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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, June 25, 2011

{Our Hydrangea Trio and Tea in 1930s Blue Transfer Ware}

  • Have a look at our Hydrangea varieties and enjoy a tea in 1930s Société Céramique Maestricht Blue Boerenhoeve (Farmstead) Transfer ware, from my Mother-in-law. 
  • My sister Diny was kind enough to find me some missing pieces in Maastricht. 
  • Also the blue table cloth has been embroidered by my Mother-in-law. She will be smiling down from heaven, seeing that I still put it to use. 
  • The blue Hydrangea trio did go so well with the blue transfer ware and the tablecloth, have a look...
  • This is the bluest blue that we've ever seen on a Mophead Hydrangea! Stunning is the word...
  • For a huge selection of Mophead and Lacecap Hydrangeas, please look at hydrangea.com to see their 105 varieties!

  • There are three different varieties in this vase and again, the striking blue Mophead Hydrangea is shown.
  • Here you get a better view of the Blue Transfer ware of the 1930s Société Céramique Maestricht, in the Boerenhoeve pattern. 
  • Complete with a silver plated Delft blue spoon.  
  • For my post from last year with the same Blue Transfer ware, please look below post.

  • Now facing is a Lacecap Hydrangea.
  • Top left you see the Hydrangea Macrophylla Ayesha.
  • Nice view of all three...
  • Hydrangea Macrophylla Ayesha blends so well with the pattern of the embroidery.

  • Hydrangea Macrophylla Ayesha slightly affected by drought
  • Hydrangea Macrophylla Ayesha on the shrub and in better shape still; three days prior to the above photos. 
  • Pieter took it around 10:00 AM in the morning, still fresh. They do resemble lilacs.
  • This is the Lacecap Hydrangea on the shrub.
  • Detail of Lacecap Hydrangea.
  • Zooming in on its beauty...
  • But what about the ordinary Mophead Hydrangeas? They are beautiful too!
  • Pieter took this photo around 10:00 AM in the morning sun. By mid afternoon they often do hang limp if not given enough water. 
  • Hydrangeas are thirsty plants!
  • The color changes as they open more...
  • Mophead Hydrangeas are pretty!
  • Mopheads on the shrub...
  • These reside in our wood garden.
  • Different hues of blue...
  • Ending with a white Mophead Hydrangea...

Hope you enjoyed them!

Related link:
Mijn oude blauwe koffie servies | beautiful English Old Castle Blue by Barratts from Blogger Friend Marian


  1. They are beautiful, especially the darker blue one.


  2. Oh wie wundervoll, Hortensien gehören zu meinen Lieblingen im Garten. Ich habe auch jede Menge Sträucher. Die blaue Tischdecke gefällt mir auch sehr gut.

    LG Lea

  3. Hello Mariette,
    I can't ell you, whioch Hydrangea I like best. They are really all special and the shrubs in your garden are impressive. Ho wonderful to have such huge blooming shrubs in this color. The tablecloth is also wonderful made - great idea to use the woven pattern for embroidery. And also your teaset and of course tha matching spoon are very precious. Thank you for this prettty tablesetting with Hydrangea spcials.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  4. Absolutely gorgeous Mariette. From the beautifully embroidered tablecloth to the transferware and the fabulous hydrangeas -- the color scheme is my favorite. So crisp and pretty! I read that the color of hydrangeas is also based on the soil they grow in. I have never seen such a deep, deep blue before. Lovely! Have a fabulous Friday. Tammy

  5. Still waiting fro mine to open! I take it you do put some rusty nails or something else to get the blue colour ?? At least that was what I was told to do, but I never have :-)) so mine are pink !!
    I love hydrangea's- and they are so lovely in dried flower arrangements!!

    Have a great day and enjoy your beautiful garden.I will try to send some rain to you for your hydrangeas as here in England we have too much of it, hahaha.XX

  6. le tue ortensie sono MERAVIGLIOSE!!!!!!!!!!! UN ABBRACCIO LORY

  7. Hi,my dearest Mariette!!!
    Oh, how sweet of you, I was really glad and grateful for your wonderful comments♡♡♡
    What a marvelous mother-in-law you had! She really must have been a warmhearted and special person. Your blue hydrangea are very GORGEOUS and YES so nice with the tablecloth and transfer ware.

    Well, I have something for you in my new post. (please, choose however the way you want to do with it)

    Love, xoxo Orchid.

  8. Prachtig !!..is dat boerenhoeve servies???..fijn weekend...liefs Ria...xxx..

  9. Wat een prachtige blauwe hortensia's! Ik heb ze hier ook in onze tuin, maar niet in de kleur blauw .... Heb al zoveel geprobeerd, maar de grondsoort is blijkbaar niet ijzerhoudend genoeg. Zelfs planten ik als blauw koop, veranderen steevast in roze. Niet erg, want die kleur is ook prachtig!

  10. Che bel tuffo nel blu,mi hai fatto fare cara Mariette!Buon fine settimana,Rosetta

  11. Liebe Mariette,

    was für wuuuuuuuuuuundervolle blaue Hortensien !!!!
    Sie gehören zu meinen Lieblingsblumen und ich mag hellblau im Moment so gerne, daher gefällt mir das Geschirr auch soooooooo gut ...
    Sag, gießt du die Hortensien mit ALLAUN im Wasssr, oder sind die von alleine so blau ? Meine werden immer rosa nache einem Jahr ( was ja auch schön ist, aber blau ist halt noch schöner ...)

    Genieße deine herrlichen Blumen und hab ein schönes Wochenende,
    liebe Grüße,

  12. ha ha ha, jij hebt ook een echte blauwe....ook uit Zeeland?:)
    Doen die het bij jullie, als het zo warm is?

    En je servies is prachtig, ik heb ook een Maastricht servies, althans een gedeelte, en kan het niet meer aangevuld krijgen, dat vind ik zo erg, ik kijk wel eens bij de vereniging van Maastrichts aardewerk, maar ik kom nooit tegen wat ik moet hebben,het heet 'Clara' en ik vind het zo mooi, is ook met blauwe bloemetjes.

    En je tafelkleed....zo eentje heb ik vroeger op school ook moeten maken...pure nostalgie.

  13. Dearest Mariette
    That really makes for a beautiful table. You're lucky to have such gorgeous hydrangeas in your garden - they're just amazing as real big bushes (or is it called shrubs?). And what a beautiful use of the gift from your mother in law - she sure must look down and smile!
    Love from Joan

  14. - by the way, I did send a parcel last week but think it might have gotten stuck in Athens due to endless strikes. Hope it reaches you real soon.
    x J

  15. I love blue hydrangeas and I wanted to add one to my garden this spring, but I never found time to go to the nursery to get one.
    I love your tea trio, so pretty.

  16. Your hydrangeas are GORGEOUS! My fave flower.... in all colors and varietes. Your tableware and the tablecloth all go beautifully together.

  17. Oh, welch eine Pracht, liebe Mariette - ich liebe Hortensien!!!! Vor allem dieses betörende Blau der ersten Bilder hat es mir ganz besonders angetan....ein absoluter Traum!!! Bei uns im Garten beginnen so ganz langsam die weißen zu blühen.....freu mich schon sehr darauf!!! Ich wünsch dir ein herrliches Wochenende und tausend Dank auch, für all deine lieben Zeilen,

    allerliebste Grüße, herzlichst Jade

  18. Dear Mariette,

    Your hydrangeas are all so beautiful and the soil must be ideal, as the blue is so blue.
    I also love the pretty blue and white china and the gorgeous hand embroidered cloth.

    Happy weekend, dear friend

  19. Bonjour Mariette,
    Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, one of my favorite (actually they are all my favs but I do love these). The transferware is lovely, enjoying this post!
    Bonne weekend,

  20. Wat een mooie hortensias en vooral die blauwe kleur! Ik kan mij niet herinneren dat ik zo'n blauwe hortensia ooit heb gezien.
    Ook een mooi servies dat zou ook mooi in onze Noorse keuken staan die is ook in blauw/wit. Aan het kleedje dat je op tafel hebt liggen heb ik ook herinneringen. Ik had ooit zelf zo'n kleedje op school gemaakt, mijn moeder heeft het.

    Groetjes Sandy

  21. Herrlich, diese Hortensien! Und so schön in Verbindung mit der passenden Tischdecke und Porzellan präsentiert!
    Eine Tellerhortensie hatte ich früher auch mal in einem meiner früheren Gärten.
    Im jetzigen Waldgarten wollen die aber leider nicht so recht wachsen.

    Alles Liebe nochmal

  22. Your blue transfer ware is just as stunning as the hydrangeas. Beautiful tea setting, Mariette.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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