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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, January 27, 2013

{My Hand Knitted Leg Warmers Then and Now}

Let me show you some incredibly STRONG Hand Knitted Leg Warmers Then and Now... No kidding, there is a lapse of almost 28 years between getting them off my knitting needles and wearing them NOW. Are you ready?
Yes, this is ME wearing my hand knitted leg warmers; hot off the needles in March of 1985...
What do you think? Pretty close or not...
Now, let's move!
Same legs, same leg warmers but almost 28 years later!

Victoria from the blog Slightly Shabby asked: "I would love if you could do more posts on your diet and exercise, you have such a great figure! I was always very slim but now, in my mid 40's, I find myself struggling."
Okay, I will show you some of my exercise... my diet I will address later.
I did it then...
And now...
By the way, I need another hair cut!
Oh, wait... we will get going, I will show you next!
Just a bit more than only turning around...
Twenty eight years in-between; that's not bad for 60+ or?
All the way to the floor... Keep your legs stretched!
Yes, I can still do that...!
Hurts like hell but never mind.
That's right; swing those legs (both of them!) all the way, past your ears to the floor and hold for 20 minutes.
I'm kidding; you cannot breathe that way...
Oh Lordy... I will probably never get straightened up again!
Yeah, big deal then; when I was 28 years younger and a LOT more flexible.
Hope you enjoyed this Then and Now series.
Now be careful, don't imitate me immediately; you might have to check with your doctor first!

Related link:
{Our Rose Suite's Little Room} previous post by me where Victoria asked the above quoted question in the comments... 


  1. Wowza! Mariette, You are an amazing and inspiration lady! Very pretty too ;)

  2. My precious boy just had a look at your lovely photos, and he said, "She looks much prettier now with her grey hair." and on the second last photo he was totally shocked how flexible you are. He said, "I thought old people were suppose to get stiff." Bless him! and Bless you dear Mariette.

  3. You look just like before, not one day older pal!! Wow, you sure are fit and keep perfect! God bless you my darling friend! I try to keep thin and in my best..but no, I don't look like I did 25 years ago, lol..

  4. Hoi Mariette, ben jaloers op jou soepele lijfje,WAW!!!

    Zó slank was ik ook eens......
    maar nu niet meer:-((

    Handen aan de grond met rechte benen kan ik nog wel,maar de rest van jou oefeningen doe ik je echt niet na.
    En zeker niet nu na een heerlijk avondje Aziatisch eten wat ik samen met de familie verorberden;-)''buikje'' zit in de weg.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groeten!!!

  5. Thank you so much for your visit, Mariette! This was the first post I saw on your blog and I had to comment. I have to agree with the person who told you you look incredibly fit. Especially since I need to lose about 10 pounds. Our move to Ohio had me "retiring" and I never realized that the job I had on Long Island actually helped keep me fit. Going up and down three flights of stairs every day, a few times a day, never seemed like exercise to me, but I guess it was. Love your leg warmers! They've come back around in popularity again it seems, but I'm finding that to be true with most of the things I liked in the 80's!

  6. This is an awesome post! You have a great body, and you inspire me to take a better care of myself and exercise more often.

  7. Dear Mariette,

    You looked fabulous back then and even more fabulous now!
    Amazing how fit and flexible you are and great that the legwarmers are still as good as new now. I remember wearing leg warmers when I went to Jazzercize.

    Happy weekend

  8. Liebe Mariette ,Klasse ,klasse ,klasse !!!!Du hast dich nicht verändert ,Etwas reifer bist du geworden ,aber das ist ja normal .Ich bin leider in die Breite gewachsen .Du hast dich gut gehalten !!!!!Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende .Liebe Grüße Ina

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinen Leistungen


  10. Dearest Mariette,
    You said Never mind but swing those both of all the's right swing those your legs are fantastical good looking yours still for ever!
    Hugs and love to always!

  11. Ha-ha! I remember those types of exercises and the leg warmers from the Jane Fonda aerobics videos my girlfriends and I used 8 years ago when we were working out. I tell you what -- Jane might have made those videos in the 80's but they sure as heck still work today. In fact, they kicked butt in the beginning and all three of us would be moaning and groaning. You certainly have kept your figure all these years. Good for you! Take care, Tammy

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    You have kept the shape! Admirable!!
    Hugs to you

  13. Mariette,you are such an amazingly beautiful woman. I have enjoyed this post. you have made me want to exercise more. I want to have a figure like yours

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow... ..amazing exercise,you make me smiling with your joke. anyway at 60 you keep anicesiluette.
    very nice those knitted leg warmer.I love the color
    have a nice weekend

    1. Yeah, a nice silhouette with the same weight since I was 15!

  15. Dearest Mariette
    This is one of your best posts ever!
    Your figure has not changed at all. You've taken good care of it.
    No, I will not try those exercises. The risk is perhaps that I get to stay there on the floor and it gets a bit boring ;)

  16. ha ha.super...maar ik vind dat je er in je midden 40 ook uitzag als 16...
    Heel leuke post.Ik denk niet dat ik je dat over enige tijd na ga doen....

    1. p.s. krom staan en handen op de grond...kan ik met de handen geheel plat en zonder dat de knieën doorbuigen......dart vind ik best knap van mezelf...dat kan bijna niemand...

    2. Beste Marian,
      Nee hoor; níet midden 40, zelfs niet eens midden 30...
      Ja, krom staan en handen geheel plat hangt van de been- en armlengte af. Mijn benen zijn erg lang dus is dat moeilijker!

      English: No; not mid 40's, not even mid 30's...
      For touching the floor with flat hands on the ground depends on the leg-length. Mine are very long and thus it is more difficult!

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    So sorry for my absence for several days. Since my last post, I was so tied up and tied...(^^;) Finally, starting to visit friends.
    Wow, how amazing that you could keep your figure like that. And you showed us how important to keep ourselves in shape. However, it seems that the exercise may be impassible for me to try p;)
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  18. Cara Mariette,sei simpatica,mi hai fatto sorridere!!
    Hai un carattere così solare e bello,è sempre un piacere passare a trovarti!!
    Sei una bellissima donna con un gran bel fisico!!WoW!!
    Complimenti cara!!
    Un bacione grande grande!!

  19. Wow Mariette, your figure is just as perfect now as it was then! You look amazing! And no Botox or horrid plastic surgery either...you are a natural beauty! Wish I was that flexible. I do Billy Blanks workouts on youtube but I need to start walking more. We walked for over an hour yesterday and, after I get my lazy butt in the shower, we're going to walk a mile up the street to an arts and crafts show and then a mile back home:)

    Keep inspiring us my dear friend!

    1. Dearest Victoria, never even dyed my hair! What you see is pure; nothing artificial. Guess I can claim that I'm Organic and Eco Friendly... ha-ha!

  20. Wow, wonderful,you are great, I would like to be like you, I am a little bit bad at sports.


  21. Grappig hoor Mariette, je bent in ieder geval nog steeds zo lekker slank en lenig.

    Groetjes Janny

  22. ROFL!!! Your so funny Mariette.....I love your leg warmers. Half the country could use them right now. It's that cold :)

  23. Bloody hell you are in good shape no idea how old you are but that's not important what is important is that you still look bloody great and so flexable unlike some of us who are short fat 50yr old unfit women...........lol yeah I am talking about me.........lol Oh yeah I popoed over from Miyako's blog......
    Also I have never worn leg warmers but then it doesn't get that cold here even in the middle of winere although in the middle of winter I may think differently

  24. thank you so much for stopping by my blog and following! great job in exercizing! That makes me think I got to get moving

  25. I totally enjoyed this Now and Then post! But seriously, how you still keep your figure after 28 years!! And flexible! I wish I could be flexible like you. I've heard before that vinegar helps you be flexible...I wonder if it's true?

  26. Dear Mariette,
    You look great! And you did a fantastic job with those leg warmers. Since I broke 4 ribs in December, I'm not doing much exercises lately. :( I'm looking forward for better days ahead of me. :) You are such a great inspiration!

  27. Dearest Mariette ... WOW!! You have maintain excellent health and shape. You truly are an inspiration to eat well, treat your body well and live life - truly embrace it and live it. Love those leg-warmers. Sending you hugs and blessings xo C. (HHL)

    P.S. The postman delivered your most thoughtful and caring package. MERCI... will be writing soon on it. Hugs, G&C

  28. I admire that you are just as narrow and nimble now as then.


  29. Dear Mariette,you look great then and now!!You have a perfect figure!!Those leg warmers are fantastic!I like the color!Wishing you a lovely week!

  30. Mariette, the leg warmers and the striped suit look great on you! Hope I will still be as slim as you are when I am your age.

    Happy new week!

    Madelief x

  31. Sehr gelenkig bist du noch, liebe Mariette und ich wage zu behaupten, daß Deine Figur heute sogar besser als damals ist!
    Auf den Boden komme ich auch noch aus der Standbeuge, sogar mit den Handfläcen aufliegend. Nur die vorletzte Übung mit den Beinen hinter die Ohren darf ich keinesfalls mehr machen wegen der lädierten HWS ;-) Habe u.a. früher auch Ballett getanzt. Mancher Sport hat später seinen Preis ...

    Liebe Grüße

  32. Mariette, while it's very impressive that the leg warmers have held up over the years, it's even MORE impressive that you're just as slim and flexible these 28 years later!
    Katie B.

  33. Hallo Mariette,
    da wundert einen ja nichts mehr. Du bist unverändert nicht beweglich und in Form. Einfach toll!
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  34. Liebste Mariette...
    heute schreib ich mal in deutsch ....
    WOW........ich wollte, ich wäre auch so gelenkig wie Du! RESPEKT! Einfach toll... mir fehlen die Worte ;O)
    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen Start in die neue Woche!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  35. Cara Mariette,sei sempre in forma!Almeno tu sei rimasta magra,io ho un bel po' di ciccia in piu'!Bacioni,simpaticona!Rosetta

  36. Oh that is impressive! You are flexible - ok i am off to do some yoga!

  37. You're really lovely! Mariette, you are perfect! for you do not spend years, if you can wear the same leg warmers! I am pleased you consider that i'm your virtual personal trainer
    hugs!!!!!!! un beso enorme from Barcelona!
    Sin pereza

  38. Sei in gambissima!Bravissima!Baci,Rosetta


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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