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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

{Crochet Edging on Antique French Knotted Filet Lace}

Yesterday I did write about my new SUPER POWER READERS for Fine Needlework. Here I show you how I painstakingly finished off the Crochet Edging on an antique French Knotted Filet Lace embroidery with cherubs. Only using my +2.00 reading glasses. This was in the end of February while on vacation in Curaçao.
Using the DMC Cordonnet Spécial with a VERY fine crochet hook.
How would I have loved to use my SUPER POWER READERS here!
DMC Cordonnet Spécial in a size 80. It is a mercerized 6-cord cotton and one of the very finest.
Used for tatting and lace crochet around linen batiste handkerchiefs.
The crochet hook is only 0.75 mm. You do pinch yourself with it, as it is that sharp and fine.
 The reason that I did add a crochet edging on this antique French knotted (by hand, like knotted fishing nets!) filet lace is to have it framed between acrylic sheets.
Sheltering it from getting soiled and thus preserving a nice heirloom.
From Milan, Italy came my transparent acrylic bolts & nuts.
You will see the finished project in another post!
Yeah, for doing the linen stitch on such knotted net, I definitely would have needed my SUPER POWER READERS. One can only admire the woman's hands that created this in the previous age(s)...
Such fine work in the linen stitch!
Below this post is a link to a blogger friend who owns a tablecloth with cherubs, done on machine made net. Have a look at it!
Closeup of the knotted net and the embroidered linen stitch + my minor accomplishment of the crochet edging all around...
Laundered and pressed it is now ready to be framed. 
You will see that in another post!
Does any of you have some antique filet lace pieces?

Related links:
{TIP for Fine Needlework SUPER POWER READERS} | previous post by me
Filet Lace also known as Embroidery on Knotted Net, Lacis, Filet Brodé and Point Compté) is a needle lace created by darning on a ground of knotted net or netting. Shown on this link is the linen stitch on knotted net.
Filet Lace is... some history and info
Mezza Mandolina and Embroidered Netting very clear example of hand knotted netting in excellent photo
Netting shuttles see the needle and shuttles used for knotting


  1. Wow... wish times go back twenty years more, I love making things like that, not much time and mind now, too much going on in life, supposed have more time when we're old? We've a round one like yours back at father in-law's. A gift from holland to my father in-law. They make by hand? Wow... I will have a good look next time... good day Mariette!

  2. Dear Mariette,

    Firstly thank you for sharing about the super power readers, for close work, these will be so handy. Love the pretty cherubs on the net, how very fine and beautiful.
    Also have never seen the transparent nuts and bolts, such a lovely idea.

    Enjoy the new week

  3. Dear Mariette,

    What a beautiful little treasure, so intricate and fine! You have finished it off so nicely. A lovely labor of love. I will love to see it all framed with those interesting little fasteners. Happy first days of Autumn, Mariette. xx

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    You are about the woman's hands that created of more yeah for doing you definitely would your super power reading glasses.
    Your hands is beautiful Mariette!
    Hugs and love to you always.

  5. Hallo Mariette
    Wat heb je daar een mooi werkje zeg.
    Zo fijntjes afgewerkt, engeltjes zijn toch altijd zo mooi hé.
    Lieve groetjes Carine

  6. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe


  7. Lieve Mariette,

    Ik kan mij heel goed voorstellen dat je bij dat fijne handwerk een goede bril nodig hebt.
    Maar het is wel heel mooi geworden. Het doet mij aan mijn oma denken, die hakelde ook met zo'n fijn garen.

    Groetjes Sandy

  8. Cara Mariette è bellissimo,adoro gli angeli!!
    Sei bravissima!!
    Ti auguro una serena giornata!!
    Un bacio!!

  9. Very beautiful the plan with angels ... I admire you for your knitting.
    It's great to know this art!

    1. Sorry Olympia, this is not knitting. The antique work is called filet lace, a needlework done in the old linen stitch. I did crochet the edging all around to finish it off more completely.
      You for sure will find this kind of antique needlework in Greece as well.
      Hugs to you,

  10. Ja, lieve Mariette, het is en blijft een lust voor het oog.....dit fijne haakwerk.

    Heb verschillende kleedjes van groot tot klein met randen die afgewerkt zijn met filet haakwerk,of ze antiek zijn weet ik niet,maar wel heel oud,want ik weet namelijk wie ze gemaakt heeft lang geleden.

    Ook mijn lieve en handige schoonmoeder heeft in haar goede jaren veel gehaakt,heb van haar een tafelkleed met rozenpatroon,zó fijntjes en teer.
    Ook heb ik doosjes met bolletjes DMC van een super dunne draad als naaigaren die ze tijdens vakantie's kocht in Spanje en portugal(wel ruim 40 jaar geleden)ik redde ze uit de kasten toen huisje in het bos van schoonpapa leeg geruimd moest worden,alleen de blauwe doosjes zijn al een lust voor het oog.
    Wat ik heel jammer vind is dat ik een top tafelkleedje heb met brede gehaakte rand met filetwerk,kocht het zo'n 40 jaar geleden bij antiquair,ik gebruikten het jaren lang voor speciale gelegenheden,maar durf het nu niet meer te wassen omdat het slijtsporen begint te vertonen en ik absoluut niet kan haken dus ook niet restaureren.

    Dus ik vind het heel verstandig van jou dat je heel erg zuinig met het prachtige engeltjes haakwerk omgaat.


  11. That is a beautiful piece Mariette! You finished it off beautifully. How do you tell the difference between a hand done piece versus a machine done piece?

    I'm taking good care of my beautiful tablecloth, it's still packed up but I don't put it out on the dining table anymore...too scared of it getting stained!

    1. Dearest Victoria,

      It is rather easy to tell the difference between hand knotted netting and machine made. The word 'knotted' is the difference. On all corners you will actually find this fine knot as this is how they make it by using a special shuttle. Below my post you find several links with more in detail info. Looking at your tablecloth you will see perfect squares and no knots. Still it is all handwork and vintage but there is a difference.
      Did you know that you can obtain special dining table width plastic for covering you precious tablecloth? I would highly recommend investing in one. I use that with our silk brocade tablecloth that Pieter bought for us in China.
      Hugs to you,

  12. un lavoro meraviglioso!!!!!!!! gli angeli sono sempre belli e armoniosi!!!!!! sei bravissima, ti abbraccio Lory

  13. GORGEOUS!!! and yes the hands that delicately created the original piece ..wow truly a treasure. You my dear friend are amazing, having seen my grandmother and mother crochet I know the hours, care and love that go into creating these works of art.

    The care you have added to ensure the piece is preserved for years,will certainly be enjoyed by many for years to come. Hugs to you both..xo C. (HHL)

  14. Your needle work is lovely. I love how fine and delicate it is. I can't wait to see it all done. I would need my strong readers too.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  15. Liebe Mariette ,das ist ein sehr schönes Deckchen .Ich bin gespannt wie es im Bilderrahmen aussieht .Ich liebe Filethäkeln ,nur ist mein Garn doch etwas dicker .Ich benutze 1,25er Nadeln .LG Ina

  16. Dearest Mariette
    You do quite right to frame such a beautiful job. It should certainly not be hidden somewhere.
    My grandmother used such thin crochets. They really are like needles if you stick your your fingers.
    Hugs to you

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    du bist wirklich eine Spezialistin für Handarbeiten. Ich weiß, welche Arbeit das war. Heute kann ich so fein nicht mehr häkeln. Es ist eine fantastische Idee, das antike Stück zu rahmen. ich bin neugierig, wie es aussehen wird.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  18. Mariette!! ma sei fenomenale! riesci ancora a lavorare con il DMC 80? non ci posso credere.... a me servirebbe un cannocchiale oggi!! God bless you! lavoro magnifico.

  19. How wonderful work! I would never be able to work with such a thin thread and a small hook. Really fascinating!

  20. Oh how beautifully done. What a fine piece of workmanship. You have done such exquisite work here.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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