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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, September 1, 2014

{Our Fragrant Hosta Flowers}

In our wood garden we do have lots of different hostas along the walking trail. In July those Fragrant Hosta Flowers were showing their best. So we tried to capture some of their beauty for you to share...
This photo is from August 7.
Fragrant flowers must also mean that they are very sweet, looking at all those ants!
The first photo did not entirely reveal the wilted flowers at the bottom...
They last but one day!
Only two days later, now the top buds have opened into flowers.
This one had leaves in one color.
Just to give you an impression. You see some Liriope blooming and behind the big tree are swamp lilies. Here in front is a variegated hosta blooming.
Squatting down to the hosta's level you can now see its pretty fragrant flowers.
Most of these white fragrant hosta flowers are a bit lilac tinted...
Again, ants are on the flowers and buds so they must be sweet!
Looks great with some rain drops still on them.
Those buds definitely are a bit lilac tinted...
Such beauty for only ONE day!
This golden leaved hosta is on our patio as one of our pot plants.
In mid June it had these lilac buds.
Do you grow any fragrant hostas?


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      They sure are! Their fragrance is also lovely.
      Hugs and happy Labor Day weekend!

  2. Lovely white flowers. It is a pity they don't last long. Enjoy their fragrance.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Isn't that the truth with all flowers? But still they are such a joy while they last...
      Happy Sunday to you.

  3. Liebe Mariette....schade gibt es kein Internet das den Duft überträgt. :-)
    Sehr schöne Blumen.


    1. Liebe Julia,
      Ja das ist wirklich schade denn es ist wirklich ein Genuss! Danke für deinen Besuch.
      Liebe Septembergrüsse,

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    früher hatte ich in meinen anderen Gärten auch Hostas und Funkien. Nur an den Duft kann ich mich nicht mehr erinnern. Es ist auch schon sehr lange her. Ich mochte das dekorative Blattwerk immer besonders gern.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja nicht alle Hostas duften aber wir haben immer eine Vorliebe für Pflanzen mit duftenden Blüten gehabt. Das decorative Blattwerk an sich ist schon ganz schön.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  5. Liebe Mariette,


    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, danke und dir auch liebe Septembergrüsse!

  6. Dearest Mariette
    Beautiful! I have fragrant hosta in the garden. They bloom in July and August. Now it's just the streaked leaves left
    Hugas to you

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      Glad that you too got to enjoy your fragrant hostas in the garden. Ours are no longer blooming either. That is after all only for a short period...

  7. I am always amazed that even the smallest flowers are so beautiful and intricate once you look closely at them. Have a lovely Sunday, Mariette.

    1. Dearest Zosia,
      Oh, most flowers are poetry in itself... You know that with a macro photo we learn to see them a lot more real and we can admire them even after they wilted away.
      Happy September to you.

  8. Appena ho visto la prima foto pensavo fossero quelli che qui da noi si chiamano "I gigli di S. Antonio da Padova", ma poi ho visto la pianta e allora ho capito d'aver sbagliato. Non l'ho mai visti, sono davvero bellissimi, di un colore candido, lieve e pulito....davvero stupendi Mariette. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Sono così felice che hai visti la primera volta queste piante con le sue fiori stupendi!

  9. Dear Mariette,such beautiful flowers!!
    Great shots and wonderful pictures!I can imagine their fragrance !
    Have a lovely week and a happy September month!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you dear and glad you got to enjoy them...
      Had to get close to the ground in order to capture their beauty but it was so worth it!
      Enjoy a lovely September month.

  10. Such beautiful blossoms! They last only one day...how special! I love the look with rain drops on them very much. The leaves are beautiful, too. We don't have fragrant hostas around here. Would love to smell the sweet fragrance :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      They sure are beautiful and with rain drops on them even more so, like they wore jewels.
      Usually the common hostas you buy are not fragrant but we always search for special ones with fragrance and order them. They smell really lovely like sweet perfume.

  11. So gorgeous Mariette dear! And great clicks- like I can imagine their fragrance... Big hugs

    1. Dearest Eli,
      They are very gorgeous and even more so with their sweet perfumed fragrance.
      Hugs to you and enjoy September.

  12. Stunning my friend! Your blossoms are to die for, always!... and the photos are amazing too!
    Such fragrant hosta, they are sold around here and some friends have them in their gardens too, but none as gorgeous as yours!
    Have a great week ahead,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      We always did search for special plants to put in our garden and some of them can be so rewarding. It is worth the effort to photograph their beauty and for looking at them more closely.
      Thank you dear and enjoy your September month.

  13. Que linda flor amiga querida ! e tengas un óptimo comienzo de semana

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      It is a pretty flower and glad to share them here.
      Hugs and happy September week to you.

  14. Wow; such BEAUTIFUL white flowers, Dearest Mariette♡♡♡ I can't imagine such transient feeling just bloom only one day and never heard of. Your pictures are all GORGEOUS, I've wished to take pictures of flowers with raindrops :-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Isn't it sad that beautiful blossoms usually don't last long...?!
      But capturing them with rain drops like jewels is rewarding to do.
      Hugs and love from the USA to you.

  15. Hosta 's zijn zulke geweldig fijne en veelzijdige planten, dus daar staan er hier genoeg van, in alle soorten en maten, van witte bloemen tot donker paarse, en alle variaties er tussenin...
    Ze zijn fijn voor droge plaatsen in de tuin, en waar wat minder licht komt...het blad blijft lang mooi, en ze 'vullen' goed, alleen moet je er de slakken uithouden, want als die er in zitten is van heel die mooie plant niets meer over....maar dat lukt jullie ook wel zie ik....de bloemen zijn inderdaad heel mooi als je ze goed bekijkt, er zijn ook hosta's met geurende bloemen...die ruiken zo lekker....

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, van die mooie veelzijdige hosta planten hebben wij de geurende typen uitgezocht. Daar geniet je dan dúbbel van! Nee, bij ons in de bostuin zitten eigenlijk nooit geen slacken. Dus daar hebben we geluk mee!
      Lieve septembergroetjes,

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    A beautiful flowers were showing their best share. the first photo did not entirely revea the wited flowers
    at the bottom one day! Some Lisopo blooming in the behind big tree in front is a variegated hosta blooming!
    Squoatting down to the hostas a pretty fragrant flowers.The white fragan't hosta flowers a bit lilac tinted. You has great few rain drops still on them just tinted ...
    We has another rainnig day!
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      So glad you got to view our fragrant hostas here.
      A few raindrops on lovely flowers is not bad but having constantly rainy days like you have is a sad fact. I will pray that the sun will come your way!
      Hugs and love,

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    ich wusste gar nicht, das es duftende Hostas gibt und ich habe sie bei unserem Gärtner auch noch nie gesehen. Ich finde ihre Blüten wunderschön, sie sind so filigran und zart.
    Leider werden unsere Hostas im Garten sehr gerne von den Nacktschnecken gefressen...

    ich schicke Dir liebe Grüße aus dem Drosselgarten

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja wir fanden unsere duftende sorten alle bei spezielle Gartenzenter die auch via Katalog verkaufen. So beim Gartner bekommt man die nicht. Aber es lohnt sich. Schnecken haben wir im Waldgarten Gott sei dank (noch) nicht!
      Ganz liebe Septembergrüsse,

  18. Good Afternoon Mariette, I know it seems a shame that these hosta flowers only last a day, but my what a beautiful flower there are. They remind me of a cacti which we used to grow in Cyprus, it flowered during the summer months, but the flower only came out at night and the next day it was gone. We used to go out into the garden during the evening to enjoy the flowers.
    It was a lovely treat to see your hosta flowers and mine passed over many months ago now as we are coming to the end of the flowering season.
    Have a wonderful week ahead.
    Best Wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      It is sad that they live only very short... but so worth while for having them!
      We do have that cactus in our garden (in the greenhouse for winter time) and I have been up several nights to capture their beautiful flowers and they too are fragrant! Many wonders of nature. If you put in the search box at the top of my blog to the right: 'Orchid Cactus', you will find posts about our Cereus Oxypetalum Night Blooming Orchid Cactus.
      We still do have some summer left for the south east of the USA. But our flowers had a drought with heat for a couple of weeks, that does not make them too happy...
      Hugs and happy September.

  19. Ah, if only the internet would allow me to take a whiff! They are so beautiful, Mariette. I just love the changes you have made to your home. xo

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Oh wouldn't that be a dream for being able to enjoy fragrance via internet!
      Glad you enjoyed them.

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm always amazed and stunned at the beauty of your wonderful flowers! Your love for Nature's beauty really shows in the care and admiration that appear through your loving photos! Thank you for sharing your dreamy hostas!
    Big hugs to you!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      We have selected most of our flowers for their beauty and mainly fragrance so that pays off!
      Thank you for your kind words and yes, anything we do with love and passion shines through in its end results.
      Hugs to you,

  21. What a ignorant I must be, dear Mariette!!! ha ha ha!!!! I did not even know that hostas were blooming!!!!!
    I always believed hostas are green shrubs which thrive under the cover of trees!!
    Thanks for this enlightening post!!!! These flowers are beautiful and moreover, they are fragrant!!!!! But, of course, that must be the reason you have chosen them for your lovely garden!
    Many hugs and best wishes for a very happy month of September, dear friend!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      You certainly are not ignorant as the ordinary hostas, being sold at local nurseries, are not the fragrant ones! We obtained these from specialty nurseries, via mail.
      So indeed, that was the reason we got these! We once used to have a lovely, double blooming hosta Aphrodite... so heavenly but we lost it.
      Hugs and happy September to you as well.

  22. Great flower and leaves I discover here!
    I don't remember seeing them here but I guess they must sell them in nurseries.
    Cheers and hugs!!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      They are lovely and those fragrant ones can only be found at specialty nurseries.
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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