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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, June 15, 2018

Time for Repeating THIS...

Yep, on Wednesday my orthopedic surgeon gave me the green light for biking again and so I did yesterday! It feels great after 3 months of not having done so. My closed fractures of the pelvic bone continue to heal and I'm not supposed to jog.
Biking yesterday morning together with Pieter for the first time in 3 months, felt great! 
So we ought to repeat this lovely ride from last year. The Chattahoochee RiverWalk in Columbus, Georgia, along the Alabama border.
Quiet and in nature, and most important, rather flat area, as my husband Pieter no longer is allowed to bike in hilly areas due to his weakened heart.
Here I am on October 5, 2017 with my wicker basket that I used for Mauzie, my Dachshund and it is quite handy for storing things like extra bottles of water, snacks and such.
This is a kind of a covered, wooden bridge. Lots of surprises along this great trail!
We entered at the top, from Dillingham St going down to Convention and Trade Center's arch, where the trail starts. You see the initial red brick paved path along the river, where that circle is.
We were biking southbound.
Husband Pieter standing here under this wood covered bridge.
There are lots of little streams and bogs that the trail crosses, but always alongside the Chattahoochee river.
My TREK bike resting here against the map of the Chattahoochee RiverWalk.
We're in the center of it, where the red arrow is and to the right you see the city of Columbus.
The river is the divide between the state of Georgia and Alabama.
Right above my steering wheel you see Fort Benning and that's where we're going...
Nice view of the Chattahoochee River here and to the left is Alabama.
Yep, you come across this sign along the Chattahoochee RiverWalk - CAUTION ALLIGATOR HABITAT!
Sure hope to never encounter one...
Here my husband Pieter is biking and you clearly see how wide this RiverWalk is.
Starting with red bricks in the city of Columbus and here it is more towards Fort Benning area.
We're headed towards this special Gazebo that is near Bull Creek (written top right).
Pieter resting under the steel gazebo near Bull Creek where it merges into the Chattahoochee River.
Pieter resting on that bench and I climbed atop this concrete table with benches. Right behind me is Bull Creek visible.
There are plenty of resting benches along this RiverWalk!
We're now headed for Fort Benning...
Here we are under the dome at National Infantry Museum in Fort Benning.
Nice for getting a bite to eat and for using the bathroom!
There are no bathrooms along the RiverWalk and after some 15 km of biking and lots of water, you really like to use one.
So we biked back again to Columbus and really enjoyed this!

Thanks for your visit and comment!


  1. Hello Mariette, It is great to get such a good health report from you. I can see why you missed riding your bicycle, if your rides are as beautiful as the pictures you show here!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      We both were so very happy indeed for being able to bike, even if we stay here in the area, in the country side - we enjoy sharing this together and will be back in Columbus after I've caught up on so many things!

  2. Dearest Mariette, The alligator sign reminds me of one on a beach near my brother’s house in Florida
    I can’t imagine even dipping a toe in water there! 🤭
    Lave a great week end...*s*

    1. Should be SWIMMERS! WATCH OUT FOR ALLIGATORS! Wish I still had a picture.

    2. Dearest Suzi,
      Oh Lord, can you imagine swimming in such area where the alligator warning sign is being place?!
      We sure hope to never encounter one on our bike rides.

  3. Hello! Best news ever~bike riding on your agenda once again! You and Pieter look incredibly fit in the photos from last year and I know your futures are bright! Love, Helen

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Oh yes, this was so special for being able to bike together again!
      We sure try to keep it up and stay fit; God granting us some more time.

  4. This looks such a great place for biking. The view of Chatahooch River is beautiful! And the wood covered bridge looks lovely. I’m so glad you can ride the bike again, Mariette :-) Enjoy the ride!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It is a wonderful place for biking; wish we lived close to it!
      We now enjoy short rides in the fields close to home and in the mornings.

  5. Dear Mariette,

    So happy for you that you are now able to ride again and I enjoyed seeing the beautiful places you rode.
    As for the alligators, hope you never ever see one of those on your bike rides.
    Hope you are having a great weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      We had a lovely weekend and still am so thrilled about being able to bike again and live a normal life!
      Don't want to see those gators from our bike...

  6. Fijn dat alles weer goed is ..dat je weer van je kruk af bent en dat je weer mag fietsen. ja dat mis je dan wel denk ik...als iets niet mag helemaal natuurlijk :) Mooie tocht hebben jullie vorig najaar gemaakt. Zo vol geschiedenis denk ik, want ik ken de namen uit 'films'. Toch wel knap dat Pieter dit een ruim half jaar geleden nog deed... Hopelijk kunnen jullie zo nog eens een tochtje maken, of zit dat er niet meer in?

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja het was een zware straf om dit allemaal niet te mogen maar ik heb het gered en ook mijn tijd erg goed besteed.
      Deze mooie tocht zit weer in de planning, dat gaan we beslist over doen samen! Echt vol geschiedenis en heel interessant om te rijden.

  7. Great news that you've recovered Mariette. I enjoyed seeing what you saw along your ride. We also have a suburb called Bull Creek that used to have a creek, next to the suburb where I live. You certainly don't want to find any aligators on your rides. Keep enjoying them!

    1. Dearest Sami,
      So happy with the fact for being able to bike again.
      We came across a big snapping turtle, they have a tail like an alligator and an almost prehistoric looking beak.
      It was trying to cross the road... don't know if it made it.

  8. Mariette, biking keeps both of you in such fine athletic shape! How many hours do you bike to get there and make home? A day trip, or do you stay overnight? The path is beautiful.

    1. Dearest Debra,
      Well thank you, all our life we have been very active so I guess that did the trick.
      We drive about 2.5 hours by car to get to Columbus and of course we stay at a hotel!
      That path is indeed perfect to ride our bike and it is in nature; mostly very quiet too.

  9. Dearest MAriette,
    this really was such a wodnerful tour, thank you for showing us again!
    Wishing you and Pieter a wodnerful new week!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and we're so happy that we can repeat this now as I'm allowed to bike again!

  10. How wonderful to see you biking in that beautiful day! Also,what a good news to see that you are recovering.
    The road is beautiful and oh! So good you did not see alligators. But the Chattahoochee River Walk has great nature, and I enjoy to imagine a scene of an alligator roaming along the river!
    Happy day to you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Tomoko,
      Yes, the best news in a long time and I'm thoroughly enjoying my rides in the mornings with Pieter.
      We will be back, once I have caught up on everything that I could not do for these 2.5 months.
      Hugs and love,

  11. Bedankt voor de mooie fietstocht. Ik heb genoten.
    Groeten aan Pieter

    1. Beste Ingrid,
      Graag gedaan en zo blij dat ik weer mág fietsen. Dit gaan we zeker nog eens herhalen.

  12. What a beautiful bike path! Glad to hear you are healing and able to start doing things again.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Oh, I'm so very happy for being back on track again. We will do this again, after I am caught up here...

  13. Piękne miejsce i super wycieczka rowerowa. Jestem pod wrażeniem.Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

    1. Najdroższy Malgorzata P,
      Oboje kochamy to również bardzo i pójdzie tam ponownie tak szybko jak to możliwe. Jeszcze nadrobić zaległości na tak wiele rzeczy, które nie mogłem zrobić, pozwalając moim zamkniętym miednicy złamania kości leczyć. Dziękujemy za wizytę i komentarz!

  14. Das freut mich aber, dass Ihr wieder Radtouren unternehmen könnt, liebe Mariette! Es muß ja nicht unbedingt hügelig sein, aber Training ist sicher immer besser, als kein Training.
    Darfst Du denn schon wieder klettern, wenn Du eine Fraktur hattest?

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Aber hier in unsere Gegend ist es überall hügelig, kaum etwas flaches zu finden... Das ist immer das Problem. So einen grossen Fluß entlang ist schon viel besser aber dann müssen wir weit fahren erst und eine Übernachtung.
      Ich darf nicht joggen und auch nicht springen und so. Alles normal und ruhig. Meine Frakturen waren ja geschlossenen also das hilft aber sie sollen nicht verschieben oder offen gehen.
      Liebe Grüße,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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