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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, October 22, 2015

{Contemplating Cutting my Hair...}

As mentioned in my previous post, this summer I have been Contemplating Cutting my Hair.
For several reasons, being 'UNE FEMME D'UN CERTAIN ÂGE' and considering also the fact that my hair suffered a great deal five years ago from all the Prednisone I took after bing paralyzed...
So, I'm telling you that I'm not as brave as blogger friend Deborah from The Beautiful Matters who showed us her very brave step: Another hair update after she already embraced her SILVER HAIR.
On August 23... Still rather happy with my longer length.
Being almost at retirement age (YEP), it makes one think.
Growing OLD gracefully is not always easy.
I've been blessed for having kept my figure since age 15.
Fitting in a size 4, sometimes a 6, or 34 and 36 European, makes for lots of bargains!
This is one of them, a lovely silk Escada skirt in 3 layers with an Escada Elements top.
Outlet bargains that I treasure.
Shoes are old pumps from the 80s from  Switzerland.
Had those heels cut down as I 'HATE' very high heels...
Here you can see my SILVER HAIR!
Contemplating; YES!
Never opted for dying my hair, due to my dear husband being two decades older.
That would look very odd!
Just trying to keep it healthy and for that purpose, at times a generous cut is very positive.

Have you stood before such a decision at times?

Related links:
{Did I loose my strength?... Like in Samson and Delilah?} | previous post by me showing very long hair and my stacked bob...
{Prednisone - My Hair Loss & Mason Pearson Brushes} | previous post by me showing my full hair before Prednisone...


  1. Dearst Mariette,
    you look wonderful in this Outift, and I love your grey hair!
    When I was young, sometimes I dyed my hair ... I had phaese, I had my hair black or copper red, and mahagony sometimes ... but this is long time ago.
    Since 25 years I have really short cut hair, and I am proud of every grey hair I got in the years getting older .... ;O)
    Happy week to you,
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind schöne Fotos von dir.
    Alles Liebe

  3. Dear Mariette, you have such lovely hair. I am trying 'again' letting my hair grow and at the moment it is in between, it's to short to have it all up, but a few more inches. I do not like high heals either, I look like the Eiffel Tower since I am already 5'11" (tall after my dad) so I prefer to stay down on the ground. Have a great day!

  4. Fica linda com esses cabelos de prata, não os corte.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  5. TJa.... heb al jaren kort haar en weet je - ik vind je haar zo mooi dik!! Zelf word ik ook meer grijs aan de zijkanten vooral ,maar kleur al tijden in mijn eigen kleur -beetje donker dus - en misschien ga ik wel eens naar licht haar ,..maar hier voel ik me weer fijn bij ...Gewoon doen wat je zelf het beste denkt bij te voelen ..

  6. When hairs are "pretty" grey, I mean white or silver I like it but I have that "Pepper and Salt" colour, which I dislike. So I still have a dye at the hairdresser. You have two colours now I see, Better to cut it down a bit to get one colour I think.

  7. Be sure to post the new look if you decide to cut it. We'll all want to see.

  8. Mariette...je ziet er nog geweldig uit...er zijn er maar weinig die er zo uitzien op die leeftijd..
    En zilver is in de mode voor haar tegenwoordig, daar zou ik zeker niets aan veranderen...misschien wel wat korter, ik denk nl. dat een vlot kort kapsel jou heel mooi staat, zeker in de mooie zilveren kleur...

  9. You look fantastic in your lovely outfit, Mariette! Gray top and red skirt & shoes - love the color combination. I don't like high heels, either. All my shoes are flat or low heel. I've been wearing long hair forever, so cutting much shorter sure is a big decision. And I would never dye my hair, either. I like to keep things natural. You look beautiful in your silver hair!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ich finde deine neue Frisur sehr schick - steht dir super - bin ganz begeistert auch
    von deiner Kleidung - was für ein schöner Rock und schöne Bluse - steht dir so toll -
    du bist immer noch eine schöne Frau und dein Peter wird sehr glücklich sein mit dir -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  11. You look nice my dear. Only cut your hair if you want it. What age?. You have the best age Mariette. You are thin and fantastic. You`ll be beautifull with large hair and with short one. ¡Sure!
    Love and hugs.

  12. Dear Mariette,
    I love the color of your hair. and the length of it. It suits you!
    I have shown my son your Gran Canyon links.
    He'll go for a road trip in Canada and the US next year.
    They were very helpful for the planning. Thanks!
    Hugs to you!

  13. Hello, lovely Mariette! It is quite a decision to make, but if you do, your hair can always grow back if you don't like it. I did make that decision a few years ago and I am very happy with shorter hair. Like you, I have thick, wavy hair, and it is best either very long or kept short, as it tends to be frizzy. I had waist-length hair until age 30, then kept it like yours until I took the brave plunge to cut it to my chin and I love it. It is short and sassy. Once in a while I let it grow out, like in a recent photo, but I changed my mind and cut it again, now it is right below my ears, but the top is kept longer so I can enjoy my curls. Whatever you decide, I think you will always look beautiful and oh, so stylish! I wish I had your gorgeous legs! Hugs xo Karen

  14. I stopped colouring my hair at the start of the year, so I am quiet grey now but that is ok I am happy, I also have short hair nothing to do with my age as I cut my hair short for the first time after I married Tim 31 years ago and have had it short ever since

  15. Dear Mariette,
    I love your short cut,looks differents, you have good hair produds silver Hair Yes! Your shols is not bad that all.
    Your having wonderful time with Pieter's.
    Hugs and love to both of you!

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    es wäre mir gar nicht aufgefallen, daß Dein Haar jetzt kürzer ist, wenn Du es nicht geschrieben hättest. Es ist ja immer noch lang, wie ich finde. Mein Haar lasse ich gerade wachsen, aber das dauert! Früher ging das viel schneller. 4 Jahre rechnet man für eine halbe Länge ... da muß ich noch viel Geduld haben. Aber zum Nachschneiden muß ich zwischendurch auch immer wieder, sonst schaut's einfach nicht aus.
    In unserer Familie wurden alle sehr spät oder gar nicht grau. Meine 80jährige Tante hatte noch ihr rostbraunes Haar bis zum Schluß mit wenig weißen Fäden darin. Während Freundinnen von mir schon mit 20 und 30 komplett ergraut oder weiß geworden waren und seitdem färben.

    Liebe Grüße

  17. Dear
    You look nice, Mariette. The length of your hair and the color very suit you!
    I had long hairs until 7 years ago, but I gave up taking car of my hairs. I like long hairs though.
    Have a nice weekend.

  18. I am sure the shorter hair would suit you very well, dearest Mariette!
    I also used to have long hair for decades, but as you say, for "une femme d'un certain âge" I decided to cut it
    shorter already last year, and I have not regretted it. I still dye it myself at home, but at some point, I think I will let it go natural.
    Many hugs to you!!!!

  19. Hi Mariette,

    I can imagine how difficult the decision must be. I understand why you want to do it. I wear my hair in a bob for the same reason. Unfortunately it's too heavy for a chignon or bun. When I was younger I used to wear it like that, or loose, but my head used to hurt too much. However, when you can wear it 'up', I think that looks very elegant for ladies of a certain age too :-). I don't know if that is an option for you?

    You still look fab bye the way. Hope I will look like you when I am your age!

    Have a lovely weekend ahead!

    Madelief x

    And thank you for your so very sweet comment on my blog!

  20. Lieve Mariette ...
    het is altijd een dilemma ..met je haar laat ik het knippen of niet ..
    ik zeg maar altijd zo het is maar haar groeit wel weer aan ...
    Veel liefs ....

  21. Mariette, you are so chic! Love your outfit, and not too many women could get away with that top. But it looks great on you. Never thought of cutting down heels. What a good idea, so that you can hold onto heels that you otherwise love.
    Your hair will look beautiful either way. I did look back at your post where you got shorter hair, and it looked really nice. That long, long brown braid is gorgeous! Nice you saved it. Looking forward to seeing your cut!

  22. Dear Mariette,

    You will look great however your hair - short or long.
    The colour of your hair looks tres elegant. I have just been to the hairdresser today and have gone for a slightly shorter style.
    Enjoy the weekend

  23. Dear Mariette,
    You look perfect in this look and I simply love your hair. A very good decision!
    Enjoy the weekend,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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