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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Whirlpool Dishwasher versus Miele

 Well, when Pieter took out the Whirlpool dishwasher I was quite shocked that it had NO sides but only insulation material—that was IT!
That's all... NO WONDER they are so noisy!
That's the Miele with a beautiful outside...
Perfection—built in Germany.
One learns so much from comparing the two brands of appliance!
Sure there also is a price difference but you get a nice Eco Friendly piece of appliance and great for saving energy!

Related link:
{Our Kitchen Improvements} | previous post by me

Friday, October 28, 2022

Our new Miele 24” Built–In Wall Cabinet Hood by husband Pieter

 Okay, on December 9, 1998 Pieter started taking out the old Whirlpool hood and now preparing to build in the new Miele 24" Built–In Wall Cabinet Hood.
A very sleek model...
As Pieter states in the beginning—still a lot of headache for getting it built in...
But one day later, he used boxes as a support to prop up this rather heavy piece of appliance.
The shipping weight is 12.5 kg or 27.6 lbs.
The exhaust ring was too wide so Pieter solved that by placing a wooden ring inside.
Later he had to take that wooden ring out again and use one from foam because this Miele comes a bit more to the front with its exhaust pipe.
On the 15th it is all DONE!
I was done cleaning the kitchen a little past midnight and used the video for showing that to Mom & Dad...
Video shows summer time!
My Rado watch shows correct winter time...
Light shuts off when pushed inside.
Such a sleek model!
Pieter did an excellent job making it perfectly flush!
Stainless steel filters that can be taken out to place inside dishwasher

Happy with this mega task being done and what a perfect appliance!
Indeed top quality made in Germany and a big help in saving energy.

Stay tuned for more...

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A HUGE Snapping Turtle

 With our five kitties having just made our usual cat—walk after breakfast, over the bridges and wood trail, we spotted a MONSTER.
Looking from the bridge down into the creek that is.
No wonder they are also called mud dragon!
It was quite a monster!
Guess our kitties do know instinctively that they better avoid such a monster!
They were just over 13 months old here and they followed us like doggies.
Now they don't do this anymore and of course they have become senior kitties.
BUT remember our Kwekkie with a wounded foot?
Before that, we had other ducks with the same wounds.
Guess those snapping turtles try to pull them down as prey when they're hungry.

Related link:
Pieter's NEW Love—While I was in Limburg | Kwekkie with her wounded foot
10 Biting Facts About Snapping Turtles | Interesting info with videos

Monday, October 24, 2022

Our Previous Noisy Whirlpool Dishwasher

 On November 26, 1998 we did capture our noisy Whirlpool dishwasher...
It will soon have to come out and be replaced by the new Miele.
That was on Thanksgiving...
We had these appliances built in for 8 years and before we left for Indonesia, where we lived and worked, we hardly had the time for looking around for any better ones.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Installing Hot Water Machine and Showing Protruding Old Oven and Dishwasher

 Almost for 24 years we now use a Hot Water Machine in our kitchen for instant boiling water.
Meanwhile our 2nd got installed and we love to have that in our home!
This is exactly the faucet that we have on our kitchen counter.
Together with our Little Gourmet® Premium Hot Water Tank / Dispenser – Mountain Plumbing Products
On my Pinterest board you can see these 2.5 quart examples: https://www.pinterest.com/mariettesbackto/home-improvements/
On November 23, 1998 Pieter managed to build this in, under the counter.
A very tight spot for working there... 
Glad all that is done as it is not getting easier as we age 😏
Pieter had to change a pipe that lay at the top along—for now going underneath and secure it there again.
Because it was precisely in the spot where the Hot Water Machine will be hung!
Never easy but so far, Pieter has managed to do it all by himself—a hard working and very clever man.
Pieter jokes how conveniently it is working when being under the counter...
But, also this mega task got cleared!
That first faucet was in white with a safety lock for children; pulling it upwards.
Pieter had to drill a hole in the Corian counter top.
Further I wanted to capture how ugly that previous oven was protruding into the kitchen and also the dishwasher. That will become flush with the new Mieles.
Also showing the Whirlpool hood.
Pieter is mentioning that the entire box has to come out...
Projects are never easy and neither quick!

Stay tuned — will be continued.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Some Escada Jeans that I Scored

 Often for my European size 34 or American size 4, I really score big time!
Otherwise very expensive Escada jeans I managed to get for 4 pieces only for $ 121.00
One of the 4 Escada jeans I'm wearing here with my Escada silk blouse and Escada patent leather sandals.
The one I'm wearing here is a black one with a subtle gold stripe woven through.
Usually Escada jeans sell around US $ 425.00 so my 4 NEW ones were quite a score!
Yep, got these new with tag jeans for US $ 28.00!
The above label is from a size 36 or 6—depending on all cotton or with a little bit of stretch...
Happy with the perfect weather for getting to wear this.
The buttons on this blouse are like jewels...
Here you get to see them a little bit better and also the subtle stripe in my jeans.
This is the gray Escada jeans—one of the four... wearing it with my own sewing creation; silk vest.
Above all, those new jeans all had 32 inch inseam; which I need for my long legs.

When we arrived here in Georgia in 1983, I fell in love with some Jordache jeans!
Trying them on, I almost cried as they were shaped for women with saddle bags and I have nothing 'padded' on my hips and they were all like high water for me—too short!
Escada originally was Germany based, no longer as the founder, Margaretha Ley no longer is alive.
But it fits me like a second skin...

The leather coat I wear with the jeans is also Escada and another score.
Not bad for snatching that one up for about ⅙ of the original price...😉
Lovely buttons and all silk lined.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

HOW we Hauled our Miele Appliance Home and Installed it

On November 7, 1998 we both drove in our Toyota RAV4 to Atlanta to pick up our Miele built–in wall cabinet hood, dishwasher and oven.
There was none available in our area but we were determined.
Both of us have been surrounded by German built Miele since our early life—so well known in Europe!
So, this protruding Kitchen Aid oven with too much black—will get replaced and also the noisy Whirlpool dishwasher + Whirlpool hood.
The old white combi fridge and freezer from Amana we still have in use in our pantry!
Here you see the oven and the dishwasher from the other side.
And still my hand crocheted rose curtains hanging in front of the windows.
Ceramic Chandelier from Italy... we still have that!
Here we just arrived home and I backed up to the veranda door entrance for easier unloading.
Well—easy... not so.
I had not seen, neither did Pieter, the handles that hung down for picking up the oven.
So I lifted it not by those special handles and cut my hand... bleeding.
Only next morning at breakfast we were both staring at them; argh!

Will be continued...

Have you hauled some appliance yourself?

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Rolling our Bikes in the Sunshine

 August was a rather WET month with too much rain...
Good for the yard and the farmers — but not good for riding our bikes!
At least for planning a longer route that is.
NO—there is no black spot between my eyes... just shade.
That is a happy WeFie from August 28.
August 28 it was 32°C and not raining after a long time...
Pieter at a sturdy built bridge over big creek.
We stop for a sip of water and a brief break—at 93.5 you can't go on and on!
The weather on September 18 was again a lovely 31°C
Me at the same bridge for a sip of water... not from the creek but from the bottle 😉
Contrary to Limburg/The Netherlands where you have safe bike lanes AND lots of stops with a bench and often a coffee shop nearby.
We paid Kyle Wayne Dinkheller a visit at his memorial in Dudley, close to Interstate 16, where he got killed after he'd stopped some guy that was speeding over 90 miles an hour.
Kyle left his expectant wife and 22 month old daughter behind...
Such a tragedy in January 1998 and we will never forget that!
Also how the community came together in supporting his family.
Resting on the cross tire as there are no benches.
On September 21, we spotted a baby donkey on the way over but as we came back it hid in the shade...
Cute as can be!
On sunny September 25, we rode in 31°C
Spunky girl greeted us on the driveway, where they love to chill out...
During the devastating hurricane Ian, even our area was affected by the weather change.
Only 18°C on September 29
Another happy WeFie from October 6.
Yes, a blissful relationship on wheels...
Our lovely Indian Summer was back with 28°C
Lovely stretched out fields in the hilly area on October 6.
On October 9, we rolled again and here I'm standing on the side of an overpass over Interstate 16.
October 9, it sure was lovely weather at 25°C
After squatting down on the cross tires during our previous ride—we spotted these seats for taking our break.
Easier for getting up at our age 😉
Happy me on said bench in Dudley, almost having devoured my rice cake...
Just as I was about to leave, I spotted this plaque:
Thank you so very much!

Do you find rest areas in your area when biking or walking?

Friday, October 14, 2022

Soon Ah Will Be Done With The Troubles Of The World

 A DREAM for present times...
Dad used to sing this with the Horster Mannenkoor!
A younger Dad in 1974—ready to go and SING with his Horster Mannenkoor in Horst, Limburg/The Netherlands.
He has been a great 1st tenor.
In begin 1990s Dad gave us a cassette tape with some of the songs they sang.
Did digitalize a few of those songs—wish I had the original but this already made my singing heart happy...
When viewed on YouTube you can also read the lyrics below...

Related links:
Dad Sang Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod | previous post by me about Dad singing solo
Thinking about Mom and Dad on Saint Cecilia | Dad also sang Thank You Lord with Pieter at the organ

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Both of us LOVE Elephants

 Having touched a baby elephant in person in South India even made us fall in love deeper with elephants.
We even love to wear elephants...
Me, September 18, in my Escada elephant outfit—complete with shoes and I forgot my jeans purse...

Pieter wearing his black Escada silk elephant tie.
Shown in a 2015 blog post: {Princess Diana's Elephant Tie just like Pieter's} ←click it.
If you scroll down you also see Princess Diana wearing her Escada elephant jacket in black versus mine in blue jeans below her picture.
Backside of my Escada silk elephant shirt.
Also elephants on the cuffs.
Such designers are artists!
Yes, I do have a silk scarf in that style as well.
Showing the embroidered elephants around pockets and matching elephant belt.
Had to take this picture of the belt buckle inside, not in bright, sunny daylight to show you that on the previous picture it was just some glare at the top.

Related link:

Monday, October 10, 2022

Bandido (Dido) and Sacha caught a Crayfish Cambaridae

 Living with kitties is never boring!
They exposed us to wildlife we both never knew we had on our property!
Our 10 month old Dido brought this into our garage.
At first we thought it was a little crab...
Dido did run and was not letting us see it.
One of its shears was off and it also held its tail under its belly...
Dido's catch looked more like a Procambarus talpoides or Mole Crayfish.
Our almost one year old (on March 30) Sacha (Bandido's sister) brought one inside our bedroom at 10:00 PM.
This one was complete and now we clearly could see that this was a Crayfish or Cambaridae.
Crayfish are the food for bullfrogs, snapping turtles, raccoons.
Guess our kitties found them interesting living toys...
Quite interesting those 5 naughty kitty siblings!
How often I've had to 'rescue' some critters—and yes, I used to make that trip in the night across the lawn towards the creek. 

Have you ever seen a Crayfish?

Related link:
{R.I.P. SACHA GIRL} | previous post by me 
Part X - Cape Town, South Africa | previous post by me where we ate the best crayfish ever!

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Bandido (Dido) found himself a Cicada

 Dido has always been a rather feisty kitty bandit; hence his name Bandido.
We rescued his Mamita from Acapulco and also his Daddy no doubt was Mexican.
So, on September 2 at 10:00 PM our 5 months old kitty Bandido did bring this into the living room.
At that time I had no clue what it was... a locust, a beetle?
He did not want to bring it outside, though once he brought it downstairs...
We always wonder how they manage to come through two cat–doors, then up the stairs!

Related links:
{CICADA} | previous post by me

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Spicy Coconut Split Pea Soup

 When the evenings are getting cooler, it is wholesome to have a spicy, hot soup.
This time I share with you a Spicy Coconut Split Pea Soup
Easy to make and so yummy when served with corn tortilla chips on the side...
Served in our Pillivuyt from France ←(click link) soup bowl and eaten with a silver Alvin Bridal Rose soup spoon.
I've also used our linen with roses French Le Jacquard Français placemats.
This one I made with Trader Joe's Coconut Cream instead of Coconut Milk

454 g dried split peas
3 cloves garlic, chopped
5 cups light tasting vegetable broth (used the low sodium from Trader Joe's)
2 teaspoons of spicy curry powder
½ teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning (will also mention how to make your own!)
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 14–oz can coconut milk or cream if you desire
About 6 jalapeño peppers chopped


Place the rinsed split peas in a heavy bottom soup pot and just cover them with boiling water.
Let them soak for one hour, on the lowest setting—drain.
Place the soaked peas back into the soup pot and add the chopped garlic, broth, curry, Old Bay Seasoning and cayenne pepper. 
Bring the liquid to a gentle simmer and cook till the peas are soft—about one hour.
Stir in the coconut milk or cream and gently heat through and also add the jalapeños.
Serve in a shallow heated bowl and ENJOY

1 tablespoon Celery Salt
2 teaspoons Ground Bay Leaves
2 teaspoons Smoked Paprika
1½ teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1 teaspoon Ground Mustard
¼ teaspoon Allspice
¼ teaspoon Cayenne
1 pinch of Ground Cinnamon
1 pinch Ground Nutmeg
1 pinch Ground Ginger

Actually I've made my own and keep it in a little container—handy and ready to be used.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Mums as Happy Pot Plants

Even though when I came here I did not like Mums—due to the fact that in The Netherlands they were typical Cemetery flowers...
Now we both LOVE them!
Detail from photo taken on September 8.
Already Happy inside their new pot atop the stump of our Dogwood tree.
On September 19, they had really opened up beautifully!
On September 20, they were joined by some new Mums in a larger pot... more in the ochre color.
Those are in a larger pot, placed on a big paver.
No doubt those will open up fully and look even more stunning!
These are the ones from the first picture, fully opened by now on September 20.
We view them from our breakfast area in the morning sunshine.
View from above—those Mums are really GIVERS!
The ochre Mums on September 29 on a dark and dreary day when hurricane Ian was affecting our weather...
With sadness I made this picture this morning on October 6... 
Just as blogger friend Helen from Poetry Matters ←(click it) wrote that the deer ate all blooms at her neighbors!

Related link:
Our Garden Critters Visiting before Sunset | previous post by me showing deer standing in the very spot...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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