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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

On July 30 I stayed at the Grand Hyatt Corner Room where I stayed with Pieter on December 9, 2023

 Having access to a free room, I tried to book for room 2003, the very corner room that together with Pieter I've stayed on December 9, 2023
just click on above link...
Had completed my appointment with Podology of Georgia and via Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe's and Cobbler for retrieving my shoes with new heels, I ended here.
This particular room was not yet ready...
So while waiting on my room, they offered me a complimentary lunch at ONYX AT THE GRAND 
Did thoroughly enjoy my SPRING WELLNESS BOWL!
Never had seen, nor tasted those yummy red Peruvian pearl peppers.
View from room 2003 where you clearly can see in the distance Stone Mountain.
Fond memories with Pieter in this area...
The weather was very nice!
32°C or 89.6°F at 17:37 when I strolled through the Zen Garden to the pool area.
It has been the former Japanese Nikko Hotel.
Adjacent toilet and it is a corner room so lots of windows
Bathroom view with the special shelves that we did build into our Rose Suite as well.
click above link
Took this photo after I'd used the shower... shampooed my hair with the Balmain products.
My breakfast on the 31st as I was craving for smoked salmon
Opted for the Whole Wheat Bagel and it sure was yummy, though salty for my CKD...
It was a very special and also highly emotional stay for me!

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  1. Mariette, I can only imagine just HOW emotional that was. ❤️

    Your meals looked yummy, especially the smoked salmon. It's hard to find some that isn't too salty, though of course it's easier when you're shopping, you can check the sodium content. However, that was a wonderful treat for you!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, it was an emotional stay due to so many fond memories together!
      The food is always good there and as much as I love smoked salmon, for my kidneys it sure was too salty.

  2. What a view from your high in the sky room! That blue blue sky to see, and the mountain so far off. I imagine the food was indeed yummy. Pieter would have been very glad you could be in the same room and see the sights you had shared before. Lynn and Precious

    1. Dearest Lynn and Precious,
      No doubt that Pieter was with me as he is always with me but this was very special.
      The food has always been good and a wonderful presentation as well.

  3. A nice looking room with some nice views, I hope you could feel Pieter's presence as I am sure he is with you still

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      It is a perfect room with great views.
      Sure I felt Pieter's presence and he is indeed with me all the time—his soul is fused to mine.

  4. Yes, that had to be emotional but it looks like a lovely time with many lovely memories too.

    1. Dearest Terry,
      It sure was emotional but it is far more a feeling of gratitude.
      My Pieter is watching over me till we meet again.

  5. The food and the view are fantastic from this vantage point, Mariette. I loved going to Stone Mountain as I grew up in Decatur. I know the visit must have been bittersweet, but sometimes, experiences like these can help us along in the grieving process. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog today, and know I'm praying for you. Blessings!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Yes, such memories are indeed important for living through and for being even more grateful for the life we enjoyed together!

  6. That is a lovely room and views and I am glad you were able to stay there again. It must have been very emotional, but as you said, he is always with you.

    1. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
      You are so right about that—Pieter is always with me for as long as I will breath!

  7. Very nice hotel, Mariette. And your Spring Wellness Bowl looks delicious, very healthy too. It's nice that you have sweet memories of your time spent here with Pieter.


    **thank you for the bigger font. I appreciate it and can read your posts much better.

    1. Dearest Sheri,
      It is indeed a wonderful hotel, looks and courtesy—including the food!
      Lots of special memories with my Pieter there.

  8. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Indeed from that height and with several corner windows we had a spectacular view!

  9. El alojamiento, está muy bien y tiene muy buenas vistas desde la ventana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Así es, y los dos lo apreciamos desde esa habitación... ¡Hermosos recuerdos!

  10. Replies
    1. Dearest Melissa,
      It sure was but everywhere I go there are Pieter's footsteps and memories. Being grateful for my time with him is my driving force and knowing that he is watching over me!

  11. A vista é linda, a comida deve ter sido deliciosa,
    e as memórias, lembranças do seu adorado Pieter...
    Uma feliz semana, querida Mariette!
    Abraços! 🌹🙏🌷

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Sim, tudo o que você mencionou é verdade e as memórias do meu amado Pieter superam muito.

  12. It must have been such a special experience to revisit those fond memories with Pieter, especially in that corner room.
    The complimentary lunch at ONYX sounds delightful.
    The connection between your Rose Suite and the Grand Hyatt with those special shelves adds a lovely personal touch.
    I can imagine how emotional it must have been for you.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, it was a very special experience and Pieter's presence was oh so palpable!
      That lunch was so delicious and yes, our Rose Suite is in a special way connected with this Grand Hyatt.

  13. Marietta...eye never get smoked salmon for brek fest....eye am kinda gel uz....glad ewe getted
    sum tho !!! ♥♥♥
    mackerull boomer junior butter feeld =^..^=

    1. Dearest Mackerull,
      Guess it would be too salty for any kitty as well! It is delicious but that is a negative aspect of it.
      Hugs also to your Mom Laura!

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    wie schön sind die Erinnerungen an diese Zeit, die Du zusammen mit Deinem geliebten Pieter verbringen konntest.
    Der herrlich frische Salat springt mir ins Auge... nein, natürlich nur virtuell in den Mund, er muss köstlich geschmeckt haben.
    Liebe Grüße von Traudi.❤️

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, bin sehr dankbar für zahlreiche Erinnerungen die wir zur zweit erleben möchten!
      Der Salat war auch herrlich...
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  15. Dear Mariette, it's so great that you treated yourself to this wonderful stay.
    I was wondering what those little red vegetable pieces might be in your bowl. I had never heard of pearl peppers.
    A hug for you and thank you very much for your beautiful photos.
    Kind regards come to you from Viola

    1. Dearest Viola,
      Yes, it was quite special for being back in that very room.
      One learns every time about something new in the culinary spectrum but pearl peppers sure taste good.

  16. What a beautiful room and OMCs the lunch looks out of this world good and healthy
    Hugs cecilia

    1. Dearest Cecilia,
      Yes, a very nice room with a great view and fondest memories...
      Food is always exceptional at the Grand Hyatt!

    2. You are very welcomed for the card....keeping you and the kitties in my thoughts
      Hugs Cecilia

    3. Dearest Cecilia,
      That is such a warm feeling!
      Thanks a million 💞

  17. Mooie herinneringen Mariette.


    1. Beste Hilly,
      Jazeker, héél mooie herinneringen!

  18. I am happy you were able to enjoy this respite with your Pieter. It sure makes for some grand memories. The suite, the food, and the views were all spectacular! I must say you are a very healthy eater.

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Yes, both of us enjoyed this very much and even solo I digest the fond memories and those will last me a long time to come!
      Trying hard to eat healthy... the salmon was way too salty for my kidneys but I enjoyed it!

  19. So wonderful that you were able to stay in that special room 2003, bittersweet though it was! What a lovely room and view, with all those windows to enjoy! Your food made my mouth water, I'd love to taste those Peruvian peppers also! The salad looked so fresh and delightful, as did your salmon breakfast! What a treat for you in this difficult season of missing your precious husband! Prayers continue for you!

    1. Dearest Marilyn,
      Yes, it sure was a special but bittersweet experience. But all in all I'm grateful for a true love and for many years!
      The food indeed was delicious.

  20. Indeed a wonderful stay and a grand one, with all those precious memories to savor as well as the delicious foods. Pieter must have been there with you, in sprit, enjoying your special time of remembrance,. What a beautiful room, and the views, too!
    Glad you were able to get there and in that most special room.
    Hugs and I hope your pain isn't too unbearable. Is there any hope of it dissipating eventually?? You are being prayed for, I know you can feel it, and that helps, too, doesn't it?

    1. Dearest Ingrid,
      Yes, it sure was and Pieter is always with me...!
      Up again because of the pain. Slept good 4 hours so far. Prayers are the best thing, thank you so much!

  21. Dear Mariette...I loved seeing where you stayed again and I am also aware of the emotion you felt in the same room where you and dear Pieter had been before. I have had someone with me who passed away, on returning to their home, matter of fact. That would be my Father. He comes to mind even still and such vivid memories. Pieter is in your heart and mind forever more. And I will always remember him as well. The two of you were so welcome, and always delightful when visiting. Katie and I always and ever remember those visits. XX

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella and Mom Carole,
      Yes, those are emotional moments but it is for the memories that I live on.
      Also so grateful for the two times we managed to visit you! Fond memories forever.

  22. Replies
    1. Dearest RTC,
      Yes, it was good for being back where we both were...

  23. I have never stayed at this hotel. What a beautiful view! I wish when my husband had conf in Atlanta he could stay at hotels. Since we don't live more than 60 miles out, he never gets to stay in town unless we pay for it out of our own pockets. Yes, for sure wedding attire has changed. This generation is so casual.

    1. Dearest Kelleyn,
      Well, you can do the same as what I do, using the Hyatt Visa card for free nights! It is a fabulous location.
      As for this generation being so casual, don't think that is the case, it is more a lack of class. Things like holding hands in pockets as I see on so many photos.

  24. Uma ótima semana, querida Mariette!
    Abraços, amiga!

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Muito obrigado e também o mesmo para você!

  25. Wie schön, dass ihr das noch gemeinsam erleben konntet. Perlpaprika kenne ich auch nicht. Ist er scharf oder mild?

    Alles Liebe weiterhin für Dich!

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja am 9. Dezember waren wir da gemeinsam.
      Perlpaprika ist sehr mild.
      Liebe Grüße,

  26. Thanks for stopping to comment on Dani and her family of origin. Awwwsome!

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      It was lovely to read about it and even more valuable to see her first images.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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