly DWARFS or WACKELZWERGEN. 
I did not HEAR you; I did not SEE you... I don't SAY anything about the big one farting at you!
Is this common for this time or is it only here that they show such behavior?
PLEASE let me know what you are encountering with your GNOMES.
I just cannot stand anything THAT LAZY...! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Maybe our boot scraper dachshund will get them!
This is our Patio with the private entrance door to our Rose Suite...
Okay, let's forget about them!
Do you see those weathered bronze Rose Stepping Stones to the right of the patio?
They are made of cast stone and we got them from Home Depot.
First we had them in a single row, shown here (before that last GNOME arrived in the mail...) Grrrrrrrrrrr
This photo is from May.
In a previous post I've shown already the Rose Stepping Stones, see link below...
Our cat-man Spooky is not LAZY and you see him here inspecting Pieter's painting job in the weathered bronze color. 
A clear coating sprayed on, makes them really shine.
Now we can reach the gazebo as well as the planters with jasmines without soiling our shoes.
Under the huge live oak tree the grass is not growing due to the shade and to the lack of nutrients and water, that the tree takes away.

Related links:
{Cleaning Windows} | previous post by me
{HEAR - SEE - SPEAK NO EVIL} | previous post by me
{ROSE STEPPING STONES} | previous post by me


  1. your gnomes are truly imps. :)

    those stepping stones are nice across the bare ground!

  2. I'm so happy you're doing well now from that painful sciatica, I've had it before and it's painful. Your nomes are so cute, even though they're lazy bums, lol..I'm loving your yard and pretty gazebo I see in the background. Wow, those rose stepping stones are awesome and very unique!! The kitty is adorable too. Thanks for your lovely visit and wonderful comments, I so love it when you come over! Have a great week.

  3. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better after your window washing that those lazy gnomes refused to help you with! I am sure your little dachshund bootscraper will teach them a thing or two one of these days! You have a very lovely view of your pretty gazebo and little pond from there, and those gnomes are very lucky to have that same view. I really like your stepping stones. We have big trees that nothing will grow under, but we love the trees, so what do you do? I think I need some of those pretty stepping stones, too. xx

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    du verstehst es, immer wieder
    Bezauberndes zu zeigen.

    Alles Gute

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I also am glad that you knew how to deal with sciatica you got it cured soon.
    I've been to the links and I remembered I commented about our monkey version of gnomes. OH, they don't listen to us, do they(^^;) And the rose stepping stones are SO WONDERFUL painted by your talented husband. I could see they were white from your previous post when I still hadn't started blogging. Haha, your lovely cat-man Spooky♡♡♡ Beeautifuly placed♬♬♬

    PS> Thank you very much for your heartwarming comment. I did leave a couple of funny comments to friends recently... I will be more positive and try my best!

    Lots of love and hugs from Japan to my Dear American friend, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Wowww ze zijn mooi !!...fijne week lieverd...geniet !!...liefs Ria...xxx.

  7. It would seem that your naughty little gnomes are living the good life. Ironically, there are a lot of folks who could be described the same as your gnomes. :/ Those stepping stones are very pretty. Have a great week. Tammy

  8. The rose stones are beautiful but I've no idea what to do with the gnomes *smile*.


  9. gli gnomi sono molto simpatici....ma le rose di ghisa sono eccezionali...un abbraccio grande Lory

  10. Ik vind de steppingstones van rozen heeeel erg leuk! Zou ook wel wat voor mij zijn, haha.

    Liefs Janny

  11. Dear Mariette, I really love your beautiful garden. It is decorated with such care and style. Gnomes are so lovely, and I especially love your stepping stones, I have never seen stones like that! Love to you, Jagoda

  12. Zou leuk zijn als je er 7 had. Dan voel je jezelf als Sneeuwwitje.
    Wat een mooie stapstenen.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  13. Hi Mariette,
    Oh no, I am sorry to read about your sciatica it can be so painful. I also have pain from my sciatica so I know how you feel.
    We do not have Gnomes in our yard. I have heard about their pesky behavior so we have not invited them over LOL.
    I love your rose stepping stones and adding the bronze color to them was really creative (they are to pretty to walk on)I will have to see if our local Home Depot has any, I have the perfect place for them in our yard.
    Enjoy your week and rest your back, don't over do it.

  14. I'm happy your sciatica is gone. Hot tub is always good :-)
    But that GNOME...oh he is so lazy but hilarious! (sorry!) He farts when asked to help...heh heh heh. But we can always count on our kitties, right? These rose stepping stones are beautiful!

  15. I have 7 lazy gnomes and believe......you can't make them do anything. I already gave up on them...hahahaha.
    Your stepstones look really great.
    Never seen such beautiful ones.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs Bianca

  16. Dearest Mariette
    Never trust a gnome ...
    That kind of rose stepping stones, I have never seen. They are very decorative and functional.
    You have an absolutely wonderful garden ♥
    Love to you

  17. OH my ... these Gnomes really are difficult..lol... Hope the ones that are joining our gardens will have better manners...lol...

    Your rose stepping stones are gorgeous! Pieter is so wonderful to come with ways to bring things back to their full beauty!!

    Gotta love our furbabies .. they are much more appreciative and no change gets by them ... *smile*

    Wishing you a wonderful week. C, (HHL)

  18. Hi M!

    You wrote a comment on my blog so you have one lot, is that what you want?


  19. You have so many pretty things in your garden ~ and your garden is so beautiful Mariette! I am sure it brings you such joy to sit and look at all the beauty around you. Lovely.
    xo Catherine

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    Those are bad, bad, bad gnomes. Especially Mr. Farty.
    You are so funny. I love it when you are joking around.
    I had this post pulled up earlier in the day. I was showing Bob the stepping stones. We both thought they were really neat. I got distracted and didn't leave a comment. Love those stones. I may just go looking for those.
    Have a great week.
    Love to you, Ginger

  21. Funny post Mariette! Your gnomes are adorable, even the "farting" one. My husband has a Seattle Seahawks football gnome and when his team loses, he threatens to put the gnome in the BBQ lol. He and his brother like to send pictures back and forth of their gnomes doing silly things.

    The stepping stones are gorgeous! Your husband did a wonderful job painting them:)

    As for the Alligator meat I tried, it was the actual meat that was very fatty...not so much the batter! If I think about it too much I start to dry heave!!!

  22. Dear Mariette,

    We have one gnome in our garden and he is just as lazy as yours.
    I laughed at the farting one.
    The rose stepping stones are lovely and how neat that Pieter painted them with the bronze paint.
    Glad that the sciatica went away, take care.

    Have a happy week

  23. Ha lieve Mariette,

    Ben bang dat je aan het luie gedrag van de kabouters niks meer kan veranderen, ze zijn vast niet voor heropvoeding vatbaar....misschien wel heel oud en aan het eind van hun Latijn;-)

    Maar schattig zijn ze wel...
    het kind komt plotseling weer bij mij naar boven....zou het kabouter spillebeen zijn met het groene broekje aan vraag ik me af....die zat op 'n paddestoel rood met witte stippen op en neer te wippen,krak zei toen de paddestoel met een diepe zucht....allebei de beentjes,hoepla in de lucht....

    De rozen stapstenen vind ik zo mooi dat ik er overheen zou proberen te stappen.

    Maar het fijnste bericht in je post te lezen is toch wel dat je klachten van ischias verdwenen zijn.



Thanks for your visit and comment.



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