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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, September 29, 2014

{Coconut Palm Sugar with Glycemic Index 35}

For quite a while now I am using Coconut Palm Sugar with a Glycemic Index of 35, compared to refined sugar that has a GI of 80. That does make quite a difference for the body.
This is my source, Trader Joe's where I get it for US $ 3.99 per pound.
Also Whole Foods Market does sell it and I must say, theirs is a little lighter in color.
For that you read the text: BLONDE but it cost you US $ 1.00 more per pound.
Yep, you read that right...
It's Official: Sugar is the New Crack
Swap your sweetener for these low-glycemic alternatives
Link: Coconut Palm Sugar - Glycemic Index: 35 with more information.
We always ought to be conscious of keeping our Glycemic Index lower by eating healthier substitutes.
If we increase the Glycemic Index (number that determines the rate at which sugar enters the blood) by overcooked potatoes or pasta... So it is not ONLY from direct sugar. Starches also do become sugar once they enter the body!
Related links:
{Diabetes Type 2, & Iranian Medicine about Sesame Seed Paste or Tahini} | previous post by me
Sugar: Addiction & Dangers | VERY informative site!

What Are the Benefits of Coconut Sugar | LiveStrong.com
Wholesome! Organic Coconut Palm Sugar | YouTube video about how Coconut Palm Sugar is being harvested and produced!
Sugar: The Bitter Truth | A very informative video with LOTS of information


  1. glad you have found a good alternative.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yes, and I am living proof that it works as yesterday the results from my blood work came back very positive. Kidneys looking better and cholesterol and blood sugar level etc. being just great! Happy news and so glad that I learned how to substitute for healthier things.

  2. I'm glad you have found some thing you like and works for you.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Yes, I am very happy with all my new found ingredients that keep me stable and healthy!

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    du bist erfinderisch.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Wenn man einkaufen geht in eine Grossstadt dan findet man auch gesunde Zutaten die es noch nicht überall gibt!
      Liebe Grüsse, ohne Sonne.

  4. OH, you've been using Coconut Palm Sugar for lower sugar rate. I've learned the word 'Glycemic' today. How great that you can find or buy the ingredients through pc thinking several decades ago. Happy for you, Dear Mariette;

    ps. Thank you SO much for your sweet words for my trouble. As I wrote, I gave up to have the fixed width after l did all could p:-) Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday, my friend.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      No we don't by via Internet but we make every 3 or 4 weeks a 2-½ hour one-way trip to Atlanta where we can buy it at the Whole Foods Market. They have every quality ingredient you can wish for. Not yet available locally... We are very happy with this find and we learn a lot through Internet, at least if you want to read and educate yourself.
      Guess it is also available in your country, product of Indonesia.
      You need to take a break at times, away from all the PC technology and upgrades that we need to digest. We will tackle it usually, but most often not in one stretch. With a fresh mind we better can tackle it. Yes, we did have a lovely Sunday with friends, having supper together. I did bring Thai Tom Yam Koeng soup with fresh shrimps that I made today after we came home from Church. Three women each made a dish and we had a lovely time together... Now trying to read some blogs!
      Hugs and happy new week for you.

  5. Dear Mariette,i'm glad you have find this coconut sugar,i have never seen it before,
    we don;t have it here only stevia sugar!Have a wonderful week!!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Oh for sure in Athens they will have it too. We also must drive 2-½ hour one-way to our capital of Atlanta as they don't have it at the local grocery stores. But all big cities they do have it and I always stock up on it.
      Yes, I am very happy with this as with that I can enjoy creating desserts that are still healthy!

  6. I used coconut palm sugar in my Sunday morning coffee! Happy day .....

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Good for you, this really is a good thing to use and I don't mind that it is a lot more expensive as long as we can prolong our good health!
      Hugs to you and a happy Sunday evening.

  7. Mariette, I will have to give it a try, I'm all about eatting healthier ;)
    Thanks for the info my friend.....


    1. Dearest Mari,
      Oh, you sure live in a far better area than I do for obtaining this health food. We have to drive 2-½ hour one-way for stocking up on all this... But it is worth it!
      Sending you hugs,

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    wie gut, dass Du eine gesunde Alternative gefunden hast.

    Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute und schicke liebe Grüße mit.

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja es war wirklich eine grosse Freude wenn ich das gefunden habe und so kann ich wieder Kuchen backen und sonstige Nachspeisen ohne das das es ein hoher Glykämischer Index hat. Alles Liebe und Gute,

  9. This is such a great information! I've never heard of coconut palm sugar before, but it sounds wonderful!
    We've been using coconut oil for couple of things. I like to use it on my pancake. It's good for kitties, too, and Niko loves it :-) Coconut is great in many forms!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, coconut oil is one of the best things for good health! You can easily get it in your area at Trader Joe's and/or Whole Foods, wish I had that option but as long as we manage to drive to Atlanta, we just stock up on health food.
      Sending you hugs and love,

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    You has using Coconu palm sugar with a glycemil compared to refined for the body was big difference.
    You having a wonderful day!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes, this coconut palm sugar has only a glycemic index of 35 versus refined sugar which has 100. That makes a huge difference for our health.
      Sending you hugs and sunny spring days for the week ahead.

  11. Hola amiga querida ! Muy buena información , s ! Que tengas un bien comienzo de semana

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Yes this is great for all of us that are concerned about living healthy.
      You too enjoy a great spring week.

  12. Hoi Mariette,

    Dank je wel voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog! Ik zal de felicitaties aan mijn ouders doorgeven. Wat ontzettend goed dat jij eraan hebt gedacht.

    Ik merk dat ook in Nederland de kokosnoot aan een opmars bezig is. Vooral de olie wordt hier steeds populairder. Ik denk dat de suiker niet lang op zich zal laten wachten. Zodra het er is zal het zeker eens proberen.

    Een fijne week toegewenst!

    Madelief x

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Geen dank hoor, het is je ouders van harte gegund!
      Maar Nederland heeft al héél lang die gezonde Gula Java hoor! Ook de Cocos Palm suiker, zag dat die bij jullie wel veel duurder is dan hier. Komt van Indonesië dus is het zéker ruimschoots beschikbaar in Nederland.
      Lieve groetjes,

  13. Hello Mariette!
    Well I have to say I don't ever add any sugar to what I eat and keep away from unhealthy fats, but it is very interesting info for those who like cooking, especially pastry. And... It seems quite tasty!!
    I see you have been very busy with family, how great! Family gatherings are not easy to organize, we generally live so far from each other :(
    Keep well!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      You are exactly like I am, never adding any sugar and it is so much better. It does benefit the entire digestive system too.
      Well, in the past I have been very busy with family, not anymore since we live in the USA with the big Ocean in-between us. We have hosted however numerous family members that stayed with us for weeks on end so my cooking and such came into play like in the old days for them...

  14. Dear Mariette,
    We only use brown sugar at home, but I did not know of this coconut sugar.
    Very interesting!!!!! I will try to find it on the local market.
    I wish you a happy month of October!
    Many hugs!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      This sugar with its low glycemic index is worthwile finding as it makes a huge difference!
      Sending you hugs and enjoy your autumn as well.

  15. I am not going to bake for awhile, until I lose the weight, but for an occasional treat later, this looks like a good alternative to sugar in baked goods. Thanks.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      It sure is an excellent alternative and I'm so pleased for gotting to know about its great qualities.

  16. Hi dear. Mariettes ,,, no conozco ese producto gracias por compartir ,, espero que tengas un feliz día


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