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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Rolling our Bikes in the Sunshine

 August was a rather WET month with too much rain...
Good for the yard and the farmers — but not good for riding our bikes!
At least for planning a longer route that is.
NO—there is no black spot between my eyes... just shade.
That is a happy WeFie from August 28.
August 28 it was 32°C and not raining after a long time...
Pieter at a sturdy built bridge over big creek.
We stop for a sip of water and a brief break—at 93.5 you can't go on and on!
The weather on September 18 was again a lovely 31°C
Me at the same bridge for a sip of water... not from the creek but from the bottle 😉
Contrary to Limburg/The Netherlands where you have safe bike lanes AND lots of stops with a bench and often a coffee shop nearby.
We paid Kyle Wayne Dinkheller a visit at his memorial in Dudley, close to Interstate 16, where he got killed after he'd stopped some guy that was speeding over 90 miles an hour.
Kyle left his expectant wife and 22 month old daughter behind...
Such a tragedy in January 1998 and we will never forget that!
Also how the community came together in supporting his family.
Resting on the cross tire as there are no benches.
On September 21, we spotted a baby donkey on the way over but as we came back it hid in the shade...
Cute as can be!
On sunny September 25, we rode in 31°C
Spunky girl greeted us on the driveway, where they love to chill out...
During the devastating hurricane Ian, even our area was affected by the weather change.
Only 18°C on September 29
Another happy WeFie from October 6.
Yes, a blissful relationship on wheels...
Our lovely Indian Summer was back with 28°C
Lovely stretched out fields in the hilly area on October 6.
On October 9, we rolled again and here I'm standing on the side of an overpass over Interstate 16.
October 9, it sure was lovely weather at 25°C
After squatting down on the cross tires during our previous ride—we spotted these seats for taking our break.
Easier for getting up at our age 😉
Happy me on said bench in Dudley, almost having devoured my rice cake...
Just as I was about to leave, I spotted this plaque:
Thank you so very much!

Do you find rest areas in your area when biking or walking?


  1. Olá, Mariette, você e Pieter levam uma vida intensa ao ar livre, acho isso muito saudável, muito positivo, tanto para o corpo como para a mente.
    Gosto de ver isso, as bonitas e muito alegres fotos.
    Aplaudo vocês!
    Deixo meu abraço e votos de muita saúde e paz, sempre.

    1. Querida Taís,
      Obrigado e sim, é muito cura para o corpo e a alma e rezamos a Deus por nos dar mais tempo juntos!
      Nós dois gostamos tanto.
      Grandes abraços,
      Pieter & Mariette

  2. You are both very active, riding your bikes in the hot weather. I like these temperatures, and wish our Summer would stop at that level. Unfortunately it goes up to 37C and higher, and I do not look forward to that! It is important to have a rest. There are occasional bench seats where I go for my walk, and many people use them. They are provided by the local Council, and as you found, it is something one can sponsor. A friend of mine has a seat named for her at the Coast, looking out to see. What a great spot for it!

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Well, if you give it up you will go downhill fast (without a bike that is...😏
      Oh, our fall temperatures are so lovely for biking and the high humidity is gone.
      In The Netherlands there are so many seats but here, this spot was a true find!

  3. Come siete sportivi Mariette e Pieter!

    1. Cara Olga,
      Sicuramente ci sforziamo di rimanere in salute, senza andare giù troppo velocemente!

  4. Hi Mariette! Lovely post. Cute little donkey.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and yes the donkey is so cute.
      Couldn't stop with the upcoming traffic on the way over but it was closer to the road...

  5. How nice to have such beautiful places to take a bike ride; especially when the weather is good. Great healthy exercise too. Enjoy!

    God bless you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      We sure have nice surroundings and our soul purpose is the healthy exercise!

  6. Hi! I really enjoyed seeing the script of your beautiful tour. Here, in Portugal, I think there are many areas to take breaks, enjoy landscapes... Hugs, Raquel

    1. Dearest Raquel,
      Thank you and yes, in the Old World there indeed are lots of benches and also places for a coffee or tea!

  7. Lekker genieten met zijn twee…heerlijk toch …en fijn dat jullie dat nog kunnen ook….groetjes van mij en Leaf 🍀🐾💗🍀

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja, met de hulp van deze geweldige e–bikes anders mag Pieter het ook niet van zijn cardioloog; er zijn hier téveel heuvels!
      Zo is het heerlijk samen en we hopen dat God ons nog wat extra tijd geeft.

  8. You and Pieter are "The Poster Kids" for living life well ... fit as fiddles.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      At least we try to do our very best!

  9. You two never cease to amaze!
    And I totally agree with Helen!

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette 💐

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you so much for your kind words!

  10. You two are in strong. May God give you health for many years.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Just a matter of Discipline—and with a capital D!
      We indeed need God's help in keeping us alive and together a while longer...

  11. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    We have been having lots of rain this week, finally, after a very long drought.
    I'm glad you took a sip of water from the bottle and not from the creek! :D
    You two really inspire me to be better and more disciplined (something I REALLY have to grow in). And with such wonderful sights around you, it's always easier to enjoy your rides!
    I googled abou Kyle Wayne Dinkheller. He was so young and I can't even start to imagine how is expectant wife and little daughter felt when they lost him. So many lives were affected by a person that chose to make a mistake...
    Thank God they had such a big suport behind them, but nothing erases the sadness from their hearts.
    Of course I also googled about Jim Kibler and the only one I found in your area is a Psychiatry Specialist. I don't know if they are the same, but it is a lovely tribute!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Yes, your research was spot on—it was a Psychiatry specialist.
      Oh, Kyle's case has been such a dramatic one and it leaves the wife and kids forever scarred and missing this courages man who stepped up for protecting others by taking on such a dangerous job!
      Probably Kyle was a voiding another 'wrong', as he got influenced by a recent forced action for writing an apology letter to a 'friend' from the Sheriff... https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/state/kyle-dinkheller-police-video/

    2. I read the link you sent and in Europe and especially in the USA, as you must know, many times police officers are acused of violent conducts, even if they are only trying to defend themselves.
      Of course that sometimes there is violent conduct, because there are bad cops and good cops. But what we see most of the times is that people try to make the police officer the guilty part, while they are portrayed as the victims.
      And what is sadder is how the politics go after the voices (even if they KNOW that are the wrong ones), just to receive more votes and earn more power and money...
      Hugs to you to, Mariette!

    3. Yes Paula,
      Those career politicians have absolutely NO respect for moral values and Family!
      We live in an upside down world where God has been banned from schools and all public meetings and places. The result is a lawless society.
      You don't have faith—you don't have morality.
      You don't have morality—you don't have democracy.
      We need a LOT of prayers for asking God to let the good win over the evil...
      Hugs back,

    4. Absolutely! But the Bible says that these times would come, where people would loose love and respect.
      Lets pray, for God to have mercy and help us all that believe in Him and that He may open the eyes and hearts of those that don't.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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