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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, August 17, 2013

{Our Gardenias in the June Rain}

Once more I have to share with you one of my favorite flowers; Our Gardenias. This time in the June Rain. When husband Pieter made these photos around 5:00 PM in the afternoon, they all had TEARS on them...
In fact with those Rain Drops or TEARS, they even look prettier to me.
What do you think?
You also can see a tiny insect hiding inside its heart.
Several of our large variety of  'Aimee Yoshioka'.
Perfect blossoms...
Again, an insect is visible inside...
They all tried their very best, regardless the rain!
Don't you love GARDENIAS?

Related links:
{GARDENIA PASSION} | previous post by me


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Those were some BIG and brave Gardenias, withstanding all that rain!

  2. Replies
    1. Cara Daniela,
      Grazie mille. Erano davvero stupenda... con un profumo celestiale.

  3. Exquisite photos! I'm so happy you shared these, Mariette.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Glad you liked them and despite the heavy rains we did enjoy them as well.

  4. Deaerst Mariette,
    your Gardenia is beautiful! I love them too, but I never had luck with them in my garden....
    Wishing you a happy and wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      These are the huge, corsage variety... they are special and their fragrance is heavenly.
      Happy weekend to you; we only have rain and a dark day so far.

  5. Dear Mariette,
    The Gardenias are truly beautiful and they must be heavenly scented, too! You are so lucky to have the climate to grow so many tropical flowers. It must be so exciting when they bloom!
    Hugs, xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      In a way we are lucky indeed for being able to grow tropical plants. Keeping them alive is another issue. Gardenias have been most rewarding over all those years and guess they are in a perfect spot.

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    ja - BEAUTIFUL!

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke für deine zwei-sprachige Antwort.
      Und sonnige Grüẞe liebe ich am meisten da wir nur Regen haben, es ist so grau und trübe.
      Lieber Gruss,

  7. hello
    un vrai Gardénia façon " COCO Chanel
    et en plus il est blanc , mon préféré
    edith (iris) France

    1. Chère Edith,
      Ils auraient trouvé un rêve m Coco et en fait c'est le parfum agréable pour le parfum céleste!

  8. Sorry to hear you have so much rain, but for flowers a bit rain will do very well.

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      You are right, a little rain will do very well but not for months on end and not in a couple of hours a good 15 cm! It does knock leaves off the trees... looks like autumn already. Our summer escaped us totally and it makes for such somber and dark days.

  9. Heel ,ooi hoor!....fijn weekend.....liefs Ria ...x!

    1. Ja, de bloem is mooi maar zeker niet de régen...

  10. Dearest Mariette、
    Oh, very elegant Gardenia with Rain Drops or TEARS♡♡♡ The beautiful white flowers must have a wonderful fragrance. I might have commented in your former post about Gardenia; I love a bit old song titled with this flower, which was sung by the actor♪♪♪

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from very hot Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      The Gardenia is a heavenly flower and especially this large blooming variety of Aimee Yoshida.
      Hope you can stand the heat and hat it is not too humid.
      Here we only have rain and dark damp weather.

  11. These Gardenias are so lovely. I love them so, their aroma is heavenly. The photos are great and the raindrops add so much interest. That first picture is perfect and would win any photo contest.
    My Gardenia barely bloomed this year. Maybe next year.
    Love to you, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Oh, we are so fortunate for having them bloom this year; despite the heavy rains. But you are right with lots of blooms just not showing up because there is not enough light during these dark and rainy days. Let's hope next year our summer will be more 'normal'... whatever that means.
      Hugs to you,

  12. Your gardenias are really beautiful. I like you say "tears" for rain drops. I also like when you say "pregnant" for cloudy sky :-) Very creative way to describe nature!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thanks for your compliments.
      As for me, those must have been 'tears'... it almost brings me to tears with all the rain. Yesterday I drove back and forth to Atlanta in heavy rain for our region (1-½ hour) but Atlanta was lovely sunny and even a bit cooler. The same treat on the way back home, after a good hour I was using my wipers on full speed on and off. It seems to never stop here and about 6" in a couple of hours is way too much water. We got again a flash flood warning till Saturday morning.

  13. Mariette, du Liebe,
    in der Tat: die Gardenien sehen noch schöner aus, wenn die Regentropfen
    sie benässen. Wie Tränen!
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke, ja die Gardenien sind schön gekleidet damit...
      Lieber Gruss und auch ein schönes Wochenende.

  14. Dear Mariette,your gardenias looks so preety with the droplets on them!!
    Wonderful photos!!!I love gardenias!Here it has'nt rain for many months!
    And it's so hot!!!Thank you for your visit and for your kind words!Have a lovely weekend!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you for your meaningful comment here.
      Happy weekend and I will see you soon at your blog!

  15. Hallo Mariëtte, Bedankt voor je lieve reactie.
    Wat een prachtige foto's van de Gardenia's, wat zal het heerlijk ruiken.
    Ik heb de orginele foto's nog wel, maar ik post vanuit Life Writer en die bewaard niet alle posten, dus daarom kon ik er geen foto's meer bij plaatsen en anders moest ik foto voor foto uploaden en dat is voor bijna 5 jaar bloggen niet te doen.
    Ik zit privé op FB, maar heb ook veel Blogsters in mijn vriendenlijst staan, als je het leuk vindt ben je welkom. Als je googled naar Mea Buis vindt je me wel.
    Fijn weekend en een lieve groet, Mea

    1. Beste Mea,
      Dank je wel voor je compliment en ja, die geur zou ik wíllen doorgeven. Zó hemels...
      Jammer dat je die foto's kwijt raakte. Toch had je er wat aan gehad, mits je ze had ge-exporteerd en op je PC opgeslagen. Nu is het té veel werk om ze opnieuw te uploaden.
      Mogelijk voor een volgende keer toch doen.
      Liefs en fijn weekend.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Gardenia are beautiful in the heavy rains and they have in parfum wondeful fragrance! I love your ways warks hard with all over in your GARDENS.

    Thanking for lovely your especially first letter for me.
    All ways big fortunate for me Thank you very much all the years!
    Now I need back to working with in my golfing....
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for your kind comment with compliments. Yes, it is only due to hard work and still, sometimes nature is so cruel that all the hard work has been in vain.
      You are quite welcome for my writing. Love to comment on your blog posts and when you had the accident, I did call out for some support. You deserved that!
      So glad that now your golfing period will start being more frequent due to the upcoming spring.
      Hugs to you, always your loyal follower,

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    ich liebe Gardenien - in weiß sind sie ein Traum -
    deine Aufnahmen sind wunderschön - die Regentropfen
    geben ihr ein besonderes Flair -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke für deine Wörter! Ja, mit Regentropfen sind sie indertat sehr schön...
      Lieber Gruẞ,

  18. Wat een schitterende bloem Mariette, ruikt hij ook lekker?

    Fijn weekend,


    1. Beste Janny,
      Nou en of! Dat wist zelfs Coco Chanel al en ze maakte er parfum van.
      Jammer, we hebben weer (nog) regen...

  19. Dear Mariette,

    I love your pretty gardenia and how beautiful with the raindrops on the petals. I know how heavenly the fragrance will be.

    Happy weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      If only we could capture that heavenly fragrance inside a bottle; à la Coco Chanel...
      Hugs and wishing you a lovely weekend.

  20. Dear Mariette,
    What a beautiful Gardenia you have in your garden, I totally agreed, it looks prettier with rain drops.
    I wish you a nice weekend my dear friend
    Hugs and kisses

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Oh, those raindrops look pretty on the gardenias but as for us, we get so tired of them... Another wet weekend.
      Hugs and kisses back to you and hope you get sunshine!

  21. 彡♪♫°
    Passei para rever seu blog.
    Nunca vi uma gardênia de perto mas sei que são muito perfumadas.

    °º✿♫ Bom fim de semana!
    °º✿ Beijinhos
    º° ✿ °❤ Brasil ♫° ·.

    1. Dearest Inês,
      A pity that you never saw a Gardenia up close. Yes, Coco Chanel used it for her lovely perfume.
      Hugs and happy weekend!

  22. meravigliosa!!!!!!! un grande abbraccio Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Anche la Coco Chanel ha trovato questo fiore meraviglioso e ha creato il sua profumo di Gardenia...
      Abbraccio grande e buon fine settimana!

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    I agree, Gardenias are beautiful and you certainly have captured their beauty very well.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Sure, my husband Pieter did capture their beauty perfect on camera!

  24. Gardenias are one of my favorite flowers, too, Mariette. If those are tears, I believe they are tears of joy. Who wouldn't be moved that way if she were as beautiful as a gardenia (and smelled as sweet)! <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Let's assume they were tears of joy! They are such an exotic beauty; nature's heavenly fragranced gift.
      Hugs to you,

  25. Oh, your Gardenias are so pretty. Yes, I think they look much nicer with a raindrop or two on them. I was thinking the same thing when I took the picture of the white rose on my post. It had a few raindrops on it, and I thought it was more special. You know, I used to have a Gardenia bush at my old home, and I miss it very much. This brought back sweet memories.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Gardenias are very pretty; one of the most romantic flowers on earth - together with the roses of course! Your white rose also looked very special. You certainly could grow another one in your Californian garden.
      Hugs to you,

  26. Oh yes Gardenia if my favorite too, remembering me my childhood.
    they smell so sweet ;)

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Oh certainly you remember them from Bali, this is such an exotic flower... with heavenly fragrance indeed.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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