Today I want to write about a very special and long time blogger (since June of 2007); Celestina Marie from the blog
Celestina Marie Designs. Already since 1988 she has been a member of the National Society of Decorative Painters. This not only made her improve her skills as an artist painter, it even led her to
The White House in 1998 and 2004. Each year the First Lady and her staff select the decorations and holiday theme, for the following Christmas to display on the (click link)→
Blue Room Christmas Tree. IF an artist gets selected after a precise and detailed process, following the
exact requirements, they also will get
invited to the White House Holiday Reception. From all 50 states, a total of 350 ornaments artfully made by 314 National Society of Decorative Painters members, it was also Celestina Marie who got chosen. Quite an honor for
being invited by the President and the First Lady to see the Blue Room Tree all decorated!
Celestina Marie and her husband with First Lady Laura Bush in front of the Blue Room Christmas Tree...
Photo used with permission of Celestina Marie Designs |
Being chosen ONCE is already a dream come true but being chosen TWICE that was beyond Celestina Marie's wildest dreams! I find it quite extraordinary too, for this fine artist having been included not only for 1998 but also 2004! Celestina Marie is a very down to earth lady and that's why I would like to honor her this year by mentioning this highest honor of this great nation in my post today. You ought to pay her a visit. If you click on Blue Room Christmas Tree above, you can read all about her experience.
From First Lady Bush Celestina Marie did receive the above photo, taken with her by the White House Photographer, with an accompanied special letter.
Photo used with permission of Celestina Marie Designs |
A sad note is that Celestina Marie lost her Dad only six weeks prior to her 1st Presidential invitation in 1998. Her Dad was a WWII Veteran and naturally, while in Washington, D.C. again for the 2nd Presidential invitation in 2004, Celestina Marie did visit with her husband the WWII Memorial that her Dad would have loved to see in person...
Photo used with permission of Celestina Marie Designs |
There she met with some Vets from her Dad's home state of Pennsylvania and when she'd thanked them for their service, they cried... Very touching.
Photo used with permission of Celestina Marie Designs |
Another photo from her under the marker of her Dad's beloved Pennsylvania...
Just yesterday, it was 66 years ago that her dear Mom & Dad got married, only weeks after returning from his 3-year time of service all over Europe. The camera he used in the war, never made it home so there is not a single photo of their wedding... But it got sealed in heaven and also inside the hearts of this love-couple and their family members, who witnessed this special love. You can read her post about it here:
This Day Dec.22, 1945.
It has been an honor and a privilege, knowing Celestina Marie for the past couple of years. For being able to purchase some of her special art work as well. If it is fit for hanging inside the White House, wow, it must be an honor for each one of us to also own a piece of her fine art work!
May God bless Celestina Marie with good health, so many more of us will be able to acquire her fine work. Wishing her and her loved ones a very blessed and Merry Christmas. Thanks for being you and above all for being such a dear friend! The letters and cards that accompany her art work are a gift in itself... I only can highly recommend her to all those that have not yet had the honor knowing her talents in person.
Related links:
Miss C~ Goes To Washington! post by Celestina Marie
This Day Dec. 22, 1945 post by Celestina Marie
“A Blogger I Admire” - Doris Plaster from Hold my Hand previous post by me
"A Blogger I Admire" - Celia from High Heeled Life previous post by me