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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, April 12, 2015

{Pussy Willow from Cuttings}

We did have a Weeping Pussy Willow three years ago but we lost it when our creek got flooded. But last year while shopping at Whole Foods Market in Atlanta, we did buy a bouquet of Pussy Willows with the intent to grow them from these cuttings. Even though they're not the Weeping variety that we lost, but it worked and look:
Here it is, a young Pussy Willow Shrub from Cuttings!
Nicely close to the creek in its natural habitat where they thrive best.
Near our first bridge across the creek into our wood garden.
Mid March they did give us so much joy and they look beautiful!
No doubt these tiny shrubs will bigger over time and let me cut again a bouquet for in a vase.
There is even a spider living in the top part of this little shrub!
Spiders seem to prefer them as this one too shows some cob web threads.
Both of us grew up with plenty of Pussy Willows in the area where we grew up so we're quite pleased with these five new shrubs!
Do you have a Pussy Willow in your garden?

Related link:
{Salix Caprea Pendula - Weeping Pussy Willow} | previous post by me


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      So far I've never seen them in our region but I guess they love to grow near the creek.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    You are such a nature lover that even cuttings thrive at your hands. That is one beautiful young plant that has a lot of promises. Thanks for taking such good care f nature. You seem to understand the true beauty of nature.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      We've done that in our youth, growing them from cuttings and it works rather easy so this went really perfect. We treasure them and they will make grate bouquets in the future for winter time.

  3. Dearest Mariette,

    How sweet the little pussy willow tree is and you did well to grow it from a cutting.
    I don't have one growing but when I was a little girl having one at my family home - always loved them and remember also singing the song about the pussy willow tree.
    Have a wonderful weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Yes, we both are quite happy for having this sweet Pussy Willow shrub back into our lives. We grew up in an area where there were plenty.
      Happy weekend to you!

  4. Hello sweet Mariette!
    I love Pussy Willow, it's a delicate shrub that would fit into any garden.
    It's great as foliage in a floral display too.
    I must put one on my list for planting later in the year.
    You did so well growing yours from cuttings Mariette.
    Shane x

    1. Dearest Shane,
      So far we love it and look forward for having an early spring bouquet cut from these shrubs.
      True, the foliage makes also a great filler!
      Sending you hugs and wishing you a lovely weekend.

  5. You managed to get some very pretty pictures of them. A friend gave us grapevine cuttings from his plants in Jordan but I don't think they are going to leaf. He has a very green thumb and I'm afraid our environment is just too harsh. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you, we both loved the closeups of this lovely shrub doing its very best in the first spring. It is hard in your harsh environment to grow anything. We're lucky for having a creek, so the natural habitat for Pussy Willows exists.
      Hugs and blessings,

  6. Ne ho visto una versione più piccola dalle mie parti, non so però se si tratta della stessa pianta. Mi piace il suo colore delicato, quasi argenteo alla luce del sole. Nelle fiorerie fanno delle composizioni stupende insieme ad altri fiori, come le rose. Un abbraccio. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Abbastanza sicuro che fosse della stessa varietà, come ci sono molti diversi, ma io li amo tutti!
      Finora abbiamo goduto la sua bellezza due volte; anno scorso in un vaso come un bouquet e ora la prole.
      Baci e buona fine settimana!

  7. Liebe Marietten,

    das sind wieder besonders schöne Fotos.
    Ich freue mich darüber.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, froh dass ich euch mit rüber zum Bach nehmen konnte um diese Weidenkätzchen zu zeigen.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  8. Hello Mariette, We used to look for pussy willows growing as one of the signs of early spring. You are right that they grow near water, and any sort of water drew us like a magnet, especially with its abundant supplies of tadpoles and so forth.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh, fond childhood memories of Pussy Willows and Tadpoles that we used to collect inside big canning jars. We're very pleased with these five young shrubs!
      Kindest regards and happy Sunday.

  9. 'Wundervoll, liebe Mariette! Die Weidenkätzchen, die obenherum zartrosa sind, mag ich am allerliebsten. :-) Aber auch die blühenden sind sehr schön. Meine Drachenweide blüht auch gerade, der Duft ist so süß, wundervoll!
    Danke auch für Deine lieben Zeilen! Ich bin gespannt auf Deinen Veilchenpost und wie schön, daß ich nun weiß, daß Du Gänseblümchen so gern hast! Schade, daß mir vor einer Weile das Gänseblümchen-im-Eis-Foto nicht gelang. Als ich den Fotoapparat aus dem Haus holte, war der Zauber schon wieder weggeschmolzen. ;-) Das wäre ein tolles Bild geworden, so ganz nah dran, wie ich mir das vorgestellt hatte ....

    Viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Danke, ja Weidekätzchen sind fast immer zuaberhaft.
      Morgen gibt es Veilchen hier und ja Gänseblümchen mag ich so gerne aber leider gibt es sie hier nicht!
      Oh, im Gedanken hat man öfters tolle Bilder aber das Wetter und auch die Zeit sind nicht immer auf unserer Seite...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  10. Ah leuk, katjes! Wij hebben toen we hier kwamen wonen ookwilgen takken geplant, maar dat werd binnen een korte tijd een heel bos wat weer erg moeilijk was te verwijderen....

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, als het klimaat èn de grond optimaal zijn dan kunnen ze best gaan woekeren. We wachten af, hier valt het mogelijk wel mee omdat het in de zomer zo heet wordt.
      Liefs en fijn weekend.

  11. Lieve Mariette,

    Wilgen houden namelijk over het algemeen van een vochtige bodem en groeien zeer snel dus zal het geen jaren duren voordat jij de takken met katjes naar binnen kunt halen.
    Ik vind de bloeiende wilgenkatjes in de natuur mooi om te zien met hun wollige jasjes van stuifmeel.
    In ons kikkerlandje de drachtplant van de maand maart waar voor solitaire en sociale bijen een bron van stuifmeel te halen is.
    Kan me nog goed herinneren dat de takken met grijze katjes in menig huiskamer op tafel stonden,ik vond het als kind al niet mooi en nog steeds niet,voor mij mogen alle voorjaarsbloeiers in vaasje behalve die.
    Die zelfde antipathie heb ik met pauwenveren in vaas.
    Smaken verschillen en dat is maar goed ook.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet,Ger

    1. Lieve Ger,
      We zullen zien hoe hard ze gaan groeien; of niet... Het is gewoon een gok en ik vind de wilgenkatjes die nog níet open zijn zo mooi in een vaas, einde van de winter. Pauwenveren vallen niet te vergelijken met planten en bloemen en het is zónde om zo'n prachtige dieren er voor af te maken.
      Lieve groetjes en fijne zondag.

  12. ♭♫ه° ·.
    Não conheço essa planta mas é linda demais!!!

    Bom fim de semana!

    1. Dearest Inês,
      Probably it does not exist in Brazil as I've never seen it here in Georgia/USA. We just give it a try...
      Happy Sunday to you and hugs,

  13. Hola querida Marietta !!1'
    Que linda fotografía de esa flor !! Que tengas un buen domingo

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Thank you and wishing you also a very happy Sunday.

  14. Oh Mariette, I love those pictures. Those are the first sign of spring for us, so always feel so happy and excited when I spot them. Beautiful:-)

    1. Dearest Eli,
      Exactly with the same feeling I grew up in The Netherlands and they always did bring joy. We brought them inside as a bouquet in a vase and slowly watched them open up.
      Hugs and happy Sunday!

  15. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Don't think you have them in Australia in your area...

  16. Your pussy willow is very pretty! I love watching them because they look like kitty tail :-) (I guess that is why they are named pussy willow!) I especially love the third picture. Looks kind of like they are glowing :-)
    Have a beautiful weekend, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Guess that's true about their name and the third photo makes them look very fluffy and fuzzy; almost shining.
      Enjoy your Sunday and hugs to you.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    The pussy willow whale foods market.It is a delicate both of grew planty of pussy willows grew up pleased in shrubs.
    I just weating of my garden it is need to worked so much things.
    Hugs and perfect time of your now.

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for stopping by, regardless of your work in the garden. We too have lots of work to do; one always pays when having been on vacation!
      But we enjoy day by day and one at a time.
      Hugs and love,

  18. My dear friend Mariette,
    I don't have a Pussy Willow, but yours looks so nice, may it grow healthy and beautiful so you and Pieter can enjoy it every day.

    I wish you a wonderful Spring.

    Love, Laura

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thank you and for sure in your area there are some in the wild, alongside streams or so.
      Hugs and happy Sunday evening + new wonderful spring week ahead.

  19. They are beautiful dearest Mariette and i'm glad they are growing well :) We don't have them in Singapore but loved seeing a different plant through your blog :) Love and hugs.

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Thank you and for sure this one you would not find in the tropics. We hope the very best for it in our warm summer weather.
      Hugs and love to you,

  20. Dear Mariette,such gorgeous pictures of this beautiful plant that i have never seen before!
    Thank you for sharing!Have a lovely week!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Flora will get to see them but I doubt they thrive in Greece!
      Happy 2nd Easter day in Greece.

  21. Lieve Mariette ,
    ik was een paar daagjes in Nederland geweest ,dus ik heb een
    paar van je posten gemist ...ik hoop dat je struikje snel gaat groeien zo
    dat je snel ..de mooie takjes kan knippen voor de vaas ...
    veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Zo, je was weer even op en neer geweest voor Pasen. Ja, je kunt niet alles bijhouden want de tijd is maar beperkt.
      Ben benieuwd hoe ze het gaan doen hier.

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    I can imagine how happy Pieter and you were when you realized your cuttings has rooted and will now remind you of your childhood in the Netherlands! I also like to reproduce many plants from cuttings in my garden, the latest being a passiflora which grows very big this year...I will show it in a next blogpost!
    Many hugs to you!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Sure we both were very pleased with these five new shrubs; one did not start... We have tried to grow passion flower vines here as well, from starters found in the wild, because of their beautiful color and also white ones but no good results.
      It brings so much joy indeed when you manage to grow some your own! Looking forward to your upcoming blogpost.
      Sending you lots of hugs,

  23. Dearest Mariette; Oh, how pretty your Pussy Willow is♡♡♡ And happy for both of you that your effort worked out, Dear friend♪ We call this tree 'neko-yanagi; cat-willow'. For this pretty and cute plant, we have direct translated name. I have fun realizing the equality and differences :-)
    I remember LOVED this tree and sweet flower when young which my neighbor had.

    PS> Yes, my husband is really helpful taking me places and finding birds etc. for me (glasses won't make my bad eyes up for driving level p:) Happy for your husband's appreciation for blogging as well.
    I hope you started a wonderful new week♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Glad that you too remember this from your younger years, so cute and soft is this pussy willow.
      It is really a very happy exchange of culture, customs and the beauty of plants, shrubs, trees and birds between your fascinating world and ours and we both enjoy it. So happy that your husband likes to be involved as well.
      Hugs and love from your far away friend in Georgia/USA.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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