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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, July 22, 2013

{The Boston Tea Company}

When we went for 10 days on vacation to Curaçao in the Caribbean, we did take with us lots of healthy snacks to be eaten with some tea. Being with four adults, daughter Liz with husband Hans in the adjoining room and both of us, made it worthwhile for bringing some of our own tea. Hans very much loved the special Green Tea with Pomegranate we had and also the Black Tea with Pomegranate. Both from The Boston Tea Company...
We soon will have a special Care Package on its way to Rotterdam, The Netherlands, with also some of Hans' favorite Green Tea.
These photos I made on June 12, with our gorgeous fragrant Gardenias...
We found these Bentley's Tea tins at Tuesday Morning.
The Green Tea with Pomegranate has a surprising taste!
Using tea cups from my Royal Albert Gardenia china and the white wooden tea chest.
Drinking tea makes for a very special moment and it is so healthy.
Do you drink Green Tea like this?
Or Black Tea with Pomegranate...
A better view of the white wooden tea chest.
Bentley's with its royal crown...
Pomegranate Tea


  1. Will have to try this one. We like the addition of pomegranate.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Both, green tea and also pomegranate are very healthy!
      Happy Sunday to you.

  2. I love green tea! Recently I had green tea with mango flavor and it was pretty good. I love how you display your china with gardenia and fresh gardenia together. So lovely!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Sure you love green tea, it is your culture. But look how it has taken over the world! It is such a healthy beverage and the good thing is that more and more people are discovering that. Yeah, on June 12, we did not yet have that much rain damage and I had some perfect gardenias for making this set. I fell in love with this vintage Royal Albert Gardenia china and I only have teacups and coffee cups with small plates for serving some pie or other sweets on.
      Happy Sunday to you and your furbabies!

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, herrlich um mal zusammen einen Tee zu trinken!
      Lieber Gruss,

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    wunderbar, wie du uns die diversen Teesorten respektive Geschmacksrichtungen nahe bringst. Ich gestehe es ja, dass ich ein Kaffeetrinker bin, aber Grüntee und Jasmintee trinke ich auch sehr, sehr gern.
    Einen erholsamen Sonntag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Wir trinken beide aber mehr und mehr Tee da es so gesund ist auch.
      Auch noch einen schönen Sonntagnachmittag und Abend.
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow green tea with pomegranate flavor!!! How surprising to hear that; as I understand many flavors for black tea but never heard about putting other flavors from fruits for the green tea. I sure wish to try the mysterious ones for me p;) I am happy to know that tea is enjoyed in such different way to their taste in other countries.
    Your Gardenias looks so proud with the cup of same design and the special tea♡♡♡ gorgeous pictures♬♬♬
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Tea is becoming more and more popular and also for health reasons. It is a very special culture and so soothing and good for us!
      Oh, that Royal Albert China is so lovely with real Gardenias together... A dream and that with tea is perfect!
      Hugs from Georgia,

  6. Dearest Marietter
    These pictures are just too gorgeous!
    Though thanks for reminding about that green tea is good for you. I would probably be a little better at drinking it.
    Hugs to you

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      Oh yes, more and more people are getting educated on the many positive health benefits of tea. We both enjoy drinking it in the afternoon.
      Hugs to you,

  7. Replies
    1. Cara Ady,
      Grazie e sai che avete un bel blog! Vi ho su Bloglovin controllato.

  8. Vedere questo post è rilassante!Buona domenica!Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Ma sai che tè è rilassante! Anche buona domenica sera per voi.

  9. non , le dernier thé fantaisie que j'ai bu
    c'est un thé de chez " Mariages & Frère" au chocolat
    très bon
    la couleur des boites est superbe
    edith (iris)

    1. Ma chère Edith,
      Le thé Marriages & Frère est aussi d'obtenir dans les États Unis. Je n'ai pas encore essayé, mais il est très beau. Merveilleux aussi comme cadeau...

  10. Dearest Mariettr,
    You like a green tea with pomegranate has a surpising test Riyal Albert gardenia China and the white wooden tea chest!
    A bdeeter view of the white tea cheast Asian cultres and in Australia.
    You has so healthy and as you know I'am too.
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      We certainly do like green tea and with pomegranate it is very special. This is a very good and healthy culture that more and more is being adopted world wide now.
      Hugs to you,

  11. Mmmmm, ik houd ook van groene thee, heb altijd de Chinese gunpower of jasmijn.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Groene thee is goed voor ons! Ik moest wel lachen om je gunpower... Je bedoelt natuurlijk Chinese gunpowder thee. Die heb ik nog niet geprobeerd, jasmijn kennen we al tientallen jaren.

  12. Dear Mariette,we dont't have tea with pomegranate ,so i have'nt taste it!
    I like green tea and tea with giasmin!Your pictures are amazing!
    Have a lovely afternoon!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      There are endless varieties in green tea and it is impossible for having tried them all. Different parts of the world also produce local tastes. The jasmine variety we know too. Oh, that vintage china with Gardenia from Royal Albert is so lovely, especially when paired with the real blossoms!
      Enjoy your Sunday evening!

  13. Beautiful images my friend! I love green tea alone, I drink it all day, it's supposed to burn fat. I never had it with pomegranate, but with Jasmin, but I prefer mine just green. Thanks as always for your wonderful comment my sweet lady. The cream I use for buffing sterling or plain silver is: HAGERTY-Silversmith's polish, made in the USA. The other is made here in Ecuador and it's called: BRASSO and it cleans, bronze, nickel, crome, copper, etc. I'm sure there are great ones in the US. Have a terrific week.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Green tea on its own is always a good choice! YES, it does target belly fat as it increases the rate at which fat is burned in your body.
      As for the cream you use, that is one of the best available also here in the USA and Brasso we also have her as well as back in my birth country The Netherlands!
      Enjoy your upcoming week.

  14. Mariette carissima,non amo particolarmente il tea ma trovo stupende le tue foto.stupende le gardenie, la tazza di finissima porcellana e anche la scatola!
    Un bacio

    1. Cara Mimma,
      Tanti anni fa non ho bevuto tè come oggi... ma c'è molto sano. Grazie per i complimenti por la scatola e la tazza. Sono stupende!
      Un bacio grande,

  15. Hi Marierrt, I have heard of the Boston tea company, but never tasted any of their teas. Next time I see a tin I will take it with me.

    Happy Sunday!

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      The Boston Tea Company does remind us of the Boston Tea Party... they sank a huge amount of tea, in protest to the oppression from Great Britain. So this tea company's name is special and they do produce great teas!
      Enjoy your Sunday evening.

  16. Hi Mariette, I do love your photos, the china cups are absolutely lovely, the tins are charming, and the join is beautiful.
    ( I prefer green tea)


    1. Dearest Marina,
      Thank you for your kind words! Yes, this combination of tea tins with china and real gardenias is beautiful. It speaks to all of us. I cannot imagine that there will be one single person that would not like gardenias!
      Green tea on its own is probably the very best for health benefits.

  17. My older brother is a daily green tea drinker. I like drinking tea in the afternoon, aspecially during the cold months. You are right green tea is a powerful drink

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      We have switched more and more to tea; for health reasons as it has so many good qualities. Only for breakfast I drink coffee.

  18. Dearest Mariette,

    I have never tasted tea with pomegranate, for sure surprising taste. May be I will try to find them . But green tea saya tidak begitu suka, karena rasanya seperti rumput laut ;)

    selamat akhir pekan buat kalian berdua.
    salam hangat selalu

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Oh, there are so many varieties of green tea. It just is one of the most healthy ones; that's the point.
      Guess what? I DO love seaweed very much, I used to eat it even as a snack. I must have a very green taste; including Cabe Rawit hijau... I got so addicted to them while working and living in Indonesia.
      Receive warmest regards and best wishes for you and baby and the rest of the family.

  19. Lieve Mariette,

    Altijd een genot om een goed gezette en getrokken kop thee te drinken en zeker uit dat prachtige serviesgoed wat jij hebt.
    Voor thee zetten moet je tijd nemen en niet hup,hup.....rammelen met zakje in heet water;-)
    Alleen de verpakkingen in mooi blik is al een genot voor het oog.

    Hier in de stad zit een speciale thee en koffie winkel van Simon Lévelt,ik loop er graag naar binnen om thee te kopen en rond te kijken.



    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, het geeft zoiets kalmerends om je even terug te kunnen trekken uit het hectische van alledag. Een momentje voor jezelf, of sámen. Het is een klein ritueeltje en zeker niet hup, hup. Dat vind ik in restaurants hier zo erg; een kop heet water en dan moet je daar een zakje in laten zwemmen. Dat is níet de juiste manier omdat het water héét moet zijn en het moet trekken. Maar goed, niet iedereen heeft er feeling voor. Ja, die kopjes zijn schatten, ze zijn al lang uit de handel maar ik heb deze voor en na op eBay gevonden en ben er zo blij mee. Zo'n mooi blik is ook een pracht cadeau met wat zelfgemaakte koekjes erbij en voilà. Gezellig als je zo'n speciale thee en koffie winkel hebt in de buurt; het levert altijd iets 'gezelligs' op. Jij bent toch al zo'n top gastvrouw.

  20. How beautiful it looks and how delicious it sounds!! I start every morning with 2-3 cups of tea brewed in a china pot and drunk from one my many china cups. I love to collect mismatched china cups and saucers. They make such a lovely collection.

    I usually mix some Darjeeling, Kenya Black, Black 'n Blue and Lemon Myrtle together. I don't use teabags. My British Grandmum called them tea scraps in a bag.

    I will definitely try to find the black tea w/pomegranate.

    Big bisous ma chère, M-T

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Good for you for already using tea for health benefits. Having some special, even orphan cups & saucers only adds to the ritual.
      Guess your British Grandmum was right about that... When using loose tea it is also far more economical. Such a tea caddy for storing the tea in, also adds to the ritual.
      Hugs to you,

  21. Have to say I have never tried green tea not sure if I would like it or not

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      You just have to give it a try and it is very healthy!

  22. Dearest Mariette,

    Thanks for sharing and I am sure you know how much I love pomegranate!!!!


    1. Dearest Tammy,
      You know all the secrets to good health I guess! Take care.

  23. Lieb Mariette,
    das Zusammenspiel von deinem schönen Geschirr, den fantastischen Blumen und den Teesorten sieht einfach toll aus. Grüntee mit Granatapfel hatte ich noch nicht, ich werde mal danach Ausschau halten. Danke für den Tipp.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Danke, ja die echte Gardenien die machen das Bild! Auch die schöne Verpackung. Aber Hans mochte den Tee; ohne je die schöne Verpackung gesehen zu haben. Es ist auch lecker und gesund.
      Lieber Gruss,

  24. I have to admit.. I plop a tea bag in my mug, add some milk, feet up and enjoy my magazine..
    Maybe I should give brewing tea the proper way a try.
    I love your pictures, the tin and your precious china, you always know how to display in style.
    I hope you had a wonderful holiday.

    1. Dearest Angela,
      So you drink your tea the British way, with milk. We did that at work in India a lot and I must admit that the taste is very good. Thanks for you kind comment.

  25. Dear Mariette,
    Your beautiful table set with such pretty things...it is so lovely! I do love tea of all kinds, especially on a cool evening and drink it with cream and honey. I especially love it when I am not feeling well. It seems to magically make me feel better! Maybe it is the memory of my Dear Mother giving me tea when I had an upset tummy as a child. Your flowers and china are lovely together and the tins are very special, too. I will have to order some, as I grew up near the great city of Boston. (I still have my Bostonian accent all these years later) Thank you for sharing the link. Hugs xxoo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thanks for your kind words. You might have to check out a Tuesday Morning store near you. One never knows what you find there. Tea and honey are both very healthy and your dear Mother was a smart lady for giving it to you. You an bet that I fell in love with these Royal Albert Gardenia cups & saucers... Got several over the years; all are the demi tasse version for both coffee and tea. I also loved the square plates as an alternative to the usual round ones.
      Hugs to you,

  26. Dearest Mariette,
    I really like green tea, but I have never tried tea with pomegranate,
    can not find it in our grocery store.

    Hope you can also visit Norway sometime!

    1. Dearest Astrid,
      Had you known this earlier, you could have bought it in New York City. But each country has its very own tastes I guess. It doesn't matter that much.
      Yeah, would be a dream come true for visiting Norway!
      Hugs to you,

  27. Dear Mariette,

    I have a cup of green tea every day with my lunch - have never tried it with the Pomegranate and will have to try it.
    The Royal Albert Gardenia set and the tins are pretty, with your fresh picked blooms.

    Happy new week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      It is amazing with what kind of blends they keep surprising us on and on. We for sure have not yet seen the end of tea inventions I bet. It is such a popular drink.
      Thanks for your kind words about the Gardenia china.
      Hugs to you and enjoy your winter week as well.

  28. Love Green Tea,we drink it with breakfast every morning. In the evening we drink peppermint or Chamomile. Love those tins Mariette and the gardenia china. Have to have tea in a china teacup,nothing else will do.

    1. Dearest Jeanette Ann,
      You're doing real well with your Tea Regimen as peppermint is the anti-bloating tea and it helps digestion. Chamomile is also a very healthy one.
      Hugs to you,

  29. I've always been interested in what is it that green tea is made of? From...green? :D
    I also heard that White Tea is even better than green but still don't know what is white there and what green.

    1. Dearest Bela,
      The higher in the mountains tea is growing, the better its quality. Leaves grow slower at altitude; thus better tea.
      White tea is from the same plant but the leaves are harvested young and are processed very little. The same for green tea which is partly being fermented and black tea is fermented tea from older leaves. White tea contains the highest amount of antioxidant. You can read more here: http://healthnewsreport.blogspot.com/2009/07/white-tea-vs-green-tea.html
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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