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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, June 30, 2013

{Our Staircase Area}

This time I want to take you downstairs and show you our staircase area. We do run up and down the stairs several times a day; keeps us healthy I guess! Do you have to climb up and down too?
Maybe you remember that I did point out the first door in our hallway, going to the staircase area. 
Okay, here we opened the door from the hallway to show you...
Railings all along. We did that for my Mom when she stayed for 6 weeks with us in 2005, together with my Dad. She had just had a knee replacement and we wanted to accommodate her as best as possible.
That's the same year we got our Infiniti FX35, so Mom could get in and out of the car effortless.
Turning around, you now look into the hallway and see the shiny tile baseboard.
In the USA, a staircase usually is a very 'lazy' one and by far not as narrow, nor steep as in Europe. 
We also have solid oak planks; Bruce Liberty Plains 5 inch natural white oak here on our treads and risers.
Downstairs are the same white tiles that came home with us in a container from Italy.
 To  the left, near the hallway door...
To the right at the top is a fully beaded South African Zulu Knobkerrie  (weapon...).
Samba Balls from Tijuana, Mexico and some Indonesian art...
Left you see straw art work form Indonesia from brother Martin and we had it framed at Irok gallery.
Our entire home is like a museum in a way!
When my dear Mother-in-law was already in her 80s she did make this petit-point work from their home that got destroyed during the war. Lots of airplanes in the air. Also a doggy; guess that meant it went to heaven.
It was a very old home from the 17th Century but it is lost due to the damage of WWII.
My Mother-in-law also did cross stitch these mushrooms.
It hung at the practical training College for Mushroom Growing, in the Netherlands where my husband was the founder and principal until he became VP Training & Development for Campbell Soup's Mushroom Division in the USA. But Pieter of course would not leave that behind!
Only a very tall person has to bend his head, going down the stairs...
The wall to the left with a special mushroom framing, it is from linen cloth.
At the top is a poster with a poem about a pear tree that did not bear fruit which we got from my brother Martin's wife Betsy.
Below to the left you see the door to the laundry room and the other one goes into the garage.
Here you can better see the solid oak risers and treads...
Those railings helped me a lot early 2010 when I became paralyzed and shortly after.
Pure Irish Linen it says...
Full with tips about mushrooms!
Our Whirlpool Water Cooler/Heater; either way! On top is the Primo interchangeable bottle.
A cat painting done by my sister Diny Van den Munckhof in 2005
A mushroom batik from Bali...
Automatic moving sensor for light on/off.
We had it framed with a pink matting that is used in the pillow's color as well.
Diny did carry this painting over when she and her significant other stayed with us for 4 weeks in October of 2007
We had these cabinets made for storing all kind of baking and kitchen items like my waffle irons, mixing bowls and French Demarle Flexipan silicone molds.
There is also a 30" Miele Convection Food Warming Drawer with dual heating system.
A bargain found on eBay as a display model for half the price; from Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center in Los Angeles, California.
Got this gem in December of 2008 and it helps me for serving dinner for larger groups.
Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center Los Angeles, CA
Husband Pieter did build me the outlet for using this and he put tile atop so that way I can place hot bowls on top of it.
That's my foot mirroring in the shiny black glass...
Now looking from the garage door towards the door to the Rose Suite hallway...
To the right the door knob is from our laundry room.
My Dutch rack for holding all my cleaning tools off the floor.
You also can see that husband Pieter did add a tile baseboard here as well.
The framing around the glass panels of the laundry room has yellowed over the years. That door is from 1990 and the one to the garage husband Pieter did build in early 2005 when he placed that wall here, to divide the garage from the staircase area. 
Yes, my worker bee has done it all; a true handy man with golden hands! I am blessed.
Next to the human door to the garage you now also see the cat door...
Only in winter time they come into the house and now they are on the driveway, in the gazebo and in the garden or wood garden.
That was another round of tile baseboard!
I use cotton mats since they're easy to launder and function well.

Related link:
Miele Warmng Drawers | Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center with newer models
{Our Hallway} | previous post by me showing you also tile baseboard
Irok gallery | link to museum quality framing and art gallery


  1. your house really is a museum. I love all the international things you have. We have stairs too...and I go up and down those stairs all day long :)

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      It is sometimes hard to display all the things we received or bought in the different countries we worked for. All fond memories and this way we always remember them... Stairs are good for your legs, very healthy to run up and down. Only one time for five years we had no stairs; our first home in Dublin, Georgia. In Italy we used the elevator to the 5th floor but I also climbed the staircase at times.
      Have a happy weekend!

  2. The stairs must keep you fit. I had to buy a very flat house, when I bout mine because I was in a wheel chair. So no stairs in my house. Although I am not in a wheel chair any more, steps are not so good.
    Down stairs looks lovely.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      If one is in a wheelchair; stairs are out of question indeed. First hand I know the struggle when being paralyzed and shortly after when the strength was not yet there. So glad I can move freely ever since.
      Thanks for your visit and compliment.
      Hugs and happy weekend.

  3. you do have a museum, of sorts. i like the cat painted by your sis. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, we have so many things from around the world and even more memories in our heats. My sis made a very special cat painting indeed! It hangs next to the Kitty Sill Deluxe Bolster Cat Bed where our Sacha girl loved to nap... Just laundered all three yesterday so Sacha's hair is gone forever now.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind Sehenswürdigkeiten.

    Alles Liebe


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja Danke das dir diese Tour gefällt!
      Lieber Gruss und schönes Wochenende.

  5. Cara Mariette, hai una casa favolosa e attrezzata di tutto punto, bravissimo Pieter che ti fa tanti lavori!
    Io ho due rampe di scale esterne per accedere in casa, mia figlia invece ha una scala interna simile alla tua e tutto il giorno va su e giù perchè le stanze e il bagno sono sopra....dice che così si fa i muscoli alle gambe..eheheh!!!
    Un caro abbraccio dall'Italia e buon fine settimana

    1. Cara Anna,
      Grazie per i complimenti e Pieter anche godranno letturalo. Lui è un grande marito e con le sue mani puede fare tutto. Le gambe di tua figlia di sicuro mantienen in forma con l'esecuzione di scale. E anche tuoi stessi. In generale, il problema è che le persone non si muovono abbastanza... purché non si è in una sedia a rotelle naturalmente. Buon fine settimana a ti e la vostra.

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    I DID enjoy your international items from all over the world♬♬♬ You are SO good at keeping memories close to you by displaying neatly♡♡♡ I admire your mother-in-law and your sister's talents☆☆☆ I loved the cute cat she painted for you. I could easily guess that your husband kept his mother's precious cross stitch of mushrooms.

    The hand railing my husband put to our tiny staircase working for him well p;)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Oh, those things made by hand, stitch by stitch are precious pieces for holding onto. The home that Pieter was born in, she did create that out of memory; not following a pattern but following her heart.
      Sure such a hand railing is a bliss, you can pull yourself up and hold on to it when going down.
      A big hug back from Georgia, USA.

  7. bonjour
    quand je vois votre escalier cela me fait peur
    pour chez moi , j'ai installé un "monte escalier " éléctrique
    car je ne peux plus monter les marches
    votre soeur a beaucoup de talent
    toute une maison remise à neuf , cela doit être bien agréable♥♥♥
    bonne journée

    1. Chère Edith,
      Oh bien sûr dans votre condition tel un escalier serait impossible mais Dieu Merci pour ces escaliers électriques s'asseoir-sur l'escalier. Notre maison est près de 23 ans, mais avec le bon entretien, nous pouvons avoir il regarde presque Neuve. Dur fonctionne bien, aussi pour le nettoyage j'ai mes mains pleines.
      Merci pour votre visite et bonne fin de semaine à vous.

  8. Selamat Pagi Mariette,

    bagaimana hari ini?. wow I love your staircase hall. kita bisa temukan semua koleksi seni dari seluruh dunia di rumah Mariette dan Suami Mariette Pieter sangat berbakat memperbaiki dan merenovasi rumah sehingga menjadi rumah yang nyaman.

    sangat senang melihat seni dari Indonesia juga ada ;)
    selamat berakhir perkan buat kalian berdua
    salam hangat

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Glad you did enjoy this tour from around the world and even a mushroom batik from your own Bali, Indonesia! Yes, I am very fortunate with such a husband as Pieter is! If one has to pay for all the work that he has done; we would not be able to.
      Hope you and baby are well and that summer is not too harsh for you both. Enjoy your little ones and your beautiful garden and surroundings.

  9. Mariette, du Liebe,
    ich kann nur sagen: beeindruckend. Ein tolles Treppenhaus führt in die
    unteren Räume und Garage. Imponierend. Aber am meisten haben mich die
    tollen Gemälde und Stickereien beindruckt, die das Treppenhaus schmücken.
    Eine Wahre Pracht und jeder Besucher wird viel Zeit fürs Anschauen verwenden.
    Eine lieben Wochenendgruß schickt dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, jedes Raum erzählt hier im Haus seine eigene Geschichte mit viele schöne Erinnerungen die wir Gott sei Dank zusammen erleben mochten. Ja, Gemälde und Stickereien sind besondere Stücke die man auch nicht kaufen kann. Mit Liebe gemacht worden!
      Lieber Gruss und schönes Wochenende.

  10. Schön weiss auch hier, liebe Mariette! Unsere Treppe im neuen Haus ist aber auch nicht weniger steil, wie das aussieht.

    Solche Watercooler stehen bei uns ab und an in Arztpraxen oder Drogerien. Bei uns wird es ja i.d.R. nicht so heiss und wenn, dann nur sehr kurze Zeit im Jahr.

    Vor allem kannst Du über die Energie froh sein, über die Dein Mann verfügt, liebe Mariette. Nicht jeder besitzt diese, selbst wenn er über die handwerklichen Fähigkeiten verfügt. Mein Mann braucht in seiner Freizeit viel Erholung und kann und will dann nicht noch viel handwerken, obwohl er auch alles selber kann. Nur das dauert dann immer we-sent-lich länger. ;-)

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja schön weiss das macht ein Haus licht und freundlich und auch einfacher zum saubermachen. Also wird bei euch mitlerweile auch so gebaut mit besseren Treppen. Ja hier braucht man viel Wasser und so kann man es ja schnell und gekühlt nehmen wenn man im Garten arbeitet. Auch zum Essen mit Gäste nehme ich es hier.
      Mein Mann hat super Energie, er schläft aber am Mittag ein Stündchen seid er seine 4-Bypass Operation am Herz hatte, fast 3 Jahre her.
      Er ist ein wirklicher Draufgänger, ein harter Arbeiter.
      Ganz lieber Gruss,

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    Where your husband was the fownder was the priancipal until he become development for compbell soups Mushrooms diesion in the USA.
    Your mother-in-law did cross stitch mushrooms.
    A cat painting done by your sister Diny Van den Monckhof Amushroom batck from Bali you have a so many things.
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Indeed, many international items are displayed in our staircase area. Sorry, nothing from Japan in this room... The cat painting from my sister Diny and the cross stitch and petit-point from my dear Mother-in-law are precious.
      Hugs to you and keep well.

  12. Buongiorno cara Mariette,complimenti,grazie per averci aperto le porte della tua bellissima casa!!;D
    Un bacio!!

    1. Cara Sabry,
      Grazie ma tu sei più che benvenuto a questo tour virtuale di casa!
      Baci e buon fine settimana,

  13. Dearest Mariette I would say you have a home filled with beautiful items, representing various stages of your life with Pieter. How wonderful to have such pieces to reflect on the memories of life being lived to the fullest. The painting of the cat is lovely and very well framed.

    Wishing you both a very wonderful week-end..Hugs and blessings C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Oh, our home is filled with dear memories from our international consulting work together and other trips. The beautiful cat painting by my sister got framed by our neighbor's Mom; she meanwhile passed away. Lots of special memories!
      Enjoy your weekend at home together with the furbabies.

  14. la tua casa è fantastica!!!!!! complimenti a te e Pieter!!!!! buon w.e. e un grande abbraccio Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Siamo anche molto soddisfatti con la nostra casa! Grazie per il complimento e anche voi un buon weekend.

  15. I love everything that you have hung in the stairwell. Lots of memories and really adds a personal touch to an area that would otherwise be very plain. The cat painting by your sister is lovely and the stitchings by your MIL are beautiful. You certainly are blessed to have a very handy man :). Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Indeed this would have been a very plain area. My sister, like lots of other Van den Munckhofs, has talent for painting! The embroidery from my dear Mother-in-law are a treasure.
      Have a great summer vacation yourself!

  16. Wat wonen jullie toch in een heerlijk luxe huis !!!...liefs fijn weekend van mij...x !

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja, we hebben het hier beter dan waar ook en willen er ook héél graag blijven wonen; zolang als het ons gegeven is.
      Fijn weekend en veel liefs,

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    ich finde es immer total spannend, hinter die Haustür zu sehen - faszinierend die Gemälde und wunderschönen Stickarbeiten - euer Hausflur ist sehenswert -

    zu deiner Frage nach meinem letzten Post: das Foto mit der Kirche im Hintergrund ist in Altenahr aufgenommen worden -

    ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Okay, fand diesem Kommentar in SPAM, für was für Grund auch...

  18. Lovely home you have, beautiful staircase and your art is gorgeous! The only steps I have are to the basement of our home, we have a ranch style home. ~Diane

    1. Dearest Diane,
      Thanks for your kind words about our home!
      Enjoy your weekend.

  19. kleine-creative-Welt has left a new comment on your post "{Our Staircase Area}":

    Liebe Mariette,
    ich finde es immer total spannend, hinter die Haustür zu sehen - faszinierend die Gemälde und wunderschönen Stickarbeiten - euer Hausflur ist sehenswert -

    zu deiner Frage nach meinem letzten Post: das Foto mit der Kirche im Hintergrund ist in Altenahr aufgenommen worden -

    ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    Posted by kleine-creative-Welt to MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS at June 29, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Irgendwie ist etwas falsch gegangen mit deinem Kommentar; hatte zwar eine Email davon aber hier gab es eben keinen. Also habe ich es so eingestellt.
      Ja es ist nicht hinter die Haustür sondern de 1ste Tür im Flur. Ja die Gemälde und Stickarbeiten sind sehr schön. Danke für deine Antwort auch über Altenahr. Da war ich so oft seid ich 16 war. Mein erster Mann, war von eine deutsche Mutter, aus der Eifel. Deswegen kenne ich mich in diese Gegend sehr gut aus!
      Lieber Gruss und schönes Wochenende!

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you for showing us around your beautiful home! There is a lot of love in it and all its corners... and it really shows and shines through! So many beautiful memories and special things... "Of course", what especially caught my eye was your sister's wonderful painting -- what a talented artist she is!
    Have a wonderful weekend! Love and hugs from the Alps :)

    1. Dearest Annuk,
      Thanks for entering our staircase area! Oh, whenever we received a gift we had most of the time the exact spot for it in mind. We value such special gifts and they are definitely keepers. Thanks for the compliment towards my talented sister Diny. She sure is a great self-taught artist. It means even more to me, coming from an artist as yourself!
      Enjoy your weekend in the Italian Alps.

  21. Lieve Mariette,

    Werkelijk een huis vol dierbare schatten aan prachtige objecten vol aan dierbare herinneringen van mensen met ''gouden handen'' en zeer creatief!!!

    Wanneer ik bij jou trappen zou lopen kwam ik of niet boven of niet meer beneden maar zou me net als in een museum vergapen aan al dat fraais.

    Liefs en knuffel,heb een mooi zondag!!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Lees dit nu pas, de gasten zijn naar huis en de afwas bijna aan kant. Iedereen had lekker gegeten dus weer met voldoening een dag afgesloten; het was gezellig! Ja, grappig hè, het is ook net een museum en er zijn erg interessante en erg mooie dingen bij.
      Ook een mooie zondag en heel veel liefs,

  22. I like I always wanted to live in house with stairs but it didn't happen............

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Sorry for you as stairs are a healthy way of living I guess.
      Have a happy Sunday afternoon and evening.

  23. There is a lot to see at your stairs and you have so many. I have only two. You made it quite attractive with all the paintings and home work.

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      Our staircase is, with its curve a rather long one indeed. Thanks for your compliment.

  24. Your staircase area looks beautiful. With all the artworks, it is indeed like a museum :-)
    You place even cleaning tools very nicely. I need to organize my cleaning tools ( and many other things,) too!
    We have two stairs in the house, so we need to go up and down every day. I think it's a good exercise :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your compliments. Yes, we certainly do have to hold on to our homes with staircases as it is healthy exercise indeed.
      Are you not yet tired of those thunderstorms with heavy rain?
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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