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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

HONG KONG 1st International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products

Before I will continue about our next trip to Australia, we have to do this en route Hong Kong Conference from 23-16 August, 1993.
Husband Pieter had already been to Hong Kong, but it was my FIRST trip ever.
This was also the view one gets when landing in Hong Kong, a beautiful city!
Above picture was on the post card that I bought for my Mom, as I always did from everywhere we traveled. 
We travelled very well because we had the luxury of getting an upgrade to Business Class on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, in seats 77 A+B on the upper deck. We both slept very well on our way from Atlanta to Amsterdam.
Next day we spent at the Van Gogh Business Class lounge in Amsterdam where we took a shower, posted lots of cards and shopped till we continued to Hong Kong at 21:30 and again we both slept a lot! Arrival in Hong Kong at 15:50 
Well over 350 participants from more than 40 countries...
Of those 350 participants I was one...!
We stayed at the Royal Park Hotel Shatin, Hong Kong
Indeed, Royal Park Hotel Grand Entrance...
Afer a shower at the Royal Park Hotel, we went with our host, Fred Giorgi, to a delicious Italian restaurant: Cucina!
Cucina, Marco Polo Hotel, Harbour City in Hong Kong with spectacular view!
Photo is from The Yum List
All this, followed by a very good night sleep...
Early morning photo from our room at Royal Park Hotel... lots of glare due to the early sun into the window.
You are actually looking here at Shatin Central Park just click link .
We left at 8:00 o'clock by bus to the Chinese University of Hong Kong for the opening of the conference.
After the opening at the University, we went back to our hotel for lunch and next to the Town Hall for  the lectures.
The first day got rounded off by a Reception with Hors d'oeuvres, at the Double Haven, 4/F Shatin Clubhouse of the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club.
Husband Pieter and I at this reception...
Back at our hotel by 21:30
On Tuesday, August 12, we went again to the Town Hall after breakfast and after lunch continued to attend lectures.
For dinner we were included by Giorgio Foods as their guest.
I've scribbled some shop info to the left for Wednesday afternoon.
Now the Omni Hotel is called Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel...
Here husband Pieter and I, having a conversation with other guests, after dinner.
Fond memories of our blissful relationship.
On Wednesday, August 24 we did go to the lectures in the morning but went by taxi to down-town at Star House in Kowloon, for shopping. That yielded some beautiful silks, you find two links about those silk garments below this post.

Very helpful for having the street names written in Chinese, for the taxi driver!

Another day full of lectures and a lot of humor! We all laughed so hard with one gentleman from Thailand; he was hilarious in his presentation and no doubt captivated full attention from the audience.
In the evening on Thursday August 26, the Conference got rounded off by a regal 10-course dinner at Riverside Ballroom of the Regal Riverside Hotel
Whole Barbecued Suckling Pig
Braised Twin Vegetables with Ham
Sauteed Shrimp with Assorted Vegetables 
Braised Superior Shark's Fin Soup with Shredded Chicken
Steamed Fresh Gurnard 
Braised Sliced Abalone with Mushrooms and Vegetables
Double-Boiled Black Mushroom Soup with Whelk and Tien Tsin Vegetables
Deep-fried Crispy Chicken
Fried Rice with Seafood in Portuguese Sauce
Shrimp Dumplings and Noodles in Supreme Soup
Chilled Pudding in Seasonal Fruit
Chinese Petits Fours
Liquid Refreshments Generously Provided by Giorgio Foods, Inc.
Fond memories of a very happy time with husband Pieter in Hong Kong at this regal Banquet.
Love the silver spoon and chopstick rest!
Different from the usual Silver Knife Rest... 😏
Perfect Conference ending!
Pieter looking dashing in his Burberry tuxedo with silk velvet bow tie and cummerbund.
Next day we had a very lazy morning and we flew on Qantas Airlines at 21:00 to Sydney, Australia in  about 8 hours and 15 minutes = 7,300 km and a 2 hour time difference.

Stay tuned for the next segment...

Thanks for your visit and comment!


  1. Hello Mariette, It must have been exciting to visit Hong Kong, as it turned out this trip was to foreshadow your further adventures in Asia. I have done the same thing for visitors to Taiwan--writing out destinations to show the taxi drivers; some speak English, but many do not.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, this was an exciting trip but it was not to foreshadow our Asian adventures as we started living and working in Indonesia by March of 1990, after first working 2 weeks in India.
      Yeah, the language barrier is a real one, at least for me. I do admire anyone that manages different alphabets than the roman!
      But with such a kind translation, no problem at all.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    dein schöner Post ist ausdrucksvoll und einrucksvoll.

    Alles Liebe


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, das freut mich sehr. Kannst du es auch automatisch aufs Deutsch lesen?
      Liebe Grüße,

    2. Liebe Mariette,

      die Texte weren utomatisch übersetzt.

      Alles Liebe


  3. How lucky you had an upgrade on your flight, it really makes a difference to your sleep.
    I've never been to Hong Kong, but it's on my bucket list.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Oh, you bet how lucky one can get on such long hauls!
      For you Hong Kong and all of Southeast Asia is within reach; not too bad.

  4. You can envy, in the good sense of the word, such a journey and experience during your stay on site. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      It certainly was a memorable trip and we are very grateful to our host the late Mr. Fred Giorgi for whom we did consulting work over the years.

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind schöne Erinnerungen, aus denen Du und Dein lieber Mann nun schöpfen könnt!
    Wie ist das Wetter derzeit bei Euch? Hier war es lange sehr trocken, heute regnet es zum ersten Mal seit Wochen. Die Rosenblüte war umwerfend in diesem Jahr!

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja das sind es und wir genießen es so auch sehr um alles noch mal vor Augen zu haben und allen Erinnerungen hervor zu rufen.
      Den ganzen Mai hat es hier tropisch geregnet; und WIE! Juni ist fein so weit und deswegen kann man auch mit dem Rad rausgehen.
      Eure Rosen schauten schon wirklich wunderschön aus. Unsere sind gar nicht glücklich und mehr und mehr vermuten wir das die grossen Bäume nicht nur Schatten werfen aber auch noch irgendwie antagonistisch wirken via ihre Wurzeln. Die Natur kann hart sein.
      Liebe Grüße,

  6. Great views of Hong Kong. I'd like to visit there some day. So nice you got upgrade to business class. It must make a big difference especially for a long trip.
    The 10-course dinner menu at Riverside Ballroom looks so grand :-) I enjoyed gorgeous photos of you and your husband Pieter!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, the upgrade did make all the difference, otherwise it is very long to sit like 21 hours...
      Yeah, such a dinner one would like to enjoy again, so very special!
      Thank you for your visit and sweet comment.

  7. It's amazing the places you were able to visit all because of marvelous mushrooms. :)

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Indeed, mushrooms did give us quite a global view!
      We've always enjoyed doing this, even though it is hard because it is not a vacation with spare time on hand.

  8. Hi Mariette! You've had a really interesting life! Have a nice day;-)

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes we did and also a very hectic one and finally we're able to see it all back and in a relaxed atmosphere relive those good years!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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