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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
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Showing posts sorted by date for query roses. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Pieter's FINAL Atlanta Holland Club Food Event in Atlanta

The Atlanta Holland Club had organized De Hollandse Hap or The Dutch Bite for December 9, 2023
Even though we were no longer formal members due to Pieter's age and my accident, we decided to go this time.
Did figure out that The Residence of The Kingdom of The Netherlands in Atlanta was only minutes away from the Grand Hyatt Buckhead Atlanta, so I booked us a room and off we went.
My foldable wheelchair in the trunk, with the luggage.
The Residence with its royal emblem is where the Consul General with his wife and family reside.
From the parking area below, we had to push the wheelchair up the hill to the residence.
There were more additional steps, as seen in first image.
The Consul General and his son and daughter graciously helped us with the wheelchair!
My Pieter to the left, wearing his Burberry sweater. Ellen Claessen from my home town Horst, Limburg in The Netherlands and me in my Escada roses sweater.
Pieter with a bitterbal and the Dutch Consul General.
There is a funny shade of Pieter's face, looking like a double face...
Bitterbal is a typical old Dutch snack being served with their bitters (alcohol), hence its name.
It is made with a creamy meat filling, beef, veal or chicken and  formed into round croquettes and then fried and served piping hot!
 Mustard on the side...
Hollandse Nieuwe or New Catch Holland Herring 
New Catch Holland Herring served with raw onions
The food is being put out and we eat off china plates with the Dutch royal emblem.
Red cabbage with apples and raisins is a typical Dutch dish.
There also was hash, sauerkraut and pea soup.
Ending with a home baked Limburg pie—kersen kruimeltjes vlaai or cherry crumbs pie.
Pieter at bottom left and me center bottom.
Indeed it was a most pleasant happening where Pieter knew so many for decades and being able to converse in Dutch!
Next to Pieter on the right top, in the greenish polo shirt is the Chairman of the Atlanta Holland Club, Cor Tadema and his wife Ineke is seen at the bottom left.
Both of them drove down to Dublin, Georgia all the way from Marietta to attend Pieter's memorial service and that meant a lot to me!
History now...
Our stay in room 2003 on December 9, 2023

Related link:

Thursday, March 14, 2024

My Estonian Socks with ROSES

 Already for two years I had this pair of hand knitted Estonian woolen socks with ROSES
But they did not fit in ANY of my shoes...
Got me some bone colored Crocs in a size 9 and that works perfect!
Knew Mieke, from the blog Gebreide Sjaals in The Netherlands.
Did have her knit a beautiful lace knitted scarf in black, for our adopted daughter Liz in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Never got any photo of it however...
Dikke wollen kniekousen winter 21/2022 ←click link and at the very top you also find knitted scarfs.
All hand knitted in Estonia and they truly are gorgeous!
Pieter took this detail from my leg...
One can only admire such incredible work!
Wearing my Escada skirt (pleated in the back) with my roses socks and cashmere sweater.
Bare legs as I was having my medical pedicure at Georgia Podology Services in Lithonia, GA near Atlanta.
Next day, wearing my Wolford pantyhose under my knee socks with roses. 
This was at the Hyatt House Atlanta/Cobb Galleria.
Inside our room...

Do you like ROSES and warm woolen socks?

Monday, April 24, 2023

Team Vedder and Our North Dakota Adventure

Yep, Team Vedder as—VEDDERS CONSULTANTS—got all kind of requests.
Our # 10 Consulting trip brought us to North Dakota where we were going to work for a mushroom farm facing bankruptcy.
On Saturday, January 9, we both left by 1:30 PM for the Atlanta Airport (a good 2 hour drive). 
Our flight went via Minneapolis/St. Paul to Grand Forks in North Dakota where we arrived by 8:50 PM.
On one of the Campbell Soup Seminars that Pieter did in October 1992—the owner had begged Pieter to come to his small mushroom farm in North Dakota—he was desperate!
They made their own compost, had 1 tunnel and 5 growing rooms of 400 m² built by the Dutch company Huub Aerts.
More than likely the son of a Pennsylvanian mushroom grower that liked to leave his Dad's old farm—sorry for his Dad—will come to manage the farm.
Don Dusek came to pick us up and together with him, another hour driving the 60 mi (96.5 km) to our Motel in Park River, North Dakota.
We both slept well and on Sunday, January 10, Don Dusek came to our motel and had breakfast with us. We went to Church with him in Pisek, together with his son and daughter—all Catholic Czechs. 
Next we had lunch and went to the mushroom farm till 3:30 PM.
There was a lot of snow and it was –25°F or about –32°C with a daytime temperature of –5°F or –20.5°C. 
By 5:00 PM we went together for supper to Ron (3rd generation Norwegian) & Renae, together with Steve.  
We got an old car from Don and we both returned to our motel.
Monday, January 11, the day started with an empty battery! Someone from the farm came over. 
After our breakfast at the Guest House we head to the farm to work.
Very busy day with the 9 harvesters. 
Pieter does some training  in the afternoon after first going over the farm.
We had supper at the guest house.
Tuesday, picked with the harvesters and visited them individually training and correcting—they opened up and start to follow my training and it goes well!
For lunch we got stuck in the snow with that old car—due to having gotten off road!
No telling where the road ends—with such a layer of snow... We don't live there.
After work we have supper at the restaurant of our motel: Don, Ron & Renae, Steve and both of us.
Wednesday January 13, Steve departed this morning, back to Pennsylvania. 
Both of us continue with our training. Very busy and working over time in room 4...
We both have supper at the motel at Alice's.
Thursday, January 14. Don's old car broke down and he came to pick us up in his pickup. 
Don was quite a figure! He actually has a gravel business! 
He went on to tell us a nice story. They were at the gravel extraction site, stone breaking when suddenly bones and skulls appeared...
They stopped and called the police as they first thought about a possible murder case.
As a result they halted the entire enterprise for days and eventually the investigation led to ancient Indians—no murder case and it all had cost him some US $ 40,000. 
So he gave his people the instruction: Whatever you see, keep grinding!
Another routine work day and we picked off room 4 entirely and cleaned the beds by removing any stumps and debris. Good feeling!
Friday, January 15, we packed and had our breakfast with Don and he drove us around for seeing a potato grading company, to which Ron was connected. That was quite impressive!
In water through concrete canals under the road they transported them into large sheds where they got sorted and bagged—heavy work! 
Too bad we had forgotten to bring our camera for this trip...
It was so huge that for every American they had 2 kilos or 4.4 pounds in stock—so impressive!
By 10:30 we did a slide presentation for the harvesters.
Farewell to a satisfied group.
My ONLY paycheck were red roses with ferns and baby's breath + card!
You went all out...
The results were outstanding!
Training by Pieter for the men till past 7:00 PM.
Then we had dinner with them, including Sherry their daughter.
Saturday, January 16, we briefly went to the farm and Duane is now also caught up.
At 11:00 AM take off from Grand Forks and via Minneapolis/St. Paul to Atlanta.
Home by 7:00 PM and reading our mail with the fireplace on.
Just received one more letter from Ron Monson, dated January 23, 1995...
That was our North Dakota adventure!
It was quite a surprise that on Facebook one of our mushroom friends reacted to this photo from April 23, 1983 when Campbell Soup flew both of us from Camden, New Jersey to Dublin, Georgia in their corporate Learjet—40 years ago!

Still grateful for being able to read such feedback about our training after 40 years.

Related link:

Monday, January 16, 2023

Kitties we LOVE and GRIEF for...

 A dear Blogger Friend lost her precious Derry boy.
LOVE this photo of sweet Derry!
Kitties and or Puppies can really look inside our soul...
Their faces can convey so much and they truly are such loyal companions.
May Derry R.I.P. and may his Mom find the strength for moving on without this cuddle bear near her...
November 22, 2022 our Spunky girl claimed my European pillow, the one below the regular sized one.
Hah, my water bottles on the night table to the right...
This made in Germany flannel set with yellow roses, I'd enlarged its duvet cover so it would now fit the 'larger' Caribbean light down comforter.
It was quite a task for taking it apart on one side with the seam ripper but it was so worth it!
Our kitties LOVE it as much as we do... 😼
Spooky nestled close to his Papi while reading on his Samsung tablet...
Speckie only claims her tiny spot next to her Papi's pillow... arms crossed.
Spooky next to me on the love seat. He sure LOVES his blanket and with one eye he follows what I'm typing here on my MacBook—for you to read...
Yes, our kitties are all seniors and they show more and more gray hair in their fur.
Speckie is 13 since November 10 and her four siblings by adoption are turning 16 on March 30.
Spooky's paw—looking like a blackberry...
But YES they forever leave a footprint on our hearts—and they are so loved!
On January 8, 2023 this neighborhood kitty (male) is on our patio in one of the pot plants and staring at our kitties in the windowsill of the bay window area...
Ours stay inside when it's cold and those 'friend–kitties' come to our home looking for some affection... SAD!
That's why it is a tremendous solace when we lose one of our beloved kitties—knowing they lived a sheltered life with good medical care, good food and lots of LOVE and cuddles!
There are so many others that never get such human love... This kitty also limps and that for over half a year. 
Those eyes speak volumes!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Those who feel Happy with the HAPPINESS of OTHERS

 Just a short post with a great quote as moral compass...
Our Gardenia inside a creamware cachepot from Wedgwood Cream Color on Cream Color
Those who feel happy with the happiness of others, possess a wealth without borders.
Prof. Dr. Frans Daels
Flemish physician and politician 1882–1974

Related links:
{Gardenia Dream} | previous post by me with more photos, also from the crocheted lace table topper
{GARDENIA PASSION} | previous post by me showing also the cachepot in detail
{Our Gardenias} | previous post by me
{My Towels with Knitted Lace} | previous post by me
{The Boston Tea Company} | previous post by me

Thursday, December 15, 2022

German Marzipan Stollen over 500 years of Christmas Tradition

For years while living in the US we have been enjoying the authentic German Marzipan Stollen, an over 500 year old Christmas tradition. We bought our Oebel Marzipan Stollen this year at World Market in Atlanta. My surprise was big for also finding German Marzipan Stollen at our new, local T.J. MAXX store. We did buy them there often, while on the road as consultants in Connecticut. But it sure makes us feel more at HOME with local supply now. Do you know this delicious German Tradition also? If not, you ought to buy one now, even 'after Christmas sales' can give you this great experience.
Enjoy this Marzipan Stollen with tea or coffee and I guarantee, you will be hooked!
So plan to add this to your Christmas to do list.
It sure brings one in the mood—together with candles and bobèches in silver candleholders...
Not much else needed but some Christmas music!
Served on a Rosenthal Sanssouci Roses Ivory plate.
The silver crocheted doily has been hand made by a former Turkish neighbor in The Netherlands.
Incredible work, I would not be able to copy that!
The silver tray was handmade for us in Kotagede, near Yogyakarta in Indonesia.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Rag & Bone Mari Leather Strappy Sandal for a STEAL

 Well, when I saw this Rag & Bone Mari Leather Strappy Sandal at Neiman Marcus—my eyes popped when I looked at its price of $ 450.00
So, I saved them on my Pinterest board...
As I often do on a rainy day—search on the Internet for finding said Rag & Bone darling sandals...
YEP—found them and guess what?
Got them for ONLY 10% of original price for US $ 45.00!
They are so comfortable!
Adjustable straps.
Great support around ankles and a perfect block heel that I prefer.
Very easy on/off—due to the zipper in the back!
How cleverly designed.
My like new sandals came with the Rag & Bone card...
Rag & Bone
New York
These shoes are made by hand using the finest European materials. Due to the unique nature of the leather, some color and texture variations may occur. This is a natural characteristic of the skin which lends to its inherent beauty.
Quality Guaranteed.
Wearing them with my cotton/silk Marc Cain skirt and Escada twinset with bead embroidered roses on sleeves and top.
LOVE these and Pieter keeps reminding me—how well they support my ankles (which are very thin...).

Related link:
Visiting Niece Caro Because She Visited Us in Georgia... | previous post by me as I did wear them 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Spicy Coconut Split Pea Soup

 When the evenings are getting cooler, it is wholesome to have a spicy, hot soup.
This time I share with you a Spicy Coconut Split Pea Soup
Easy to make and so yummy when served with corn tortilla chips on the side...
Served in our Pillivuyt from France ←(click link) soup bowl and eaten with a silver Alvin Bridal Rose soup spoon.
I've also used our linen with roses French Le Jacquard Français placemats.
This one I made with Trader Joe's Coconut Cream instead of Coconut Milk

454 g dried split peas
3 cloves garlic, chopped
5 cups light tasting vegetable broth (used the low sodium from Trader Joe's)
2 teaspoons of spicy curry powder
½ teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning (will also mention how to make your own!)
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 14–oz can coconut milk or cream if you desire
About 6 jalapeño peppers chopped


Place the rinsed split peas in a heavy bottom soup pot and just cover them with boiling water.
Let them soak for one hour, on the lowest setting—drain.
Place the soaked peas back into the soup pot and add the chopped garlic, broth, curry, Old Bay Seasoning and cayenne pepper. 
Bring the liquid to a gentle simmer and cook till the peas are soft—about one hour.
Stir in the coconut milk or cream and gently heat through and also add the jalapeños.
Serve in a shallow heated bowl and ENJOY

1 tablespoon Celery Salt
2 teaspoons Ground Bay Leaves
2 teaspoons Smoked Paprika
1½ teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1 teaspoon Ground Mustard
¼ teaspoon Allspice
¼ teaspoon Cayenne
1 pinch of Ground Cinnamon
1 pinch Ground Nutmeg
1 pinch Ground Ginger

Actually I've made my own and keep it in a little container—handy and ready to be used.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

On August 29 in 1983 we arrived as Immigrants in Georgia, USA

 Hard to believe that on August 29 of 1983, now 39 years ago, we flew with our Mauzie–girl on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines from Amsterdam to Atlanta...
There were no FREE GIFTS upon arrival
Sanctuary Cities did NOT yet exist at that time.
We paid our own way, came with a lot of specialized expertise and we came with our legal documents!
And we LOVED to come to the USA under President Reagan! 🇺🇸
We got picked up by a Campbell colleague and set up our bed and by 3:00 we went to sleep...
Happy in front of our new home... no garden yet but we were HOME with Mauzie–girl our Dachshund.
Happy Pieter, wearing one of his Indonesian batik shirts on September 11, 1983.
Happy me on September 11!
On August 30, Pieter put the pedals on his bike and left for the store to find something edible, while I searched for some china and cutlery in the 30 boxes...
The wicker basket on top of shelf in boiler room got used for Mauzie to ride with us on the bike before the real basket arrived...
By 12:30 we went to Dairy Queen with Campbell colleague Ed, who'd picked us up the day before.
He also went with us to Bell South for a phone and then on to Macon to Huckabee, a Honey of a Deal in order to buy our 1st American car.
Buick Century 4–door Sedan
Now we can drive around and start our NEW LIFE!
Mauzie loved our new car and she got to ride in it often.
Pieter had already purchased this Whirlpool washer and dryer set when he was alone in Georgia for two weeks, prior to our immigration.
On August 31, our refrigerator/freezer got delivered and the guy gave a demonstration of the washer.
A favorite Lois jeans from Pieter shrunk and came out too short... MALE😏!
On September 2, our phone got finally connected and I called Mom right away at 11:30.
She sure was glad to finally get a token of life.
Ed had promised to let the phone ring 3 x upon our arrival (would not cost him anything...) but he'd not done so. Mom & Dad could barely sleep after our very first departure; so worried!
We've kept that routine all those years, whenever we got home we let the phone ring 7 x and that way they knew we're home safe!
September 3, shower curtains got hung...
Oh that ugly wall paper in our bathroom and the carpet!
It was a new built home but not 'all' our taste.
Guest bathroom was less wild... 
Of course a mushroom towel!
Also managed to cook my first meal on this huge stove.
Dutch appliances were by far not as big!
On Sunday, September 4, I ironed all newly bought curtains and Pieter hung them.
Mauzie happy in her oak pet bed...
Those wool Smyrna rugs with roses got hand made by me—knotted with a latch.
Two ovals beside the bed and one half round behind the bed.
Our then living room.
A strange construction with 2 steps down into living room area.
Sure glad we don't have that anymore!
Mauzie looks at us from kitchen.
From kitchen looking into veranda with screens — no windows!
We never understood WHY they build like that as the rain came inside and also the pollen and dust...
Mauzie in an empty veranda and me peeking out of kitchen door.
Mauzie in office with organ...
On October 6 our new TV got connected...
Quite a story as I answered the door and a tall black man said in dialect: 'I come to hook up your TV'...
Hook up was strange to me but I'd heard the word TV and knew what he came for.
So the curtains are hanging and a TV but not yet a wood stove...
Also on October 6, my Singer sewing machine got delivered!
Slowly things started to look like being complete and yes, like back in The Netherlands—we had houseplants!
Also on October 6, in one of the 90 total of 40–foot containers that came from The Netherlands to the harbor of Savannah for the construction of the mushroom farm, came Mauzie's basket for on our bike.
Before we had her in a wicker shopping basket but that was not so safe, she fell out once...
Happy with that and ready for a spin! 
Mauzie loved to ride with us.
On Sunday, October 9, I dropped Pieter off at the Atlanta airport, he had to fly to Michigan for Campbell Soup.
Remember, we had but ONE car, so I drove home alone with Mauzie.
Got a phone call next day that our silk rug from Kashmir had arrived at the Customs.
Pieter had ordered it, more or less the same as he'd left behind with Thea, his ex...
She got the house, all the furniture, a brand new car and some cash as Pieter was so happy with finding true love and now he wanted to close the book of living 27 years like brother and sister...
On October 12, I drove to Delta Air Cargo in Atlanta with the photo album from Pieter's trip to Kashmir.
A very friendly female customs agent handled it and I paid a very reasonable fee.
Then I went to the airport with Mauzie and I'd gone to the gate and spread out the silk rug and placed Mauzie on it.
She growled at anyone daring to step ON it...
Pieter smiled when he walked out of the plane and saw us; ONLY you could pull something like that off he said!
Oh, on November 20, when we all three came back from The Netherlands on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Pieter looked puzzled as the same female customs agent hugged me as she recognized me!
Here is our new silk rug from Kashmir, together with some Dutch pewter on our oak coffee table in the living room.
Top right is our Reuge music box from Switzerland; a precious gift Pieter once received for his helpful advice to solve mushroom related problems.
Writer Pieter J.C. Vedder at his oak secretary desk.
Due to his previous 'marriage' of 27 years, living like brother and sister, the world gained the prized 'mushroom bible'. 
Pieter's 1st Dutch edition was published in 1961. 
After 5 Dutch editions, it also got published in English. Now a total of 8 languages and we published our newest, most complete edition in 20020: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting ←click it
On October 29, Pieter built this little plastic green house to shelter tender plants for winter cold.
We also purchased some wood for our wood burner that got stacked up against the house.
On November 22, our new wood stove got delivered!
Mauzie loved being in her basket in front of it and I loved to knit.
That huge bottle of 3.7 liter (0.97 gallon) wine was a gift from our mushroom friends in Italy and we emptied that on New Years Eve in the Highlands, North Carolina with 12 friends.
On December 8, another container had arrived, in which our newly bought rattan set also was transported to the mushroom plant's site.
So our kitchen bay window area now also got filled up!
My hand crocheted table cloth on top of rattan table.
We were really having a home again by the end of 1983.

Related links:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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