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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, September 19, 2014

{Our Bonfire Prunus Persica - Patio Peach Foliage & Fruit}

Our Bonfire Prunus Persica or Patio Peach is supposed to have spectacular Fall Foliage & Fruit!
Well, it is not yet Fall here in the South East but yes, we were very surprised to see some PEACHES!
What do you think of that?!
All that, just from a Patio Peach as one of our pot plants...
This is the fall foliage what we are supposed to see later in the season.
Quite a surprising little Peach Tree!
Yep, we do honor our state of Georgia as it is called the PEACH STATE!
Picture taken, 5 days before we flew to Phoenix, Arizona for our 7-day vacation...
However small, those are real peaches.
When we got back from our vacation in Arizona, the peaches were gone...
Not all peaches made it as we did not use any pesticide... That's what you get if you only grow ORGANIC - whatever that really means!
For the time being, we enjoy it as a cute little tree that is full of surprises.
And again we look forward to its spectacular spring blossoms like you could see in a previous post via link below...

Related link:
{Our Bonfire Prunus Persica - Patio Peach} - previous post by me


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yeah producing; yes! But not for us... When we came home from Arizona, there were no more peaches on. Some birds or critter ate them!

  2. Dearest Mariette ... how wonderful to see the fruits of this little plant. Hopefully next year you and Pieter can manage to savour one or two before the birds have their feast. Can only imagine how juicy they must have been. wishing you a beautiful week, Hugs Celia M. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      It was such a surprising discovery to see real peaches on this little tree. I bet those peaches were juicy as we have had plenty of rain. But some birds had a happy tummy and maybe another critter as well. We can always buy our peaches!

  3. Dearest Mareitte,
    this is wonderful, a Patio-Peach!
    The fruits look delicious!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      This is a great patio resident and the good thing is, it can stay there during winter time too.
      Too bad we missed the fruits...

  4. Oh, state of Georgia is called the PEACH STATE; how lovely♪ So sorry that whatever the reason (critters or the weather) you couldn't enjoy the flavor, Dearest Mariette.
    Your Patio Peach will sure have the gorgeous blossoms next spring♡♡♡

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Yes, our State of Georgia is called the Peach State and we do keep a patio peach in honor of that.
      The weather was perfect for yielding sweet and juicy peaches but we were not there while they ripened. Off to Arizona and the birds, squirrels or maybe raccoon(s) did harvest them for us. Isn't that nice that they work without us being there?!
      Next thing will be the dark fall foliage and than again the gorgeous spring blossoms in March.

  5. Hello Mariette, Surprisingly, peaches will grow commercially as far north as Ohio and even Canada, but they are truly emblematic of the South with their long, tropical-looking leaves. In Taiwan, very small peaches like these are picked on the green side, then served marinated in a plum-flavored liquid, although I prefer them plain and very unripe.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh, Georgia is sure a peach state at its best with the biggest and juiciest peaches one can think of. When we did have once a delegation of 7 Dutch people from the Mushroom Industry, Pieter and I did tour them in a rented Van to Tom Sawyer's peach orchard. They stood there, bend forward and with big dripping, juicy peaches. I'd prepared for that and got wet wash cloths out of the car which were welcomed with open arms. Yes, I know they do grow further north as my Dad in The Netherlands also grew them.
      Guess in Taiwan the pickled peaches are like the Umeboshi in Japan.
      Kindest regards,

  6. Ha ha, wat leuk die perzikjes aan dat kleine boompje...het valt niet altijd mee om dat in een pot voor elkaar te krijgen..
    Er zitten dit jaar wel heel veel 'beestjes' in het fruit hier, maar ook daar aan de andere kant van de wereldbol zie ik...

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, geinig om dit allemaal voor elkaar te krijgen in een pot! We waren blij verrast en ja hoor, beestjes die van binnen de perziken uitholden, vandaar dat er 2 onder lagen. En dan nog de vogeltjes en beestjes die er aan zaten toen wij in Arizona op vakantie waren. Allemaal òp bij thuiskomst. Als je er zelf eentje wilt proberen moet je ze bijna onrijp opeten anders ben je té laat! Maar dat mag.
      Ja ja, organisch fruittelen of groente, dat valt nog níet mee... Zonder preventief te spuiten met insecticide lukt dat gewoonweg níet.

  7. I hope next year you enjoy the fruit. Perhaps you could net the tree. Some little birds had a feast.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Well, it is okay that the little birds and other critters did feast on them. We can buy our own and because we were gone, this was what we anticipated and we don't want to eat them unripe...

  8. Dear Mariette,a small tree but it gives you very tasty peaches!What a shame the birds aet them!
    Next year it will be full of those wonderful fruits!Wish you a happy day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      A very giving small tree indeed; it tried its very best in its first year living on our patio. It's not a big deal that the birds got them. We are so used to that as birds by the hundreds outnumber us. For the very same reason we gave up on our grapes, raspberries, blackberries, figs and strawberries... We always came too late and or they were all pecked. We leave it to the professionals who maybe use netting indeed.
      Hugs to you,

  9. Dat zo'n klein plantje zulke grote perziken kan produceren!

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, verbázend als jet het relateert aan het relatief kleine boompje en dat meteen de eerste zomer! Maar de lente en de zomer was ook wel optimaal met voldoende regen en dus niet téveel zon.
      We hebben de foto's ervan en laat de vogeltjes, eekhoorns en raccoon maar snoepen. Nu nog de mooie herfstkleur en dan kan ie in maart weer mooi gaan bloeien.

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    du wirst eine gute Lösung finden.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, die Lösung hatten die Vögel, Eichhörnchen und Wachsbärchen schon gefunden weil wir wegwaren in Arizona im Urlaub. Einfach lecker konsumiert und das ist auch gut! Wir kaufen uns die Pfirsiche schon. Es war einfach lustig zu sehen das so ein winziges Bäumchen Früchte liefert im ersten Jahr.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  11. Mariette I hope next year you will have some peaches to enjoy...I love peaches they are just sooo yummy.....I say your still lucky to be able to enjoy their beauty...


    1. Dearest Mari,
      Indeed, we are lucky for having the photos form incredible spring blossoms and unexpected real peaches that we didn't know would grow on it.
      We can buy our own peaches so let the birds and other garden critters feast on these. They took care of harvesting while we enjoyed our vacation in Arizona.

  12. Lovely post!!
    So cute the way you talk about your peach tree! :)
    Sorry I was not on the blogs much but I had my aussie son here until this afternoon.
    Keep well Mariette!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Anything living in our garden and wood garden we call our green children or feathered and furry pet-children. They live harmoneously together with our six felines and let them feast on those peaches; we can buy our own. This was quite a surprise to us that it would bear fruit at all. Now waiting for its fall foliage and than we've come full circle.
      So glad you didn't have time to read blogs as such a visit in five years time from your Aussie son is a lot more precious! And now the empty-nest feeling...

  13. I can sympathize; we only got a few tomatoes and the raccoons or squirrels ate them! Pretty little tree though :) Maybe next year . . . .

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Oh those garden critters are very smart at harvesting what they like.
      The first year we lived in Georgia, I was watching a BIG tomato go up a pine tree... Thinking I was drunk but a squirrel did wriggle it up to the branches, going backwards while holding that tomato in his hands! No sight and that explained to us why we always found tomato skins around pine trees. They spat out those skins and ate them at their convenience, comfy up on a limb...
      We are already very happy with our photos from the not-yet-ripe peaches before we went on vacation. It was such a surprise!

  14. Hello dearest Mariette
    There is nothing as sweet and tasty as a peach eaten straight from the tree!
    My favourites are the small white fleshed peaches they grow in France - they really taste like a peach!
    Enjoy your weekend

    1. Dearest Shane,
      Guess that's what those birds, squirrels and/or raccoon must have been thinking too...
      Here in Georgia we do have lots of sweet, juicy and big peaches. We can buy them!
      Happy weekend to you,

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    You has so many way patio foligye & Bonfire pruns pessica or patio to have some peaches!
    One of your pot plant quite happy little peach tree in the peach state and Picture taken 5 days your flow of phoenix arigona for your 7 day vacationWhen your vacation in arigona and the peaches are gone. And by the time your enjoy a cate lettle tree your full of good suprisses you coold has previous post. Wow! I hope some thing to make your happy .....
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Seeing those peaches on the littel tree already made us quite happy and we got these photos. Let our garden critters enjoy them!
      Hugs and love,

  16. j'aime ton jardin...This garden is so pretty...Tu as eu beaucoup de fruits mais pas mal abîmés...Moi aussi j'ai des arbres fruitiers et j'aime les surveiller
    Bisous français

    1. Chère Nélinha,
      C'était juste une certaine excitation pour les pêches premiers qui sont venu, comme une surprise pour nous. Nous ne savions pas qu'il entraînerait des fruits! Les fruits ne sont pas tous parfait, que nous n'avons pas utilisé des pesticides pour protéger contre des dommages. Bonne fin de semaine!

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    die Vögel hatten ihren Spaß. Schade, dass du keinen Pfirsich mehrvorfandest.
    Es ist eine ganz besondere Frucht. Ich mag sie sehr gern.
    Eine guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, genau die Vögel oder sonstiges, hatten ihren Spass.
      Lecker finden wir die Pfirsiche auch aber wir kaufen sie wenn wir sie gerne essen.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse und auch ein erholsames Wochenende.

  18. Ma tu vivi in una sorta di Paradiso terrestre Mariette! Una casa splendida, un giardino meraviglioso, piante, fiori e....frutti. Peccato non siate riusciti a degustare le vostre pesche, in compenso gli uccellini avranno fatto un super banchetto ;) Un bacione. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      In cambio di sacrifici, sudore e duro lavoro facciamo infatti godere di tanti momenti celeste. Il giardino può dare tanta gioia indietro, anche se abbiamo perso tanti dei nostri rose, diversi anni fa, a causa della siccità e calore estremo. Godiamo anche gli uccelli e altre creature del giardino. I nostri sei gatti hanno un paradiso troppo e sono così felice. Loro possono andare e venire come essi si prega e sempre allineare intorno a colazione e cena. Quando fa freddo essi rimanere più in casa.
      Un bacione grande,

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    Pfirsiche im Garten findet man hier nicht, dafür ist es einfach zu kühl. Schon toll an einem Ort zu leben wo Dinge möglich sind wo an anderen kaum möglich sind....ausser in geschlossenen Räumen vielleicht.
    Ich wünsche gutes Pfirsich essen. :-))


    1. Liebe Julia,
      Ja, leider war das gute Pfirsich Essen nur für die Vögel und vieleicht die Eichhörnchen oder Waschbärchen... Aber es war sowieso sehr schön sie hängen zu sehen als Überraschung und auch die Bilder sind toll.
      Unser Staat Georgia ist bekannt als Pfirsichstaat und es gibt hier ganz dicke und sehr sanftige.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  20. Love your pear tree, dear Mariette!
    Hugs :)

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Don't know why, you must have been eating a pear that did side-track you from our little peach tree. We love it too!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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