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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, January 9, 2015

{The Surprising Power of our Social Networks}

Quite interesting book and subject in general...
Reading with a cup of coffee, fine chocolate and fragrant paperwhite flowers is such a bliss!
The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
This is the book that I purchased after reading about it in the Dutch Nouveau magazine from June 2010...
Connecties hebben grote gevolgen - Connections have large consequences
 How Your Friends' Friends' Friends Affect Everything You Feel, Think, and Do 
Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives ←(click it) by Authors: Nicholas A. Christakis  James H. Fowler  
Excerpt from the above link; just click the pink line above...
"Quite interesting how everything we do or say tends to ripple through our network, having and impact on our friends (one degree), our friends' friends (two degrees), and even our friends' friends' friends (three degrees)."
"Instead of simply knowing who our friends are, and perhaps our friends' friends, we can peer beyond our social horizon and see our place in a vast worldwide social network."
This book is available in many languages:


  1. hmmm. a good reminder to spread kindness rather than negativity, i think.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      It sure is: A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way!

  2. Deaest Mariette,
    sounds like an interesting book...thank you for showing us!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Oh any book that has been published in 19 different languages is a tremendous success!
      Great observations by these two authors and if helps quite a number of people in the world, to better understand our social network and behavior being followed.

  3. Lieve Mariette ..
    Intersant boek ...we worden beinvloed door veel dingen
    om ons heen .. ook door de t.v en radio ..
    en daarom stuur ik nu grote glimlach en hoop dat hij daar
    aan komt ..
    veel liefs ...

    we hadden ook -8 graden vanacht

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Zeer interessant boek, al gezien zijn 19 talige uitgave; dat is een top prestatie voor elke schrijver. Dit is dan wel een duo; maar tóch!
      We worden beïnvloed maar we hebben onze vrije keuze om te kiezen en dat verrijkt alleen maar.
      Jazéker, jou grote, goedgeefse glimlach is goed aangekomen en het bracht gelijk een evengrote glimlach teweeg - die is nu richting Griekenland!
      Het is nú ook al weer -5°C en nog niet eens 23:35u.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    dein Blog schenkt mir immer wieder Freude, und das ist erfreulich.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Also funktioniert es was die beide Herren im Buch beschreiben! Wir wählen ja unser eigenes soziales Netzwerk und umgeben uns mit Menschen, an denen wir Freude erleben. Ob das vom Lesen, Arbeit, Reisen oder was auch immer ist.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    das Buch sit sicher interessant, ich werde mal danach Ausschau halten. Die Gesellschaft verändert sich durch das Internet. So ist es sicher wichtig, sich bewusst zu werden, welche Einflüsse auf uns wirken. Und dein Kaffeetisch ist wieder zauberhaft. Das schöne Geschirr! Und Tazetten, die duften ja so herrlich. Und strahlen schon ein bisschen Frühling aus. Und Schokolaaaaade, hmmmmmmm!
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Oh, das Buch ist wirklich sehr interessant und auch laut die 19 Spracheditionen! Unsere Soziale Gesellschaft besteht heutzutage aus eine Mischung aber immerhin gegegnen wir auch viele Menschen persönlich, oder die unsere Stimme hören und so weiter.
      Ja, so ein Kaffeetisch spurt auch an zum Kaffeklatsch mit liebe Freundinne; es wäre schon etwas wenn wir mal zusammensitzen könnten!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  6. Hello Mariette, A positive way of looking at our increasingly-interconnected society. One point that occurs, quite possibly raised in the book, is that the thin, numerous connections can become more important than the people or events they connect, as for example people rushing to post photos of objects in museums rather than actually contemplating them. Similarly, some people rack up absurd numbers of internet "friends", rather then get to know a small number more intimately. That warning aside, the internet is a great way to enlarge horizons and get to know many people whom otherwise there would be no chance of meeting. And that is why I value the blogs I follow so much.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh, our interconnected society always has been that way but with the modern internet it does help to share positive emotions of happiness and occasionally sad tidings too, at the moment they actually happen. That is so different from having to wait till a letter will reach the other party... feelings have already evaporated and cannot be recreated to really share together.
      With our worldwide connections, either from students that came to our practical mushroom training college, or later in life from our international consulting, internet proves a great medium. The one or the other can never completely become a substitute. And always for seeking the positive to share with others! If we all learn to take that route, it will be a valuable one. Sure, blogs we follow, we selected for a reason! It adds value to our life.
      Kindest regards,

  7. It is a very big world on the internet out there. There is good and bad in every thing.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      But the book is not at all aiming at social networking via Internet. In general, in daily life we interact with so many and on top of that, we can stay in touch with friends and loved ones that are a distance away from us. That is a very positive thing! The positive and negative you find in personal friendships, between coworkers and everywhere you turn in society; but we have a free will and we select! And than it is very positive and uplifting.

    2. I quite realize that Mariette, we can let the negatives slide away and treasure the positives.
      That is the same with all of life.
      Hugs Kay

    3. Dearest Kay,
      Yes and surprisingly there is a lot more positive than negative but it is like with change; coins make a lot more noise...

  8. Sounds like it could be a very interesting read. The connections I've made via blogging have been nothing but positive. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      The book is very interesting and it is about the whole scope of social networking in all of its forms. Like you state here, I too have had such great connections via blogging. We select and that only can lead to enriching each other!
      Hugs to you and happy Friday.

  9. Sounds like an interesting book. I love the cover image of the fish jumping from one bowl to the other :-) Social network does have a huge impact, lot of positive ones, like, ones that help shelter cats and dogs find homes.

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It is very interesting and this cover, one wonders how long it took for having that fish make the leap. But in the book there is also written about schools of fish swim together, without there being a real leader! People too react to certain things in a way that makes for following...
      Oh sure, with all the means of social networks available to us now, we can really help right away when needed for any cause. That is such a positive energy and it gives us all joy. Shared happiness always is double happiness!
      Hugs to you,

  10. Dear Mariette,
    it sounds like an interesting book!I have learn so much following blogs from other countries!
    Have a warm evening!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      All our social network is changing, look at daughter Flora's as she breaks out of her Dutch social network, from work, friends and hobbies in order to come home. That way we can literally share cultures and feelings in a very positive way; if needed, without any delay.
      Even though this book is from 2010, it is still very valid including with internet connections that can be very enriching.
      We stay warm under our down duvet with flannel cover; again frost tonight!

  11. Lijkt me n leuk boek Mariette!

    1. Dearest Nicole,
      Ja, een erg goed boek is het en dit onderwerp blijft ook waardevol, ook ná 2010. Het feit dat het in zóveel talen is uitgegeven is bewijs genoeg dat het goed is.

  12. I love all the connections blogging has afforded me, and all that I learn. This is, however, a warning, to be careful what you put out there.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      This book is by no means only referring to internet connections; that is only a part of the total social network. We always ought to be considerate, be it at the workplace or wherever!
      Sending you hugs,

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    A book of reading cup of coffee with fine chocolate about the Duch Noveav magagine connectrions has large consequeuences.
    Everything ripple of your Network of simply of our frinds of worldwide Social net work.
    The most interesting thing was that I ate a lot less then I'd expected.
    We has too much raining for positive thoughts makes for bad continence my golfing!
    Hugs and Lots of both of Love!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yeah, reading with a cup of coffee and chocolate is a great way! You could read this book in Japanese also; one of 19 languages it's published in.
      You mean, you ate less over the holidays? I don't think I gained anything either...
      The weather here is by far not yet like going outdoors... we had rain and now it is freezing for a couple of nights. But soon it will get better and I hope your rain will stop to give you a break so you can play golf!
      Hugs and oodles of love to you; stay positive!

  14. Lieve Mariette,

    Zal pas echt mijn eerlijke mening over de inhoud van het boek kunnen geven wanneer ik het helemaal gelezen heb.
    Netwerken kan voor en nadelen hebben volgens mij.
    Ben niet het type mens om me goed te voelen wanneer ik bij een groep hoor van mensen die ik niet persoonlijk ken.
    Je leert in mijn optiek pas iemand echt goed kennen wanneer je er persoonlijke contacten mee kan onderhouden.

    Zakelijk gezien kan een uitgebreid netwerk op sociale media voordelen geven.
    Mijn man zegt altijd:het is niet belangrijk wat je kent maar wie je kent.

    Lieve groet,Ger

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Je kunt het boek mooi in het nederlands lezen ook; dat is dus gemakkelijk.
      Niet iedereen is geschikt voor b.v. het werk wat wij járen hebben gedaan. Leerlingen die naar het praktische training college voor de champignonteelt kwamen, die kenden we óók niet persoonlijk. Maar gedurende het jaar, of voor de volledige opleiding, gedurende de drie jaar dat je ermee omging, leerde je elkaar kennen en waarderen. Les geven is nu eenmaal een vak waarbij je kennis uitdraagt naar anderen.
      En dit werd nog eens versterkt toen we dit gingen doen in het buitenland, in zeven talen. Niet altijd gemakkelijk maar ook dat leer je! Wat dacht je van een chirurg die iemand een nood operatie moet geven waarbij er géén contact is met de patiënt. Dat komt toch ook tot stand en meestal ook met goede afloop; die chirurg voelt zich tóch goed onder iemand persoonlijk te kennen. Onzekerheid kun je overwinnen en die ander tegenover je is ook maar gewoon een 'mens' met precies dezelfde gevoelens!
      Het boek duidt zéker niet alleen in de richting van sociale media (internet) maar ook in de dagelijkse omgang via het werk, vrienden, familie en hobbies.

  15. Dear Mariette,
    I have seen this book and thought about reading it. I hope you are finding it good reading! The pretty table setting makes it enjoyable, I am sure. With social networking we really do create ripples that go beyond what we could imagine....a good reminder to pay attention to what we put out there! Enjoy your reading!
    Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      It sure is good reading and also the fact that it has been published in 19 languages speaks volumes!
      Yes, a coffee with some chocolate to enjoy a reading, with my feet tucked under in my favorite chair is pure bliss!
      Always we have to consider the ripple effect caused by what we say or do. Trying to be positive is very valuable.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend - stay cozy and warm.

  16. Liebe Mariette,

    bestimmt ein interessantes Buch. Ich glaube seit jeher das der Mensch wie ein Netzwerk immer miteinander verbunden ist. Wir nehmen es bewusst selten wahr, doch unser Denken, Handeln, Tun sind wie Wellen die sich aus der nahen Umgebung in die weite Welt ausbreiten können. Genauso verhält es sich umgekehrt...wir ziehen oft dass an wie wir Denken, Handeln und Tun.

    Unser Wetter ist zur Zeit schon eher frühlingshaft. Morgen wird es sage und schreibe tagsüber bis zu 16° Grad in Teilen der Schweiz sein. Man stelle sich das vor?

    Ich wünsche dir viele kuschelige Stunden mit deinen Katzen und Decke und Mann bei eurer Kälte. :-)

    Liebe Grüessli

    1. Liebe Julia,
      Ja, es hört sich fast unglaublich an eure Schweizer Temperatur für Morgen! Geniesse es jedoch. Hier ist es noch immer kalt und deswegen ist lesen eine gute Zeitverwendung, mein Mann liest auch sehr viel aber mehr auf seinem Nook! Ich mag eigentlich ein Buch sehr gerne, in meinem Ledersessel schön warm eingebettet mit gefaltetem Beinen unter meinem Hintern... Wenn's kalt ist eine Kuscheldecke drübergelegt!
      Lässt uns noch viele positiven Wellen machen mit unser Netzwerk und auch unser virtuelles Netzwerk.
      Liebe Grüssen,

  17. Dearest Mariette; I really think we need to remind of ourselves that what we say ripple through our network; and agree with you that network can help us peer beyond our social horizon and widen our eyes!!! Hope we all use it with a positive way☆☆☆
    Always Love how you arrange your table setting, sure must give you a great enjoyable time for reading♡♡♡ Yes, I also like the goldfish (maybe) image on the cover which have Japanese atmosphere :-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you for your warm comment and insight and to me the goldfish looks Japanese indeed but very effective! Let us hope that the world will remain full of positive ripple effects and that we keep learning from each other across the borders. Like happiness shared with a group during a delicious dinner and that being told to others, it widens the network instantly and it makes so many others happy too!
      Internet is another way for broadening our horizons in ways that never before existed!
      Love and hugs from Georgia/USA,

  18. Liebe Mariette,
    das sieht sehr kuschlig aus - leckere Schokolade, eine Tasse guten Kaffee dazu, ein interessantes Buch und schöne Blümchen..... was braucht man mehr?
    ja manchmal überlege ich, wer wohl zur gleichen Zeit an die gleichen Dinge denkt - wer fühlt so wie ich? - ich glaube auch, dass wir miteinander verbunden sind - zumindest mit einigen Menschen die gleichen Sinns sind -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja stimmt; was braucht man mehr?! Unser Netzwerk ist viel grösser als jeder sich je geträumt hätte und dieses Buch ist so gut um es uns zu erklären wie alles vor geht. Und via Internet kann man eigentlich noch ziehlgerichter die Menschen finden mit dem gleichen Gefühle und Werten! Es zieht us wirklich an und dazu ist jede Fremdsprache wirklich das allergrösste Fenster zur Welt...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  19. Network certainly affects our lives but we must be careful of how we expose ourselves in it. Wish I could join you in this coffee relaxing moment...
    Wish you and your husband a healthy and prosperous new year dearest Mariette!

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Oh, you certainly could join in on this relaxing moment, even with your own Greek version of the book and I am more than willing to share some chocolate with you; dark or milk?!
      Exposing ourselves as a positive person is always a good thing because there is already way too much negativity in this world.
      Thank you and also you and your husband and daughter all the best for 2015 in good health.

  20. Ciao Mariette, mi piace questa idea di leggere un buon libro con una tazza di qualcosa: caffè o tè che sia... e un bel mazzolino di fiori freschi.
    A presto,

    1. Cara V.,
      Con un grande libro è perfetta e questo è disponibile anche in italiano. Godetevi la vostra tazza di caffè o tè e felice fine settimana!

  21. Dearest Mariette, I got over here to see what it was Michiko and you pf course were referring to, Indeed I feel it is true that our social network can influence us when we are truly friends, interlinked with one another. Such contacts can be sad as well, as in how face to face friendships can be. I, as do many others, have many stories about some that flourished and some that foundered. XXOO

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Yes, some contacts can become really friendships in the true meaning. Not just superficial...
      All emotions are involved in any friendship and it depends how strong and how deep its foundations are, how it will uphold under certain circumstances. We cannot hold on to everyone as those might never have shown their 'true' face...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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