About Me

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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, March 6, 2014

{HAPPY Mom on her 90th Birthday - THANKS TO ALL OF YOU}

As some of you already knew, I have been away for 15 days. Flying to The Netherlands once more, actually our 64th trip to see family and friends in those 30 years as immigrants. A long journey home and this time it was very much in honor of Mom, for her 90th Birthday!
In the morning we'd stopped by Mom & Dad's home to see her and later we visited her during her dialysis in her with garlands decorated room.
Pieter took this photo from my Mom in bed, during her dialysis while she is reading all your comments on my {Happy 90th Birthday Mom} post. 
Which indeed made her so happy and lifted up her spirits as you can clearly see from this photo! 
It was very touching for her to see that 863 people from around the world had viewed this post about her and several left a comment. As well as 264 viewers with several more that had left a comment on my FB Page. This was for my dear Mom quite a milestone; it meant as much to her, as to those winning the olympics at the same time...
We'd picked up Dad at their home and spend the time with Mom at the hospital. Dad treated the staff to yummy birthday cakes. Such a visit makes her boring dialysis session pass quickly.
Next time when we did visit her, without Dad, our daughter Anita made a video call from Indonesia with her Oma in The Netherlands. What a joy for both! 
Our daughter Anita did actually visit her Oma several times, with us together in 2008, when she went with us to The Netherlands. This trip we did visit Mom five times during her dialysis. 
Wish I could keep doing that as it makes the time go so pleasantly fast for her...
Everywhere they had Mom's photo with the magical number 90 hung on the walls, above the door etc.
For a 90 year old dialysis patient she still looks mighty good!
  Flowers everywhere as this is quite a Dutch custom to 'SAY IT WITH FLOWERS!'
This is on a table in the veranda... 
Table cloth is being embroidered by my dear Mother-in-law.
Yes, it was worth our 64th journey home to The Netherlands; sitting on our butt for 8,500 km or 5,281 mi one way...
We came this time for a very, very special reason (more to follow in my next post!) which made us very proud.
Fond memories in our hearts forever!

And once more; THANK you all so much for giving Mom such a special day!!!

Bloggers are the most caring and loving bunch.

 viewed 528 times.
And 2325 times here...


  1. i am SO glad you could spend that very special time with her! i know the staff enjoyed your father's birthday cakes as a treat, too. what a nice way to celebrate and make that boring time pass by!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      We too were very happy to be there with her and the staff is always so courteous to her as well. Dad did lavishly treat them to yummy birthday cakes. Too bad we all forgot to take a picture of the 90th decoration... Never mind!

  2. Your mom looks terrific. She certainly doesn't look like she is 90!

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Thank you, she did receive many compliments and also her nefrologist compliments her over and over again. Makes me very proud of her!

  3. So beautiful my friend, and you are so blessed to have your lovely mother at 90 and were able to be with her. The picture is a memorable one, here you are with her as she is enjoying our comments. I too show my mom all your comments on my posts, specially yours dearest Mariette and hubby always knows what you've commented and said and taught me about so many things that I love! You are such a treasure.
    Lots of blessings to you and your mama.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      THANK you dear; you too are one of those women that adore their Mom and it is such an important thing for the rest of our life till our last breath. Sharing comments with your Mom, since she's visiting your still regularly is such a caring way for including her into your life and actions. You are a lovely family!
      Hugs to you and thanks for your blessings to both Mom and me!

  4. Dearest Mariette;
    Wow, I'm SO HAPPY to see your mother is doing well and how great for her to see all these birthday messages♡♡♡  She look GORGEOUS in the wonderful decorated room(^_^)v Great to read "This was for my dear Mom quite a milestone" Blessing to both of your mother and father!

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you again, you don't know how much all this meant to her! It is the best medicine one could offer and that from around the world was so special to her and to Dad, who also read them all, after Mom had finished reading them. Dad was amazed that most comments did show a photo of the person...
      It sure made the big world a small world of love and caring!
      Hugs to you,

  5. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. Your dear Mother is sooo beautiful. And what a radiant smile! As you know, I lost my 97-year-old Mme Mère in June. Please keep your dear Mme Mère close to your heart. And please keep yourself in excellent health.

    Big bisous de la part de ta copine du NJ,


    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Oh my, this is very touching indeed... for actually having a Mom still with us on this planet is such a blessing. This photo I will treasure for the rest of my life as it embodies so much the distances in miles that vanish instantly with a few warmly written well wishes.
      You know, like you yourself I have always kept my dear Mmm Mère very close to my heart and it gives me strength to stay healthy for a long time to come. She has been such a loving role model for so long!
      Hugs also from ta copine du GA,

  6. How wonderful that your mother had you visit for her special Birthday. Quite a milestone 90 years. I hope she keeps as well as she can.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Thank you and yes, we pray that she keeps as well as she can without much complications... So far she's done an examplary job and for that they've used her as a medical role model for telling others about the experience of dialysis. She makes us very proud of her!

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    your Mum really does not look like 90, she seems to be much younger in her heart :O)
    Wonderful pictures, glad you had such a lovely time together and I wish you both, that you will have her for much longer :O)
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Oh sure Mom is still young at heart, like her own Mother who lived to be almost 97-½ years old. She was my Godmother and she was a feisty lady who walked to my home with a friend. Very fond memories of her as well. Mom's Dad almost turned 90... So with those genes she has had good luck so far and her prayers must have been heard as well.
      These photos are our treasure.

  8. Dearest Marriette,
    Your family has a long lifes memories and Your mum will very happy with another so many years will be very nice to her compliments speciall old age lady & father too.
    Hugs and lots of love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Indeed, my Mom has a long life full of memories and she is so blessed for having my 3 year older Dad still on her side.
      She loved to read all those compliments from my laptop; it really did lift her up in a very special way.
      Hugs and love to you forever dear friend.

  9. Hola Mariette. Me alegro mucho de saber que tienes esta hermosa madre.Se la ve muy bien, aunque esté en diálisis.Deseo que la disfrutes por mucho tiempo. Besos para las dos.

    1. Querida Enma,
      Fue una verdadera alegría para nosotros poder leer juntos estes deseos a Madre. Le hizo tremendamente Bueno, especialmente durante la diálisis. Muchas gracias por sus buenos deseos y cumplido.

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    nachträglich und doch von Herzen gratuliere ich deiner Mom zu ihrem 90. Geburtstag. Ich wünsche ihr in allem das Allerbeste. Möge sie noch viele schöne erfreuliche Jahre geniessen dürfen. Sie sieht in der Tat sehr gut aus für 90 Jahre. Schön das ihr den besuch in die Heimat auf euch genommen habt.

    Am 15. Dezember 2013 ist meine Mama mit 65 Jahren verstorben und mein Papa unerwartet und plötzlich nur 7 Wochen (5.2.3014) nach ihr. Er wäre im April 70 Jahre geworden. Nun sind sie wieder beisammen.

    Alles Gute und Liebe.

    Liebe Grüsse

    1. Liebe Julia,
      Vielen Dank für deine nachträgliche Geburtstagswünsche da es für dich so eine traurige Zeit war wegen dem Verlust von deinem Papa... Noch mein herzliches Beileid und eine feste Umarmung.
      Meine Mutter schaut wirklich nicht aus wie 90 Jahre und wir können nur weiter beten dass sie noch ein Weilchen mit Papa zusammen sein kann.
      Du kennst schon den Schmerz um die Mutter zu verlieren... Ganz natürlich haben wir wieder den Besuch in die Heimat auf uns genommen; du hättest genau das gleiche gemacht. Mutterliebe hat kein Preisschild und so haben wir auch das weitere Leben ein gutes Gefühl im Herzen.
      Alles Liebe,

  11. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, meine Mutter ist wirklich eine sehr bewunderenswerte Frau!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  12. Gefeliciteerd met je moeder. Ze ziet er stralend uit in bed! Een hele leeftijd 90 !

    1. Beste Ada,
      Ja dank je, ze stráálde werkelijk op haar verjaardag; ondanks de dialyse... Een mooie herinnering voor ons om weer mee terug naar Georgia/USA te nemen. Graag zou ik elke dialyse bij haar zijn om de saaie lange uren te verlichten.

  13. Ze ziet er verbazingwekkend goed uit voor iemand van 90 en je kan zien hoe gelukkig ze is met al die goede verjaardagswensen die je haar laat zien. Wat een goed idee om dat zo te doen op de laptop zodat ze het zelf kan lezen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Oh ja, ze is een hoge uitzondering voor iemand van die leeftijd. Ze leefde erg gezond, veel verse groenten en fruit van eigen bodem, harde werkster en Moeder van 8 kinderen. Nooit gerookt of gedronken en zeer gediciplineerd geleefd.
      Deze foto waarop ze inderdaad zó gelukkig is met al die goede verjaardagswensen van de hele wereld is goud waard!
      We hebben al vaker onze laptop voor haar meegenomen tijdens de dialyse om de lánge en saaie uren wat te doorbreken. Er is immers Wi-Fi in het ziekenhuis. Maar kennelijk moet iemand er 8,500 km ver voor komen om dit ook te dóen. Aan de andere kant van de oceaan kwam in die bijna 6 jaar tijd nooit iemand op dit idee...

  14. Che bello questo post!Emozionante!E la tua mamma è dolcissima e solare!Hai fatto bene a far leggere a lei gli auguri.Basta poco per rendere felice una persona!Un abbraccio!Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Te ringrazio tanto e sì, sarebbe bello se altri su quel lato dell'oceano fanno vedere a la Mama una lettura o qualcosa come immagini, da controllare più spesso e tali a lunghe ore di dialisi. Finora, tuttavia, noi siamo l'unico che hanno fatto questo e quello su ad una distanza di km 8.500... A lei anche fatto una gioia enorme da leggere tutti i complimenti da voi per la sua compleanno speciale. Questa è forse la migliore iniezione per nuovo coraggio per continuare... Per noi un bellissimo ricordo del nostro sessanta-e-quarto viaggio ai miei genitori.
      Un abbraccio grande,

  15. Replies
    1. Dearest Lorraine,
      Thank you, I will pass it on to my dear Mom!

  16. Lieve Mariette,

    Het zal voor jullie een onvergetelijke dag geweest zijn om op deze manier je moeders negentigste verjaardag te vieren.En op die leeftijd via de laptop al die felicitaties en belangstelling van over de hele wereld in ontvangst te mogen nemen is heel bijzonder.
    Ik zie een stralende jarige en een trotse dochter die vast en zeker tijdens haar verblijf in Nederland zo vaak het kon bij moeder en vader wilde zijn.
    Helaas gaat de tijd te snel en voor je het weet zit je weer in het vliegtuig terug naar huis,
    ik vind het nog steeds jammer dat we net die middag dat jullie tijd hadden om op bezoek te komen wij naar ons kleinkind moesten die onlangs een knie operatie heeft ondergaan in Maastricht.


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja het is zeer zeker een onvergetelijke dag die ons nog láng op het netvlies zal blijven. Het is een hele prestatie inderdaad dat zij op mijn laptop alle felicitaties kon lezen. We hadden speciaal voor deze trip een nieuwe touch screen laptop genomen die ook mooi vergroot en je kunt het met je vingers bedienen helemaal. Maar met leesbril op lukte dat ook voortreffelijk en zo vlogen de vervelende, lange uren gewoonweg om.
      Moeke straalde inderdaad en ik was ook apetrots op haar; een pracht 'role model' zoals ze hier zo mooi zeggen. Laten we hopen het naar ook zo na te kunnen doen! Ja, we zijn tijdens elke dialyses, op één na toen we samen met mijn nicht en haar man ergens aten, bij Moeke geweest. Papa was er natuurlijk op haar verjaardag ook bij en ook hij genoot van alle felicitaties.
      De tijd die vliegt om en ja, het werkte gewoonweg niet... Onze vele lieve vrienden hadden ons al voor meerdere middagen en avonden geclaimed. Maar het was al leuk om je stem te kunnen horen. Hopelijk is de knie operatie goed verlopen voor jullie kleinkind. Ook een hele zorg voor zo'n jong kind!

  17. Dearest Mariette, your mother looks fabulous!!! Wishing her many more years of happiness. What lovely flowers she received. You are most blessed to have her and she to have you. Sending you both love and hugs across the miles!!! xo C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you very much and yes, my Mom does look still fabulous at her age; so natural and graceful. She is a true role model and I pray I may live as long as she did.
      We are very blessed for having her still with us and I guess she enjoyed our visit and special attention during five of her dialysis days when we sat with her at her bedside.
      Thank you for your love and you get hugs and blessings back to you!

  18. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Mutter sieht ertaunlich gut aus für ihre 90 Jahre. Nachträglich auch von mir
    noch alles Gute. Euer Bessuch war das schönste Geschenk für sie.
    Du scheinst ihre Gene bekommen zu haben.
    Einen schönen Wochenteiler wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke und ja sie sieht wirklich erstaunlich aus für ihre 90 Jahre!
      Ja, unser Besuch hat sie etwas verwöhnt damit dass sie entlich nach fast sechs Jahre, jedes Mal Besuch bekam von uns wenn sie Dialyse hatte. Ich würde es immer für ihr tun wenn nicht diese 8,500 Km dazwischen wären...
      Ich hoffe ich habe ihre Gene bekommen; es stimmt schon so weit dass auch ich an chronischer Nierenerkranking leite. Ob ich damit auch so lange leben darf?...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    wie wunderbar, wenn die Tochter diese weite Reise auf sich nimmt um bei ihrer Mama zu sein -
    deine Mama sieht trotz ihrer Krankheit wirklich so gut aus und so jung noch - nicht wie 90 -
    die vielen Blumen haben ihr sicher Freude gemacht - ich wünsche ihr von Herzen noch schöne Jahre und viele schöne Momente -
    auch dir alles Liebe -


    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja danke für deine lieben Wünsche zur Mama!
      Wir haben diese sehr weite Reise mit liebe wieder gemacht und ganz besonders für meine liebe Mama die dadurch wenigstens für diese fünf Dialysetage Besuch bekam. Es macht einen riesen Unterschied wenn jemanden die Zeit mit ihr teilen will denn sonst dauert es so lange... Sie ist vom Herzen eine sehr junge und liebe Frau und dass kann man im hohen Alter immer vom Gesicht ablesen. Durch den Jahren zeichnen sich die Gefühle ab auf der Haut. Ich hoffe ich werde auh so ein liebes und sanftes, junges Gesicht behalten wie sie. Nicht verhartet durch vielen Enttäuschungen aber immer mit Freude und Hoffnung und die Sicherheit dass unser Leben eigentlich nie enden wird... Wir treffen einander wieder im Himmel!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  20. Happy Birthday Mariette's Mum, conociendo un poco a tu hija.....deduzco que eres una mujer brillante y muy humana, tienes que estar muy orgullosa de tu hija!!!
    Sin pereza
    Mariette please....translate....lol

    1. Dearest Leticia,
      Thank you dear, yes you got to know Mom's daughter a little bit...
      Mom is indeed a very bright and down to earth, warm and caring person.
      Thank you for writing that she should be proud of her daughter and for sure that daughter is VERY proud of her Mom! She is such a courageous role model with high spirits and that shines through in her soft and loving face.
      Hugs to you,

  21. Dear Mariette, Happy belated birthday to your mom. Sorry I missed the birthday post but I never use a computer when I am traveling so emails and blogging are on hold while I am away. I know about the long trips but so nice that you were able to visit for such a special occasion. Definitely a milestone and yes, she looks really good for being on dialysis. For some, the treatment is almost as bad as the disease and it shows in their appearance but your mom is lovely. Wishing her many more years of health and happiness. Blessings, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you for the belated birthday wishes, Mom will gladly receive them. You were gone at exactly that time. We did bring our special new laptop along for Mom to read all the comments and birthday wishes. It surely did lift up her spirits tremendously as we showed her this. Also Dad enjoyed reading them and viewing the photos from our home and all the hard work that Pieter did accomplish lately.
      It is not easy to travel that far but we're so glad we accomplished this together.
      Mom does look remarkably well during her almost 6 years of dialysis. She might be quite an exception but for the time being we're blessed for having her with us at such a high age!
      Hugs to you,

  22. Hello Mariette, It was wonderful of you to share with us these photos of your mother looking so good and so happy. Since it is not that long ago that such reunions were infrequent, if not impossible, we are very lucky to be living in this age when it is comparatively easy to travel and see close friends and relatives.

    I am looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, it is a joy to share this with all of you that played a role in making her look this happy!
      We are blessed indeed because at a time in history when immigration meant a final goodbye due to the very limited funds and possibilities for travel back and forth. Still it is quite an expense for doing so but we are blessed with the opportunity!
      It was a very rewarding trip with quite some valuable memories that stay inside our hearts forever.

  23. amazing! she looks amazing at 90. Glad you were able to fly back and be there for such a special time

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Oh, this has been indeed a blessing for being there on her 90th Birthday, at her bedside during the dialysis. We could not attend my Dad's 90th due to Pieter's open heart surgery and his rehab at that time... But this was even more meaningful due to Mom's circumstances.

  24. Replies
    1. Dearest Dee,
      Indeed a very beautiful, emotional post with lasting memories for Pieter and me and for Mom of course!

  25. che gioia leggere questo post!!!!! un abbraccio grande a te e un bacio alla tua bella mamma Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Grazie e era per me una gioia di condividere con voi in modo che si può vedere quanto felice mia Mamma era con tutti i complimenti!
      Un abbraccio grande,

  26. Dear Mariette,i have been touched by your post,,it brought tears to my eyes.How sweet your mum looks!
    What a lovely lady she is!I'm so happy that you visit the Netherlands,and be able to stay with her at the hospital,during the dialysis,she's a brave woman!Thank you for sharing!!Wish you a happy March!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      It was in all a quite touching and emotional visit for Pieter and me. But seeing Mom look so happy while reading the many comments from around the world for her special milestone birthday of 90 years, was worth it all. We both said that this trip was mostly about Mom, we did make it an effort to be there at her bedside as much as possible. She sure is a very brave woman and mighty sweet. The staff all love her to death and she's a role model to many that just are about to start dialysis as they let them meet my Mom. She is such a calming factor and a true role model.
      Happy March to you as well.

  27. What a great smile your mom's got reading the comments. She is so lovely and looks much younger than 90 years old!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Sure she had a great smile on her happy face as those comments meant so much to her! She indeed looks much younger than her 90 years but that is because true age is showing through from her heart.

  28. Cara Mariette perdona il mio silenzio, tu sai la ragione. Ma sono qui e non potevo non augurare i più calorosi, affettuosi e sinceri auguri alla tua mamma. Una donna bellissima, forte e coraggiosissima, un grande esempio per tutti. E per te, un lunghissimo viaggio, faticoso, ma so che è stato un viaggio spinto dall'immenso amore per la tua mamma e ogni fatica è ricompensata nel vedere il suo meraviglioso sorriso.Un abbraccio. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Oh sì, lo so troppo bene il tuo motivo car'amica. A volte la nostra anima è troppo pesante... Per me, tornando da un tale viaggio emotivo non è facile pure ed inoltre, mio marito è in un'alta età se stesso, essendo un paziente di cuore in cima a quello. Ma sempre abbiamo compiuto il sacrificio monetario e preso il viaggio faticoso con tutto lo stress di fare le cose a lavorare a casa prima della partenza. Si leggerà più presto del beato come siamo stati. Credo che con più certezza che siamo protetti e guidati anche dai nostri angeli dall'alto; quelli che ci conoscono per nome... Questa foto è per me vale tutto lo sforzo e non per 1 milione che avrebbe voluto mancare a questo. Grazie a tante blogger premuroso e amici su FB ho potuto passare questa gioia alla mia cara mamma. Il sorriso è la ricompensa per tutti voi!
      Un abbraccio forte,

  29. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you so much for sharing those photos of your dear mother on the day of her 90th birthday during her dialysis. I can imagine how happy she was reading the good wishes from so many friends of yours!!! And, of course, I understand -and I can see- your own happiness for being able to be there on that special day! Your mom certainly looks a very sweet and special lady! You are lucky to have her and your dad and I wish you still have them for many more years! My own mother turned 88 in November whilst I lost my father 25 years ago, but I still think of him every single day!
    Lots of hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you so much for your sweet comment here. Yes it was happiness for both; Mother and daughter! We had booked our trip in August and prayed that things would go well and Mom would make it to that date. There had been some medical problems in-between but luckily they got resolved and we all are so blessed for having her still with us!
      So sad when couples cannot age together but it so often does happen. So was the case for Pieter's Parents too, his Dad died decades before his Mom passed away. Of course we always keep our loved ones in our hearts untill we meet again.
      Hugs to you,

  30. Well 90 is nothing to sneeze at, it is a good innings how great you got to see her on her birthday

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Oh sure it was great for being on the other side of the ocean one more time...
      Fond memories we took home with us!

  31. Dearest Mariette, Your sweet Mom looks so pretty. I am so happy that you were there with her for such a special milestone. I continue to pray for her health.
    Love to you and Pieter, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Thank you so much and yes it meant so much to both of us for being there with her for that special mile stone! Thanks for your prayers and love.
      Hugs to you and Bob,

  32. Good Afternoon Mariette, How wonderful to see you have returned from your special trip to see your family in the Nederlands. It was pure joy to see your mother's smiling face when she read all the comments that your friends had left for her to enjoy.
    It was such a long journey for you and Pieter, but such a special journey. Take care of yourself and remember to give yourself time to recover from that very long journey.
    Best Wishes to you,

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Thank you and indeed this was pure joy seeing Mom's smiling face while reading all the comments!
      It is a long journey and especially the time prior to traveling is quite stressful as we had to finish so many things.
      We are adjusted to the time again but not yet used to the dreary and rainy weather here. We so long for spring!

  33. Dear Mariette, it makes me happy to read this post and to know that your Mom had such a nice birthday. The flowers are beautiful. In Poland, we also give flowers for birthdays and namedays. I think is a lovely custom. Best regards.

    1. Dearest Zosia,
      Yes, it was about happy times as Mom was very much the goal of our 64th trip abroad. It made her happy, regardless the dialysis treatment on her 90th birthday.
      Flowers are a lovely custom indeed!

  34. Hi Mariette,

    Congratulations on the 90th birthday of your mother! She does not look 90 at all. What a lovely lady she is. Happy to hear you were there to celebrate with her. Wishing her many more happy years to come.

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Thank you very much for your compliments and birthday wishes!
      Yes, we were on your side of the ocean and came back with fond memories.

  35. Dearest Mariette ,so wonderful to visit your parents so far away . Your mom looks so happy in front of PC reading the wishes ! You spent your 15 days near them and it is lovely tthat you have them .
    Have a nice day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you for your kind comment and yes, Mom was very happy for reading that many wishes for her 90th birthday. It was a joy being near them, however short... Time of departure always comes very fast but we left with fond memories.

  36. Lovely pictures and a beautiful post.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      Thank you very much; it meant a lot to both of us and to Mom & Dad!

  37. Wat fijn dat jullie zo'n lange trip gemaakt hebben voor je moeder's verjaardag. Ze lijkt echt nog geen 90!
    En was het leuk om Nederland weer te zien?
    12 februari is de sterfdag van "mijn" moeder.

    Groetjes Janny

    1. Lieve Janny,
      Jazeker was het fijn dat we met z'n beidjes weer in staat waren om de lange trip te maken. Mijn Moeder lijkt echt geen 90 en daar mag ze trots op zijn.
      Het was erg leuk om in Nederland al zo'n geweldig mooi lenteweer te hebben en zo'n ver gevorderde natuur ook. Hier is alles veel later; lijkt wel omgekeerde wereld! Het vriest op het ogenblik weer met RealFeel -4°C...
      Trieste datum voor jullie omdat het Moeder's sterfdag was op 12 februari. Zoiets vergeet je nóóit!
      Liefs en fijn weekend!

  38. Dear Mariette,

    How wonderful that you were able to go and celebrate your dear Mothers 90th birthday - such a wonderful age and must have been thrilling to be together with your family. Happy belated birthday to your Mum and here's to many more. She is looking great.
    I know how hard the long haul flights are sitting all that time and how relieved you are when you reach your destination.

    1. Deares Carolyn,
      Thank you and yes, it was great to be together with my family, especially for being together with my Mom during 5 of her dialysis.
      Flights are not easy but we made it both times very smoothly; got real exhausted when we reached home by 22:15 but we went straight to bed and left our luggage in the car for next day... It is also very emotional for coming back home after saying goodbye to Mom & Dad at that age.

  39. Wie schön, daß Du Deine Mutter noch hast, liebe Mariette! Wenn auch die Dialyse sicherlich kein Spaziergang ist. Aber auch so alte Menschen hängen am Leben, ich weiß es von meiner fast 85j. Mutti. Wo manche glauben, bei zahlreichen gesundheitlichen Problemen, das ist doch kaum noch ein Leben, freut Mutti sich an den kleinsten Dingen und vor allem, daß sie immer noch da ist! :-)

    Für Deine Mutter weiterhin von Herzen alles Liebe und Gute, daß Du sie noch lange haben magst.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja es ist sicher sehr schön um meine Mutter noch zu haben und besonders wegen die Dialyse dass sie es trotzdem nie aufgegeben hat.
      Danke für deine gute Wünsche für meine Mutter und ich hoffe ich darf sie noch lange haben auf 'Abstand'.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  40. Happy Birthday to your Mom ...
    ... nachträglich, doch von Herzen! Es ist etwas besonderes, der 90. Geburtstag. Und so schön, dass ihr ihn gemeinsam feiern konntet.

    Herzliche Grüßle aus Augsburg von Heidrun

    1. Liebe Heidrun,
      Danke und liebe Geburtstagswünsche sind immer wilkommen!
      Ja es war schön um alle zusammen mit den Eltern zu feiern.
      Liebe Grüsse,


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