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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

{Benjamin Moore Golden Mist for Our Home}

One of the hardest things to do was picking a color for our home's exterior paint. But we did select it two days before going to Curaçao. Sitting on the balcony, in bright daylight I did go over all of Benjamin Moore's color charts. What a task! Since husband Pieter is color blind, it mainly did rest upon my shoulders to select. We went for Benjamin Moore's Golden Mist! Pieter was quick to purchase one quart in this color just to try it out and see how it would look in reality... 
Yeah this is AFTER we decided on this Benjamin Moore Golden Mist. That got professionally done on May 22, as the first coat of paint, by our two painters.
So what do you think? To the left you can see the house as it was... kind of a Bone color but very much faded...
Benjamin Moore Golden Mist
This is what Pieter did put on early morning on April 18, below our veranda window...
Only one coat!
The house still needed to get pressure washed and prepped for the big paint job.
Photo taken at a bit more distance but with different light...
It is awfully hard to capture those results, as true to real color as possible!
This is under the shade of our holly tree.
So a second spot got done, in the sunshine now, below the bay window of our kitchen to the side.
Looks better already.
We went for it since the windows and all the ginger bread trimmings would stand out far better in white, when using this 'Golden Mist'...
What do you say?
Let's try one more sampling though. Tiggy-Tiger our mini-cat loves to take naps inside this cat-house in the front porch. Pieter used some scraps from the Interlock® Aluminum Slate Roof material in Aged Copper. So we could see how that would blend in with the Benjamin Moore Golden Mist. 
We liked it; that was a good marriage... Don't you think so too?
Now we could happily leave two days later for our vacation to Curaçao where we stayed together with daughter Liz and her husband from April 20-30 and back on May 1st in the wee hours of the morning. 
Funny how much our home now does resemble the warm and sunny colors of the Caribbean.
Like this 1708 Penha building in Willemstad, Curaçao...
Even Pieter is wearing his sunny yellow t-shirt; My Home is My Garden with a photo from himself in the front and in the back - gift from our German 'son' and his family after they did visit us in 2008, following their Florida vacation.
Benjamin Chrome Green we selected for the shutters and front door...
Now back to the chaos on May 22nd. 
Pieter had stripped the wooden balusters off the balcony since two sides had a lot of rotted wood.
He also used a craw bar to remove the tiles. That had to be completely redone.
To the left you already can see the new Interlock® Aluminum Slate Roof in Aged Copper being added on. So far for Going Green.
Do you like it?
The house is neatly pressure washed and the gutters cleaned out; all the sand from the old shingles that had clogged them up, got removed.
Quite a difference already. 
Oh, Pieter also gave this huge Live Oak a major 'hair cut'. Lots of big branches cut off and the view is so much better now. Also the big tree in front of the house got a major hair cut. 
Now you also understand WHY we removed last year our Confederate Jasmine that grew around the French sliding doors on our balcony... All in preparation for this major renovation.

Related links:
{Bye-Bye Confederate Jasmine...} | previous post by me 
{Our Home on March 24 of 2013} | previous post by me showing the BEFORE look


  1. i do not think it looks at all like the paint sample, but it is a healthy golden color and does look like the caribbean bulding. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, to capture the true color is so hard! That's exactly the reason I had to get into daylight on the balcony for selecting our colors. Light or more so the lack of light can be so deceiving at times. That card with sample color I did scan but it is not representing the true color the way it came out.
      We love the golden mist and so far all our guests have liked it.

  2. I love the colour, Mariette. I also love your photos here...and that cat house is adorable!

    1. Dearest Linda,
      Thank you, both of us love the colors too as it makes the house look very fresh with all the white trim and ginger work. Tiggy Tiger loved her cat house; unusual for a feline but never mind.

  3. Dear Mariette,

    How wonderful is the new look to your lovely home and gives it a fresh, bright look and will make the white gingerbread trim stand out more.
    Also I love your new tiles for the deck and the copper slate tiles - it is all going to look fabulous.
    Happy new week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Guess one month from now it will be all done. The color we love and all the comments we got from dinner guests have been positive. The aluminum slate roof in aged copper is also an amazing improvement. JIT = Just In Time for our wet monsoon. So glad we got it all done before it hit.
      Hugs and happy week to you as well.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    bei dir finde ich immer wieder liebe Menschen, die gut kommentieren.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Das stimmt ja; es lesen sehr liebe Menschen hier!
      Auch sonnige Grüsse,

  5. Wow! The updates are huge and look fantastic. The new color of the house certainly does reflect the colors as seen as your trip. I love homes with color and character. So cute to give the little cat house a makeover, too. Have a wonderful week. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thanks for your complimentative comment. It certainly did add to the character of our home. Tiggy-Tiger liked her home.
      Happy week to you as well.

  6. I like it, Mariette! It's perfect for a house surrounded by trees and nature, I think you have made the right choice. Beautiful!


    1. Dearest Marina,
      Indeed, stepping back and looking at the trees that surround our home we came to this decision. Like our Golden Live Oak, the Quercus Virginiana 'Grandview Gold' is looking even more striking against this Golden Mist color.
      Hugs to you,

  7. Good Morning Mariette, If I lived nearby and turned a corner and your house came into view, you would find a huge smile on my face as the colour is beautiful. It reminds me of sunshine and warmth.
    Mariette, you are creating a very beautiful home for Pieter and yourself.
    Have a lovely day.
    Best Wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      You are right about this Golden Mist reminding us of sunshine and warmth. Sunny countries do know how to bring that out with their typical architecture. Since we live in a warm and sunny area, it works for us as well.

  8. Wat een mooie kleur! I vind het een stuk mooier dan wit, wel gedurfd om te doen denk ik. Ik heb mijn muren in de woonkamer een paar jaar geleden in terra geverfd, is altijd een beetje eng om het te doen, maar ik ben er nog steeds tevreden over. Het is een complete metamorfose wat jullie met het huis aan het doen zijn. Het kattehuisje is helemaal bijpassend gemaakt, ha,ha.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Het is inderdaad altijd gedurfd om zoiets aan te gaan maar het is inderdaad een heel stuk mooier geworden. We hebben er geen spijt van en genieten er elke dag van. Het geheel straks zal best mooi zijn als ook het balkon klaar is. Ja, de poezen zijn medebewoners dus die doen ook mee.

  9. Good morning Mariette,

    Beautiful golden color match with white windows.It turned amazing. It looks warm color.
    well done make over.
    do you will paint all the exterior wall with that color? it seems great!

    wishing you a great week

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Indeed this Golden Mist makes the windows stand out more and also the ginger bread from our 'serambi muka' (front porch). It gives the home a more tropical look. The entire exterior has already been done; got finished on June 3.

  10. Dear Mariette, lots of work going on at your place. I love the sunny and warm yellow you've chosen for your house.
    Renovation is a lot of hard work, but the satisfaction after is great. Enjoy your old-new house!

    1. Dearest Zosia,
      You are right, renovation takes a lot of hard work. But so far the roof and the exterior has made us very happy about the results. When the house turns 23 in November it indeed will look 'NEW'.

  11. Dear Marriette,
    i like the color you painted your house!
    You realy have a lovely house!!So warm and friendly!!
    Have a wonderful week!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you for your compliments. Well after living in the Mediterranean we loved the warmth that color adds to a home, also in the Caribbean the very same. So why not take it 'home'?
      Enjoy your new week!

  12. I used this color in our roof terrace, it's warm and bright and I think it will change all the exterior look of your wonderful house. It's a good choice and I'm sure you will be satisfied of the result.
    Mariette, I have to thank you once again for your sweet words and kind thoughts you keep for me. You are so exceptional !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you for your praising words. It is easy for leaving a warm person, that also turns out to be an excellent writer, a dito comment. It is so uplifting for visiting your blog and reading about your life style and values. TRUE FAMILY VALUES that is.

  13. Your home will look so different. It is a very warm colour, just like the owners of the house. Lovely.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Thank you for your loving words! It is quite a metamorphosis indeed. You will get to see this step by step.
      Hugs to you,

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    I like the colour you choosed for your home!
    Have a happy week,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you, so far we both love it too.
      Enjoy your sunny and warm week.

  15. Prachtig!!! Goede keuze heb je gemaakt, ik dacht eerst van...mmmm verven ze dat mooie witte huis geel...
    Maar het is heel mooi, zeker als je de kozijnen en de balustrades wit laat..

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, de keuze is niet gemakkelijk maar de resultaten waren nog mooier dan de verwachtingen. Dus zijn we er zeer tevreden mee.
      Lieve groetjes,

  16. It is a nice change ! I love this color ,is warm and bright and it will fresh your wonderful house !!Also ,I love the green one ,it is a lovely combination !
    Have a nice week !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you, this will make it look more sunny and tropical...
      Happy week to you.

  17. Belas cores...Espectacular....

  18. I think that looks fabulous! gives it a warm and inviting vibe!

    1. Dearest Caren,
      Thank you, it sure does give a warm look.

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist eine warme, Wohlfühlfarbe. Ich denke, ihr habt gut gewählt-
    Und es passt gut in die Umgebung-
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke für deine liebe Antwort. Ja wir haben nicht falsch gewählt!
      Lieber Gruss und hoffentlich kannst du die Wärme überleben...

  20. Hoi Mariette,

    Dank je wel voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog. Je koos een prachtige kleur voor jullie huis. Leuk dat het huisje van de kat dezelfde kleur heeft gekregen :-)!

    Ik wens jullie een fijne week toe. Hopelijk is het bij jullie in Georgia nog te doen wat temperatuur betreft. Hier in Nederland wordt het ook heerlijk weer!

    Fijne dag,

    Madelief x

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Dank je voor jou berichtje hier. De temperatuur gaat nog wel hier; je kunt het opzij in de sidebar altijd zien op ons weerbericht. Jullie hebben een heuse zomerse week zag ik; geniet er van.

  21. it's a very nice color, and definitely makes a big statement in a positive way.I really like it

    1. Thanks dear Daniela! You will get to see more of it.

  22. I do love the colors you have chosen, Mariette! They are so lovely together! They really do mimic the colors of the Caribbean, but also very true to the colors used in the southern United States. They give your home a true cottage charm. I hope you share more photos of your lovely renovation with us. Hugs xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you and you bet I will share more of them! The front part is the best I think...

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, 'Golden Mist' what a lovely name for the color and I think it was a perfect choice♡♡♡
    Reminds me of our hard time choosing the color of the sidings of the wall of our house.
    I really am happy for your wonderful vacation and the time staying your daughter's house, my dear friend. Kind of made me warm smile and I DO agree that the color matches with your husband's T-shirt and I love the bright sunny colors of the Caribbean as well.

    So sorry that I missed many of your previous posts, I'm busy catching up the chores today. And worrying how many friends I can visit from now p;)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thanks for your efforts in making your rounds and for leaving me a kind and meaningful comment. It is amazing the way you manage to do this in a foreign language! Hope all is well with your Father.
      Hugs to you,

  24. I do like the colour it looks much better on the house then it does the sample but I often find that happens

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      A sample is very hard to judge on paper. On my blog I only scanned that piece of paper and again it is off...
      That's the reason Pieter bought a quart of real paint to try it out; it's the only way you can judge for real.

  25. Dearest Mariette,
    Your home are just nice colur of lovely combination with you and Pieter has T-shirt colops.
    He has wooden belusters two sides of rotted wood also a crew bar to remove the titles was completely redone.After this majov reauvation.

    Tomorrow Iam going to the dentist. I hope it will be the LAST DAY!
    Best to you and lots of love.

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thanks for your visit and indeed, let's hope this will be the last time you need to see your dentist. Wish that people driving like crazy, or maybe under the influence, would realize what a long time suffering they cause for others... Heeding the correct speed and driving with caution is all it takes for avoiding this. You have been very brave so far and I admire you for that. Keep focusing on the future, when all has healed and adjusted.

  26. Precioso color, aqui en España se llama albero, es el color de la arena que se utiliza en las plazas de toros
    Muchos besos!

    1. Querida Véronica,
      Gracias por su visita. Sí, el color es bastante caliente para el sur y lo hace un poco de español o italiano.

  27. I like that color lots. It's hard to make a commitment isn't it? It always feels so good to finish renovations on a home.
    Hope you are having a wonderful July Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      So far we've enjoyed our July; rain and all... We're so grateful that the painting got done before so we can enjoy it now.

    2. Das Haus wird bestimmt schön aussehen, wenn alles fertig ist! Schon die Namen für die Farben sind ein Gedicht!
      Interessant finde ich, daß man in Amerika häufig Holzhäuser baut. Ich habe noch nie in einem solchen gewohnt, obwohl wir schon in vielen Häusern lebten. Und wie man es schafft, es gut gegen Kälte und Hitze zu dämmen.

      Liebste Grüße

    3. Liebe Sarah,
      Ja die Namen sind sehr poetisch gewahlt worden!
      Unser Haus ist kein Holz und es gibt hier auch nicht viele Holzhäuser.

      Diese Anschlussgleisen sind aus Faser-Zement. Ich gebe dich hier einige Erläuterungen:
      Faser-Zement Abstellgleis bietet das ästhetisch ansprechende Aussehen des Holzes ohne die Wartung und hohe Preise.
      Es ist haltbarer als Holz, Termite-resistent, wasserabweisend und nicht brennbar, mit einer Lebensdauer von 50 Jahren.
      Acrylfarbe auf Wasserbasis haftet auf Faser-Zement besser als auf Holz und kann bis zu 15 Jahren halten. Es kann auch gebeitzt werden.
      So wird diese Farbe wahrscheinlich für den Rest unseres Lebens ausreichen!
      Sie haben zur zweit drei Wochen dran gearbeitet mit erstens auf Druck gewaschen, dann alles mit Kit versiegelt und zwei Schichten von Top-Qualität Benjamin Moore drüber gemalt. So schön haben wir noch nie etwas angemalt bekommen. Unser Haus ist von unten Stuck auf Betonsteine und oben Abstellgleis. Das Holz unter die Kappe und drinnen ist Zedernholz, auch das was unter dem Dach als Dekoration verwendet wurde.
      Ich hoffe das hat etwas aufgeklärt! Die Wänder sind alle gut isoliert worden und auch unterem Dach. Da habe ich noch einen Posten drüber geschrieben. Dass kannst du hier lesen: http://networkedblogs.com/MHpfg
      Lieber Gruss,

  28. Cara Mariette io adoro il bianco,ma anche il colore che avete scelto è molto bello e caldo!!
    Un grande lavoro,ma così vi potete rendere conto se vi piace veramente!!;D
    Ottimo lavoro!!
    Un bacione cara amica a presto!!

    1. Cara Sabry,
      Hai raggione è molto caldo e noi piaceremolo molto. Grazie per dare i complimenti a noi!
      Un grande bacione,

  29. cara Mariette è bellissimo questo color oro, ci sta d'incanto. Che bellissima casa immersa nella natura <3 un bacione

    1. Cara Elly,
      Anche a ti grazie mille per i complimenti. Sì sembra molto bello nella natura con la nostra quercia dorata...
      Un grande bacione,

  30. Lieve Mariette,

    Prachtige kleuren,weer eens heel wat anders de de vorige.

    Weet je dat hier in de Brabantse Kempen van vroeger uit de raamkozijnen,vensters en deuren van oude boerderijen de kleuren geel,groen en wit hadden,nu zie je het nog een enkele keer wanneer historische boerderijen opgeknapt worden door mensen met respect voor de oude gebruiken uit vroeger tijden.

    Wat zal de gele kleur van het huis mooi afsteken tegen het geel van de Golden Oak Tree en de vele gele Narcissen in het voorjaar!!!!

    Lieve groet!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Je schrijft het mooi; mensen met respect voor de oude gebruiken uit vroeger tijden. Wij kozen destijds ook bewust voor deze bouwstijl omdat het zo thuis hoort hier in het zuid-oosten. De staat van 'Gejaagd door de Wind' met z'n prachtige antebellum huizen. Iedere streek heeft zo wel iets unieks wat mooi overeenkomt met de omgeving en de natuur.
      Ja, die Golden Oak speelde een belangrijke rol in de keuze van deze kleur.
      Lieve groetjes,

  31. Ciao cara, ma che bella la tua casa...da noi non se ne vedono di fatte così purtroppo e men che meno la mia.
    Bellissimo anche il colore che avete scelto, da un senso di calore ed allegria!
    Un bacione a te ed uno a Pieter♥

    1. Cara Anna,
      Grazie per le tue parole. Sì da un senso di calore ed allegria per tutto il anno. Come state...? Ti manca la cara Gaia per certo, ma ha avuto un tempo molto felice con voi!
      Un bacio grande per tutte due.

  32. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist eine gute Farbwahl. Ich hatte mich damals auch für Gelb entschieden, allerdings heller. Aber das Haus sieht jetzt aus wie in Sonnenschein getaucht. Das kann man immer gut gebrauchen. Es sieht prächtig aus.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Ja danke, wir haben auch kein einziger Bedenken; es war richtig gewahlt so. Besonders mit das Aluminium Dach sieht es perfekt aus und auch die italienische Fliessen. Davon werden wir noch Jahrenlang geniessen können.
      Lieber sonniger Gruss,

  33. Hej Mariëtte, het is alsof je een geheel ander huis hebt. Best wel spannend lijkt me dat. Het is een geslaagde metamorfose. Als ik in Zweden ben geniet ik volop van die kleurige geschilderde huizen en ze zijn er niet alleen in het rood. Zelfs geel, zuurstok roze, lila, noem maar op. Lieve groet,

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, leuk hè en het waren héél spannende weken totdat alles erop zat en het mooi bij elkaar paste. In Zweden en zelfs ook in Denemarken geeft die fleurige kleur ook zoiets zonnigs in die mooie natuur!
      Lieve groet,

  34. I love golden yellow hues and your house is gonna look gorgeous! I love that Caribean color and it'll be perfect for your 'Casa Bella!' Color for the outside of a home it's not an easy commitment, but you and Peiter have great taste, I'm sure you'll pick the perfect color paint! Thank you so much my sweet Dutch friend for all the wonderful comments you sent me...uyou are so generous with me, Darling! Hope you are aving a terrific Summer.
    Big hugs,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thank you for your loving words about our color for the exterior of our home. Oh, you are such a dear lady and visiting your blog is like stepping into a classy museum. So much to see and so much to learn each time. You are an excellent cook and hostess in your elegant dwelling. Yes, summer is becoming more and more enjoyable. Today NO rain so far!

  35. It is really hard to see the true color in different lights. I think you picked very nice one. It does resemble the color of building in Curaçao. How interesting! You have a great sense of choosing sunny and warm color :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It is funny for bringing your favorite places kind of close to your heart. We both are very satisfied with this color choice. Sure that was a daring thing to do but we don't regret it a bit.

  36. I love it, Mariette - it's beautiful - like a sunrise. <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      That's the writer at her best; love your phrase - like a sunrise!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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